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"To speak in praise of McKinley would be only to utter exclamations of gratitude for benefactions which flow from a virtuous life. In everything which centers in the fabric of a great and good character, the life and career of William McKinley furnishes one of the brightest and noblest examples.

"As patriot, soldier, citizen, statesman and Christian man he leaves to his country and to the world a record and a fame among the most illustrious and exalted of all those who, by the exercise of courage, wisdom, patience and integrity, have achieved the highest stations in human affairs with the sole purpose of promoting the welfare of their country and their kind.

"His name and his fame will be alike imperishable, and in the record of the good deeds of one human life, the leaves which go to make up his will be unsurpassed either in brilliancy or in number. He was by nature a strong, earnest, lovable and loving man. He inherited integrity of purpose, vigor of mind, far-sighted wisdom and a clean



"All else that goes to make up his distinguished career and to crown the years of his life with unfading glory was won by him in the wide field open to all human endeavor. And so great was his success, so fascinating was his unique career that in his life all righteous men the world over appreciated and honored his exalted character, recognized his unexampled power, and felt his unequaled and salutary influence in the affairs of men. And in his death the nation mourns, and the people weep for one who was beloved. And so at last, 'having served his own generation, he fell sleep.'

"But looking back upon the record of our country for the past forty years, we feel it our imperative duty to pledge anew our fealty to the government and institutions which, in common with our stricken comrade in arms, we helped, as citizen soldiers of the republic, to preserve. And now, as citizens marching with uncovered heads beneath the flag of our country, so greatly loved and honored, and so highly advanced by William McKinley, and having no thought or hope or wish but that the rights, liberties and privileges of the American citizen shall be adequately protected, we call upon all those in authority to hearken unto the impressive lesson of the sad event which calls us together here.


"The rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable. They are the necessary incidents of every human being, and for

the purpose of protecting all men in the enjoyment of these priceless blessings guaranteed by the constitution of our country, the government which we honor and respect was instituted by the fathers of the nation. That government and all the sacred purposes for which it was created we cherish, but the spirit and purpose of all those who would destroy or subvert its objects, cripple or restrain its powers, molest or murder its lawful officers and servants, we denounce and condemn to the uttermost. Anarchy has no right, legally or morally, to hide its monster head beneath our flag and live.

"The spirit of anarchy originates in sin, feeds on hate, fattens on revenge, and revels in infamy. Its teachings and its acts alike are criminal. Its teachers and its disciples have no motive but destruction, and their sole aim is to blot out civilization and crush forever all semblance of social order and individual right.


"A community of anarchists is a den of vipers, and its breath is the poison of death to everything among men that is pure, holy, sweet, tender, righteous and merciful. The vicious spirits who could suggest or compass the hideous deed perpetrated at Buffalo on September 6 have no right either in life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

"The freedom of speech and the liberty of the press do not imply license to destroy the government by which alone free speech and a free press may be maintained, and the people of the United States have the right and the power under the constitution to drive out and forever prevent all associations, combinations and conspiracies of malign individuals whose sole aim is to promote vice, commit crime and destroy the foundations of social order."


Where meets the touch of lips-
Where closes clasp of hand-

Where sail the stately ships

Where blooms each flowering land;

Where palm and pine trees shed

Their balm of bough and leaf,

A world bends low its head

In brotherhood of grief.

Out of the distance, infinite, vast—
Echo of myriad marching feet—
Riseth a prayer when all is past:

"Take him, O God: his life was sweet."


Where sultry sun beats down

Where shining ice-fields gleam

Where pathless forests frown—

Where languid islands dream:
Mankind stands at salute

Wherever thought has birth;
A universe is mute,

A dirge goes round the earth.

Out of the distance-mystical, tender-
Whispered appeal to forever endure—
Riseth a prayer to the Great Defender:
"Take him, O God: his life was pure."


Where breathes a clown or king—

Where prince and pauper stride—

Where races sigh or sing

Where woe or pomp abide:

Downcast and soft of tread,

Churl, statesman, beggar, slave,

Walk for a moment with the dead-
A world weeps at a grave.

And out of the distance, falling, falling-
Murmured appeal for the martyred dust-
Cometh the prayer of the nations calling:
"Take him, O God: his life was just."

-Harold Richard Vynne, in Chicago Inter Ocean.


On September 20, 1881, the Methodist Ecumenical Conference was in session in London, when the news of President Garfield's death was announced. Prayers were offered for the departed President's family and for the American republic.. Tributes of respect were passed by the

delegates to the memory of the martyred executive. On Wednesday, September 7, 1901, the Methodist Ecumenical Conference was holding its services when the dastardly act of the assassin of President McKinley was made known. Bishop Benjamin W. Arnett, D. D., of the African Methodist Episcopal church was the presiding officer.

Bishop Arnett was a personal friend of Mr. McKinley, and one of his most ardent admirers.

In his address he said:

"A sad calamity has befallen our nation and befallen the civilized world. The President of the United States, William McKinley, is a man who exemplifies in his life the Christian religion, and also the principles of Methodism. A Christian from early manhood, he has proceeded through all the mazes of our political life, and he stands to-day without a stain on his character or his fame. We feel that we ought to give expression to our sentiment, and to express our sympathy in this hour."

Bishop Galloway, of the Methodist Episcopal church (South) said: "I wish I could command my feelings this morning so that I could speak what is in my heart. How profoundly grateful we are, as brethren of the other side of the sea and citizens of the United States, for the sentiments that have been expressed by our brethren here. We remember twenty years ago when our President was stricken down by the bullet of an assassin, how earnestly you prayed for his recovery, and we remember that your gracious queen laid a wreath of flowers upon his coffin, and this whole nation followed at his bier and joined us in weeping over the loss of our honored dead. I speak for the southern section. of my great country-that section which was once separated from our brethren in the north by clashing interests and then by an ever-to-belamented war. I have long been glad that there was a star on our national flag that answers to the name of Mississippi, my native state. I live in the state of Jefferson Davis, who will go down to history as the chief of a lost cause. I am sure there is not a citizen in that great commonwealth to-day, nor has there been for many years, that has not rejoiced that we have been restored as a union, that we are all members of the same great national family, that we sit at the same bountiful board, and are all equally members in our Father's house. We cannot forget that others have done so much to bring us close together, nor forget the years of stormy war; we cannot forget the words spoken by this noble Christian President, who, in visiting our southern section not many months ago, and addressing those who had borne arms against the great principles which he thought to be right, desired that all the memories of that struggle should be wiped away from the feelings of our countrymen, and he suggested that the graves of the Confederate

soldiers should be protected and decorated by the government, along with those which contained the fallen on the Federal side. We at this conference talked yesterday about peace. William McKinley was the incarnation of peace. But above everything else he illustrated those. private and domestic virtues which have made our country great, and which make all civilization great.

"Our President has been stricken down, for whose precious life we so pray. Great as a statesman, distinguished as a leader, lofty in his patriotism, devoted, not only as a citizen of our great country, but of our Methodism we know how he has illustrated these virtues in turning away from the cares of state to minister during her illness to the noble woman who has walked by his side so long. The country that has pure homes and pure fathers and husbands must be a great country. We reciprocate these kindly expressions from our brethren on this side of the sea."


Acting Secretary of War Sanger received the following announcement from General Schofield:

“Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States—Commandery in Chief:

"PHILADELPHIA, PA., Sept. 14, 1901.-1. The commander in chief announces with feeling of the deepest sorrow that the president of the United States, Companion Major William McKinley, was assassinated at Buffalo, N. Y., on Sept. 6, 1901, and died at Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1901.

"2. Appropriate action expressive of the nation's great loss and of our bereavement will be taken by the commanderies of the order at the first meeting after the receipt of this circular.

"3. The colors of the commanderies will be draped for a period of ninety days.


"U. S. A., Commander in Chief.

"JOHN P. NICHOLSON, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. V.,

"Recorder in Chief."


Five minutes of silence in Chicago, minutes when all the world seemed dumb and motionless. That was the sum and crown of Thursday's somber ceremony. It was 2:30 o'clock when the whirr of the city ceased suddenly as if some unseen hand had fallen upon it. The raucous

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