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NOTE.-For Scientific Works deficient in this Index, consult our separate List of Scientific

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ESTHETICS. Alison, Cousin, Emerson, Ferguson, Goethe,
Hay, Peabody, Schiller, Schlegel, Walker.
AFRICA (Ancient). Heeren.

AFRICA (Modern). See also SLAVERY. Carnes, Cole, Coo-
ley, Cumming, Denham & Cl., Durieu, Frost, Gobat,
Hay, Head, Johnston, Kaye, King, Marryat, Moffatt,
Morell, Murray, Peel, Park, Parkyns, Peterman, Ro-
berts, Russell, St. John, Urquhart, Taylor, Werne.
(Animals of). Harris.

(Birds of). Jardine.

(Colonization of). Alexander.

AGRICULTURE. Blake, Colman, Downing, Johnston, Liebig,
Lindley, Loudon, Low, Talpa, Waring, Washington,

N. Y. Nat. Hist. N. Y.

AIDS TO REFLECTION. Cairn, Coleridge, Cotton, Polonius,
Willmott, World's Laconics,

ALABAMA (History of). Picket.

(Tales of). Baldwin.

ALBANIA. Moore, Murray. (See Turkey.)
ALBANY. Munzell. (See N. Y.)

ALBIGENSES. Alix, Baird. (See Church History.)
ALCOHOL. Carpenter, Youmans.

ALGE, U. S. Harvey, 181, 4, 5. (See Botany.)
ALGERIA. Morell. (See Africa.)

ALHAMBRA (The). Jones, Owen. (See Spain.)
(Tales of). Irving.


ALLEGORIES. Adams, T., Adams, W., Bunyan, Cheever,
G. Cheever, H. More.

ALMANACS. American, 6; British, 26.

ALPHABETS. Alphabets. Shaw, Silvestre. (See Writing.)
ALPS. Brockedon, Headley, Murray, Williams.

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Literature. Chasles, Cyclopædia, Powell.
Loyalists. Curwen, Sabine.

AMERICAN POETS. Allston, Bethune, Brainard, Brownell,
Carey, Conrad, Dana, Davidsons, Emerson, Ephemera,
Fay, Female Poets, Fields, Fuller, Gilman, Goodrich,
Grace Greenwood, Griffith, Griswold, Halleck, Hart,
Hewitt, Hoffman, Holmes, Hooper, Hosmer, Hoyt,
Hubbard, Legaré, Longfellow, Lord, Lowell, Lunt,
Lynch, Lyrics, Massey, May, Morris, Osgood, Parsons,
Passaic, Passion Flowers, Poe, Read, Sargent, Saxe,
Shillaber, Sigourney, Simms, Sprague, Stoddard, Street,
Taylor, Tuckerman, Welby, Whitman, Whittier, Wil-

REVOLUTION. Adams, Bunce, Correspondence,
Curwen, Davis, Detail of, Duane, Dwight, Ellet, Eng.
lish Defenders, Franklin, Gibbes, Gibbs, Gleig, Gray-
don, Hamilton, Hull, Jefferson, Lives of Heroes, Lives
of Signers, Lossing, Magoon, Memoirs of, Onderdonk,
Peterson, Reed, Republican Court, Sanderson, Simcoe,
Sparks, Stirling, Stone, Sullivan, Thatcher, Thompson,
Townsend, Trescot, Washington, Watson, Wirt, Wyatt.

AMERICAN SOCIETY. Bristed, Chasles, Curtis, Marvel, Ik., | ARCHITECTURE (Drawing-Book of). Weale.

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ANGLING. (See Fishing.) Adventure, Davy, Forester,


ANGLO-SAXON Church. Bede, Lingard, Soames.

History. Abbott, Alfred, Palgrave, Six Old Chron-
niclers, Turner.

(English). Britton, Carter, Nash, Neale, Richard-
son, Robinson, Turner.

(Glossary of). Glossary.

(Gothic). Arnott, Bloxam, Hopkins, Introduction
Pugin, Rickman,

(History of). Freeman, Hope, Tuthill.
(Italian). Knight, Waring.

(Norman). Knight, Pugin.
(Parallels of). Sharpe.
(Saracenic). Knight.
(School). Barnard.

ARCTIC REGIONS. Arctic Regions, Barrow, Discovery,
Kane, Leslie, Osborne, Parry, Rae, Richardson, Sim-
monds, Wrangell.

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. King. (See South America.)

Literature. Elfric, Alfred, Anglo-Saxon, Bosworth, ARIANS. Athanasius. (See Church History.)
Klipstein, St. Guthlac, Vernon, Thorpe.
ANIMAL Chemistry. Liebig, Simon

Magnetism. Colquhoun, Deleuze, Gregory, Leger.
Physiology. Carpenter, Griscom, Park, Swainson,


ANNUITIES. Gray, Jones, Morgan, Price, Scratchley. (See



ANTRIM, N. H. Winton.

APHORISMS. Clulow, Larochefoucauld.

ARITHMETIC (Dictionary of). Young.
ARMENIA. Curzon, Southgate.
ARMINIANISM. Arminius, Bangs.
ARMOR. Burke, Meyrick, Williams.
ARMY OF U. S. Frost, Gardner.

ART. (See also Fine Arts). Allston, Art Journal, Art and
Industry, Butler, Cleghorn, Ferguson, Hazlitt, Jame-
son, Knox, Schelling.

ART (Ancient). Agincourt, Cleghorn, Jameson, Lessing, Mul-
ler, Ripingill, Rochette, Seddon, Trollope, Winckelman.
ART (Christian). Didron, Jameson, Lindsay, Rio, Twining,

APOCALYPSE. Cumming, Depuy, Hengstenberg, Lord, ART (in Great Britain). Waagen.
Stuart, Williams, Wordsworth.

APOCRYPHA. Wordsworth.

ARTICLES (the 39). Beveridge, Browns, Burnett, Cary,

APOSTOLIC Church. Barnes, Cathedral, Coleman. (See ARTICLES (the 25). Jimson.
Church History.)

Fathers. Wake.

Succession. Harrington, Lathrop.


ARTS AND SCIENCES. Brande, Dictionary, Enclycopodia,
Tomlinson, Ure, Weale, Year Book.

APOSTLES (Lives of). Bacon, Cave, Greenwood, Scenes ARTS (Useful). Bigelow, Cyclopædia, Tomlinson,

in, Wordsworth. (See Church History.)

APPARITIONS. Calmet, Crowe, Radcliffe.
ARABIA (History of). Crichton.

(Antiquities of) Murphy.

(Travels in). Laborde, Millard, Olin, Stephens.
(Views in). Roberts.

ARABIAN Tales. Arabian Nights, Beckford, Lane.

ARABS in Spain. Condé.

ARARAT. Parrot. (See Armenia.)

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ARBORICULTURE (American). Browne, Downing, Emer- ASTRONOMY. Airy, Book of Nature, Bowditch, Bradford,

son, Michaux, Springer.

(English). English Forests, Evelyn, Loudon.
ARCHEOLOGY. Archæology, Fosbroke.
ARCHERY. Hansard.

ARCHITECTURE. (See also our Scientific List.) Builder,
Calliat, Downing, Encyclopædia, Ferguson, Fowler,
Gailhabaud, Goodwin, Gwilt, Hakewill, Hall, Hosking,
Illustrations, Inwood, Jones and Goury, Knight, La-
fever, Lekeux, London Interiors, Loudon, Nicholson,
Petit, Pugin, Quarterly Papers, Ranlett, Richardson,
Rich, Royal Lodges, Ruskin, Seddon, Shaw, Sidney,
Sloan, Thomson, Turner, Upjohn, Wightwick, Wild,

(Church). Book of Plans, Britton, Coney, Cotting-
ham, Dudley, Ecclesiologist, Godwin, Ingram, Knight,
Neale & Brayley, Plans, Pugin, Ruskin, Trimen, Wild,
Wills, Winkles.

ARCHITECTURE (Decorative). Blackburne, Decorator, De-
corations, Early Masters, Gothic Ornaments, Gruner,
Instrumenta Eccles., Knight, Pugin, Ricauti, Richard-
son, Warrington.

Brewster, Burritt, Carpenter, Chalmers, Dick, Ency-
clopædia, Hind, Herschel, Laplace, Lardner, Loomis,
Malby, Milner, Mitchell, Norton, Walker, 8. C. 181,
Smyth, Somerville, Stars, Whewell.

(Physical). Herschel, Kendall.
(History of). Grant.

ATHENS (Ancient). Bulwer, Stuart and Revett. (See

(Modern). Colton, Thackeray. (See Greece.)
ATHEISM. Atheists, Parker.

(Refutation of). Cudworth, Plato.
ATLASES. (See p. 10, 11.)

ATONEMENT. Carson, Fuller, Magee, Symington.
ATTORNEYS (Duties of). Warren.

AURICULAR CONFESSION. Hawks, Michelet. (See Popery.,
AUSTRALIA. Atlas, Howitt, Jackman, Jameson, Mundy.
Peck, Sidney, Westgarth.

(Dictionary of). Ferguson, Gwilt, Nicholson, AUTOGRAPHS. Autographs, American Literary Curiosities,

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BIBLICAL CRITICISM. Bibliotheca Sacra, Bogue, Davidson,

De Wette, Dixon, Gardner.



LITERATURE. Townley, Bartlett.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (American). Norton, Roorbach.

(General). Appleton, Asher, Brydges, Darling
Dibdin, London Catalogue, Low, Lowndes, Norton
(Classical). Dibdin, Moss.

BIRDS. (See also Ornithology.)

(of Africa). Jardine.

(of America). Audubon, Bonaparte, Casson, Gi
raud, Nat. Hist. N. Y., Wilson & Bon.
(British). Jardine, Mudie, Poets of the Woods.

(Cage). Beckstein.

(Exotic). Book of Ex. B.

(Game). Jardine.

(Humming). Humming Birds, Jardine.

(Parrots). Jardine.

(Peacocks and Pheasants). Jardine.
(Sun). Jardine.

BIOGRAPHY (Dictionaries of). Blake, Cyclopædia, Gor
ton, Hook, Library of Amer. Biog., Maunder, Men of
the Time, Rose.

(Collections of). Abbott, British Worthies, Buck-
ley, Campbell, Child, Coleridge, Costello, Cox, Craik,
Cranbourne, Crossland, Dunham, Foster, Green, Hale,
Hunt, Eminent Men, Lives, Morris, Pursuit of Know-
ledge, Smith, D., Taylor.

(American). Adams, Bartlett, Beardsley, Belknap,
Black Hawk, Blennerhasset, Bogart, Boone, Buckmin-
ster, Bungay, Burr, Calhoun, Campbell, Channing,
Cheever, Clay, Clinton, Conklin, Crowell, Darlington,
Davidson, Doubourg, Duer, Dwight, Elton, Fairfield,
Follen, Franklin, Fuller, Grant, Green, Hale, Ham-
mond, Harrison, Haynes, Henry, Pat. Hildreth, Homes,
Am. Aut., Homes Am. Sta., Hudson, Humphreys,
Jackson, Jay, Jefferson, Jenkins, Lanman, Ledyard,
Lives, Livingston, Magoon, Marion, Morris, Noble
Deeds, Ossoli, Quincy, Simms, Sparks, Trumbull, Van
Buren, Vanschaack, Washington, Webster, Wheaton,
White, Wright.

BIOGRAPHY (English). Abernethy, Arnold, Bartlett, Bio-
graphia Britannia, Borrow, Boswell, Brewster, Brough-
am, Bruce, Burke, Binney, Burns, Byron, Campbell,
Canning, Carey, Carlisle, Castlereagh, Chaucer, Claren-
don, Cockburn, Coleridge, Collins, Cottle, Cromwell,
Curran, D'Aubigné, Davy, D'Israeli, Dixon, Elmes,
Foster, Fox, Francis, Gleig, Goldsmith, Head, Hol
croft, Horner, Hume, Hunt, Hutchinson, Irving, Jen-
ner, Jesse, Johnson, Keats, Macintosh, Moore, North,
Old England's Worthies, Peel, Penn, Raleigh, Romilly,
Scott, Sheridan, Sidney, Smith, C. M., Smith, J.,
Southey, Sterling, Townsend.

BIOGRAPHY (French). Abelard, Angouleme, L. Bonaparte,
Bourbon Prince, Bungener, Chateaubriand, Child,
Corneille, Dupuy, D'Aubigne, Duncan, Mirabeau.
BIOGRAPHY (German). Carlisle, Goethe, Niebuhr, Nolte,

BIOGRAPHY (Italian). Angelo, Campbell, Dante, Castella-
monte, Cellini, Durer, Tasso.

BIOGRAPHY (Military). Alison, Bayard, Campbell, Clive,
Coxe, Gleig, Macfarlane, Marlborough, Maxwell, Mili-
tary Advent, Mitchell, Muhlenberg, Napoleon, Putnam,
Scott, Wellington.

BIOGRAPHY (Naval). Blake, Cooper, Decatur, Drake, Nel-
son, Paul Jones, Perry, Southey, Talbot.

BIOGRAPHY (Religious). Alexander, Anderson, Arminius,
Audin, Augustin, Baxter, Bayard, Bickersteth, Bow-
den, Bridges, Bull, Bunyan, Burnett, Burns, Calvin,
Chalmers, Colquhoun, Constantine, Cox, Cranmer, Cy-
clopædia, Cyprian, Eddy, English Churchwomen, Eve-
lyn, Fisk, Foster, Fox, Fry, C. Fry, E. Gorrie, Gris-
wold, Haldanes, Hamilton, Heber, Hemans, Hewitson,
Hibb, Hobart, Hook, Hopper, Howard, Huss, Judson,
Kavanagh, Kaye, King, Larned, Lawrence, Lives of
Saints, Lowrie, Luther, Lyon, McCheyne, McCrie,
Miall, More, Han. More, Sir T. Neander, Noah, Oberlin,
O'Brien, Olin, Osgood, Pollok, Sapphir, Savonarolla,
Sawyer, Schaff, Servetus, Sewall, Sigourney, Spring,
Tyng, Upham, Vaughan, Walton, Ware, Wesley, White,
Whitefield, Wiclif, Wilberforce, Wolsey, Wraxall.
BIOGRAPHY (Scientific). Arago, Brewster, Brougham,
Cuvier, Humboldt, Newton, Wynne.





BOLIVIA (Travels in). Bonelli. (See South America.)
BOOKBINDING. Groombridge.

BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER (of the). Bennett, Cardwell,
Comber, Explanation, Humphrey, Keeling, Wheatley.
BORNEO. Keppell.

BOSPHORUS. (See Turkey.) Colton.

Waller, Watts, White, Wordsworth, Wolton, Wyatt

BUDHISM. Manual of B. (See Asia, China, Japan.)
BURGUNDY (Dukes of). Barante.
BUSINESS. Freedley.
BYZANTINE EMPIRE. Finlay. (See ancient Greece.)
CAFFRARIA. Cole, Kaye, King. (See Africa.)
CALIFORNIA (History of). Capper, Frost, Greenhow.

(Travels in). Audubon, Bartlett, Brooks, Bryant,
Buffum, California Guide Book, Colton, Delano, Em-
ory, Farnham, Johnson, Letts, Life in California, Pay-
son, Revere, Shaw, Taylor, Thornton, Tyson, Wise,
Wood, Woods.

[blocks in formation]

BOSTON, MASS. Drake, Frothingham, Lee, Quincy, Rob- CATECHISM. Andrews, Anthon, Beaven, Beveridge, Cyril,
bins, Watson. (See Mass.)



Donaldson, Hymns, Secker, Sherwood, Todd, Wil-

BOTANY. Encyclopædia, Gray, Green, Herschel, Lindley, CATHOLICITY. Balmes.
Loudon, Paxton, Schleiden, Schouw, Ward.

BOTANY. (See Arboriculture.)

CATTLE. Youatt, Youatt and Clater, Youatt and Martin.

BOTANY (American). Browne, Gray, Nat. Hist. N. Y., CENSUS, U. S. Census,

Smithsonian Cont., Torrey, Torrey and Gray.
BRAZIL. Adalbert, Hadfield, Payne, Southey, Warren.
BREWING. Donovan, Black, Thomson.

CEYLON. (See India). Baker, Knighton, Pridham, Upham.

CHARACTER (of) Chandler, Clark, Nott, Peck.

BRIDGES. Clark, Cullum, Douglass, Haupt. (See our Sci- CHARLES I. Abbott. (See England).
entific List.)

BRITISH Classics. Addison, Appleton's Popular Library,
Bacon, Browne, Bulwer, Burke, Carlisle, Chesterfield,
Coleridge, De Quincey, Dickens, D'Israeli, Dryden,
Fielding, Gibbon, Goldsmith, Hazlitt, Hood, Hunt,
Jerrold, Johnson, Lamb, Landon, Landor, Locke, Ma-
caulay, Macintosh, Maginn, Milton, Moore, Noctes Am-
brosia, P. Pindar, Raleigh, Robertson, Scott, Smollett,
Southey, Southey Mrs., Spectator, Sterne, Swift, Tem-
ple, Wilson.



CHARLES II. Abbot, Grammont, Hoskins, Jameson, Jef
freys. (See England.)

CHARLES XII. Voltaire. (See Sweden.)
CHARLEMAGNE. James. (See France).
CHEMISTRY. Booth, 182. Brande, Davy, Draper, Encyclo-
pædia, 64, 65. Faraday, Griffin, Johnston, Knapp, Lie-
big, Metcalf, Rose, Shaw, Simon, Thompson, You-


CHESS. Agnel, Alexandre, Chess, Horwitz, Jaenisch, Kling,
Lewis, Staunton.

British Essayists, Modern British CHEST (Diseases of). Swett.


BRITISH POETS (Collections of). Aikin, Aldine, Appleton,
Book of Gems, Campbell, Chalmers, Ellis, Hervey, 66,
Griswold, Halleck, Scrimgeour, Select British Poets.
BRITISH POETS. Akenside, Alford, Bailey, Baillie, Barrett,
Barton, Beattie, Bloomfield, Bourne, Browning, Bul-
wer, Burns, Butier, Byron, Campbell, Chatterton,
Chaucer, Churchill, H. Coleridge, S. P. Coleridge, Col-
lins, Cowley, Cowper, Crabbe, Davison, Dryden, Early
English Poetry, Elliott, Falconer, Gay, Goldsmith,
Gray, Heber, Hemans, Herbert, Herrick, Hogg, Hood,
Howard, Howitt, Hunt, Keats, Kemble, Kingsley,
Kirke White, Landon, Macaulay, Mackay, Marston,
Milnes, Milton, Mitford, Moir, J. Montgomery, R.
Montgomery, Moore, Motherwell, Mullen, Nicholl, Nor-
ton, Ossian, Park, Parnell, Poems, Poetry Year, Praed,
Prior, Ramsay, Rogers, Scott, Shakspeare, Shelley,
Shenstone, Shirley, Simmonds, Skelton, Smith, South-
ey, Southey Mrs., Spenser, Sterling, Struthers, Surrey,
Swift, Talfourd, Tennyson, Thomson, Tickell, Tupper,

CHIEF JUSTICES, (of England). Campbell.
(United States). Van Santvoord.
CHIHUAHUA. Bartlett.

CHILDREN (Management of). Bull.
CHINCHA ISLANDS. Peck. (See Peru.)
CHINA. Abbott, Andrews, Bridgeman, Callery, China.
Davis, Fortune, Huc, Kesson, Legge, Martin, Ripa,
Sirr, Smith G., Tiffany, Williams.
CHIVALRY. Digby, James.
CHRIST (History of). Blunt, Bonnaventura, Fleetwood,
Hook, Kitto, Neander, Scenes, Strauss, Taylor.
(Sayings of). Brown.

CHRISTIAN ANTIQUITIES. Alexander, Andrews, Athana-
sius, Bates, Bingham, Beveridge, Brief Discourse, Bing-
ham, Bungener, Goode, Hagenbach, Harris, Henry,
Holland, Hopkins, Keating, King, Laud, McClelland,
Maitland, Mills, Smith, State, &c.

DOCTRINE. W. A. Butler, Newman, Nitzsch, Pea


CHRISTIAN DUTY. Arnold, James.

CLIMATE. Williamson.

LIFE. Arnold, Bartol, Beveridge, Giles, Martineau, CLOCK MAKING. Denison, Reid.

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CHRISTIANITY (Ancient). Coleman, Miall, Milman, Taylor. COMMERCE. Anderson, Arthur, Blunt, Craik, Dict'y of,


RELIGION. Grotius, Keith.

in the United States.

(Latin). Milman.

in the East. Dwight, Kesson.

(Republican). Magoon.

(Tracts on). Norton.

Vindicated. Hopkins.

CHRISTIANS (Primitive). Cave.

CHRONICLES. Chronicles Crusades. Froissart, Henry of
H., Ingulph, Matthew of P., Matthew of W., Mon-
strellet, Six Old Eng. C., William of M., Young.
CHRONOLOGY. Blair, Chronol. Tables, Clinton, Cyclopæ-
dia, Haydon, Hone, Munsell, Nicolas, Putnam, Tegg.
(Scripture). Brown, Hales, Jarvis.


of America.

(Canons of).


Caswell, Reed and M. Wilberforce.

(The Catholic). Nortin, Ogilby.

DICTIONARY. Hook, Staunton.
DISCIPLINE. Walker, Wilberforce.
(Eastern). Neale.

OF THE FUTURE. Bunsen, Newman.
GOVERNMENT. Bilson, Marshall, Potter.

HISTORY, (General.) Bates, Bede, Bogue, Brown,
Bunsen, Burton, Campbell, Chapin, Cumming, David-
son, Dollinger, Eccles. Grk. Hist, Eusebius, Evagrius,
Fox, Foulkes, Fuller, Fysh, Gieseler, Gorrie, Hard-
wicke, Hase, Hinds, Hopkins, Jarvis, Jeremie, Jortin,
Kaye, Maurice, Miall, Milman, Milner, Mosheim, Neale,
Neander, Palmer, Robertson, Schaff, Sclater, Soames,
Socrates, Southey, Sozomen, Stebbing, Stone, Theodo-
ret, Thiersch, Waddington, White, Wills. (See also
Apostolic Church.)

HISTORY (England). Bull, Cardwell, Carwithen,
Collier, Crakanthorp, Dodd, Fuller, Hart, Incidents,
Jewell, Litton, Martineau, Massingberd, Seabury,
Short, Soames, Wiclif, Wolsey.

HISTORY (Scotland). Hethrington.
SCHOOLS. Arnold.

CHURCHES OF ASIA (Seven). Wills.

(Variations of Prot.). Bossuet.

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TABLES. Bartlett, Hartshorne.
COMETS. Hind. (See Astronomy.)
COMIC WORKS. A'Becket, Barham, Bayley, Blanchard,
Caricatures, Crockett, Crowquill, Cruikshank, Dioge.
nes, Dr. Syntax, Doyle, Family Joe Miller, Hazlitt's
Lect., Thackeray's Lect., Foreign Tour, Haliburton,
Homer Burlesqued, Hood, Laird of Logan, Our Honey-
moon, Partington, Peele, Phantasmagoria, Punch,
Seymour, Three Courses.

COMMENTARIES. Hawker, Henry, Illustrated, Patrick and
Lowth, Poole, Scott.

COMMUNION, (Holy). Beveridge, Hobart, Sermons, Wil

COMPOSITION (English). Brewer, Parker, Quakenbos.
CONCHOLOGY. Gibbes, Macgillivray, Swainson. (See Nat-
ural History.)

CONFESSIONAL (History of). Hopkins.
CONGRESS, U. S. March, Wheeler.
CONGRESS OF VERONA. Chateaubriand.
CONNECTICUT. Caulkins, Dwight, Lippincott, Trumbull.
(Poets of). Everest.

CONSTANTINOPLE. Colton, Lewis, Murray, Smith A.,
Thackeray. (See Turkey.)
CONSTITUTION (The Family). Anderson.
(of Man). Combe, Youmans.
(of the Apostles). Chase.

OF U. S. Adams, Aiken, Const. Text Bk., Consti-
tutions, Federalist.

CONSULS. Henshaw.

CONTENTMENT (Art of). Pakington.
CONTINENT (Guide to). Murray.


CONVENT LIFE. McCrindall, Pascal.


COOKERY. Acton, American Matron, Brillat Savarin,
Cust, Illust. Lond. C. B., Kitchener, Leslie, Soyer,

COORDISTAN. Badger, Southgate. (See Assyria.)

CORAL REEFS. Dana, Darwin.

CORDILLERAS. Strain. (See South America.)
CORFU. Jervis. (See Ionian Is.)

CIVILIZATION. Balmes, Guizot, James, Lord, MacKinnon, CORINTHIANS. Olshausen, Tholuck.

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CORRESPONDENCE (Art of). Anderson, Counting H.
Man, Letter Writer, Manual, Spiers, Willmott.

of Eminent Persons. Adams, Barton, Burns,
Burr, Byron, Campbell, Carter, Chalmers, Chatham,
Clay, Coverdale, Cowper, Cromwell, Doddridge, Fos-
ter, Fox, Goethe, Gray, Hume, Jefferson, Jenner,
Keats, Lamb, Montague, Nelson, Olin, Pollok, Russell,
Rutherford, Schiller, Smith J. A., Southey, Walpole

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