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V. 1., prefix preposition with dagesh lene §§ 146. 1, 2, a. 12. 9, b. п § 124. 2, from wx.—7, verb " from * §'91; dag. len. in a § 12. 9, b.—, fr. sing. § 125. 2, also 9, c. § 157. 2.— ng, a sign of the accusative § 156. 5.-, fr. 2 (dual form) with the article п §§ 126. 3. 29. 1,2. 12. 1,2; for the tone § 21. 7, c.-, as above, and pref. or conjunction § 147. 1.—7, fr. segolate noun 7118. 1; for Kamets (,) under § 29. 5. § 22. 2, a, b; for the article (for) § 29. 2.

V. 2. 7, as above, with pref. 7 as above.- 3 pers. fem. sing. pret. Kal from verb " § 95. 1, with the Paradigm; for Metheg under (7) § 17. 1, b.—arin, seg. n. § 118. 3, c; ♫ without dag. len. § 12. 9, b.-ria, fr. ria seg. noun § 118. 3, c; for pref. § 147. 1, b.— (pron. vehoshek), with pref. § 147. 1, and seg. n. § 118. 1, 3, a.--, preposition, joined to the word following by Maqqeph, for which see § 16.-, const. masc. plur. of § 127. 3, d; dag. len. in □ § 12. 9, b.—ing, fr. the same; dag. len. omit. in § 12. 9, 6.—¡¬¬¬, fr. n. 7, and pref. 7 as above; for Pattah under л §§ 11. 127. 1.—, as above.-, part. fem. Piel (§ 36. 3, b.) fr. verb gutt. §§ 61. 25. 8; for fem. term. ♫.. (which agrees with 7) § 36. 4.-2, fr. n. 7 with art. above; for () under ♫ § 22. 2, a.


V. 3., fr. v. ", 3 fut. Kal with conv. § 54. 1, 2. (instead of ..) under § 21. 8, a.

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.masc 3 יְהִי

§§ 35. III, 1, 2; for
fut. apocopated K. fr.
the same.-, see

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[blocks in formation]

V. 4.

1, fut. apoc. K. fr.

v. " § 96. 3, a, c; also § 95. 3.-ny, see n above; for (..) und. * §§ 16. 1, 2, 3. 156. 5., fr. as above; for § 29. 2.-, conj. that, dag. len. in 5.-i, Lexicon.-3777, fut. apoc. Hiph. fr. 37 § 35. II, 1, a; for conv. see above; for dag. len. in § 12. 9, a.-2, prep., with dag. len. in 2. -1, for pref. instead of § 147. 1, d.—qnn, fr. qn as above, with the art. § 29. 3.

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V. 5. p, fut. K. fr.


3 § 91; for conv. see above. —ix, fr. n. ix as above; for pref. § 146. 2, d. § 29. 4.—Dir Lex. 7 (§ 147. 1.) and 3 §§ 29. 4 and 3. par. § 150; for (-) under the first 1.-, seg. n., dag. len. omitted

—1937, fr. qn as ab., with pref.
146. 2, d.—37, n. fr. 373 with
§ 22. 2, a.-, seg. n. § 118.
in § 12. 9, b.-, § 138. 1.
V. 6. 7, n. fr.
seg. n.


§ 119. e; Pat. furt. und. » § 11.—qing, fr. 118. d; § 127. 3, f; pref. § 146. 1, 2, a.—777, fr. 77


v.n" as ab.; for the pref. 1 (for) § 147. 1, c.-377 (for 3), part. Hiph. fr. 372 §§ 46. 36. 3, b. 26. 2; dag. len. in 7.—73, fr. D; for () under pref. 3 § 146. 2, e; for (-) under

§ 22. 2, a. V. 7. 1, fut. apoc. K. fr. ny v. "3 § 96. 3, a. §.95. 3; 1 conv. see ab.-, for (inst. of ) see v. 1, 77; for § 11.-, §30. III.-, fr. nnn, and (for 3) § 146. 2, g. § 12. 1, 4.for pref. §§ 29. 2, 4. 146. 2, d.—y, fr. by as ab., and (for ?=1?) § 146. 2, g.—12777, see ab. ; part.; without dag. len.

§ 12. 9, b.

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V. 8., see ab.; for § 22. 2, a.—, fr. § 138. 1, b. § 139. 1.


V. 9. 1, fut. Niph. fr. § 95, Par. ; § 40. 2. § 39. 1.—-3, prep.; for Maq. (−) § 16.—Dip?, n., Lex.-, 3 fem. fut. Niph. with pref. fr. § 53. 2.—, fr. n. with art. ♫ § 29. 1,2. V. 10., with pref. 3 which ex. the art. §§ 29. 4. 146. 2, d. —, masc. sing. const. fr. §§ 124. 2, (2). 127. 3, c; for 1 and pref. §§ 147. 1, d. 146. 2, a.-, masc, pl. of, dag. f. in 2.

V. 11. 2, 3 fut. fem. apoc. Hiph. fr. v. § 35. II, 1, a, d.-, seg. n. § 118. 1, 3, a.-, seg. n.-, part. Hiph. fr. v. gutt. §§ 36. b. 64. b, with Par., also §11.-, seg. n.72, n. const. § 127. 1.-, seg. n. § 118. 3, c.-, act. part. K. from § 95. 2, (e), with Parad.—, for dag. forte in § 12. n. 118. 2, d. with pref. 3, and suff. § 133. 2, a, with Parad.—, fr. as above, and suff. pron. i §§ 118. 2. 133. 2, c. i, pref. 2 and suff. i §§ 152. 1. 153.

V. 12. i, 3 fem. sing. apoc. Hiph. fr. 1, d. 70. 1, c, with Par.; 1 conv.-, fr. TM (for i) § 133. 2, f.-, see above.

V. 13. V. 14. is § 125. 3; for

§§ 139. 1. 138. 1.

v. §§ 35. II,

as ab.; for suff.

(for mining § 6, Remarks 4, 5), fem. pl. n. fr. ¬ing 27. 1, 8. § 162. 1, b.-, const. n. fr.


ab., pref. § 146. 2, b, also § 27. 8.-37, inf. const. Hiph. fr. 373 § 45. 1, 2, with Par.; dag. len. in 7, pref.—177, above.-, (as v. 5.) with the art.- (fr. v. 7), § 95. 1, with Par.; conv. Ț pret. § 35. V, 1.-iris (for ninis? § 6, Rem. 4, 5), fem. pl. n. fr. nis, with pref. ., pl. masc. (§ 125. 2.) fr. in, with 1 and 3 pref. §§ 147. 1, d. 146. 2, a.—731, pl. m. fr. ¤ir § 125. 5. -, plur. masc. of fem., §§ 124. 3. 125. 4.

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V. 15. ii, as above; for (inst. of 3) § 146. 2, b.—¬¬NI, inf. Hiph. fr. ¬is (§§ 32. 3, 4, e. 37. 1.) § 80, with Par.; pref. 3. V. 16. 1, as ab.-, § 138. 1, with Rem. b, also § 141. 1.57, masc. plur. adject. fr. 317 with art. ; § 160.1; fʊr ‡ (instead of ) § 27. 1, 6, 8.-3, fr. is and big as ab., with the art., n. sing. fem. const. fr., with pref. 3; for .. § 132.—jupa, fr. ip with art.-, fr. 373, parag. § 150.

כּוֹכָב plur. masc. from ,הַכּוֹכָבִים ה

V. 17. 1977, fut. K. with 7 conv. fr. 153 v. 7′′ §§ 66. 1, with Par. ; 67. 2.—prix, fr. n, with suff. D. § 153.—, §§ 126. 3. 22. 2, a. -, as above.

V. 18.

§ 146. 2, b;


7, inf. const. fr. § 33. 2, also § 38; for 3 pref. pref. conjunc.-ing, fr. bi¬, §§ 29. 4. 146. 2, d.3, fr. 373, with parag. 1, §§ 29. 4. 146. 2, d; for pref. 1 see above.-33, for see preceding word; 33 as above.

V. 19. § 139.

.-, seg. n.-, seg. n. doubled); for dag. forte § 12.

V. 20., 3 m. plur. K. fr. , fem. adject. of ", fr. " (v. 2, 4.—qiy, Lex.—pi, 3 fut. Piel fr. 1 (§ 32. 3, 4, e), § 80. 4, with Parad.--by as above.

V. 21. fut. K. fr. 7.- (§ 125. 2.), fr. 15.--3 (fr. 3), § 19. 1, b. § 16. 1, 2, 3.-, as ab., with the art., § 29. 3.-, act. part. fem. K. fr. § 36. 1-4; for art. and its punctuation §§ 155. 2. 29. 2., fr. § 38.



(quasi for 3), fr. n. 12, and pref. as ab., suff. § 134. 4; also Parad. § 133.-, as above.-, Lex.

V. 22. 77, fut. Pi. fr. 7 with 1 conv. §§ 59. 61. 35. III, 1.

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37. 1, 2. § 38.

, fr., same form as the preceding word, above.-, 2 masc. imp. K. fr. 3 (?), §

(for) conj. see

, see above; pref. § 29. 4.—77, fut. apoc. K. fr. 7,

§ 96. 3, with a. § 35. II, 1, c.-, fr. 7 as above, pref. ex

Icludes the article.

V. 23., § 139.

V. 24. Nin, see in above.-3, fr. 1, with pref. as ab.; for ♬ suff. § 133, with Parad.—ang, Lex.— seg. n.; for pref. 1 (for 1) § 147. 1, b.-in (for n) fr. n as above; for i parag. § 134. 7 for dag. forte omitted in § 9. 7.


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בְּהֵמָה from ,הַבְּהֵמָה-.see above ,חַיָּה en, fem. const. ofת .25 .V

with the article.

V. 26., 1 pers. plur. fut. Kal, fr. n, v. gutt. and No3, §§ 52. 3. 95. also § 53.—, Lex.—, fr. bby, seg. n.; 11.. suff. § 133, with Parad.—, fr. suff. 72.. as above; for pref. § 146. 1, 2, § 12. 9. 6.-77777, 3 plur. fut. K. fr. conj.-, const. (§ 127. 3, b) fr.

(§ 124. 2), Root with b; for dag. len, in § 95. 1, with Parad.; fem. n. § 129, FEMININE ;

for the omission of dag. len. in and a § 12. 9, b, 10, a, b.—,

i as above; pref.; for § 147. 1, d.-, na as above, pref. excludes the art. as above; as above.--1, fr. 55 as above.-, act. part. K. fr. § 36. 1–3, with a; for § 29. 2, also § 155. 2.

V. 27. inby, i suff. § 133, with Par., Dy as above.-irix, § 152. 3, with § 153.-, both nouns; for pref. 7, above.-bris, as above.

V. 28. as above.


7, ver. 22.-3, § 152. 1, 5. § 153.

(for § 6. 4, 5), 2 masc. imp. K. fr. w≥? ; for suff. § 105. 1, 2. § 109. 1, with NOTE.-177, 2 masc. imp. K. fr. 1 (as above) with pref. 1.-7, as above; for dag. len. § 12. 9, 6.-, as above.

V 29., § 154. 1.-, 1 sing. pret. K. fr. V. § 38. 1, a., §§ 152. 5. 153.---, § 16. 1, 2.-, act. part. K. § 36. 1, 3, a; for § 11. 1.- as above.-i as above.-, dag. len. omitted in § 12. 9, b.--(same as above), § 22. 2, (§ 19.

a, b.—, 3 fut. K. fr. (as above) § 95, Parad.

1, a, b), fem. n. fr. 35x § 27. 1, 4, 5, 14.

V. 30. 331, −3 (5) as above, with and prefixes, as ab.—

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, act. part. K. as above.-, seg. n. used as an adjec.-,

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