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Ireland.-Agriculture and Technical Instruction Dept. Manual of fisheries (Ireland) acts. Dublin: A. Thom & Co., ltd., prtrs., 1904. I p.l., 397, xxvi p. 8°. (Cd. 2277.)

Lee's expert English angler... with the abstracts of several acts of Parliament... London: J. Lee [n. d.]. 14 p., I pl. 12°.

Mayer (John). The sportsman's directory... To which is added an appendix, containing numerous valuable receipts, and... abstracts of the game laws... London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1845. viii, 181 p. 16°. 7. ed.

Needham (T. H.) The complete sportsman; containing a compendious view of the ancient and modern chase... Angling; and the laws relating to fish... London: W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1817. xi (1), 13-311 p. 12°.

Neil's complete angler; or, The whole art of fishing... Added, a correct abstract of the several acts of Parliament with respect to angling. London: A. Neil, 1804. 38 p., I pl. IO. ed. nar. 12°.

London: T. Hughes [n. d.]. 31 p. (1),

I col'd. pl. nar. 12°.

Nelson (William). The laws concerning game. Of hunting, hawking, fishing and fowling, &c. And of forests, chases, parks, warrens, deer, doves, dove-cotes, conies... London: Printed by F. Richardson and C. Lintot for T. Waller, 1762. xvii, 255 [27], iv p. 12°.

Paterson (James). A treatise on the fishery laws of the United Kingdom, including the laws of angling. London: Macmillan & Co., 1863. xxviii, 347 p. 12°.

Pennant (C. D.) The law as to salmon-fishing. (In: The salmon. London, 1898. 12°. 267.)

pp. 222

Piscator, pseud. Observations on the public right of fishing by angle or nets in public navigable rivers in general and the river Thames in particular, with notes, historical and explanatory. Marlow: G. Cannon, 1826. viii, 9-72 p. 8°.

Salmon (The) in the statute book. (Baily's Maga. of Sports & Pastimes. v. 72, pp. 187-192. London, 1899.)

Scotland.-Fishery Board. Manual of sea fisheries (Scotland) acts and statutory bye-laws in force at 31st December, 1900. Glasgow: J. Hedderwick & Sons, prtrs., 1901. I p. l., 285 p. 8°.

Stewart (C.) A treatise on the law of Scotland relating to rights of fishing. Comprising the law affecting sea fishing, salmon fishing, trout fishing

With an appendix of statutes and bye-laws. Second edition edited by J. C. Shairp. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1892. I p.l., 582 p. 2. ed. 8°.

Whole (The) art of fishing; being a collection and improvement of all that has been written upon this subject... Added, the laws of angling. London: E. Curll, 1714. 3 p.l., III (1) p., I pl. 8°. Willis-Bund (John William). Salmon legislation. (Jour. Soc. of Arts. v. 48, pp. 542-546. London, 1900,)

Young (The) fisherman, a complete guide to angling, showing the tackle and baits required.. the laws of angling... London: H. Elliot [n. d.]. 12°.


Italy. Convenzione fra l'Italia e la Svizzera [July 8, 1898] addizionale a quella del 1882 per la pesca nelle acque comuni dei due Stati; ministro, Canevaro (Affari esteri) Feb. 6, 1899. Roma [1899]. 4 p. 4°. (Racc. Stamp. Cam. Sess. 1898-99. v. 4 (Diseg.), no. 150. Ser. 582.)

Reintroduced and approved Dec. 16, 1899. do. ib. Sess. 1899-1900, v. 5 (Diseg.), no. 145. Relaz. Comm. Cam. do. ib. nos. 150-A, 145-A. (Ser. 582, 595.) Senate report, do. ib. (Atti interni) v. 1 (Diseg.), no. 69-A. (Ser. 597.)

CONVENZIONE [d'Italia] con la Svizzera per l'esercizio della pesca nelle acque comuni ai due Stati. (Riv. d. diritto internaz. Roma, 1907. 8°. Anno 2, pp. 382–386.)

Italy.-Statutes. Modificazioni alla legge del 4 marzo 1877 sulla pesca; ministro, MajoranaCalatabiano (Agricol., etc.), Jan. 14, 1879, Roma, 1880. 4 p. 4°. (Racc. Stamp. Cam. Sess. 187880, v. 5 (Diseg.), no. 134.) Relaz. Comm. Cam. do. ib. no. 134-A. 3 p. (Ser. 256.) Senate report, do. ib. (Atti interni) v. 2 (Diseg.), no. 93-A. (Ser. 268.)

Nuova modificazione alla legge (Mch. 4, 1877) sulla pesca; ministro, Miceli (Agricoltura, etc.) Roma, 1880. 3 p. 4°. (Racc. Stamp. Cam. Sess. 1878-80, v. 9 (Diseg.), no. 264. (Relaz. Comm. Cam. do. ib. no. 264-A. 2 p. 4°. (Ser. 260.) Senate report, do. ib. (Atti interni) v. 3 (Diseg.), no. 168-A. (Ser. 269.)

Martinelli (Amilcare). La legislazione sulla pesca in Italia. Prefazione-dottrina e giurisprudenza per... A. Martinelli. Testo e commento dei regolamenti [By] A. Rabbeno. [Torino: Unione tipografico-editrice, 1883.] I p.1., 568 p. 8°. (Raccolta delle leggi speciali e convenzioni internazionali del Regno d'Italia. Ser. 4 a, v. 4, no. 2.)


Keucker (Joannes Joseph). Code de la pêche du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg précédé d'une notice historique. Luxembourg: Joseph Beffort, 1887. 380, xxviii p. 8°.



Cramer (N.) Jacht en visscherij. 's Gravenhage: Gebr. Belinfante, 1897. 3 p.1., 89 p. (Léon's rechtspraak. 3. druk, 1. deel, afl. 8.)

Netherlands.-Statutes. De toepassing der wet op de jagt en visscherij gemakkelijk gemaakt ... met het oog op de wet, houdende uitbreiding van de regtsmagt van de hantonregters, door S. A. Haverkamp. Zwolle: W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink, 1854. 4 p.l., 48 p. 8°.

Wet tot regeling der jagt en visscherij, toegelicht uit de handelingen der wetgevende magt, door S. Tak... Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1852, 2 p.l., 152 p. 8°. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1857. 2 p.l., 185 p. 8°.

Wet tot regeling der jacht en visscherij, van den 13 den Juni 1857... Met aanteekeningen

Fishing Laws, Netherlands, cont'd.

bevattende de jurisprudentie tot den laatsten tijd, door S. Gratama. Schoonhoven: S. & W. N. van Nooten, 1891. vi, 1 l., 292 p. 2. ed. 8°.

Wet van den 13. Junij 1857, S 87 tot regling der jagt en visscherij... met aantekeningen... en alphabetisch register door P. H. Jordens. Zwolle: W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink, 1898. 64 p. 8 ed. nar. 12°. (Nederlandsche staatswetten. Schuurman's-editie no. 15.)

Wet van 13 Juli 1896 (Staatsblad no. 105), houdende wijziging en aanvulling van eenige bepalingen der wet van 13 Juni 1857 (Staatsblad no. 87) tot regeling der jacht en visscherij, zooals die is gewijzigd en aangevuld bij de wetten van 14 en 15 April 1886 (Staatsbladen no. 61 en 64). n. p. [1896] 15 p. 8°.

Placcaet, ofte ordonnantie op 't stuck van 't visschen ende vischgewand op de revieren en binnenwateren des gestichts van Vtrecht. Gearresteert, geamplieert, en gecorrigeert den 21. May 1674. Utrecht: J. van Paddenburgh, 1689. 4 l. 4°. Pompe Van Meerdervoort (Johan Willem Josef). *Het reglement op de bevissching der Schelde en Zeeuwsche stroomen... [Leiden: Vennootschap Het Vaderland," 1891]. 4 p.l., 102 p. 8°.

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Proeve van een ontwerp van wet op de uitoefening van het regt van jagt en visscherij in het koningrijk der Nederlanden, door een' adjuncthoutvester. Arnhem: G. W. van der Wiel, 1852. 32 p. 8°.


Paz Graells (Mariano de la). Manual práctico de piscicultura ó prontuario... Escrito y publicado de orden de S. M. el Rey... Madrid: D. E. Aguado, 1864. xxiii, 264 p., 1. illus. fo. Spain. Statutes. Disposiciones vigentes sobre caza y pesca fluvial, coleccionadas anotadas por A. A. C. Madrid: Impr. de Fortanet, 1902. 63 p. 32°.

Manual de legislación de caza, pesca y acotamientos compilada y anotado por la Revista de Legislacion Universal y Jurisprudencia Española con los estatutos y reglamento de la Sociedad General de Cazadores de España. Madrid: Revista de Legislacion Universal [1900?]. 109 p. 16°.

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Büchler, 1895. 592, viii pp. 8°.

In German, French and Italian.

Italy. Convenzione fra l'Italia e la Svizzera [July 8, 1898] addizionale a quella del 1882 per la pesca nelle acque comuni dei due Stati; ministro, Canevaro (Affari esteri) Feb. 6, 1899. Roma [1889]. 4 p. 4°. (Racc. Stamp. Cam. Sess. 1898-99, v. 4. (Diseg.) no. 150. Ser. 582.)

Reintroduced and approved, Dec. 16, 1899. (do. ib. Sess. 1899-1900, v. 5, (Diseg.) no. 145.) Relaz. Comm. Cam. do. ib. nos. 150-A, 145-A. (Ser. 582, 595.) Senate report, do. ib. (Atti interni) v. I, (Diseg.) no. 69-A. (Ser. 597.)

CONVENZIONE [d'Italia] con la Svizzera per

1 esercizio della pesca nelle acque comuni ai due Stati. (Riv. d. diritto internaz. Roma, 1907. 8°. Anno 2, pp. 382-386.)

United States.

Austin (Henry). American game and fish laws containing a complete digest of the laws in each state. Boston [Collins Press], 1891. 80 p. 12°.

Boston, 1895. 127 p. 12°.

Barrows (Samuel June). New legislation concerning crimes, misdemeanors, and penalties, compiled from the laws of the 55th Congress and from the session laws of the states and territories for 1897 and 1898. Washington: Gov't. Prtg. Office, 1900, xxiv, 480 p. 8°. (U. S. State Dep't.) (In: U. S. 56 Cong., I. sess. Sen.

docs. v. 31.) This book contains digests of the laws of all the states for the protection of fish passed during 1897-98.

Fisherman's (The) friend. Guide to fishing places around New York... Game and fish laws of New York and New Jersey. Brooklyn: Knowlson & Muller, cop., 1902. 48 p. nar. 16°.

Brooklyn: Knowlson & Muller, 1905. 48 p. nar. 16°.

Fur, fin, and feather; containing the game laws of the principal states of the United States and Canada. New York: M. B. Brown & Co., 1868. iv, 5-206 p. 8°.

[Revised and corrected for 1871-72.] New York: M. B. Brown & Co., 1871. xiv, 222 p. 8°.

Game (The) laws in brief. A digest of the statutes of the United States and Canada... Compiled by Charles B. Reynolds [Nov. 1, 1896]. New York: Forest & Stream Pub. Co. [1896]

May 10, 1897. New York, 1897.

106 p., 4 pl. illus. 8°.

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[Jan. 1, 1909.] New York [1909].

150 p., I pl. illus. 8°.

illus. 8°.

Game laws in brief and woodcraft magazine. Edited by C. B. Reynolds... Published quarterly. v. 1-5 (Apr. 1899-Jan. 1904). New York, 18991904. 8°.

Game laws of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Missouri, Michigan, Wyoming, Nebraska, Idaho, Utah. Vest pocket edition. St. Paul, Minn.: Collins & Smith, 1897. 61. 32°.

Hunting and fishing in the South... The game laws... The states penetrated by the Southern Railway. [New York: F. Presbrey Co.] cop. 1899. 62 p., I l. 8°.

Leffingwell (W. B.) Hunting and fishing along the north-western line... The game laws of

Fishing Laws, United States, conťd.

the states named and information valuable to sportsmen, anglers, health and pleasure seekers... Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co., printers, 1895. 8°.



California.-Board of Fish Commissioners. Fish and game laws of... California... 1901. ramento: A. J. Johnston, 1901. 48 p. 10. ed. 24°.


shore fisheries of Maine... 1901. Augusta: Print of Kennebec Journal, 1901. 201 p. 16°.

Maine.-Statutes. 1895. Revision of fish and game laws... Augusta: Burleigh & Flynt, 1895. 104 p. 12°.

Carleton's digest of the inland fish and game laws of the state of Maine. n. t.-p. n. p. [1899.] 48 p. 12°.

1901 edition of the inland fish and game laws of... Maine. n. p. [1901?] 79 p. 16°. Another ed. n. p. [1901.] 94 P., 9 pl., 4 port. 12°. nar.

Colorado.-Game and Fish Commissioner.
The game and fish laws of Colorado. [Denver:
Smith Brooks Prtg. Co., 1899.] 41 p., 3 l.

Synopsis of the game and fish laws of the state of Colorado. With additional regulations, forms and instructions. Denver, 1899. 12 p. 8°.

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1903 ed. 16°. n. p. [1903.] 87 p. Inland fish and game laws, and Carleton's pathfinder and gazetteer containing a list of all the fishing, hunting and summer resorts of the State of Maine. 1907 revision. Augusta, Me.: Journal Pub. Co., 1907. 95, 12, 17-101 p. 16°.

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Brown's Tract Guides' Association. Fish, game and forest laws of the State of New York, 1904. [Object of the Association, list of members, etc.] Boonville: Herald Print, 1904. 23 p. 24°. Fish possessed during close season, though taken from waters outside the state. Construction of the act for the protection of birds, fish and wild animals in the state of New York (chap. 488, Laws 1892). (Albany Law Jour. v. 62, pp. 243-250. Albany, 1900.)

New York.-Fisheries, Game and Forest Commissioners. Fisheries, game and forest law of the state of New York relating to game, fish and wild animals, and to the forest preserve and Adirondack Park. As... amended by the Legislatures of 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898 and 1899. New York and Albany: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., state prtrs., 1899. 144 p. 8°.

New York.-Forest, Fish and Game Commission. The forest, fish and game law of the state of New York relating to the forest preserve, fish, game and the International Park... Albany: J. B. Lyon, state prtr., 1900. 95 P. 16°.


Albany: J. B. Lyon, state prtr., 1901.

132 p. New York.-Statutes. An act for the protection of the fisheries, game and forests of the state, being chapter thirty-one of the general laws. Jan. 10, 1900. n. p. n. d. 77 p. 4°. (Sen. 59.) Jan. 11, 1900. (Ass. 26.)

The fish and game law, constituting the general laws of the state in relation to the protection, preservation and propagation of birds, fish and wild animals, as revised and enacted by the legislature of 1892, and as amended by the laws of 1893/4. Albany: James B. Lyon, 1894. 136 p. 8°. NORTH DAKOTA.

North Dakota.-Game Warden. fish laws... 1901. [1901]. I p.l., 31 p.

Game and Bismarck: Tribune Print nar. 24°.

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Wyoming.-Fish Commissioner and Game Warden. Fish and game laws of the state... 1895. Cheyenne: Sun. Pub. House, 1895. 15 p. 8°. Wyoming.-Game Warden. Game and fish laws of the state of Wyoming. 1903. Laramie: Chaplin, Spafford & Mathison, prtrs., 1903. 17 p. 4°.


The following list is not a complete statement of all the material in the library relating to Fish Culture. There should also be mentioned the reports of the fish commissions of the states of the U. S. and of the national government, and those of foreign countries, which are well represented in the Library's files, and a partial statement of which appeared in the list on Fishes and Fisheries in the Bulletin for August, 1899.


Allgemeine Fischerei-Zeitung. Neue Folge der Bayerischen Fischerei-Zeitung. Organ für die Gesammt-Interessen der Fischerei, sowie für die

Fish Culture, Periodicals, cont'd.

Bestrebungen der Fischerei-Vereine. Jahrg. 23date (1898-date). München, [1898-date]. 4°. Current.

v. 1-2, no. 6

American (The) fish culturist. (1904--June, 1905). St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1904-05.

Merged into "Field & Stream" in July, 1905. ✓American Fisheries Society. Proceedings at annual meeting. v. I-23, 26, 28 (1872-'94, '97, '99). v. p.., 1872-99. 8°.

v. 1-6. Society called: Amer. Fish Culturist's Assoc.; v. 7-13, Amer. Fish Cultural Assoc. v. 5-23 have title: Transactions; v. 26, Minutes.

Blooming Grove Park Association. Sketch, charter, by-laws, house rules and list of officers and members, 1897. [New York, 1897.] 76p., 28 pl., I map. obl. 24°.

Deutsche Fischerei-Zeitung.


fur See- & Binnenfischerei, Fischzucht, Fisch bereitung & Fischhandel, auch für Angelsport und Aquarienkunde. Jahrg. 10, no. 34 (23 Aug. 1887); 24date (1901-date). Stettin, 1887-date. fo. Current.

Fischerei-Zeitung. Wochenschrift für die Interessen der gesamte deutschen Binnenfischerei, Fischzucht und Teichwirtschaft, des Fischhandels, der Fischverwertung, Sportfischerei, Zierfischzucht und Aquarienkunde. v. 1-date. Neudamm, 1898– date. 8°.

Current. Minor changes in sub-title.

Neptunia. Rivista italiana di pesca ed agricultura. v. 12-date. Venezia, 1897-date. 8°, fo.

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✔Ashworth (E. and T.) A treatise on the propagation of salmon and other fish. London: Simpkin & Marshall, 1853. xi, 12-68 p., I pl. 12°.

Atkins (Charles Grandison). Qbstructions to the upward movement of fishes in streams, and the remedy. On the salmon of eastern North America, and its artificial culture. Report on the collection and distribution of Schoodic salmon eggs in 187578. (In U. S. Commis. of Fish and Fisheries. Rept. 1872-78, pt. 2-6. 1874-80.)

Bénardeau (F.) Pêche et reproduction du saumon en Loire. Paris: Berger Levrault & Cie., 1905. 52 p., I diag., 4 plans, I table. 4°. Benecke (Berthold). Fische, Fischerei und Fischzucht in Ost- und Westpreusen. Auf Grund eigener Anschauung gemeinfasslich dargestellt. Königsberg: Hartung, 1881. 4 p.l., 514 p., II pl., 2 plat. 4°.

Benecke (Berthold), and E. DALLMER. Handbuch der Fischzucht und Fischerei, hrsg. von Max von dem Borne. Berlin: P. Parey, 1886. xiii, (1) 701 p., I plan.

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Bettziech ( ). Der wirthschaftliche Werth der Wassernutzung durch Fischzucht. Berlin, 1873. 8°. (Samml. Wissenschaftl. Vorträge. 8 Serie. Heft 174.)

Blanchon (H. L. Alphonse). Manuel pratique du pisciculteur... 1-3 partie. Paris: L. Mulo, 1898. 2 p.l., iv, 5-320 p. 12°. (Encyclopédie Roret.)

Boccius (Gottlieb). Fish in rivers and streams: a treatise on the production and management of fish in fresh waters,... showing also the cause of the depletion of all rivers and streams. London: J. 8°. Van Voorst, 1848. viii, 38 p.

A treatise on the management of freshwater fish, with a view to making them a source of profit to landed proprietors. London: J. Van Voorst, 1841. vi, 38 p. 8°.

Borne (M. von dem), and others. Fischzucht. 84 p. (In: Amtliche Berichte über die internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung zu Berlin, 1880. Berlin, 1881. 8°.)

Bouchon-Brandely (G.) Traité de pisciculture pratique et d'aquiculture en France et dans les pays voisins. Paris, 1876. 8°.

Boulton (William B.) The Thames salmon experiments. (Baily's Maga. of Sports and Pastimes. v. 82, pp. 368–377. London, 1904.) Brocchi ( ). La pisciculture dans les eaux douces. Paris: Quantin [1896]. 2 p.l., 328 p., 8°. (Bibliothèque des sciences et de l'in

3 tab.

dystrie.) VBrown (William). The natural history of the salmon, as ascertained by the recent experiments in the artificial spawning and hatching of the ova and rearing of the fry, at Stormont field on the Tay. Glasgow: T. Murray & Son, 1862. 136 p., I plan. 16°.

Buckland (F. T.) Fish hatching. London, 1863. 8°.

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