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1. Setting a Goal. When a certain man who later b famous entered college, he placed over the door of his large piece of cardboard on which was boldly drawn the letter:


Disregarding the teasing remarks of his schoolmate young man applied himself diligently to his school ever keeping in mind the goal that he had set for him the mysterious V.

What do you think the V represented?

In beginning your English work, it is well to set a d goal, so that at the end of the year you will feel that yo accomplished something.

Make up in class four mottoes, or slogans, to express you would like to accomplish in (1) thinking, (2) spe (3) writing, and (4) appreciation.

Handwork. A committee will volunteer to board motto to put up in the classroom. An class in an eastern state chose the following:

Our Aim

To think clearly

To speak effectively
To write forcibly

To appreciate good English

2. What a Boy or a Girl Should Know. A bu speaking of what a boy or a girl should know to the world, summed up the qualifications as follo

He or she should be able

1 To write a good legible hand.

2 To spell all the words that he knows how to 3 To speak and write good English.

4 To write a good social or business letter.

5 To add a column of figures rapidly.

6 To make out an ordinary account.

7 To deduct 16 per cent from the face of an a 8 To receipt an account when it is paid.

9 To write an ordinary receipt.

10 To write an advertisement for a newspaper.

11 To write an ordinary promissory note.

12 To reckon the interest, or the discount, on a months, or days.

13 To draw up an ordinary bank check and to right place in the bank to get the money.

14 To make neat and correct entries in a dayl book.

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16 To tell something about the great authors, states financiers of the present time.

In which of your studies do you learn these different How many of them do you feel sure that you can do how to do them. Find out about the others.

Talk about each qualification separately. Why important? How is a boy or a girl judged if he or s not do the thing mentioned?

Where and how can you find out about the si qualification?

3. Forming a Speakwell Club. How does a clu from an ordinary meeting or a party? During this J the weekly talks you may turn the class into a Sp Club with a pupil presiding. The whole period will b to talks.

A different pupil should preside as chairman each The chairman will sit at the teacher's desk and call t to order by tapping on the desk and saying, " The meet come to order." He will then state the subject of th

Get permission to speak by rising and saying, “Mr. man (or Madam Chairman), may I have the floor?" the chairman acknowledges you by name, come to th of the room and give your talk to the class as audience. pupil will speak.

A Breathing Game.* Rise, and, as your teacher cour slowly raise your arms at the side, breathing in deeply. slowly and lower the arms, as she counts five.

*Throughout this book a pronunciation drill is given before each Talk. be limited to five minutes, and may be taken immediately before the Talk other day.

A Talk to the Class. Divide the qualification among the class. Tell how to do the thing rig to avoid.

A pupil will preside over the club meeting. will sit in the back of the room.

4. Form of a Social Letter. On the opposite a letter. It is written by Helen Keller, who wa and blind from babyhood, to a sergeant m blinded in the World War, and later devote lecturing.

A friendly, or social, letter should be writte form used by the majority of educated peop written letter stamps the writer as ignorant. form of the letter on page 201.

What are the parts of a friendly letter? placed? How is it punctuated? In the sa word that stands for the person's name is alway as, Dear Mother." Turn to pages 6, 7, the friendly letter.

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Remember: A friendly letter has five parts: and date), salutation, body, compliment signature.

Addressing the Envelope. The envelope sl two things: (1) the name and the return address written in the upper left-hand corner, so that a returned if the person is not at the address, an name and address of the person to whom the The address should give street and number and These should be written legibly.

Point these out in the model on page 14.

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