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What blood relation exists between the countries?

the Spanish and Portuguese language flags stret Southern Europe to South America?

The poem begun on page 240 is concluded as follows up the meanings of ample, subtle, and maze.

2 That ample speech! That subtle speech!
Apt for the need of all and each:

Strong to endure, yet prompt to bend
Wherever human feelings tend.

Preserve its force expand its powers;

And through the maze of civic life,
In Letters, Commerce, even in Strife,
Forget not it is yours and ours.


Name three great writers of England and three of How is English used in civic life and in commerce? W British and American boys and girls do to preser mother tongue - English?

42. How English Has Been Formed. The English I has over 400,000 words, which express all shades of r It has many words that mean nearly the same thing (sy because it is formed from three other great languages.

The original inhabitants of England were Celts, bu the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes from northern came over, drove the Celts back from the coast, and int their Saxon and Teutonic language, which soon mixed Celtic tongue. More than six hundred years later ( the French king, William the Conqueror, invaded and conquered the people.

Thereupon Frenchmen settled in England, a their language and customs as the Saxons had many French words, like parlor, veal, etc., were the Celtic and the Saxon to help to form the Eng

The church of the Middle Ages used Latin-a so when it entered England many Latin words w into English.

All through the years, you see, the English been adopting words from other languages a Many names of inventions have been taken fr language; as, telephone, telegraph, and thermom Remember: English has a wonderful variety which you can choose. Therefore seek exactly expresses your idea.

Use the dictionary daily in your search for n
Be a Word Conqueror !

Finding Information. (a) Look up the d English in an unabridged dictionary.

might come from Angle-land.

Tell 1

(b) In the dictionary find out from what 1

following words come:

paternal, fatherly

maternal, motherly

fraternal, brotherly

veal, pork

parlor, sitting roo benediction, blessi

(c) Why is the following joke from Life funn

Exasperated Passenger. Why don't you keep bette wretched line?

Brakeman (confidentially). Well, now then, ma'am all to you. The train before is behind, and this train wa besides.

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beginning with the syllables a, af, be, de, dis, and pre.




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A Talk to the Class. Make an outline of (a) fiv you (or others) misspell; (b) correct forms of five you have heard in grammar; (c) three things yo most in your English work.

Keeping a Record. Three secretaries will be appo the teacher to keep on the board at different places list of misspelled words, (2) incorrect expressio (3) things most enjoyed. Beside each record may be the name of the person mentioning it; as,

Saw it (not "seen it")-Smith, Jones, Brownson
That man (not "that there man") - Gray, Herold, Ax

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Find out which are the most common mistakes of t 44. Writing a Class Report on Language. You outline a report on your use of English, as individuals class. Find the following information about your ow

1. Your handwriting and the neatness of the papers
2. Words you have misspelled in written work
3. Punctuation rules you have violated (See page 51.)
4. Mistakes you have made in grammar (See your

5. Form of written paragraph: Margin and indention
6. Form of friendly letter and business letter

Bring this outline of information to class. On th you will now build an outline with six main topics, a c

class record. To find out which mistakes a offenders put a mark beside it for each time it is r

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Writing a Class Report. Write in six parag of your class, mentioning in each paragraph the of the mistakes recorded in the outline, or oth for improvement. Try to group together in a the ideas that bear some relation to one another about using verbs.

The best report will be sent to your principal. 45. Acting as Investigation Committees. WI observing the different kinds of mistakes mad members of the class, you find that they fall groups. For instance, mistakes in organizing tho ing, and in writing could be grouped under the fol

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Divide these groups among the class. Arrange pupils will serve as a committee to work togeth

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then investigate the mistakes of the class and search textbook and in grammars for the correct things to know each head. In looking for information consult the in the reference book.

Writing a Letter. Write a letter to your principal, permission to have a Good-English celebration at date. The letter that shows the most improveme be delivered in person by the writer.


Handwork. Divide the class into six teams, each to a large poster to show the value of good English in one following parts of your community. Each will write d his contribution the different things to say for his topic good thinking, good speaking, and good writing; then meet as committees, discuss these, and choose the represent on a poster. The committees will meet out class. Each committee will choose a chairman.










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