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Remember: A determinative clause is a rela determines or restricts the meaning of the is usually introduced by that and is


A descriptive clause is a relative clause the antecedent by adding another thought to stricting its meaning. It is set off by com

An Exercise and Analysis. (1) Fill the bl proper pronouns. (2) Tell whether the clause native or descriptive. (3) Punctuate and Insert capitals.


[blocks in formation]

5. longfellow

6. the train

follows this is two hours late

7. the revolutionary war by we gained fre land was begun in 1775 ?

8. a man

9. The boy

works six days needs a day of res

sits near the door is to report t

57. Imagining a Scene. Imagination is that mind that builds pictures, fashioned often in on canvas by means of paints. The writer se mind a vision of a place. Because it exists onl we say it is imaginary.

Be ready to show how a painter would sketch the description on page 257. Observe how t anger, weariness, and sullenness are expressed


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1 A farm in the valley! 2 Over the mountains swept jagged, gray, angry, sprawling clouds, sending a freezing thin drizzle of rain as they passed, upon a man following a plow. The horses had a sullen and weary look, and their manes a streamed sidewise in the blast. The plowman clad in a gray coat with uncouth, muddy boots upon his feet walk his head inclined toward the sleet, to shield his face f cold and sting of it. 5 The soil rolled away black and and with a dull sheen upon it. Near by, a boy with his cheeks was watching cattle. 7A dog was seated n back to the gale. HAMLIN GARLAND: Up the

Imagine a scene that you might observe from 1 window of your train as you follow the route you have on page 255. Imagine how it would look under one following weather conditions:

[blocks in formation]

What persons will you put in your picture? what I nature? what animals?

Writing an Imaginary Description. Write a par describing your scene. Use as a model Hamlin Ga paragraph. Make a list of his descriptive words. similar list of words for your composition to descri emotion of your scene.

58. Finding Opposites of Words. On page 258 y find a list of ideas that Hamlin Garland uses to bu description of a farm scene. Find them in the selection

Names of persons, animals, and things described tains, clouds, rain, man*, horses, manes, tails, plow dog

Verbs of action: Swept, passed, streamed, clad was watching, was seated

Adjectives that describe: Jagged*, gray, angry*, ing, thin*, sullen, weary*, ragged, gray, uncouth, sticky, dull

Adverbs that describe: Sidewise, away, nearly, n


In English we have many words that mean hot and cold, wet and dry, right and left. opposites are called antonyms.

In the lists given above tell a word that give idea for each word marked with a star (*).

Think of expressions to use to show an oppos other words.

Sentence Building. (1) Tell the antonyms for the following words. (2) Make up sente you contrast ideas or things; as, "I go to the go to the left."

I. strong 4. sick 7. willing 2. fresh 5. nobody 8. future 3. tired 6. easy 9. foolish

IO. Success 13.

II. sorrow

12. enemy



59. Writing a Letter. Write a letter to Ha using his description as a model for the body Begin it "I am going to describe a farm in a opposite to yours!" Then, using his kinds choose words that describe the mountains, boy, and dog in an entirely different (a happy opposite verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to use happy, sunshiny picture.

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will be exhibited on the board later.

Dictation. Copy Hamlin Garland's description on pa

as the teacher dictates it.

60. An Enunciation Game. write nine words with final ing. and down, across and diagonally.

Draw a checkerboar
Pronounce the wor

A Talk to the Class. Imagine that you are direc painter's hand as he draws and paints on the blackb scene you have imagined. Choose one of the followin describe it so that the class can see it.

When each speaker finishes, all who got a clear pict the place described should raise their hands.

[blocks in formation]

1. Where are things located in your picture?
2. What persons or animals are in it?
3. What are they doing?

4. What feeling is the picture to arouse?

5. What expressions can you use to bring out this feeling 6. With what idea will you begin?

7. With what idea will you close?

Handwork. Bind the written work of each team fo trip (page 255) together in a booklet for exhibition. M appropriate cover.

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1 I made them lay their hands in mine and
2 To reverence the king as if he were
3 Their conscience, and their conscience as
4 To ride abroad redressing human wrongs,
5 To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it,
6 To lead sweet lives in purest chastity,
7 To love one maiden only, cleave to her,
8 And worship her by years of noble deeds,
9 Until they won her;

10 Not only to keep down the base in man,
11 But teach high thought, and amiable word
12 And courtliness, and the desire for fame,
13 And love of truth, and all that makes a m


How many different things did the knights pr them separately on the board.

What is conscience 3 ? How would these kni world better? Look up in the dictionary the do not know, and discuss this famous pledge.

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