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An Exercise. Supply this, that, these, and following sentences. Tell which are demonstrat and which are adjectives.

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Make up five other sentences with this, that, th as adjective pronouns.

Writing a Letter. A knight of old went about kind deeds to others. Think of a kindness or court do to a boy or a girl in a lower class in your so a letter to him or her and suggest doing it.

Make an envelope and address it to the pupil


Pupils will be selected to act as messeng the letters to the various rooms and deliver teachers.

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sentences differ? Which italicized words are adject which are pronouns?

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In the sentences on the right all, each, and few are a modifying nouns. In the sentences on the left the for the nouns that they modify. When words like and few are used alone, they are called indefinite pron There are many words of this kind in English:

Always singular: | every one, everybody, everybody else, e (Singular verb) some one, somebody, somebody else, so no one, nobody, nobody else, nothing any one, anybody, anybody else, anyth one, each, either, neither, another, mu former, latter, other

Always plural:

both, few, many, several, others (Plura each other, one another

Either singular or plural, ac- | none

cording to meaning:
(Verb changes with meaning)

all, any

same, some, such

Either and neither may be conjunctions as well as p In the following sentences tell where either and ne used as conjunctions, and where as pronouns :

1. Either you or he must go.

2. Either is here.

3. Neither is here.

4. Neither Paul nor Mary is here.

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two." They are used with singular verbs. I intervening phrase steal the agreement.

Right: Either of the girls is here.

Wrong: Either of the girls "are" here

2. Singular pronouns, like each, every one, e must be followed by singular possessive adjective

Right: Each took her books (not "their books ") Right: Every one of the boys took his ball (not "t Right: Everybody had his record (not "their reco

3. Use "each other" in speaking of two another" in speaking of more than two. Say Alice like each other" (not "one another "). Ned, and Philip helped one another" (not "ea

4. The only pronouns that form genitives by t and s are the following indefinite pronouns :

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Say everybody else's (not “everybody's else") 5. Do not confuse some and somewhat. what better" (not " He is some better ").



y a noining are negatives.

They shuiu used in a sentence with not. This mistake is called

double negative." If you wish to use not, you shou anybody and anything instead of nobody and nothing. Right: I know nobody there.

Right: I do not know anybody there.
Wrong: I don't know "nobody" there.
Right: I have not done anything wrong.
Right: I have done nothing wrong.
Wrong: I haven't done "nothing" wrong.

An Exercise. Supply the correct forms in the fo blanks:

I. Neither one of us has had
2. Each animal in the cages has
3. Everybody should control

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dinner. (their, his)

attractions. (his temper. (their, his) share of the lunch. (their, her marks. (his, their)

6. Both of the girls lent me

7. Few of the class were without
8. Some one in the class had left

Ask each of the girls to take
10. Tom and Sam invited


books. (her, their) books. (his, the pencil. (their, seat. (her, their) (one another, each oth (some, somewhat) (somebody's else, somebody lesson well. (those, that)

II. He felt

blue that day.

12. You have

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before me is fresh;

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in the corner is w

(nobody, anybody)

(anything, nothing)

is still undone. (the latt


67. Conversation: The Great Theodore Roosevelt wrote the follow death of his son Quentin, an aviat Be ready to talk about its meaning.

1 Only those are fit to live, who do not fear to d fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life a life. 3 Both life and death are parts of the sa


4 Never yet was worthy adventure wholly carr the man who put his personal safety first. 5 Ne country worth living in unless its sons and dau that stern stuff which bade them die for it at yet was a country worth dying for unless its sons thought of life not as something concerned only evanescence of the individual but as a link in t of creation and causation, so that each person is s relations as an essential part of the whole, whos made to serve the larger and continuing life of th


7 Therefore it is that the man who is not willi war for a great cause is not worthy to live. that men and women who in peace time fear primary and vital duties and the high happiness who dare not beget and bear and rear the life that they are in their graves have broken the chain o have shown that they are unfit for companionship ready for the Great Adventure.


What is Roosevelt's idea of the Best Sort of sentences that would make good mottoes for individual. Memorize them.

*From Theodore Roosevelt's "The Great Adventure," pub Scribner's Sons.

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