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1 Ezekiel, as the prosecutor, made the first speech the mischief that had been done. He showed tha are bad and cannot be trusted. He spoke of th that had been spent in trying to catch the thief, a if they now set him free he would be a worse thie

2 "A woodchuck's skin," he said, "may perh ten cents. Small as that sum is, it will go a litt paying for the cabbage that he has eaten. But free, how shall we ever recover even a penny of lost? Clearly, he is of more value dead than al fore he ought to be put out of the way at once. JAMES BALDWIN: Thirty More Famous S

Copy by dictation the concluding paragra speech. Point out where there is inversion. clause is set in parenthetically between tw These should be set off by commas.

Talk about the beginning of Ezekiel's spec paragraph. What did he say? Here it is gi or reported by some one else. Plan the sente

must have spoken them.

77. Writing a Speech. Compose the first Ezekiel's speech. Copy the second paragraph

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be chosen to take the part of Ezekiel when you give the on your program for Animal Day.

78. Giving Reasons in a Speech. Here is the acco Daniel's part in the debate:

Daniel began by pleading for the poor animal's life. He into the Judge's face, and said:

1 "God made the woodchuck.
bright sunlight and the pure air.
free fields and the green woods.
to his life, for God gave it to him.

He made him to live in

He made him to enjoy This woodchuck has a r

2 "God gives us our food. He gives us all that we h Shall we refuse to share a little of it with this poor dumb ture who has as much right to God's gifts as we have?

3 "The woodchuck is not a fierce animal like the wolf or fox. He lives in quiet and peace. A hole in the side of hill, and a little food, is all he wants. He has harmed not but a few plants, which he ate to keep himself alive. He h right to life, to food, and to liberty; and we have no righ say he shall not have them.

See him tremble This is the only

4 "Look at his soft, pleading eyes. fear. He cannot speak for himself. in which he can plead for the life that is so sweet to Shall we be so cruel as to kill him? Shall we be so selfis to take from him the life that God gave him?"

The Judge did not wait for Daniel to finish his speech sprang to his feet, and as he wiped the tears from his eyes, h out, "Ezekiel, let the woodchuck go!" He felt that Go given him a son whose name would some day be known world.

JAMES BALDWIN: Thirty More Famous Stories R

Outline briefly the reason that Daniel gives graph of his speech on page 277. In which p he appeal for sympathy? Why is it well to plac graph last? In which paragraph does he refu charge that enemies might make?

Writing a Letter. Write a letter to Ebenezer judge, stating which speech you think is strong whether you think he should free the woodchuc it to death. Give your reasons.

Begin the letter as you would a business let formal letter. End it with "Yours respectfully 79. An Enunciation Drill. Outside of school, the two speeches of Daniel and Ezekiel, enunciat as distinctly as possible and working each speec suasive climax.

A Talk to the Class. The class will be div teams to take the parts of Prosecuting Attorney a Attorney. One team will deliver Ezekiel's sp other team will deliver Daniel's speech.

The teacher will act as the father, Judge Web In giving the talks, a pupil from each side will at once, and stand before the judge. Then, other, each will deliver his speech for or against. debate seem more real, perhaps some one can b of an animal to class.

On a sheet of paper you will record the nan speaker in each pair. These names will be cou two pupils who are voted the best will take Ezekiel and Daniel, respectively, in the acutal given on the program. The pupil ranking thir part of judge.

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present the following program. The president of the League will preside as chairman of the meeting. Th officers, with the guest of honor, will occupy front seat Copy the program and lay it on the teacher's desk tribution by the secretary of the Humane League, as the League assembles.

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The Eagle (Page 137)




(Page 273). Twelve p

TEN TALKS. What I Saw in the Woods (Page 274)
A Mother Horse's Advice (Page 187)
The Camel's Nose (Page 95).


A READING. A Heroic Dog (Page 185)

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Three p


A TRIAL IN COURT. Tommy Woodchuck at the Bar (Page 278)


nd the


Exhibit of Class Work for the Guest of Honor

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81. A Creed of Thrift. During the World W ury Department of the United States of Amer bankers of the country to give some suggestion help the American people to save. The follow Thrift was therefore written and sent broadd country.

This creed falls into three groups of senten belief about America; (2) what I will pledge my a result of that belief; (3) the definite thing I wil I will regard it. Find these.


1 I believe in the United States of America. 2 My opportunity and hope depend upon her fu I believe that her stability and progress rest dustry and thrift of her people.

4 Therefore I will work hard and live simply. 5 I will spend less than I earn.

6 I will use my earnings with care.

"I will save consistently.

8 I will invest thoughtfully.

9 To increase the financial strength of my count

I will buy government securities.

10 I will hold above barter the obligations my incurs.

11 I will do these things to insure the greatnes future.

How could the second sentence be combined to form a complex sentence?

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