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story of Hero.

Which animals make good pets for a growing family children? How should a pet be treated? Tell how pets h guarded the home or have served their owners in tim danger.

Writing a Letter. Write a letter to your father, tel about planning a budget for a family of five, which you inclose in the letter.

Make an envelope and address it.

154. Writing a Budget. Look over the outline of budget that you have planned on page 359 and see whe you can improve it. Write it up in as many paragraph you have main topics. In each paragraph give the rea why you suggest a certain per cent. Tell what are inclu in the topics discussed:

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Inclose the budget in the letter to your father (or paren guardian). Take the letter home for him to read. T bring it back.

Handwork. Make a poster of a family budget. To m more emphatic the different things for which a family n money either find pictures to illustrate them or draw color pictures of them. Print the eight names with la letters.

155. Correct Use of Verbs. Review the rules on pa 356 and 357. Make up two sentences to illustrate each


156. Preservation of the Home a Civic Duty. munity is made up of families, and each family means a of some kind. The following selection gives the opini a farsighted American statesman about the importan guarding the American home.


1 No nation can be great unless its sons and dau have in them the quality to rise level to the ne heroic days. 2 No army was ever great unless its s possessed the fighting edge. So likewise the c ship of any country is worthless unless in a c shows the spirit of the two million Americans who in this r war have eagerly come forward to serve under the banner Star, afloat and ashore, and of the other millions who woul be beside them over seas if the chance had been given 4 And yet such spirit in the long run avails nothing unless years of peace the average man and the average woman duty-performing type realize that the highest of all du the duty of perpetuating the family life, based on the mutu and respect of the one man and the one woman and on purpose to rear the healthy and fine-souled children whose c into life means that the family and therefore the nat shall continue in life.


Show that a mere house does not make a home. Wha is needed?

Roosevelt had the art of coining "the needs of heroic days 1"?

striking phrases. Show that we can

them in times of peace as well as in times of war. H

* From Theodore Roosevelt's "The Great Adventure," published by Charles ner's Sons.

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have families spread throughout the country? Why is resp as important as love in founding a home?

Can you think of a better ideal for a father and a mothe have in bringing up their children than to make them "heal and fine-souled 4"? What things will make children healt] What is the meaning of "fine-souled "? Mention seve things that make boys and girls cheap and coarsefine-souled.



She was as good as goodness is,

Her acts and all her words were kind,

And high above all memories

I hold the beauty of her mind.

FREDERIC HENTZ ADAMS in American Motherhoo

Which words apply to some one who is "fine-souled"? E do mothers preserve the spirit of the home?

Writing a Summary. Tell in your own words what Rod velt says of the home.

157. An Expression Drill. Think about the following po by Alfred Tennyson. Look up crannied in the dictiona Practice reading the poem at home until you bring out the meaning. Speak as if talking to the flower. Memorize poem or the one above.

Flower in the crannied wall,

I pluck you out of the crannies;
Hold you here, root and all, in my hand,

Little flower

but if I could understand

What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.

A Talk to the Class. Divide the class into five tea committees, each to tell how one of the following adds co pleasure, or beauty to a home:

I. Music

2. Pictures

3. Flowers

4. Books 5.

158. Analysis. Analyze the following sentences:

1. Alice and Margaret will visit Amy in her new home. 2. There are many things of beauty in that room.


Have you selected the furniture for the bedroom? 4. Mary and William furnished their rooms differently. 5. William wanted his room very plain, but Mary want room decorated.

6. Mary wanted pretty curtains and furniture covers


7. She made the curtains out of some cretonne that her n


8. William fastened his fishing rods, his racquet, and his shoes on one wall of his room.

9. These things were fastened tightly to the wall so that would not fall down.

10. In one corner of her room Mary had a pretty little s stand that she made out of a discarded box.

II. Have you made anything for your room?

12. Make something out of a discarded box.

13. There are many clever people who can do such things. 14. Look at what I have made.

15. Is it not pretty?

16. Where did Mary get her pretty cretonne?

17. Her mother had put it into the scrap bag, but Mary four 18. I love my room!

159. The Spirit of Neighborliness. A home cannot unto itself alone. The best kind of home recognizes obligations and pleasures of neighborliness.

1I thank thee, Lord, that I am straight and strong,
With wit to work and hope to keep me brave,
That threescore years, unfathomed, still belong
To the allotted life thy bounty gave.

2 I thank thee that the sight of sunlit lands
And dipping hills, the breath of evening grass,
The rush of tides and flowers in my hands
Can give me daily gladness as I pass.

3 I thank thee that I love the things of earth,
Ripe fruits and laughter, lying down to sleep,
The shine of lighted towns, the graver worth
Of beating human hearts that laugh and weep.
4 I thank thee that as yet I need not know,

Yet need not fear, the mystery of the end;
But more than all, and though all these should go
Dear Lord, thus on my knees! - I thank thee for my

Find the things for which the poet gives thanks. W could you add to these?

For what are you most grateful in your home? in y community life?

Writing a Letter. Write a letter to your mother. (1) it quote a poem that you like. (2) Tell how she helps you home. Try to show that you appreciate all that she is do for your home. (3) Invite her to come to your progr to-morrow.

Make an envelope and address it. Deliver the letter. 160. Exhibit of Posters. Bring to class your Bud Posters and put them up where everybody can see them.

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