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how the example is introduced:

I. I like a good motion picture; as, "America's Answer 2. You would like a good biography; as, Moores' "The Abraham Lincoln, for Boys and Girls.”

3. You should read a good book of fiction; as, Mark "Tom Sawyer."

Each of the above sentences begins with a general sta and concludes with the example that illustrates this statement. Observe that the word as introduces ea ample. It is preceded by a semicolon and followed


Under "Talk" below you will find four topics. board write examples for each. Then practice com good introductory sentences, using the word as to int your example.

93. An Enunciation Drill. Get Southey's poem Cataract of Lodore " and practice sounding the final A Talk to the Class. Recommend to the class one following:

I. A book of fiction

2. A moving picture

3. A short story
4. A book of biograph

Tell why you selected that topic and illustrate your by something you have read or have seen on the Use "as" in the opening sentence, introducing your ex Give the reasons why you like it.

A pupil will act as secretary to keep on the board the names for each topic. At the end of the period see topic is the most popular and which pupil has made t speech for each topic.

94. Writing a Paragraph. Collect accounts newspapers and magazines and mount the bes cardboard for the classroom, These are calle They usually give (I) introductory details; a name, the title of the book, and the name of the (II) a summary of the contents of the book or its strong points.

Select a book, a short story, or a poem that joyed. Outline the three points under (I) de and select from (II) according to your pr these heads as main topics. Outline the seco summary or statement. Review pages 20, 2 suggestions about outlining and summaries.

Write a review of the book, story, or poem, outline.

Correcting a Composition. In class exchang and outlines. On another sheet of paper answe questions:

1. Is the handwriting good, poor, or medium? 2. Is the composition paragraphed to follow the of the outline? Is each paragraph indented? Ha 3. Does the first paragraph give the three po above?

4. Is the second paragraph written with enoug you an idea of the main happenings (summary) or t to read it (statement of strong points)?

5. Check off any mistakes in spelling, grammar in the margin.

6. Does the writer use as to introduce an punctuated right?

Return your comments with the two other I

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selection contains nine sentences that should be arra a poem of nine lines. Review the rules on pages 37 and find those which apply to the selection. Copy it as with proper capitalization and punctuation.

somebody did a golden deed somebody proved a f need somebody sang a beautiful song somebody sm whole day long somebody thought it sweet to live so said im glad to give somebody fought a valiant figh body lived to shield the right was that somebody you

Observe that when it is impossible to get a full word line it may be divided by placing a hyphen after a at the end of the line and putting the rest of the word next line. In the above selection the word "somebc divided. You must always remember to divide a wo syllable.

The pupil who writes the poem most neatly and c will be chosen to copy it on the blackboard for "Book See which nine pupils can memorize the poem first. Handwork. Make a poster to advertise the book you 96. Cultivating the Dictionary Habit. You shoul as soon as possible to open the dictionary promptly initial letter of the word you are seeking. The followi will help you to divide the book roughly into three



A to E

F to P



Q to Z

In class, practice locating words in these three grou they were in three boxes, I, II, and III.

To speak or write effectively you must hav large enough to express shades of meaning. V somewhat the same, or nearly the same, mea synonyms. For instance, "sufficient" and


Divide the following sets of synonyms amo look up the shades of meaning in the dictiona

1. tour, trip, voyage

2. haughty, proud, vain

3. retire, retreat, withdraw

4. honest, honor 5. astonishing, st 6. glee, happines

Remember: Learn to find words quickly in i Learn to use synonyms correctly.

A Baseball Dictionary Match. The teache three words in the dictionary and the pupil give the number of the box, or part of book, v Occur. See page 93.

Writing a Letter. Write a friendly letter to girl who made the clearest and most persuasive Tell why you liked the talk and recommenda the others to read.

97. The Danger of Slang. that could be applied to slang.


The poem on pa

Be ready to te

"Beware of slang!

It's the camel's

Write on the board correct expressions for have heard on the playground or the street. Show that the following wise saying is true

Habit is a cable. We weave a thread of it ever we cannot break it.




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1 Once in his shop a workman wrought,
With languid hand and listless thought,
When through the open window's space,
Behold! a camel thrust his face :

"My nose is cold," he meekly cried;
"Oh, let me warm it by thy side!"

2 Since no denial word was said,

In came the nose, in came the head;
As sure as sermon follows text,
The long and scraggy neck came next;
And then, as falls the threatening storm,
In leaped the whole ungainly form.

3 Aghast the owner gazed around,
And on the rude invader frowned,
Convinced, as closer still he pressed,
There was no room for such a guest;
Yet more astonished heard him say,
"If thou art troubled, go away,
For in this place I choose to stay."


Writing a Class Composition. In class make up se summarizing the story of "The Camel's Nose." T will contribute sentences, and the teacher will write board those which sound best.

Each pupil will then complete the composition for by applying the lesson of "The Camel's Nose" to th slang. Show that the person who forms the habit slang frequently cannot think of the correct expressio he most wants it; as, in applying for a position.

BOL. ADV. EV. ENG. - 8

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