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the vast numbers of new settlements that are made by the young which are poured from the mouth.

Although we have now learned the method by which the Coral animals are reproduced, we have not ascertained how the solid, stony substance which we call Coral is formed, nor the precise connexion which exists between the animal and the Coral.

If the reader will take up a branch of the ordinary Coral of commerce, he will see that it is slightly grooved or fluted throughout its extent, and that its surface is studded with little projections having star-like discs. Now, if this piece of Coral could be again clothed with the living creature by which it was deposited, we should see a beautiful and a wonderful sight. Next to the stony core lie a series of longitudinal vessels, each vessel corresponding with a groove, and above them lies a confused mass of irregular vessels communicating with each other. At intervals there arise the lovely flowerets of the Coral, the bodies being bright rose-colour, and their arms pure white. These arms or tentacles are in ceaseless motion, and the aspect of a large and healthy branch of coral is imposingly beautiful.

The animal has the power of depositing certain minute calcareous particles, commonly called spicules, which are always of remarkable forms, and are different in the various species of coral. In the common red Coral, they are nearly cylindrical, and armed with projecting knobs covered with angular spikes. These spicules are then bound together by a red cement, and thus the Coral is formed, the fluted branches being deposited under the longitudinal vessels, and the raised projections under the flowerets of the polype. To see the Coral in full vigour it is necessary to visit the spots where it grows, as it dies almost im mediately after being taken out of the water, and even if transferred with great care to a vessel, is sure to die in a very short time. After death, the whole of the bark dries up, and fades. away, so that it crumbles into powder at a touch, and can be removed by merely rubbing the Coral between the fingers.

SEVERAL of the more curious species of Corals and Madrepores are to be seen upon the large illustration, which represents a portion of sea-bed beset with these beautiful zoophytes.

In the upper left hand corner is the common RED CORAL of commerce, which has been already mentioned, and in the upper


centre is a clustered branch of the WHITE CORAL, which is so much used as a drawing-room ornament when placed under a glass shade. In the upper right-hand corner may be seen a singular group of zoophytes with curved stems and flower-like heads. This is the GREEN CLAVELLARIA (Clavellaria viridis), one of the most striking examples of the genus.

The Green Clavellaria is very common on the Isle of Vanikoro, and is found in tolerably large masses, adhering to rocks, madrepores and similar substances. All the Clavellarias are of somewhat similar shape, though variable in size and colour, and may be recognised by several conspicuous characteristics. The tubes are nearly cylindrical, but tapering, as shown in the illustration, and forming a footstalk, which is more or less bent.

The texture is somewhat leathery, and is strengthened by innumerable spicules of a calcareous nature, which are agglomerated together in bundles. These spicules are too small to be distinguished except by the microscope; but under a tolerably high power, they are seen to be long and spindle-shaped, sharp at both ends, and being encircled with little rounded knobs, set in regular rows. These tubes are always placed very closely together, but do not adhere to each other, their grooved surfaces being always distinct.

The animal by which this tube is formed is a very pretty one, cylindrical, with eight radiating tentacles of a violet grey. The colour of the tube is green for the upper half, and then changes to brown, so that the contrast of the two colours is very decided. The average length of the tube is two inches.

There are several other species of Clavellaria, among which may be noticed the VIOLET CLAVELLARIA (Clavellaria violacea). This is a much smaller species, but is coloured in a more bold and decided manner. In this creature the tubes are dark violet, and the tentacles are bright yellow. They do not, however, project from the tube as boldly as those of the preceding species, but only just show their tips above the entrance, withdrawing them smartly on the least alarm. As they retreat, they slightly contract the orifice, their bodies being fastened to the inside of the tube.

TOWARDS the centre of the illustration, and on the right-hand side, may be seen a remarkable tree-like object, covered with

long, tendril-like appendages, each tipped with a radiating beard. This zoophyte is known by the title of Xenia elongata, and on account of its singular form, is a very conspicuous species.

Examples of this genus are spread over many of the hotter parts of the world, some being found in the Red Sea, and all notable for the remarkable form of the animal and its submarine home. The present species has been chosen more for the singularity of its form, than the beauty of its colours, which cannot be expressed in the simple black and white of a woodcut. Some species of this genus have the star-like tentacles coloured with blue of various shades, some with rose, and some with lilac, and as in many cases the expanded tentacles are an inch in diameter, the effect of a large mass of these animals in full health is very fine.

Except, however, in their native state, they never can be seen in full health, their constitutions being so delicate that they cannot endure removal from the spot whereon they were developed. If removed from the water, they immediately shrink to half their size, and do not assume their former dimensions, no matter how carefully they are tended. The present species is found on the shores of the Feejee Islands, and in form is certainly the most singular of its genus, the enormously long and slender body at once distinguishing it from any other species. Its colour is simple brown, and the diameter of the tentacles is rather more than three-quarters of an inch.

IN the left-hand lower corner of the illustration is a curious globular object, covered with circular and radiated marks, and having a number of flower-headed projections upon the top. This is the GREEN ASTRÆA (Astræa viridis), one of the finest examples of a singular and beautiful group of zoophytes. In this genus the animals are shaped something like the well-known sea anemone, and rather short, having a great number of very small tentacles, which are gathered round a central mouth. The "cups" which these animals form, and in which they live, are rather deep and conical, and their inner surfaces are corrugated into a number of thin walls with beautifully serrated edges.

The animal is rather oddly formed. The body is not quite. cylindrical, but is broader at the base than at the top, and is deeply ridged with circular furrows, so that it looks very like the

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