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his brother, who was chief director of the Ohio company, easily secured the position of surveyor. Noah Stevens went with him and shared his wanderings and trials in the mountains.

George had displayed great skill as a woodsman, and, when but a boy, he had a company of surveyors under him tracing lines and boundaries on which nations were to pour out their blood. English traders penetrated into the Ohio country to the domain of the Miamis and even beyond; but the jealousy of the French was roused. They saw with alarm their waning influence, and the growing popularity of the English among the Indians. They regarded the English as intruders and presaged the ultimate destruction of their fortified line of communication between Canada and the Gulf of Mexico. In 1753, they seized and imprisoned some of the surveyors and traders, and about twelve hundred French soldiers were employed to erect forts in the wilderness between the upper waters of the Alleghany River and Lake Erie. One of these was erected at Presque-isle, now Erie, on the southern shore of the lake of that name. Another was reared at Le Boeuf, on French Creek, now Waterford, and a third was constructed at the junction of French Creek and the Alleghany River, on the site of the village of Franklin.

These fortifications and hostile demonstrations

caused many complaints and remonstrances from the Ohio company, whose lands lay within the chartered limits of Virginia. The governors of Virginia and Pennsylvania had received instructions from England to repel the French by force of arms if necessary. Governor Robert Dinwiddie, who was one of the company, determined before resorting to hostile measures to send a letter of remonstrance to the French commander, and decided that Major George Washington, at this time scarce twenty-one years of age, should be the bearer of the message.

George Washington, evincing great military genius and possessing influential friends, at the age of nineteen years was commissioned major of militia, charged with defending the colony against incursions of the Indians, and he had entered on the duties of the office with a zeal which showed a wonderful adaption to such matters. Dinwiddie sent for Major Washington.

Noah Stevens was at the headquarters of the young continental officer, when the instructions came for him to repair at once to the governor.

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Will you come with me?" asked Major Washington.


"A matter of considerable importance is to be discussed, and if I am to make another campaign

into the wilderness, I would like to have you accompany me."

"I shall be happy to do so," Noah Stevens answered, and they set out at once for Williamsburg. Entering the gubernatorial mansion, they were shown at once to the room of the governor. On entering the apartment with the young major, Noah saw a bald-headed Scotchman, about sixtythree or four years of age, with thin, sandy hair, stoutly built, and of an extremely nervous temperament, seated at the table. His pale blue eyes

at once rested on the young major.

Young Washington was full six feet in height, strongly built, with a florid complexion and every indication of good health and great physical strength.


The work I require of you, Major Washington, is very important," said the governor eying the youthful Virginian.

Major Washington nodded his head and waited in respectful silence.

"You are aware of the encroachments of the French upon the territories of Virginia and Pennsylvania in the valley of the Ohio," resumed the governor.

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"We have been instructed by the home government to resist their encroachments to the last; but I have decided, before proceeding to harsh

means, to send a letter to the French commander, asking him to desist in trespassing on the domain of the Ohio company. Are you quite willing to

undertake the delivery of that letter?"

"I am."

"It is a mission of great delicacy and will require very careful management."

Washington, with a smile on his sun-browned, but handsome face, answered:

"I trust, governor, that I appreciate the importance of the mission.

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"You will start at once and mark well the country through which you travel as well as the fortifications and numbers of the enemy."

Washington was further instructed to repair to Logstown and hold a communication with Tanacharisson, Monacatoocha, Alias Scarooyadi, the next in command, and the other sachems of the mixed tribes friendly to the English, inform them of the purport of his errand and request an escort to the headquarters of the French commander. He was to deliver his letter and the credentials to the French commander and, in the name of his king, demand an answer.

"Where are you going from here, Major?" Noah asked, when they prepared to set out from Williamsburg.

"I am going to Fredericksburg," he answered,




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