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The management of the Central Railroad of New Jersey has made another step of advancement through the recent installation of a system of car cleaning which has the universal approval of the health authorities along its line, and as it is practically the first transportation company to adopt it, the method may be of interest to our readers.

The old method of car cleaning with a whisk here and a dash there with a broom or duster was not only unsanitary, but unsatisfactory, for the reason that it had the effect largely of removing dust and dirt from one section and depositing it elsewhere; but under the new method, which is termed the "Vacuum Sweeping System," the dirt and dust is drawn from the car by suction through a pipe and is gone forever. The New Jersey Central has erected an immense vacuum plant in its Jersey City yards, and for a distance of 3,600 feet has laid pipe varying from two to five inches in diameter, covering in all about three miles. At short intervals this pipe is tapped, and from these cocks is run the flexible hose, which may be taken in the car either by door or window. At the foot of the hose is a metal pipe with a flat triangular end, along the base of which is an opening, and through which the dust and dirt is drawn by the Vacuum, or "drawing-in machine," located a distance away. The operator runs the slot opening over the cushions, carpets, curtains, wood-work, etc., and without any commotion or dust raising every loose particle of germ is whisked away, everything being left clean and wholesome. The dust thus removed, before reaching the great "drawing-in machine," must pass through two dust separators, the first of which clears the air of 90 per cent. of the grit, dust and germs; the second separator or cylinder draws the air through water in which corrosive sublimate is used, and completes perfectly the purification. The New Jersey Central management has for a long time felt the necessity for a more sanitary method of car cleaning, and the Vacuum System, while reducing disease liabilities to a minimum, at the same time reduces the cost of cleaning and time consumed. Two cars can be thoroughly cleaned under the new system at the same expense of time and money as was formerly consumed in cleaning one, and this in connection with the increased sanitary value is sure to cause its general introduction within a short time, not only by other transportation companies, but by theaters, hotels, places of resort, and even the home.


(HENRY'S.) Liquor Sal-Iodides.

A powerful alterative and resolvent, glandular and hepatie Colchicin, 1-20 grain. Phytolaccin, 1-10 stimulant, and succedaneum to the lodides. Indicated in all grain. Solanin, 1-3 grain. Soda Saliconditions dependent upon perverted tissue metabolism in lym oylate, 10 grains. Iodic Acid, equal to phatic engorgements and functional viaceral disturbances: In 7-32 grains Iodine. Aromatic Cordial. lingering rheumatic pains which are worse at night." Rone, periostea and visceral symptoms of late syphilis; for the remov Dose 1 to 2 dr. in water. 8-oz. bottle $1. al of all inflammatory, plastic and gouty deposits. A remedy in sciatica, megrim, neuralgias, lumbago and muscular pains: the gouty and rheu matic diathesis; acute and chronic rheumatism and gout; chronic eczema and psoriasis, and all dermic disorders in which there is underlying blood taint.

An hepatic stimulant increasing the quantity and fluidity of the bile. Relleres hepatic and In testinal torpor: does not cause the unpleasant gastric symptoms of potassium Iodide.

THREE CHLORIDES (HENRY'S.) Liquor Ferrisenic.

Each drachm contains Proto-Chlor.
Iron, 1-8 gr.; Bi-Chlor. Mercury, 1-128
gr.; Chloride Arsenic, 1-280 gr.; Cali-
saya Cordial. Dose, 1 to 2 dr.
ottle, 81.


An oxygen-carrying ferruginons preparation. suitable for prolonged treatment of children, adults and the aged. Indicated In anemia and bodily weakness, convalescence from acute die eases and surgical operations: boys and girls at the age of pn berty, and the climacteric period in women. In children with chorea, rickets, or who are backward in development, or l whom there exists an aversion to meats and fats. Prolonged administration never causes "iron headache."

As an adjuvant for potassium Iodide the undesirable manifestations known as fodism can be re wed. Stimulant for the peptic and hydrochloric glandular system of the stomach, especially ser viceab he impaired appetite, nausea vomiting and other gastric symptoms of alcoholle subjects

MAIZO-LITHIUM Liquor Lithium Malzenate.

Nascent Chemic Union of Maizenio
Acid- from Green Corn Silk-with
Lithium, forming Maizenate-Lithium.
Two grains to drachm. Dose, I to 2
drachms. 8-oz. bottle, $1.

A genito-urinary sedative, an active diuretic; solvent and flush indicated for the rellef and prevention of renal colle; a sedative in the acute stages of gonorrheal cystitis and epididy mitis; in dropsical effusions due to enfeebled heart or to renal diseases. As a solvent in the varied manifestations of gont. goutiness and neurotic lithemia, periodical migrainous headache, epigastric oppression, cardiac palpitation, Irregular, weak or intermittent pulse; irritability, moodiness, insomnia and other nervous symptoms of uric acidemia, Decidedly BETTER, more economical, extensive in action and definite in results THAN MINERAL WATERS.

Those cases of irritable heart, irregular or intermittent pulse so frequently met with by insur ace examiners and found to be due to excess of uric acid, are special indication for Maizo-Lithium. HENRY PHARMACAL CO., Louisville, Ky.



Marks' Patents of 1854, 1863, 1865, 1881, 1886, 1887, 1892, 1893. 1895, cover all the accredited improvements in artificial legs and arms, and make the Marks Artificial Limbs peerless. Rubber feet remove jar and make the stump-bearings easy. Rubber hands extend the limits of accommodation.

Light, Durable, Practical. Do not get out of order, and are mexpensive to wear. Appreciated by over twenty-seven thousand wearers and thousands of surgeons of prominence.

The Limits of the utility of Marks' Artificial Limbs are unbounded. Persons wearing them engage in every occupation and profession.

This cut is from a photograph of John J.Winn, Signal Quartermaster on "U. S. S. Oneida," who lost his leg above the knee, and arm above the elbow, by the explosion of a shell while the steamer was engaged in the attack of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, under the command of Admiral Farragut, April 22, 1862. The following letter tells what the old warrior knows about Artificial Legs and Arms:

Mr. A. A. MARKS.

DEAR SIR: I write you this simply to say that my experience with your Artificial Limbs, together with considerable experience with other kinds, induces me to prefer yours by all odds. The special point I desire to mention is the simplicity of construction in your leg, whereby I can take it apart, lubricate and adjust with my one (natural) hand. and put together again without any help. My good solid weight of 240 pounds gives the leg a good trial, nnd yet I feel a confidence in it that I never had in any other kind. Yours sincerely Forty highest awards. JOHN J. WINN Endorsed and purchased by the United States and several other goverments. Send for Marks' Treatise on Artificial Limbs, and become acquainted with particulars. The book contains 500 pages, illustrated by 800 cuts, and a thousand testimonials. Instructions are given how to take measurements and obtain artificial limbs without leaving home.


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This may be done without internal medication and without disturbing the patient, by the use of Vaporized Cresolene.

Vaporized Cresolene has a marked sedative influence on all diseases of the respiratory organs attended with irritation and a spasmodic element.

Literature on application.

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