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When advising a mother to use Mellin's Food for her baby, it is a good plan to give her a sample at the same time.

While your instructions are fresh in her mind, she is more likely to prepare it just as you have instructed.

Write us for samples when you need them. They will

be sent to you free.

Mellin's Food Co.,

Boston. Mass.

Mellin's Food is the ONLY Infants' Food, which received the Grand Prize,

the highest award of the St. Louis Exposition, 1904.

Higher than a gold medal.


The ideal and safe laxative, known as-Syrup of Figs-is a product of the California Fig Syrup Co., and derives its laxative principles from senna, made pleasant to the taste and more acceptable to the stomach, by being combined with pleasant aromatic syrups and the juice of figs. It is recommended by many of the most eminent physicians, and used by millions of families with entire satisfaction. It has gained a great reputation with the medical profession by reason of the acknowledged skill and care exercised by the California Fig Syrup Co. in securing the laxative principles of the senna by an original method of its own, and presenting them in the best and most convenient form. The California Fig Syrup Co. has special facilities for commanding the choicest qualities of Alexandria senna, and its chemists devote their entire attention to the manufacture of the one product. The name Syrup of Figs-means to the medical profession "the family laxative, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co." and the name of the company is a guarantee of the excellence of its product. Informed of the above facts, the careful physician will know how to prevent the dispensing of worthless imitations when he recommends or prescribes the original and genuineSyrup of Figs. It is well known to physicians that -Syrup of Figs-is a simple, safe and reliable laxative, which does not irritate or debilitate the organs on which it acts, and, being pleasant to the taste, it is especially adapted to ladies and children, although generally applicable in all cases. Special investigation of the profession invited.


Syrup of Figs-is never sold in bulk. It retails at fifty cents per bottle, and the name-SYRUP OF FIGS,-as well as the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., is printed on the wrappers and labels of every bottle


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K, N. Y.

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(Soluble metallic silver)


check beginning sepses and are powerful weapons even in desperate infectious processes. Clinical experience recorded in a literature of over 150 reports shows their efficacy and harmlessness.

(15% Collargolum Ointment)




Bland carbonates of the caustic creosote and guaiacol. Even 12-dram

doses are well borne. Hundreds of publications evidence their value in phthisis, pneumonia, typhoid fever, bronchitis, etc.


The astringent antiseptic par excellence in all enteric fermentative processes. Innocuous, inodorous, tasteless. It rapidly eliminates the toxalbumins and soothes inflamed mucous membranes.

Literature supplied by


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