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That these mines may be profitably wrought admits of no doubt, the cost of working them being found not to exceed thirty-five cents to the bushel, at 100 lbs of ore, even in the present imperfect state of the mining business; and the average product of the Walton mine is stated at 592 dollars to the 100 lbs or bushel of ore. Professor Rogers, of the University of Virginia, obtained between twelve and thirteen dollars from 100 lbs of the ore of this mine, and on four trials by another distinguished mineralogist, an average of 4142 dollars for 100 lbs of ore was obtained.

The amount of gold received at the United States mint from the mines in the Southern States, from 1824 to 1834 inclusive, was 5,126,500 dollars. But a small part of the gold obtained from the mines is sent to the mint. The greater part is sent to Europe, and a considerable portion is used by jewellers and other manufacturers in the United States.

The value of the gold taken from all the gold mines of the United States for the last ten years is estimated at 880,000,000 dollars.

The Golden Eagle.-Directions have been given by the treasury depart ment to the director of the mint, at Philadelphia, to have the dies prepared for this superb coin, and the stamping of it commenced with all convenient dispatch. It is now thirty-four years since any of the coin was struck at the mint. The coinage of the eagle ceased in 1804, because the erroneous standard of gold caused it to be exported almost as fast as struck. The exhibits of the mint show that upwards of 1,300,000 of this coin were struck.

The Cherokees are finally to be removed from North Carolina and Georgia to the West.


Tamehamea III., king of the Sandwich islands, has forbidden the propagation in his dominions of "the peculiarities of the Catholic religion," "or any thing similar," alleging the intolerance" of those who follow the Pope" as the cause of this exclusion. Any teachers of that religion landing on the island are to be sent back to the vessel, and it is not to be suffered to sail without them.

Singular Tidal Phenomena.-Soon after six o'clock one evening lately, the sea fell very rapidly, about eight feet, leaving several vessels aground. The weather was clear and pleasant; thermometer at 745, barometer 306; fine breeze from the north-east, squally at intervals. The water, after remaining stationary a few seconds, rose again to the ordinary high-water mark, and at six hours forty minutes, again receded four feet six inches, perpendicularly, in twenty-seven minutes; it then again rose to the same height as before, and fell again four feet three inches: the third time it rose four inches higher than before. After the fourth, all the ebb and flow, which had hitherto occupied about twenty-eight minutes each, gradually diminished and varied in time, flowing in ten, and ebbing in twenty minutes. This continued during the night and part of the next forenoon. The rapidity with which the water rose and fell varied considerably in different parts of the harbour; at no time did the water rise above high-water mark. Towards midnight the wind subsided, and much rain fell, but there were no unusual atmospheric appearances or trembling of the earth. The whole commotion appeared to be in the sea.





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