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produce if properly received, from heartily and chearfully embracing it! Thousands there have

been in every age, and thousands there are in this age, yea in this nation, who (whatever they may pretend to the contrary) manifest by their tempers and conduct that they are yet unacquainted with that gofpel which they profess.

Now that we may be able to judge whether their character and conduct deferves our imitation it is worth our while to confider, as was proposed,

II. The Confequences of rejecting or not being favingly acquainted with the gofpel.

1. Upon this head little need be faid, the cafe is fo exceedingly plain. It is fufficiently evident from what has been already advanced, that as the gofpel finds all mankind in a loft condition, destitute of the favour and image of GOD, and liable to his wrath and eternal damnation; fo it is intended to recover them from their fall, and to restore them to that holiness and happiness which they have loft. And it is a difpenfation manifeftly well calculated, nay altogether fufficient to answer this end. It is a remedy, not only every way suited to our disease, but of fufficient virtue to expel it and put us in poffeffion of our former health and happinefs. And all who embrace this gofpel, according to the defign of its Author, prove its efficacy, and find to their prefent and eternal comfort, that it does in fact accomplish all that it has promised to the ruined race of Adam.

2. But at the fame time, be it obferved, that as it is an all-fufficient remedy, fo it is the only fufficient one. There is no other mean of health and happiness; no other way of falvation, but that which this gofpel reveals. There is no other name, given under heaven among men, whereby we can be javed but that of Chrift, which this gofpel makes known. There is no other facrifice for fin, which can take it away and procure for us a pardon, but C


that which this gospel points out. There is no other Spirit to discover to us our want of that facrifice, and to enable us to depend upon it with penitent and obedient hearts, but that which this gofpel offers. Hence it certainly follows, (as it is in our text,) If our gofpel le hid, it is hid to those that are loft. All that are unacquainted with it, that do not experience its divine efficacy, remain in that loft, ruined, wretched condition, in which all are by nature, and that without help and without hope. No other remedy will ever be offered, no other way of falvation ever revealed, no other mean of happiness ever prescribed; but they must for ever fuffer all the miferable confequences of their fall in Adam. They must remain difeafed and dead in fin here, till they are adjudged to the fecond death hereafter they must continue polluted, accurfed, miferable, till they are bid to depart accurfed into everlasting fire, which will not purify them from, but increase their pollutions, where he that is unholy will be more and more unholy fill, and of confequence will be the more tormented.

3. Such, in the nature of things, must be the end of those who obey not be gospel of Chrift. They fin against the remedy and must therefore perish without remedy: they will not come unto Chrift that they may have life; they can receive it from no other, and therefore they abide in death till they are fealed up in death eternal. But is this all? Have they no other mifery to dread but this which is merely a confequence of their fallen ftate? This punishment, thus confequential, will, no doubt, be great beyond conception, and might well deter any confiderate and ferious mind from rejecting the gofpel of Chrift. But yet this is not all the impenitent have to fear. There is further referved for them a fuperadded and increased misery as a just recompence of their ingratitude and rebellion, in rejecting the falvation offered in the gospel. For furely,

furely, if, after all that has been defigned by infinite love, contrived by infinite wisdom, and executed by infinite power; if, after all the unparalleled fufferings and astonishing transactions of the Son of God, with the amazing procefs of divine grace in our behalf, from first to last; if, after all the fuperintending care, the awful judgments, and diftinguishing bleffings of God's providence; the plain directions, terrible threatnings and comfortable promiles of GOD's word; the folemn warnings, affectionate addreffes and earnest invitations of GOD's minifters; and above all, the condefcending vifitations, moving difcoveries and powerful pleadings of GOD's Spirit;-if, after all this (I fay) we ftill ungratefully reject the gospel of Chrift, and fteel our hearts against its efficacy, nothing remaineth for us, but a fearful looking for of judgment, and fiery indignation which shall devour us as adverfaries, a judgment far more severe, and an indignation far hotter than would have befallen us, if fo much had not been done for our recovery.

4. Concerning this matter the feripture is plain and exprefs. This, it tells us, is the condemnation, not that all died in Adam and are by nature in a loft eftate, (altho' even on this account we are condemned, and the condemnation is fufficiently dreadful,) but that light is come into the world, and men love. darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. That provifion is made for the inftruction, holiness and happiness of mankind, and they chufe rather to remain in their original ignorance, fin and mifery, therefore they fhall be condemned to a greater punishment and a more aggravated ruin. This is further manifeft from the conduct of GoD towards the Ifraelites, who abufed the light and privileges of a more dark and imperfect difpenfation; a difpenfation established with far lefs ap. paratus of grace and mercy, and lefs illuftrious difplays of love and power; which did not ceft

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the Godhead fo dear (if I may fo fpeak) and upon the fuccefs of which his heart was not fo much fet. Now was their contempt and abuse of this inferior difplay of divine goodness fuffered to pafs unpunished? Far, very far from it. "Every tranf greffion and act of difobedience (fays the apoftle) received a juft recompence of reward;" and "they. that defpifed the law of Mofes died without mercy under two or three witneffes." May we not then argue with the apoftle, "Of how much forer punishment, fuppofe ye, fhall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, counted the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and done despite to the Spirit of grace! If they efcaped not who refused him who spake on earth (viz Mofes) much lefs fhall we efcape, if we turn away from him that fpeaketh from heaven!" And "If the word fpoken by angels was ftedfaft, and every tranfgreffion thereof feverely punished, how fhall we escape if we neglect fo great falvation, which at first begun to be spoken (not by angels but) by: the Lord himself, and was confirmed unto us by thofe that heard him; God alfo bearing witnefs, both with figns and wonders, and divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghoft, according to his will.”

5. From thefe declarations of holy Scripture, they who neglect or reject the falvation of the gofpel, may judge what they have to expect, even judgment in extreme without any mixture of mercy, and lafting as the days of eternity! Un- . happy creatures! "Their judgment of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation flumbereth not! For if God fpared not the angels that finned, but caft them down to hell," (though no Saviour died for them, no falvation was offered to them or rejected by them,) "and delivered them into chains of darkness to be referved unto judgment; " much lefs will he spare them who have multiplied their offences as the fand on the fea fhore, and have re


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jected a pardon, procured for them, by the most exquifite fufferings, and ignominious, painful death of GOD's own Son!

6. And does it not then concern us, my brethren, most seriously to enquire, whether we reject this gofpel, and neglect the great falvation offered in it? Can we omit fo to do and not be wanting in prudence as well as grase? As devoid of wisdom as of piety? Surely, if we are careless about a matter of fuch infinite importance, we fhew that we as truly difregard our own welfare as the honour of God, and are as certainly enemies to ourfelves, as to our great and gracious Creator. Enquire then, I beseech you, I do not fay, into your knowledge, but into your experience in this matter, and ask your hearts, Whether you have seen your need of, and cordially embraced those bleffings which have this day been fet before you? Has the gofpel been a means, through the blood of Chrift and the Spirit of God, of miniftering to you righteousness and life? Has it justified your perfons and renewed your nature? Have you found peace with GOD through it, and power? Adoption into his family, and a restoration to his likenefs? If you have hitherto, not only ftopped fhort of thefe privileges, but have even refted contented without then, be affured whatever knowledge you have gotten of the gofpel in theory, you are yet unacquainted with it in experience. It has not, by any means, anfwered its intended end upon you, but is ftill really hid to you, and you remain in a loft estate, and are in the high road to be loft for ever!

7. May the Lord incline you to lay this to heart ere it be too late! May you feel your want of those bleffings, which are freely offered you in the gofpel of Chrift and gratefully receive them! The gofpel has come to you in word, may you never reft till it alfo come to you in power, and with C 3


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