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J. F. Taylor, Tex.; M. F. Turney, Tenn.; E. E. Wade, Ark.; J. Ward, Jr., Tex.; F. B. Wilson, A. L. Yearwood, Tenn.

The Chancellor then awarded the founder's medal for highest proficiency in all studies to Dr. John W. Hanner, of Franklin, Tenn., which entitles him to an internship at the City Hospital. The $50 scholarships were won in the first year class by W. D. Rose, of Tennessee; second year class by W. A. Duncan, of Kentucky; and in the third year class by G. D. McLean, of Mississippi.

After the benediction by Rt. Rev. Bishop R. K. Hargrove, the well pleased audience, and the newly made Doctors of Medicine, delighted in highest measure after exchanging and receiving congratulations retired from the auditorium.

Pleasing and attractive musical selections by the Vendome orchestra were interspersed throughout the exercises.


An Act to prevent the substitution of any drug in filling physicians' prescriptions by druggists in the State.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That is shall be unlawful for any corporation, firm or person, or any combination or association of corporations, firms or persons engaged in the business of buying, compounding and selling drugs and medicines to substitute any drug or medicine in lieu or instead of that given to the patient by the physician on the face of his prescription.

SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be unlawful for any agent or employe of such person, firm or corporation or association or combination of persons, firm or corporations engaged in the business of buying and selling drugs in this State to substitute any medicine for the specific medicine mentioned in the physician's prescription.

SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this act, or aiding or abetting the violations of the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each and every offense.

SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Approved April 3, 1901.

A true copy,

E. B. WILSON, Speaker House of Reprensatives.
NEWTON H. WHITE, Speaker of the Senate.
JOHN W. MORTON, Secretary of State.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalyptol (pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract.)— Apply to Dr. Sander, Belle Plaine, Iowa, for gratis supplied sample and literature of Sander's Eucalyptol. It is invaluable in inflammations of the mucous membranes and in all septic and infectious diseases. Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., sole agents,

THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN RAILWAY SURGEONS will hold its sixth annual meeting in Mobile, Ala., May 7th, 8th, and 9th.

The object of these annual meetings is three-fold:

1. The general promotion of the science and art of medicine and surgery.

2. The special advancement of every member in such knowledge and skill as pertains to the most skillful and humane treatment of those injured by the railway company.

3. The establisement of cordial relations and fellowship between members.

The Association is especially desirous of having every surgeon in the service of the Southern Railway Company and controlled lines attend this meeting and become a member.

The Association has already proven to be one of the largest and most active of the kind on the continent; all former meetings have been interesting and instructive, and from all indications this meeting will surpass all others in attendance aud scientific work.

The Committee on Arrangements has selected the Battle House for the Association's headquarters and will announce special hotel rates later. Transportation will be furnished surgeons and members of their families as for former meetings.

The Pullman Car Company has offered complimentary return transportation. S. R. MILLER, M.D., President, Knoxville, Tenn. THOMAS H. HANCOCK, M.D., Secretary, Atlanta, Ga.

THE TENNESSEE BOARD OF PHARMACY composed of J. F. Voight, of Chattanooga, President; B. H. Owen, Clarksville, Vice-President; Al. A. Yeager, Knoxville; A. B. Rains, Columbia; J. S. Robinson, Memphis, held its quarterly meeting at Nashville, April 16, 17, 18. This being the last meeting of the year the Board was reorganized with the following officers: B. H. Owen, Clarksville, President; A. B. Rains, Columbia, Vice-President; Robert L. Eves, Secretary: E. A. Ruddiman, Chemist, and Lee Brock, Attorney, Nashville. A class of eighteen presented themselves for examination. The papers were of exceptionally high grade. As a result certificates as Registered Pharmacists were issued to W. H. Stevens, E. P. Berkshire, Ben. F. Wise, Nashville; B. L. Fortune, Memphis; B. B. Kerr, Murfreesboro; Richard Smith, Columbia.

The following attained the regular grade for Registered Pharmacists, but not having had the required experience will be given certificates as Assistant Pharmacists; they will be entitled to certificates as regular Pharmacists on completion of required experience without further examination: Oscar Taylor Martin, A. Kimmons, Frank McGrady, Nashville; A. L. Smith, Murfreesboro; J. E. Justice, Pleasant View. An Assistant Pharmacist certificate was issued to T. Cecil Prince, Knoxville.

The State Legislature has passed a much needed cocaine law, making it unlawful for anyone to sell, barter, or give away cocaine, or any com

pound thereof, except on the prescription of a physician. This prescription not to be refilled. The law does not apply to wholesale druggists in supplying the trade, nor to retail druggists in supplying dentists and physicians. Penalty for violation of law not less than $100 nor more than $500; punishment by imprisonment in the county jail, or work house for a period not less than three months nor more than six months, or both at discretion of court. The grand jury has inquisitorial powers to investigate violations of the law.

The next meeting of the Board will be held at Monteagle July 16, 17, and 18.

The State Drug Association will be held at same time and place.


MEMPHIS, TENN., April 16th.


Nashville, Tenn.:

Dear Doctor.-On behalf the Medical Committee of the Reunion of Confederate Veterns to be held in Memphis, Tenn., on May 28-30 next, we beg to express to you, and through you to the editors of all the Medical Journals who have so gererously publised our circular letter, to the members of the Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy, our high appreciation of the favor, and sincere thanks for the service rendered, in giving such wide publicity to the meeting. We recognize the fact, that in no other way could we have reached so many members of the profession. Again thanking you, and indulging the hope that we will have the pleasure of meeting you at the reunion. Yours very truly, A. L. ELCAN, M.D., Secretary.

XANOL. Is the commercial name adopted by the Merrell Company to designate the Sodio-Caffeine Salicylate manufactured exclusively by them from Salicylic Acid obtained from the Natural Oil of Wintergreen. "Xanol is the best vaso-motor heart tonic that we have for children, its indirect action being to produce free diuresis. The salt is to be preferred to all others, because it is most soluble, and being made with true Salicylic Acid is absolutely unirritating." By its use the physician avoids the dangerous results following the administration of the salt made with the synthetic acid of commerce.

Xanol is extremely soluble and can be used hypodermically if desired. It exerts a pronounced diuretic action, without causing irritation or congestion of the kidneys, On account of it sustaining power on the heart and freedom from toxic effects, it can be employed for almost any length of time without deleterious consequences.

Like everything emanating from the establishment of William S. Merrell Chemical Co., the pharmacutical elegance, purity and reliable physiological action of this preparation cannot be excelled.


We commend the following from the editorial columns of the Journal of the American Medical Association of April 27th, to the attention of our readers:

"The coming meeting of the American Medical Association at St. Paul promises to be largely attended and of especial interest. The steady growth of membership the past year, the progress in medical science, the new questions that have arisen, and the locality, affording as it does an opportunity to visit some of the most interesting sections of our country, all favor a specially large attendance. The members of the medical profession of St. Paul are zealous to demonstrate the capabilities of their city as a place of meeting, and everything promises that the occasion will be one of special interest and value. The scientific programme, as shown by the preliminary announcements of the several sections, is excellent. The date of the meeting is such as to harmonize with other attractions of a summer trip and, to those who have never visited it, the scenery of the upper Mississippi, which Anthony Trollope called the most beautiful river in America, will be a revelation. Among other side attractions are special arrangements for visiting the Yellowstone National Park, which will be opened one week earlier than usual on this account. Altogether there is every reason to look forward to the St. Paul meeting as one of the land marks in the history of the Association."

WAYNE'S DIURETIC ELIXR still commands the esteem of the medical profession as a most excellent combination in all acute and chronic urinary troubles, and is prescribed by the leading physicians of the United States. It has always given the highest degree of satisfaction, and seems almost a specific in genito-urinary troubles.

Mr. William Gilmore who has been so well and favorably known to the profession by introducing this preparation is also connected with the Hall Capsule Company, of Cincinnati, whose Anderson's Capsules are most highly commended by no less an authority than Dr. Thad. A. Reamy, of that city, as well as others who are well known as careful and successful clinicians.

SANDER & SONS' Eucalyptol (pure Volatile Eucalypti Extract).— Apply to Dr. Sander, Belle Plaine, Iowa, for gratis supplied sample and literature of Sander's Eucalyptol. It is invaluable in inflammations of the mucous membranes and in all septic and infectious diseases. Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., sole agents.

THE HOSPITALS OF JAPAN is the title of a very interesting reprint from our excellent contemporary the Charlotte Medical Journal, from the pen of Dr. Ed C. Register. Although it was written hurriedly one night, it shows the Doctor to be a careful observer, and he gives a very clear insight into hospital methods of a very interesting and enterprising people.

Reviews and Book Notices.

THE MEDICAL NEWS POCKET FORMULARY, New (3d) EditioN. Containing 1,700 prescriptions representing the latest and most approved methods of administering remedial agents. By E. QUIN THORNTON, M.D., Demonstrator of Therapeutics, Pharmacy and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. New (3d) edition, carefully revised to date of issue. In one wallet-shaped volume, strongly bound in leather, with pocket and pencil. Price, $1.50, net. LEA BROTHERS & Co., Philadelphia and New York, 1901.

The Medical News Pocket Formulary is admittedly the best and most trustworthy of its class, and the only one which gives under each prescription full directions for use, and clear indications for the special phase of the disease to which the remedy is peculiarly adapted. Great care has been used to exhibit every drug with due regard to palatability and pharmaceutical elegance.

The prescriptions, of which there are over 1,700, are arranged alphabetically under the various diseases. The rapid exhaustion of the first edition has given its author an opportunity to revise his work carefully and thoroughly, bringing it to the present date and adding all the newer drugs which have been proved worthy of use.

PROGRESSIVE MEDICINE, Vol 1. 1901, March, a Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by HOBART AMORY HARE, Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in the Jefferson Medical College. 8vo. Cloth, pp. 440, illustrated. Price, $2.50. LEA BROTHERS & Co., publishers, New York and Philadelphia.

Vol 1, of the 1901 series (March) of this most excellent and valuable serial publication contains the following important subjects: Surgery of the Head, Neck and Chest, by J. Chalmers DaCosta, M.D.; Infectious Diseases, including Acute Rheumatism, Croupous Pneumonia and Influenza, by Frederick A, Packard, M.D.; the Diseases of Children, by Floyd M. Crandall, M.D.; Pathology, by Ludwig Hecktoen, M.D.; Laryngology and Rhinology, by A. Logan Tanner, M.D., (Edin.)

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