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It is with much pleasure that we announce the recent election of Dr. W. D. Haggard, Jr., to the Chair of Gynecology and Diseases of Children in the Medical Department of the University of Tennessee. He will fill the chair of his father, Dr. W. D. Haggard, Sr., who has occupied the chair for nearly twenty years, and who upon his recent resignation was made Emeritus Professor, and will continue to lecture on Diseases of Children.

Dr. Haggard, Jr. has been Associate Professor of Gynecology for some years past, and has shown a most remarkable aptitude and great ability as a teacher. He has been particularly popular with his classes, and has given a high degree of satisfaction.

As one of the clinicians to the City Hospital he has done some very brilliant and successful abdominal and pelvic surgery, his clinics being among the most popular at the hospital.

A striking example of his effectiveness as a teacher was his address before the Nashville Academy of Medicine, a few weeks since, in which he handled the difficult subject of "Surgery of the Pelvic Floor" with peculiar clearness and force.

He was imbued with all that is best in Gynecology during his long service with Dr. Thos. Addis Emmett and other distinguished surgeons of the Woman's Hospital of New York City, which he has put into most successful practice in association with his father.

His recent election at Atlanta to the position of Secretary of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Association of which his father the first president, and in connection with W. E. B. Davis, of Alabama, was the founder, is another indication of the esteem in which he is held by his professional associates in the South. He has also been the very efficient and active Secretary of the Tennessee State Medical Society for the last three years.

We predict for him a brilliant and useful future, and congratulate him as well as the University of Tennessee upon their happy and appropriate choice.

PETER'S PEPTIC ESSENCE COMPOUND, contains all the digestive ferments, preserved in solution with C. P. Glycerine, thus retaining their full therapeutic value; and besides having marked digestive properties, is both soothing and sedative in its effects, being peculiarly valuable in gastric and intestinal derangements. Syr. Roborans, so widely known and so highly appreciated by some of the ablest practitioners, and also made by Arthur Peter & Co., of Louisville, Ky., contains the Hypophosphites, with Quinine, Strychia and Manganese, and as a true tonic cannot be excelled. Once use these preparations and you will always use them. The more they are known, the more widely are they appreciated.

BROMIDIA-IODIA-PAPINE. These three preparations have afforded us much satisfaction and gratification for a number of years past. The first one Bromidia, a hypnotic par-excellence, has a wide reputation-so long enjoyed that we feel that we cannot add to it by anything we can say. We have been using it now and then for over twenty years past and it has daily grown in our estimation as a rest-maker for restlessness-giving consistent nerve rest with the least possible unpleasant results. With proportionate increase of doses it is quite effectual when used per enema. Iodia is an alterative in the true sense of the word, and Papine is truly invaluable when the narcotic and anodyne properties of Opium, devoid of its many unpleasant succedanea are needed.

Messrs. Battle & Co., 2001 Locust St. Louis, Mo., have not only a national but a world-wide fame and reputation as the manufacturers of these important and most excellent pharmaceutical specialties that have proven so effectual in the hands of so many of the leading medical men in this and other countries.

The formula of Bromidia is easily and readily written, but when you simply write Bromidia, Battle's, you can safely rely on accuracy, excellence and reliabilty, and can depend upon your patient getting exactly what you desire, if the order is filled by an honest and reliable dispensing druggist.

NEW ORLEANS POLYCLINIC.-Physicians will find the Polyclinic an excellent means for posting themselves upon modern progress in all branches of medicine and surgery. The specialties are fully taught, particularly laboratory work. Fourteenth annual session opens November 12th, 1900. For further information, address Dr. Isadore Dyer, Secretary New Orleans Polyclinic, New Orleans, La.

ANTIPHLOGISTINE is a most excellent poultice and surgical dressing, accomplishing natural results through its hygroscopic power, and its ability to effect the circulation whenever it is abnormal, as in pneumonia, erysipelas and inflammation of other internal organs or tissues.

A private letter from an able and competent physician in New York City of date December 17, 1900, speaks in most gratifying terms of its happy and satisfactory effects in his own case while suffering a severe attack of muco-membranous colitis in catarrhal enteritis of long standing, accompanied by frequent and painful muco-feculent discharges, and tympany with distension. Three applications over the abdomen were followed by great relief and marked amelioration of all the unpleasant and distressing symptoms.

We have found it of great benefit in furunculosis, paronychia, inflamed glands and lymphatics, chronic and recent localized ulcerations and inflammations-relieving the pain and restoring the normal circulation in the part far better than anything ever before tried.

WORTHY AND SEASONABLE.-When the temperature of the body is above normal, conditions are especially favorable for germ development. It is a matter of every day observation that a simple laxative is often sufficient to relieve the most threatening situation and prevent the most serious complications. To reduce fever, quiet pain, and at the same time administer a gentle laxative and strong tonic is to accomplish a great deal with a single tablet. We refer to Laxative Antikamnia & Quinine Tablets (a tonic-laxative, analgesic and antipyretic) each tablet containing.

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Among the many diseases and affections which call for such a combination, we might mention la grippe, influenza, coryza, coughs and colds, chills and fever, and malaria with its general discomfort and great debility.

We would especially call attention to the wide use of this tablet in chronic or semi-chronic diseases.

MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK.-The Ninetyfifth Annual Session of the Medical Society of the State of New York, under the presidency of A. M. Phelps, M.D., will be held in Albany, January 29th, 30th, 31st, 1901.

The meetings of the Society have always been replete in scientific work as becomes the representative society of the medical profession of the Empire State-and it is confidently expected that this meeting will equal those which have preceded it.

WE CALL the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Robinson-Pettet Co., Louisville, Ky., which will be found on another page of this issue. This house was established fifty years ago, and enjoys a widespread reputation as manufacturers of high character. We do not hesitate to endorse their preparations as being all they claim for them.

Reviews and Book Notices.

SAUNDERS' QUESTION COMPOUNDS.-" Essentials of Histology," by Louis Leroy, B. S., M.D., Professor of Pathology in Vanderbilt University, Medical and Dental Department; City Bacteriologist to Nashville; Bacteriologist to the State of Tennessee, etc., etc. Arranged with questions following each chapter. 12mo, cloth, pp. 229, illustrated. Price $1.00, net. W. B. Saunders & Co., Philadelphia, publishers, 1900.

The 175,000 copies of Saunders' Question Compounds already sold will be materially increased by the excellent addition to the series of Prof. Leroy's admirable little work, in which he has collected within a limited space and convenient form the essential facts of histology. It will be of great use to the student, and the graduate and practitioner can consult its pages with material benefit. The author is to be congratulated on his success in the field of authorship.

THE NEW STANDARD THE AMERICAN ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL DICTIONARY.-For Practitioners and Students. A Complete Dictionary of the Terms Used in Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, and the Kindred Branches. With New and Elaborate Tables of Arteries, Muscles, Nerves, Veins, etc.; of Bacilli, Bacteria, Micrococci, etc.; Eponymic Tables of Diseases, Operations, Signs and Symptoms, Stains, Tests, Methods of Treatment, etc. With numerous handsome illustrations and 24 colored plates. By W. A. N. Dorland, A.M., M.D., Assistant Obstetrician to the University of Pennsylvania Hospital; Editor of "The American Pocket Medical Dictionary." Handsome large octavo, nearly 800 pages, bound in full flexible leather. Price $4.50 net; with thumb index, $5.00 net. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. W. B. Saunders & Co., 925 Walnut St., Philadelphia, publishers, 1900.

This is an entirely new and unique work for students and practitioners. It contains more than twice the matter in the ordinary students' dictionary, and yet, by the use of clear. condensed type and thin paper of the finest quality, it forms an extremely handy volume only one and one-half inches thick. It is a beautiful specimen of the book-maker's art. It is bound in flexible leather and

is just the kind of a book that a man will want to keep on his desk for constant reference. It is absolutely upto-date, containing hundreds of important new terms not to be found in any other dictionary. It is also extremely rich in the matter of tables, containing over one hundred original ones, including new tables of Stains and Staining methods, Tests, etc., etc. An important feature of the book is its handsome illustrations and colored plates drawn especially for the work, including new colored plates of Arteries, Muscles, Nerves, Veins, Bacteria, Blood, etc., etc.-twenty-four in all. The work has been aptly termed by a competent critic, "The New Standard."

A REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES, embracing the entire range of Scientific and Practical Medicine and Allied Sciences, by various writers. A new, completely revised and rewritten edition. Edited by Albert H. Buck, M.D., New York, City. Illustrated by numerous chromo-lithographs and 498 fine half-tone and wood engravings. Vol. 1., pp. 800, cloth. Wm. Wood & Co., publishers, New York, 1900.

The first volume of this magnificent production comes out with the closing of the current year, and the succeeding seven volumes may be looked for with reasonable regularity and expedition. This volume beginning with "A" extends to "Bla," and a careful examination of it gives rich promise of what may be expected with the completion of the series.

Many of the writers who aided in preparing the first edition which was completed in 1887, as well as the supplimentary volume of 1894, have passed from the scene of action, but in the selection of their successors, Dr. Buck and his advisors have done well indeed, and the articles and writers who have so satisfactorily been chosen have done their work well, with an earnestness, zeal and painstaking care that shows its impress on every page and line.

The same style of double columned pages has been maintained, and the type if of the same size-necessitated by reason of comprising so large a field without making the volume too cumbersome, seems at least

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