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State institution located there, numbers of whom have been converted and united with the church. Enlargement of this house is a necessity.

-Rev. A. F. Brauus, Carrington:

"I send my first report about the work among the German Roumanians at Carrington, Dak. Three months have passed, and I am glad to say 'the Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad ' (Psalm 126:3). Ten souls have been converted and four others have joined the church since the 1st of December, 1886. The members of the church are very poor, and many of them are only a short time here from Roumania. They are poor in this world, but rich in faith, and hope that this field will be a grand field in the future.

"Several of our Roumanian brethren have been in prison on account of their religious opinions.

Minnesota.-Rev. R. W. Bell, Hamilton: "Since I last wrote you we had a wonderful manifestation of God's approval of the work in Hamilton. We thought that our edifice would not cost us more than $1,400; but instead we have a house that will cost $1,800 when finished. We built from one of the plans furnished by the Society, and we think that for a country church it is a model of neatness.

We had a beautiful day for the dedicatory services. A full house both morning and evening. Rev. J. Sunderland, Minneapolis, preached for us, and raised the amount of our indebtness $1,015. This amount has been secured in promissory notes, due October 15th, 1887—so our church to-day stands virtually free from debt.

We also began a series of meetings which have had a good effect, resulting not only in the awakening of the church spiritually, but souls have been converted to God. Upon the whole, we are better equipped for aggressive work now than ever before; and our united thanksgiving is, 'The Lord has done great things for us; whereof we are glad.'"

Missouri.-Rev. C. A. Sandvall, of the Swedish church, Kansas City, says:

"About the middle of January a dear sister of our country people came to us, remarkably gifted as an evangelist. She stayed with us for ten days only. We had meetings every evening and some believe that about forty or fifty embraced Christ. I have never heard such preaching as hers nor seen the masses so completely moved as at those meetings. Of course our house was crowded every night; but the other denominations murmured. The Lutheran priest once said, openly, I have heard, That Satan had come in the shape of a woman to the city.' So you may think, dear Bro, we have difficulties to confront everywhere from the Lutheran priests.

"Last Sunday we baptized eight of the new converts. For next Sunday we have two more candidates for baptism.

Wisconsin.-Rev. H. C. Leland, of Appleton, has been greatly blessed the past winter. In about three years he has baptized over sixty persons. The church, he believes, is coming rapidly toward selfsupport. "May the Lord bless the Society for its help which contributed so much toward our present victories."

-Rev. L. M. Newell, Elroy :

"Last Spring this church numbered but twentyfive members; now sixty-nine, and nine more are received now for baptism, and others have expressed their purpose to join soon."

Montana.-Rev. G. R. Darrow, upon arriving at Butte City, Jan. 14th, found sincere revival meetings in progress. He says: "I preached to a packed house-aisles and all-last evening, and from fifteen to twenty came forward for prayers. Some are rejoicing in the new-found love."

-Rev. George D. Downey, of Miles City, has been assisted in special meetings by Rev. C. C. Frost, of Butte. As a result, several have already united with the church, Bro. Downey has labored indefatigably for five years on this field.

Iowa.-Rev. Henry Williams, of Burlington, reports twenty-one baptisms, several reclaimed, and others added by letter and experience.

Field Notes.

California.-Rev. W. H. Latourette, general missionary for the State, has something to say about our interests and needs there:

"Immigration is coming to California at a rate unprecedented. In this part of the State the rate is a hundred per cent. greater than last year, and in Southern Ca'ifornia it is five hundred per cent. greater. Until five years ago our denomination was chiefly engaged in quarrels among themselves. Much of our wealth was driven into other denominations. Our churches were left weak, and the heart to try to do anything was taken out of them. But we are slowly gaining ground in these matters. The past five years have been spent in welding the broken fragments. We have only held our own in numbers. Before that we did not hold our own. But all the time, both before and since five years ago, immigration has been steadily increasing. we are thus at least ten years behind our work. We are not doing what we ought for ourselves. But is our Board doing what it ought for us? I am looking now to the coming year-after the May meetings. Much money has been spent here, some has been wasted; but will not the Board give us a chance once more for our lives? While population is flocking hither whole scores and scores of villages should be occupied now, while our coming is awaited in fifteen towns of 1,000 to 2,000 inhabitants, in ten towns of 2,000 to 6,000, and in two others of 10,000 each, while we must not

To day

let go of the stations already occupied-can't the Society, I say, in view of these things, give us one more trial and stand by us stronger for the next five years— stand by us just as it has stood by Bro. Baker in Oregon-until churches have been established at almost every cross-road? Can't the Society do this? There are fifty-two counties in California-twenty-six county seats have no Baptist church. Fifteen other towns, of 1,000 to 10,000 each, but no Baptist church. The proportion of Baptists to the whole population is I in 250 in California; 1 in 40 in New York; I in 20 in Missouri; in 5 in Georgia. What we want is enough aid, regardless of the old basis of co-operation, to reach these growing towns and cities during the next two years."

Nebraska-Rev. J. J. Keeler, district missionary in Northern Nebraska, gives a few facts about that field, which is not half occupied by us, because we have no funds for the purpose.

"During the quarter I have written many letters in regard to the work in various places upon my field, and have traveled upward of 2,300 miles, attending to the needs of various fields.

"Have assisted one of our pastors in a series of meeting. Had a series in another place aided by a ministering brother. Both very profitable meetings.

"Have had the privilege of opening three churches and seeing them supplied with regular services; while one point under my direct care has had regular services through the quarter.

"Out in Custer County, at Anselmo, I secured two lots for church and parsonage, and am endeavoring to get a man to go there and preach, while holding the small churches of Merna and Ortello.

"I am going slow in organizing churches, because it is so hard to secure men to hold them. Am planning to organize only at most important places and have them supplied at once with preaching."

-Rev. J. D. Burr, Fairmont:

"The work here is promising. All are active and happy. Excellent system prevails in all departments. The Sunday school is prospering: Our services are held in the Opera House--a bad place, but we have no other. I preach every Sabbath evening, and meet the church for prayer and Bible study on Wednesday evening. We are working and praying for better things."

-Rev. C. W. McConnell, Kearney:

"Our house was well filled Sunday at both preaching services, and we had 139 at Sunday-school, which is about as many as we can accommodate. I found 37 members when I came in December, 1885. Counting on from that, we have passed 100, having received about 70. We expect to begin special meetings. I have no doubt that we will number 125 in March, and ought to gain largely in the summer. If we can be helped now, I have no doubt that we will more than pay it back in five years."

—Rev. E. D. Phillips, Franklin :

“When I look about me, my soul goes out to the destitute places of this broad field. It is thirty-five miles east to Red Cloud, the first Baptist church in that direction. West, it is twelve miles to Naponee, where is an organization, almost extinct. About forty miles northwest in Holdridge, where is another Baptist church. Mercy knows where are any more. I have been out eight miles south, and preached to them a few times. They are hungry for the Gospel." Oregon.-Rev. Geo. W. Black, Rogue River Association:

This is indeed a needy field. In many places by giving a few weeks' work we can organize churches and build meeting-houses. I hope we shall be able to build meeting-houses this year at several places. A house of worship is assured at Medford to be erected early the coming spring.

Idaho.--Rev. L. L. Shearer, Weiser:

"We are beset with the most active and inveterate enemies of the Gospel I ever met, men well skilled in infidel literature. They boast their reason and liberality, yet they are as uncompromising and unreasonable as it is possible for rational beings to be.

"However, we are fully assured from observation and experience that this word of life accomplishes that whereto it is sent, when persistently preached in accordance with our Lord's directions and command.

"Our next quarter's report will show some encouraging results, since we are now engaged in a series of meetings in which there is much interest manifested. Six have professed conversion, all grown except one, and several are earnestly seeking. A principal feature of the revival is the scouring up of five old backsliders whom we have dug out of the rubbish of this community.

"The little church is very much revived and encouraged. Don't fail to offer an earnest prayer for us. Our enemies are correspondingly active, but we know on whom we depend."

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Iowa-Rev. E. Halvarson, Swedes in Des Moines: "A new Baptist church was organized by me in Sheldahl, Iowa, the 16th of this month, with fourteen members, under the name of The First Swedish Baptist Church in Sheldahl, Iowa.' They were all members of our church. They are farmers, and well off, and I think the little church will grow up very quick among the farmers out there. Bro. Johnson, a student from our seminary in Stromsburgh, Neb., is there preaching."

Kansas. Rev. A. D. Abrams, Council Grove:

"I enclose herewith final report of the quarter which closes my missionary year. The year has not been an easy one. It has been very difficult to get through the year financially. The church is composed of men and women in very moderate circumstances. It has required no small amount of sacri fice on the part of both church and pastor. It has sometimes seemed as though we would have to 'cut

and run' from so many discouragements. But we are still here by the grace of God and the aid you have been enabled to give us, and now, as the year closes, we can say, 'Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.' And it has paid, for while the figures don't indicate much growth numerically, yet we have made a decided advance in point of real strength. A year ago we had but three members in the whole church who could be induced to pray in public, and one of those lived five miles away. Now we have a dozen. A year ago we had but one on whom we could depend to sing. Now we have an excellent choir--equal to any in town—and that is high praise. Now we have a Baptist Church in Council Grove that has no little aggressive power in it, while a year ago the Baptist Church really amounted to but little more than a house with a mortgage on it and a list of names.

"This week the church meets to consider whether we cannot support ourselves the coming year. It's a desperate undertaking, considering the 'hard times,' but I'm encouraged to believe that we shall be able to do it.

"But for the aid furnished by the Home Mission Society we should never have reached this point. God bless you and your work. If you receive no more Quarterly Reports' from this field, be sure you will hear from us in the way of contributions."

Utah. -A note from one of the leading members of the Ogden church, Utah, says: "Our church and Sunday school, with God's help, is doing splendidly. Attendance at Sunday school last Sunday, 144; collection, $3.25. Bro. Barnett and the two lady missionaries, Miss Parsons and Oberg, are doing a good work, and all are well-liked by the community."

Indian Territory.-Prof. Bacone writes of the death of Nathaniel Potts (Wal-le-lu), which occurred Feb. 9th. He will be remembered by many as the one who spoke with such effect at the jubilee meeting of the Society in New York in 1882. He was pursuing advanced studies at Madison University, when pul. monary troubles developed and compelled him to leave. Prof. Bacone says: "I am not sorry for the labor that has been bestowed upon Brother Potts, for it has not been in vain, nor has he lived in vain, although he has been cut off so soon. He has done much here to awaken among his friends and associates an interest in a higher life. He has done much East to awaken an interest in Christian work for the Indians, and especially in our work here.


Minnesota.-Rev. O. A. Weenolsen, missionary to the Scandinavians in Minneapolis, rejoices in the blessings they have received.

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to the Mission Tabernacle, both in spiritual and temporal blessing. Many souls have been saved by faith in the living Christ, and the indications all around us are such that the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out even greater blessings upon us. We have now one of the largest Sunday schools in the city of Minneapolis. We have a meeting-house to accommodate 900 people, with a free dispensary for the poor, a Sunday school library of 575 volumes, a good staff of officers and teachers, and every thing which is needed to carry on an aggressive Christian work. The Mission Tabernacle property is worth $15,000, with but $6,000 debt. The Memorial Mission, in the northern part of the city, was opened the latter part of July, and is a very prosperous and promising field, with a Sabbath school of sixty scholars; and, all in all, the Baptist city mission work in Minneapolis is in advance of other denominations, so we have very much to be thankful for to God, and also to your society, for your aid and coöperation in this work, and seeing that God has done so great things in two years, have we not a right to expect much in the future? May God bless you in your efforts to help those who are spreading the Gospel."

--Rev. O. Lindh, our missionary in New York City, reports the organization of a new Swedish Baptish Church in Meriden, Conn., on Feb. 23d:

"The work among the Swedes in Meriden was begun by Rev. T. Clafford while he was pastor of the Swede Church in New Britain, and many members of the new organization were baptized by him. The new church starts with twenty members, and is full of hope for the future. Rev. O. F. Loun, pastor of the New Britain Church, conducts their services every Wednesday and one Sunday in each month. A building fund has already been started."

"Never Heard Preaching Before."

Rev. William M. Wells gives an illustration of the paganization of the neglected regions in some portions of the West. His field of labor is at Gardner and the region round about in Oregon :

"I can not tell you all I want you to know of the destitution of this part of Oregon. Twenty miles north of Gardiner, at Sinslaw, there is a large settlement. I was told by a man living there they had only heard two sermons there in five years; no preaching closer than Gardiner. Scotesburg, twenty miles east from Gardiner, at head of Tide Water, on the Umpqua-a small town. They have only heard preaching two or three times for five or six years. I preached there three evenings. Ten asked for prayers. I only found two professors there, and they ladies. I hope to go there again soon. Eighteen miles further up the river, at Elkton, we have dedi

The last year has been one of marvelous prosperity | cated a house worth $800-a debt on it of $150.

Colorado. Rev. C. M. Jones, of Grand Junction, regards the prospects of our cause there very good. "The tide seems setting now again in our favor. We have worked on steadily and patiently, doing our own proper work, and it tells at last. The difficulties under which Christian work is presented in the farther West are appreciable only to one on the ground, and grappling with them. Spiritual bank. rupts, pleasure lovers, despisers of authority, human and divine-liberals-uncertainty of purpose and general fickleness of impulse, all these bring the fiercest strain upon the pastors of our western missionary interests.

"Often and often are we thankful for the wise and practical sympathy manifested by our great Society's management at New York-patiently cherishing interests which appeal more to a sanctified faith than to impatient sight."

Idaho.-Rev. Geo. T. Annes, of Moscow, reports greatly improved spiritual condition of the church-a large number of young people and excellent meetings. He has also made a discovery.

"Occasionally there is found here a kind of Baptist whose faith is not to pay a preacher,' and it will take some time and grace to overcome this strange


Facts about Home Missions on the North Pacific Coast.


Men who have the missionary spirit, who can endure hardness as a good soldier, who know no failure; some who can take a small field and work up a support.

No. VIII. From $200 to $500 each would enable the Home Mission Society to put men at work on these fields. Thirty Churches or individuals might supply this need.

No. IX. We have students at work on this field from Morgan Park, Shurtleff College, Lewisburg, Rochester, Hamilton, Newton, William Jewell Colby, Spurgeon's College, and other schools. They are men of talent and culture. We have besides, men called and taught of God, who were educated in the common schools, who are the peers of their brethren having talent, versatility and success. We should like to add to both.

No. X. We have an abundance of men, (called to be saints, we trust,) who succeed in making a failure all the time. We don't wish to add to this number.

No. XI. The Baptist Home Mission Society is supporting twenty men on this field; the Presbyterian Board over seventy; the Congregationalists sixty; the Methodists as many more. The Home Mission Society would like to double their mission force. They will do so if money is put into their treasury so that it is possible.

The Indian.

Rev. J. M. Helsley, of Wadsworth, Nevada, finds encouragements in his field, among both whites and Indians.

My work among the white people looks hopeful, although I cannot report any conversions. We have a

Fact No. I. Oregon, Washington Territory, Northern Idaho, and British Columbia compose the field. No. II. The country contains a population of better organized Sunday school, and attendance at the

about 500,000.

No. III. In all British Columbia there are but two

Baptist churches. One church to each 30,000 of population, and both supported by the American Baptist Home Mission Society.

No. IV. In the remaining territory represented, there are nearly fifty county seats without a Baptist church. There are over fifty towns with from 200 to 6,000 population which have no Baptist preaching.

No. V. There are at least ten churches which could

raise from $300 to $500 each to support a pastor.

This is about one-half the amount needed. The churches are too far apart to group their interests. Twenty other churches need pastors. Some of these could be grouped. But few could have a pastor without help.

No. VI. There are rich valleys settling up, some with fifty to one hundred families, having no preaching of any denomination. They present the finest kind of an opportunity for a minister to settle, build a home, and preach to a hungry people. In some of these valleys government land can be had.

No. VII. Thirty Baptist ministers are needed on this great field this year in addition to all we have.

preaching service quite encouraging. I shall agitate the question of building a chapel this spring, and if my suggestions are approved so that we get a chapel, we may organize a church. We hold weekly Bible readings.

I was in Humboldt County the first Sunday in January, and held three services.

The Methodist minister on the field gave up his appointments to me, and the people without exception treated me kindly. I am sorry we could not have placed a good man on that field before the Methodists took hold. They have not been judicious in the selection of the men sent there. I still hold my influence over the larger part of the settlers outside the village, regardless of fact that most of them are Lutherans. I shall go there again in March. If the Methodists abandon the work there, we should occupy the entire field at once. There are two points where preaching is necessary, six miles apart, and one man can supply both every Sunday if living on the field.


On the 14th of December I started to Walker River Agency, and reached there late on the 15th. It is about eighty-five miles south of Wadsworth, and

most of the road through an uninhabited desert. The loneliness is so oppressive on these trips, which often reach into the night before water or shelter is reached, that the dismal howling of the coyotes seems cheerful.

The agent, Mr. Genty, had announced my coming, so that a large attendance greeted me on the 16th and 17th. Perhaps 200 were present each day.

The Indians were respectful and attentive while I talked to them of Jesus and His love. It was necessary to use an interpreter, which is a disadvantage, as the interpreter does not fully understand what is


I endeavored to show the leading men the advantage of Christianity, and a Christian education for their children.

After my last service I went into the house of the agent. A number of Indians came and stood about the door, among them the chief. They all finally left except the chief. He waited an hour or two and finally called me out. Said he wanted to say good-bye, wanted to know when I would come back again, and seemed quite touched at parting. He is a good, honorable Indian, who, with his people, has had little opportunity for enlightenment or civilization. If I were nearer him I believe he could be brought into the light.

The men are making rapid advancement in agri culture, and the children doing nicely in school, under Mr. Genty's management.

At Pyramid Lake Agency the Indians are doing well. The house is crowded nearly every preaching service. I seldom use an interpreter here, as many of the boys and girls read some English, and most of the adults can talk and understand the English language. Here, too, the signs are hopeful, many of the leading men, among them the chief and his son, are beginning to attend my services.

I am

pastor writes: "We hold our services in a very dirty old court room with very poor seating. We must build now, or suffer such a defeat as will not be retrieved in years."

-This is the way Rev. E. N. Elton, of Fort Collins, went about the erection of a house for the church there: "The people felt and said, 'We can't do it.' But I had prepared at my own expense a subscription book in the form of blank notes, made payable when the house should be enclosed. I circulated it myself, somewhat, but feeling that I was not well adapted to that work, I got one of my sisters to take it. Usually, in such work, we go to the members of the church first, but as they felt too poor to begin the subscription, we got subscriptions wherever we could. Enough has been raised to justify our beginning the work; just about enough to enclose a house 26 x 44. We may be compelled to contract a debt of from $200 to $400 but we will avoid it if possible."

A word to every missionary pastor without a house of worship—Don't believe it impossible to build because the people say, "We can't." Don't consider it impossible because you are "not a good beggar;" perhaps there is a sister in the church who will make a good solicitor. It is often difficult for a man to say "No" to an earnest Christian woman. It requires some resolution on our part to say "No," even to Catholic "sisters," who visit the Home Mission rooms for contributions for their charities.

-The church at Blackfoot, Idaho, recently dedicated their house. Rev. T. M. Stewart, of Eagle Rock, writes:

"Thus we have, in the town of all in Eastern Idaho having most of home atmosphere and promise of permanence, a property costing $2,800, a substantial brick house, 28 x 48, neatly finished and furnished, one of the brightest and most beautiful

If it were possible I should like to have the posi-church-houses we can find anywhere. The few who tion of teacher at this Agency for two years. sure a moral impression could be made on these children that would be lasting and helpful.

If these Indians can be brought to see their need of Christ, and the leading ones induced to accept him, there will be a glorious ingathering.

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have lifted heavily and are willing to continue in the work, appreciate the aid of the Society that has made these things possible.

-At Spring Valley, in Southern Minnesota, where a meeting house was lately dedicated, everything is hopeful. It was dedicated free of debt and is the best church building in the place, and the best of our denomination in that part of the State. We rejoice that another of our mission churches is so well housed.

-At Westminster, B. C., where Rev. Robert Lennie has labored successfully, a new house was dedicated Dec. 12th, the cost of which, with furnishing, was nearly $6,000. It has richly paid to support a missionary here. Bro. L. says: "Four years ago there was only four church members here, with little or no influence of an ecclesiastical character. Now, within two years, there is a practical membership of forty, with church property worth fully $6,000. Besides, there are now twenty Baptists in Vancouver ready to be formed into a church, and a

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