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Orange County Medical Association.

The Orange County Medical Association, at its recent meeting held at Santa Ana, elected the following officers: President, Dr. Wilson, of Fullerton; Vice President, Dr. R. A. Cushing; Secretary, Dr. H. S. Gordon; Treasurer, Dr. J. R. Medlock. The Board of Censors is made up of Dr. J. L. Dryer, Dr. Jones of Orange, Dr. C. D. Ball.

Southern California Medical Society.

The thirty-third semi-annual meeting of the Southern California Medical Society was held May 5, 1904, at Los Angeles. The following officers were elected: President, F. D. Bullard, M. D., of Los Angeles; First Vice-President, H. Tyler, M. D., of Redbank; Second Vice-President, George Abbott, M. D., of Pasadena; Secretary, James M. King, M. D., of Los Angeles.

Something for Leisure Hours.

"Stories of a Country Doctor," and "Recollections of a Rebel Surgeon," are two books that every doctor will want to add to his library. The wit, pathos, anecdote and personal experience will appeal to the heart of every brother in the profession. The tales are told with a spontaneous, brilliant style of expression, and the interest is quickened and held from first to last. Special offer: The two books and the PACIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL for one year for $3.00.


DR. A. B. WRIGHT, of Los Angeles, is dead. DR. WILLIAM C. WILSON, of Woodland, is dead. DR. R. H. EDINCOTT has located at Oakdale, Calif. DR. HUGH HAMILL DAVIS, of Sonoma, Calif., is dead. DR. JOHN L. EBY has decided to locate at Santa Cruz. DR. A. A. WHITLOCK, of Merced, has returned from the East.

DR. S. B. GORDON, of Salinas, has returned from the East.

DR. PARKER, of Kansas City, is visiting at Riverside, Calif.

DR. A. J. FARMER, of Newark, N. J., is visiting in Los Angeles.

DR. JOHN SNOOK returned to Bakersfield after his East

ern trip.

DR. W. S. PLUMMER, of Redlands, has decided to locate in San Jose.

DR. H. C. NELSON, of Redlands, has returned from New York City.

DR. CHAS. E. BEEBE, of Watsonville, will locate in San Francisco.

DR. C. GUY REILLY, formerly of Redlands, has located in Los Angeles.

DR. G. C. NICHOLS, recently from Chicago, has located at Redding, Calif.

DR. P. K. WATTERS, of Watsonville, has returned home after his Eastern trip.

DR. M. J. H. WOOLF, of San Francisco, has decided to locate at Bakersfield.

DR. M. W. FLOURNOY, of Roswell, N. M., has returned home from Los Angeles.

DR. MERRITT H. C. VAIL, a prominent physician of Long Beach, died May 18, 1904.

DR. LEE, of Bakersfield, has gone East where she will take a post-graduate course.

DR. J. T. JONES and MISS FLORENCE COVEY, of Los Angeles, were married recently.

DR. B. F. ALDEN and MISS LEONIE GLESS, of San Francisco, were married May 11, 1904.

DR. O. B. DOYLE, of Fresno, and MISS RUBY PERKINS, of Visalia, were married May 10, 1904.

DR. J. H. SIMPSON, of Danville, Ill., is visiting in Redlands for the benefit of his health.

DR. B. F. MAGRUDER, a prominent physician of San Angelo, Texas, is visiting in El Paso.

DR. H. V. MURRAY, after two years in Shanghai and other Oriental cities, has returned to Honolulu.

WE are pleased to learn that DR. J. C. HEARNE, of San Diego, is recovering from his recent illness.

DR. CLINTON CUSHING, formerly of San Francisco, died at his home in Washington, D. C., May 10, 1904.

DR. J. ZIMMERMAN, of Tuscon, Ariz., has gone East to take a post-graduate course in abdominal surgery.

DR. J. J. PECKHAM, of Avalon, Calif., and MRS. FRANCES MACKEY, of Los Angeles, were married May 11, 1904.

DR. W. W. HITCHCOCK, of Los Angeles, has gone East where he intends to attend the American Medical Association meeting.

DR. C. V. CROSS, of San Francisco, has left for a three months' trip to Europe for the purpose of studying the open-air resorts.

DR. D. W. HASSON, of Buena Vista Park, has gone to Chicago where he expects to take a three months' postgraduate course in several specialties.

DR. A. E. DUPELL, of New York, is Visiting San Diego, and has announced that it is his purpose to establish a sanatorium after the plan of those at Battle Creek.

DR. O. D. HAMLIN, of Oakland, has left for an extended Eastern trip. The doctor will visit all the large hospitals and will spend several weeks at Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore.

DR. A. N. COOPER, of Bisbee, Arizona, died of pneumenia, April 27, 1904. Dr. Cooper was a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco, in both medicine and dentistry. He was a talented and a prominent young physician, and his many friends will regret his untimely death.

DR. SAMUEL SMILES, the author of "Self Help" and other well-known works, has just died in London at the age of 91 years. Dr. Smiles was born at Haddington, Scotland, on December 23, 1812. He received his degree of M. D. and also an honorary degree of LL.D from the Edinburgh University. He soon, however, gave up the practice of medicine to become the editor of the Leeds Times. His most famous book was "Self Help," which was translated into several languages. His later years were spent quietly in Kensington, London.

MEDICAL MAN from Australia, 26 years' experience; up to recently and for 15 years, in charge of National Sanatorium for Consumptives, and Senior Surgeon to Government Hospital, wishes employment (pending December State Board Examination), as ASSISTANT respectable private practice, hospital or sanatorium.

Apply S., 733 Shotwell Street.

Proceedings of Societies.


The program presented at the monthly meeting, in the Y. M. C. A. parlors, April 12th, was as follows:


History of case.-Male, age 43 years; history negative, excepting an attack of pain in abdomen 19 years ago, and again 10 years ago, and on and off since then; no vomiting. Came to Mt. Zion Hospital. Examination showed him anemic, with a mass in the upper abdomen continuous with the liver; stomach acidity decreased. At first, operation was refused; tarry stools appeared. Operation was attempted three days later, an incision made along the right rectus; a mass appeared in which the stomach adhered to the liver. The abdomen was closed. One month later the hemoglobin fell to 18 per cent and patient died. Partial autopsy was allowed and a mass removed, showing that an ulcer of the duodenum had perforated posteriorly, the cystic duct was digested away, the gall bladder opened into the duodenum, the liver tissue appeared at the basis of the ulcer. Gastroenterostomy could not be done.

DR. A. W. PERRY read a paper



Antacids are given before meals to stimulate acid secretion or to wash out the stomach; after meals to counteract and cleanse. Parlow found that Na HCO, inhibited acid secretion; clinically small doses stimulate appetite, given in hot water before meals is beneficial. The choice of antacid is important; no free HCl is necessary to peptonize proteid, combined HCl can accomplish this; e. g., casein 20.0 + combined HCl 19.0, in 4 hours at 37°, 12 per cent of the proteid is converted. Dr. Perry presented the appended table illustrating the effects of various antacids on the free combined HCI:

Action of Antacids on the Free and Combined HCl of the Gastric Juice.

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The conclusion from the above experiments is that Ca CO, or chalk is an antacid that does not delay the digestion of proteid, for it acts slowly upon the combined HCl. 0.2-0.5 can be given after meals in hyperacidity. DR. HARRIS spoke of the use of morphia.

DR. WISE spoke of the use of bromides in the nervous forms of hyperacidity, especially strontium bromide. DR. PERRY in concluding said he was not committed to giving antacids at all.



by DR. S. J. HUNKIN. I made the statement one year ago that a muscle is capable of singling out certain functions under cerebral impulse, especially if co-ordinate to normal

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