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1st. It causes the urine to become a dilute solution of formaldehyde, with antiseptic properties. 2d. Prevents intra-vesical decomposition of the urine.

3d. Renders fetid, ammoniacal and turbid urine clear, inodorous and unirritating.

4th. Causes urates, phosphates and oxalates to be held in solution by the modified urine, and deposits to be prevented.

5th. Under its influence the genito-urinary tract is put in good condition for operating.

6th. In Gouty and Rheumatic subjects excretion is facilitated and the symptoms ameliorated. 7th. In Gonorrhoea, acute or chronic, Cystogen serves to restrict the area of infection and prevent reinfection. Cystogen is an important adjuvant to local measures.

DOSE-5 grains, three or four times daily, largely diluted with water.

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Gray's Glycerine Tonic Comp.

in rapidly restoring the digestive function well
indicates its remarkable capacity for
increasing general bodily vigor.

Thousands of earnest capable physicians know
and appreciate the reconstructive properties
of this effective tonic.


Specialists in the Applied Chemistry

of the Digestive Ferments.

offer preparations of the gastric and pancreatic juices which are true to name, containing the particular digestive enzymės as described and of the particular degree of activity stated, under well known conditions of assay. These products have invariably been found to possess the properties, and perform the particular service stated as actual digestive agents for the peptonisation of foods-farinaceous, cereal, milk, beef, etc. Thus, every time they have been used they have been actually "tested."

It is an axiom, that "we know digestive enzymes only by their action." In pharmacy and in medicine we deal only with active enzymes capable of demonstrable action; and the test for the presence and activity of an enzyme is as conclusive and as demonstrable as the test or reaction for quinine, or arsenic.

FAIRCHILD BROTHERS & FOSTER have persistently and consistently sought to advance the application of the digestive enzymes in every useful direction, and to develop their possibilities in medicine. They have, therefore, never made inert, feeble and incompatible preparations. Whenever and wherever dispensed a product of the digestive ferments bearing the name FAIRCHILD will be found reliable in the most unequivocal sense of the word.

The Physician of Many Years' Experience

there is no remedy like

Syr. Hypophos. Co., Fellows

Many MEDICAL JOURNALS specifically mention this
Preparation as being of Sterling worth


SPECIAL NOTE.-Fellows' Syrup is never sold in bulk.

It can be obtained of Chemists and Pharmacists everywhere.


The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale. Mr. Fellows, who has examined samples of several of these, finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in susceptability to the effects of oxygen when exposed to light or heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medicinal effects.

As these cheap and inefficient substitutes are frequently dispensed instead of the genuine preparation, physicians are earnestly requested, when prescribing the Syrup, to write "Syr. Hypophos. Fellows."

As a further precaution, it is advisable that the syrup should be ordered in the original bottles; the distinguishing marks which the bottles (and the wrappers sur rounding them) bear, can then be examined, and the genuineness-or otherwise-of the contents thereby proved.

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