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No remedy yet introduced to the profession covers so large a field of usefulness as ECTHOL.

It is indicated in all breaking down tendencies of the fluids, tissues and corpuscles, as it antagonizes and corrects all gangrenous and malignant conditions.

Wherever there is dyscrasia of the secretions, or where blood poisoning or tissue disintegration exists, ECTHOL is the indicated remedy. In other words, it is anti-purulent.

It is, therefore, indicated in typhoid or other morbific fevers, erysipelas, diphtheria, carbuncles, boils, gangrenous wounds, ulcers, abscesses, and all other cachectic conditions of the system.

It is also the best remedy for the stings of insects, bites of snakes, for blotches, pimples, etc.

In addition to its internal administration, it should be freely and frequently applied to external sores of every description. It should also be used as a mouth wash and gargle in ulcerated or putrid conditions of the mouth and throat.

ECTHOL IS NEITHER ALTERATIVE NOR ANTISEPTIC in the sense in which those words are usually understood. It is anti-purulent, anti-morbific- A CORRECTOR OF THE DEPRAVED CONDITION OF THE FLUIDS AND TISSUES.


ECTHOL should be administered internally IN ALL CASES,
in doses of one teaspoonful four times a day, or as often as every
two hours in very bad cases, and when used for external ailments,
it should ALSO be freely applied to the affected parts.

BATTLE & CO., Chemists, St. Louis:

I have used Ecthol in scrofulous ulcers, fungus excrescences, blotches and warts. Ecthol certainly does excel any remedy I have ever tried, and has given wonderful results in so short experience. I will continue to use it in my practice.

[blocks in formation]

This chair has been adopted for use in some of the best equipped Hospitals and Sanitariums in the country. Let us send you particulars and prices. H. F. ERLEBACH, Hammond, Ind.


Trade-Mark Registered U. S. Pat. Office.


absorbs instantly yet will not mat nor pack. It is most gratefully cooling and soothing to any wound. Physicians and Surgeons appreciate the superiority of Pure Linen as an absorbent. Oxolint is every particle linen, and it is so guaranteed.

Oxolint is pronounced by Physicians, Surgeons, Nurses and Druggists who have examined it to be "the ideal dressing"-hygienic, non-irritating, antiseptic, healing, and as remarkable for its retentiveness as for its absorbency. It is also peculiarly free from adhesive fuzz.

Oxolint is the result of a recently discovered process of separating flax from straw and converting it into pure linen at a saving of many weeks over the old method, and at a great reduction from the former cost of production. This process is controlled by the Oxford Linen Mills.

We would like very much to have every physician prove to his own satisfaction the superiority and general excellence of Oxolint.

A Sample for Testing Purposes
will be sent FREE on request.

OXFORD LINEN MILLS.>> 96 Oxford St., North Brookfield, Mass., U.S.A.

[merged small][graphic]


produces exceptionally satisfactory results in the treatment of large pendulous abdomen and enteroptosis.

VARICOCELE treated by Dr. Brewer's Special Suspensory. The new method; simple and easy, obviating surgical intervention. Write for illustrated pamphlet giving fuli information.


Send 50c for Sample Package Anatomically correct; made of aluminum foil; no weight; no irritation; guaranteed perfect. HUSTON BROS. CO. are headquarters on Supporters, Trusses, Elastic Stockings. Pessaries, etc.

Write for special literature. HUSTON'S PORTABLE COIL

can be carried in the band like a valise. The only really satisfactory portable X-Ray outit on the market. Catalog free. We issue many different catalogs. When you write be

sure to tell us

what you are interested in the most.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Tongaline & Lithia
Tablets No 100

Eliminates Poisons
Stimulates Recuperation

Samples by Express prepaid - Mellier Drug Company..St. Louis.

Collect Your Fees

Doctors are often careless about collecting their fees. MAKE YOUR
PATIENTS pay! They will respect you more and put a higher
value on your services. My specialty is






My system enables you to keep your accounts without trouble. It is simple, practical, legal, and correct. Twenty years of success has proven it. Illustrated pamphlet and sample sheets FREE on request. Address: ADOLPH BERND, P. O. Box 598, St. Louis, Mo.

Ungt.Nicot.Tabac. Comp. Trask

(Trask's Ointment)


Deep-seated and Superficial Inflammations

Is now put up in OPAL JARS, 2-oz. (50c), 8-oz. ($1.75), 16-oz. ($3.00), thus being better adapted for use by
physicians and in hospitals.

[blocks in formation]



Which will produce purgation, promptly and effectually, without the danger of creating gastric or intestinal irritation.

Prunoids are made of Phenolphthalein (one and one-half grains
in each), Cascara Sagrada, De-emetinized ipeca and Prunes

[blocks in formation]

SENG, which is a preparation of Panax (Ginseng) in aromatics, is indicated in indigestion, malassimilation, malnutrition, and all dyspeptic conditions of the alimentary tract; restoring the activity of the secretory glands without usurping the functions of digestion. It is particularly valuable in wasting diseases. DOSE-One to two teaspoonfuls before or during each meal. The dose before breakfast preferably in hot water. For infants 10 to 15 drops in water or milk at each feeding. In colicky conditions repeat the dose every half hour until relieved.

Seng is put up in Ten-ounce bottles only-Price, $1.00

Sample free to physicians

If your Druggist does not carry these preparations in stock,
he will get them for you from the nearest Wholesale Druggist

These Preparations are Manufactured Exclusively in the Laboratories of


Pharmaceutical Chemists

ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A.







OULD you like to have your patient sleep soundly and awake refreshed and invigorated? DANIEL'S PASSIFLORA does this. Being a natural sedative (prepared from the Passion Plant), it is both a food and tonic to languid nerves, and, containing no morphine or its derivatives, produces rest without the least reaction. DANIEL'S PASSIFLORA is the ideal anti-spasmodic, and is indicated in all diseases of the nervous system, including Insomnia, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dentition, in Typhoid Fever and in those affections peculiar to women. It is nature's remedy to restore neural equilibrium.

Write for Samples.

Samples Supplied Physicians
Paying Express.



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