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1. In what battle was Betty Stark the watchword?

2. What battle occurred when both armies were marching to make a night attack upon each other?

3. What battles have resulted in the destruction or surrender of an entire army? 4. What general rushed into battle without orders and won it?

5. What trees are celebrated in our history?

6. In what battle did Washington bitterly rebuke the commanding general, and himself rally the troops to battle?

7. What three ex-Presidents died on the 4th of July?

8. What cities have undergone a siege?

9. Contrast the characters of Washington and Jefferson.

10. By whom, and on what occasion, were the words used, "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute"?

11. Give the coincidences in the lives of the three great statesmen-Webster, Clay, and Calhoun.

12. After whom ought this continent to have been named?

13. What celebrated philosopher, when a boy, went without meat to buy books? 14. How did a half-witted boy once save a fort from capture?

15. Name the retreats famous in our history.

16. When did a fog save our army? A rain?

17. When did a stone house largely decide a battle?

A stone wall?

18. What general was captured through his carelessness, and exchanged for another taken in a similar way?

19. What battles have been decided by an attack in the rear?

20. Who said, "I would rather be right than President"?

21. When has an unnecessary delay cost a general a victory?

22. Name the events in our history which seem to you providential.

23. What general died at the moment of victory?

24. Name some defeats which had all the effect of victories.

25. Of what general was this said to be always true?

26. When was the Mississippi River the western boundary of the United States! 27. What territory has the United States acquired by purchase? By conquest? By annexation?

28. What Vice-Presidents were afterward elected Presidents?

29. What navigator shortened the voyage across the Atlantic?

30. What tea party is celebrated in our history?

31. Who was President from 1787 (the adoption of the Constitution) to 1789? 32. How many attacks have been made on Quebec?

33. Who said, "I am not worth purchasing, but such as I am the king of England is not rich enough to buy me"?

34. Which is the longer, the Atlantic Cable or the Pacific Railroad?

35. Why were the River St. Lawrence, Florida, St. Augustine, etc., so named? 36. What naval commander captured his antagonist as his own vessel was sinking? 37. How many expeditions have been made into Canada?

38. What battle was preceded by prayer?


39. What do the French names in the Mississippi valley indicate?

40. What do the names New York, New England, New Hampshire, Georgia, Carolina, etc., indicate?

41. When has the question of the Public Lands threatened the Union?

42. Who, in a frail canoe, on a stormy night, visited an Indian wigwam to save the lives of his enemies?

43. In what battle did the Continentals gain the victory by falling back and then suddenly facing about upon the enemy?

44. How many times has Fort Ticonderoga been captured?

45. Why were Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, Hudson River, etc., so named?

46. What do the names San Salvador, Santa Cruz, La Trinidad, etc., indicate? 47. In what battles had the opposing generals formed the same plan?

48. What Presidents died in office?

49. What father and son were Presidents?

50. What administrations have been most popular?

51. Who fired the first gun in the French and Indian War?

52. What battle was fought and gained without a commanding officer?

53. How many rebellions have occurred in our history?

54. Who was called the "Great Pacificator"? Why?

55. What was the "Nullification Act"?

56. How many of our Presidents have been military men?

57. Why did not Webster and Clay become Presidents?

58. Who was "Old Rough and Ready"?

59. Who was the "Sage of Monticello"?

60. What noted events occurred on April 19th?

61. In whose administration was the largest number of States admitted? 62. In which administrations was none admitted?

63. By whom and under what circumstances was the expression used, liberty or give me death"?

"Give me

64. What general arose from a sick-bed to lead his troops into a battle in which he was killed?

65. What four ex-Presidents died in the decade between 1860 and 1870? 66. Where is the "Cradle of Liberty"?

67. Give some familiar names that have been applied to American statesmen.

68. How long did each of our five great wars last-(1) the French and Indian war; (2) the Revolutionary war; (3) the war of 1812; (4) the Mexican war; and (5) the Civil war?

69. State the cause of each of these wars.

70. Name the prominent generals who acquired celebrity in each.

71. Name the principal battles of each.

72. Name the results of each.

73. What fort was carried by a midnight assault?

74. What general escaped by riding down a steep precipice?

75. Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?

76. Who secured its adoption in the Convention?
77. Name the Presidents in chronological order.
78. How many of our Presidents were Virginians?
79. Who were the "bachelor Presidents "?
80. State to what party each President belonged.
81. How many of our Presidents were poor boys?

82. What were the principles of the whigs? The democrats?

83. What party adopted the views of the old federalists on the United States

Bank, etc.?

84. How many Presidents have served two terms?

85. What battle was fought after peace had been declared?

86. On what issue was Polk elected President?

87. Contrast John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson.

88. On what mountains have battles been fought?

89. Who used the expression, "We have met the enemy, and they are ours "I 90. Whose dying words were, "Don't give up the ship"?

91. When was a general blown up by a magazine, at the moment of victory? 92. What Indian chiefs formed leagues against the whites?

93. What celebrated statesman was killed in a duel?

94. What States were named from mountain ranges?

95. What important contemporaneous events can you name?

96. Was Washington ever wounded in battle?

97. What was meant by saying that "Clay was in the succession "?

98. In what battle did Washington show the most brilliant generalship?

99. What officer lost his life because he neglected to open a note?

100. What army retreated at the moment of victory because the fog was so dense that it did not see how successful it was?

101. How many States were named from their principal rivers?

102. Name some celebrated foreigners who have fought for us.

103. What rendered Valley Forge memorable?

104. How did Harrison gain his popularity? Taylor?

105. Give some account of the United States Bank.

106. In what war was Lincoln a captain and Davis a lieutenant?

107. What colonel, when asked if he could take a battery, replied, "I'll try. sir "' 108. Of what President was it said that "if his soul were turned inside out, not a spot could be found upon it"?

109. What town and army were surrendered without firing a shot?

110. For how many years was the Revolutionary War carried on mainly at the North? At the South?

111. Who was "Poor Richard"?

112. Who were the "Green Mountain Boys"?

113. What colony was founded as a home for the poor?

114. What persecuted people settled the different colonies?

115. What colonies are named after a king or a queen?

116. What religious toleration was granted in the different colonies?

117. Which colonies early enjoyed the greatest liberty?

118. What colony took the Bible as its guide?

119. In what battle was the left wing, when separated from the main body by a river, attacked by an overwhelming force of the enemy? The right wing? 120. In what battle did both generals mass their strength on the left wing, expecting to crush the enemy's right?

121. How many invasions of the North did Lee make i

122. What victories induced him to attempt each of these invasions?

123. By what battle was each invasion checked?

124. How many invasions of Kentucky did Bragg make?

125. How was each stopped?

126. For how many years has the United States been involved in war? 127. What object did Penn, Lord Baltimore, and Oglethorpe each have in found.

ing a colony in the new world?

128. What President was impeached?

129. What ex-Vice-President was tried for treason?

130. Name the four prominent battles fought by General Taylor.

131. What noted expressions of General Taylor became favorite mottoes? General Grant?


132. What President vetoed the measures of the party that elected him? 133. Of what statesman was it said that "he was in the public service fifty years, and never attempted to deceive his countrymen "?

134. Who is said to have used the words, "A little more grape, Captain Bragg"? 135. From what States have Presidents been elected?

136. Give the number and names from each State.

137. What battle did General Gates win? What battle did he lose?

138. What battles did Washington win? What battles did he lose?

139. What President elect came to Washington in disguise?

140. Give a brief history of the slavery question.

141. When were slaves introduced into this country?

142. Name the generals who commanded the Army of the Potomac.

143. Name the principal battles fought by McClellan-Rosecrans-Bragg-Lee



144. Describe the "March to the Sea".

145. What two battles were fought in the "Wilderness"?

146. What was the "Missouri Compromise"? The ". Compromise of 1850 "?

147. What is "squatter sovereignty"? Who was its author?

148. Of whom was it said that "he touched the dead corpse of public credit, and it sprung upon its feet"?

149. What were the "alien and sedition laws"?

150. Who was the "old man cloquent"?

151. When was the first railroad constructed? The first steamboat? The first magnetic telegraph? The first sewing-machine?

152. When was the Erie Canal opened? The Pacific Railroad?

153. What President introduced "rotation in office"?

154. Why, in the Missouri Compromise, was 36° 30' taken as the boundary between the slave and the free States?

155. What is the "Monroe Doctrine"?

156. Who was the inventor of the cotton-gin?

157. What is a "protective tariff"?

158. What is meant by "Reconstruction"?

159. What Presidents were not elected to that office by the people?

160. To what party did Henry Clay belong? J. Q. Adams? Thomas Jefferson? John C. Calhoun? Andrew Jackson? Daniel Webster? Stephen A. Douglas? Alexander Hamilton? George Washington ?

161. What President had not voted for forty years?

162. What two distinguished generals of the same name served in the Confederate army? Name the battles fought by each.

163. What was the "Dred Scott decision "? 164. What was the "Kansas-Nebraska Bill"?

165. Give an account of the principal parties which have arisen since the Constitutional Convention of 1787.


166. Who were the "Silver Greys"? The "Hunkers"? The "Barn-Burners"? The "Woolly-Heads "? The Free-Soilers "? The "Know-Nothings"? The "Anti-Renters"? The "Unionists"? The "Stalwarts"?

167. Give an account of the different attempts to lay the Atlantic cable.

168. Give a history of the difficulty between President Johnson and Congress. 169. What nations settled the different States?

170. How many amendments have been made to the Constitution?

171. What was the "Hartford Convention "?


172. What are State rights"?

173. What was the Secretary of State formerly called?

174. Tell some stories illustrating the patriotism of the women of the Revolution. 175. Give an account of the Public Lands.

176. What State was admitted to the Union first after the original thirteen ? 177. Who are the "Mormons "?

178. For what is Ethan Allen noted?

179. What battles have been fought in Virginia? South Carolina?


New York? Massachusetts ? New Jersey? Maryland? Pennsylvania?
Georgia? Michigan?

180. What was the "Fugitive Slave Law"?

181. Name some unsuccessful candidates for the Presidency.

182. For what is John Brown noted?

183. Who were the "Filibusters "?

184. Give an account of Farragut's most celebrated exploit.


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185. Why was Stonewall Jackson so called?

186. Give an account of Butler's military career.

187. What was the most prominent event of Jefferson's administration? Jack

son's? Monroe's?

188. What treaties are celebrated in our history?

189. What President was once a tailor's apprentice?

190. What was the object of the "American party"?

191. What was the "Gadsden purchase "?

192. Name the various difficulties which have arisen with England.

193. What was the "Wilmot Proviso"?

194. What President followed Washington-Taylor-Jefferson-Lincoln-John Quincy Adams-Pierce?

195. Who was President in 1812-1832-1846-1850-1861?

196. Describe the operations of the Confederate cruisers during the Civil War. Of the "blockade runners ".

197. What distinguished generals have been unsuccessful candidates for the Presidency? Successful candidates?

198. Why did the French in Canada extend their explorations westward to the Mississippi rather than southward into New York?

199. What was the "Trent affair"?

200. Name and describe some important naval engagements.

201. In what battle did the defeated general leave his wooden leg?

202. What was the "O grab me Act"?

203. Who first used the expression, "To the victors belong the spoils "?

204. What is the "Civil Service Reform "?

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