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[blocks in formation]

Colonies, English, 40, 45-63, 74-163.

government, 75, 103, 110-113, 118.
life and industry, 91-105, 114-116.
people, 91.

See names of colonies.

Col-o-ra'do, admitted, 501, xxx.
Columbia, S.C., captured, 484.
Columbia College, 116.

Columbia River discovered, 268.

Columbian exposition, in Chicago, 545.
Columbus, Christopher, 31-35, 43.
Commerce, colonial, 101-105, 114.

growth, 222, 223, 233, 303, 304, 392.
Indian trade, 104.

neutral, 250-252, 271-273, 278.
Pacific, 370, 371.

under Confederation, 199.

under Constitution, 211, 213, 242, 572; see

Tariff, and Interstate commerce.

Constitution of U.S., xiv.


amendments to, 237, 238, 259, 492, 495,

503, 504.

analysis of, 212, 213.

making of, 206-218.
ratification, 213–217.

theories of, 322, 323.

Constitutional Union party, 402.

Constitutions of the states, 159, 160, 422, 540.
Continental Congress, First, 149, 150.

Second, 152, 153, 156-163, 172, 179, 182, 185.
Contraband, 250.

"Contrabands," slaves, 455, 456.

Convention, federal, 206-214, 217, 218.

Conventions, party, 226, 320.

Conway Cabal, 173.

Cooper, James Fenimore, 342.
Cooper, Peter, 327.

Copperheads," 472.

Corinth, captured, 445.

Corn-wal'lis, Lord Charles, 177-179.

Co-ro-nä'dō (-tho), Francisco Vasquez de, 37.

Corporations, 224, 515, 516, 532, 533, 571.

control of, 535, 548, 581.

Cor'tez, Hernando, 36.
Corwin amendment, 409.
Cotton, 221, 222, 420, 430, 527.

Commercial panics and crises, 311, 334, 335, Cotton gin, 222.

393, 507, 543.

Council, colonial, 111.

Commercial treaties, 197, 252, 272, 286, 303, Council for New England, 52, 53, 57, 59.

330, 371, 545, 560.

Committees of Correspondence, 145.
Communal societies, 340-342.

Compromise of 1820, 299.

Compromise of 1850, 374-377.

Compromises of the Constitution, 210.
Concord, battle of, 151, 152.

Confederacy, Southern, 406-422, 433-489.
government, 406, 439, 440.
military strength, 436, 437.
Confederates, punishment of, 491-493.
Confederation, 189-204.

defects, 202-204.

Confiscation, in Civil War, 455, 456.

in Revolution, 166, 185.

Congress, Albany, 128.

County government, 112, 297.
Cou-reurs' de bois (bwa), 74.

Courts, 111, 112, 238.

Cowpens, battle of, 178.
Crater, at Petersburg, 475.
Crawford, William H., 306, 309, 310.
Creeks, 27, 132, 331, 332.

[blocks in formation]

Crown Point, fortified, 126.
Cro-zat', Anthony, 124, 125.

Congress, Continental, 149-163, 172, 179, 182, Cuba, proposed annexation, 377, 378, 384.

Congress, Stamp-Act, 140.

relations to U.S., 551–560.

revolts against Spain, 507, 521, 551-557.

Congress of the Confederation, 189-206, 213, Cum'berland Road, 294.

Currency, see Coinage, and Paper money.

Congress under the Constitution, 211-213, Cush'ing, Caleb, 371.


powers over slavery, 383,

reconstruction by, 494-497, 503.

Custer, Gen. George A., 502.
Cutler, Manasseh, 195.
Cuttyhunk, 42.

Connect'icut, colony, 57, 60, 77, 79, 87-89, Euy-a-ho'ga River, 23.


western claims, 182, 192, 244.

Connecticut Compromise, 210, 211.
Constitution, 280, 281.

Dakota territory, 501.

Dale, Sir Thomas, governor, 48.
Danish West Indies, 499.

Dare, Virginia, 40.

Da-ri-en', town in South America, 36.
Dart'mouth College, 116, 306.
Davenport, Rev. John, 57.

Davis, Jefferson, biography, 439, 440.
Buchanan and, 404.
captured, 486.

held for treason, 491, 497.

President of confederacy, 406, 439, 440.

resolutions of 1860, 401.

secession views, 408, 409.

Deane, Silas, 174.

Dear'born, Ft., 289.

Debs, Eugene V., 537, 583.

Debtors' laws, 200, 225, 338.

Declaration of Independence, 157–159, xi.
Declaration of Rights, 149.
Deerfield, attacked, 125.

De Grässe, Admiral, 179.

De Kalb', Baron, 167, 178.

Delaware, 68, 81, 54, 107, xxx.

Delfs-hä'ven, 50.

De Lo me, Spanish minister, 552.

Democracy, in America, 110, 226, 227, 316,


Democratic Clubs, 250, 253.

Draft, in North, 437, 460; riots, 472.
in South, 478.

Drake, Sir Francis, 39-41.
Dred Scott decision, 391, 392.
Dress, 92, 102, 135, 139, 228.
Du-ane', William John, 329.

Dun-more', Gov. John Murray, 144.
Dunne, Finley Peter, 530.
Du-pont', Admiral S. F., 443.
Du-quesne' (-kän'), Ft., 127, 129.
Dustin, Hannah, 124.

Dutch, colonies, 67, 68, 73, 78.
freedom from Spain, 39, 67, 68.
in Connecticut valley, 57, 60.
in Revolutionary War, 175.
settlers, 67, 50, 91, 220.

Dutch West India Company, 67, 78.

Eads, Capt. James B., 534.

Early, Gen. Jubal A., 475, 477.

Eaton, Theophilus, 57.

Ed'ison, Thomas A., 532.

Education, 92, 93, 227, 228, 339, 340, 425, 424,

525, 529, 569, 570.

in Northwest, 296.

Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, 115.

Democratic party, earliest, 246, 253; see Re-Elections, see Voters, and Presidential elec

publican party (Democratic).

Jacksonian, 336, 380.

recent issues, 525, 540, 541, 547, 583.
slavery and, 388, 359, 401-403.
Denver, founded, 427.

Dependencies, government of, 575, 576.
Deposit Act of 1836, 834.
Deş-er-ět', state of, 394.
De So'to, Ferdinando, 37.
Des Plaines' River, 24.
D'Es-tǎing, Admiral, 177.
De-troit', founded. 124.

in War of 1812, 280, 282.
Dew'ey, Admiral George, 553, 554.
Diaz (de'äs), Bartholomew, 31.
Dickinson, John, 141, 149, 161, 207.
Dingley tariff, 547.

Dinwid'die, Gov. Robert, 127.
Direct tax, 442, 541.

Discovery of America, 17, 31-43.
aids to, 14.

causes, 13-16.

District of Columbia, 239, 877

Dix, Dorothea, 388, 339.

Dixie's Land, 109.

Don'elson, Ft., captured, 444, 476.

Don'gan, Gov. Thomas, SO.

Dooley, Mr., 530.

Dorr, Thomas W., 355.

Douglas, Stephen A., biography, 386.
Lincoln and, 396, 397, 416.

presidential candidate, 401-403, 380, 359.
slavery views, 355-387, 395-397, 401.


Electoral Commission, 512.

Electoral Count Act, 538.

Electric devices, 532, 570; see Telegraph.
El'i-ot, John, 86.

Elizabeth, Queen, 40.

Emancipation proclamations, 459, 492, xxvii.
Embargo Act, 278, 275.

Em'erson, Ralph Waldo, 425, 342.
Emigrant aid companies, 357.

England, changes in government, 29, 60, 77,

SS, 126.

claim to North America, 42, 78, 75.
colonies of, see Colonies, and Colonial.
discoveries, 35, 38, 39, 42, 43.
war with France, 66, 122-133.
war with Spain, 38-43.
See also Great Britain.
Enumerated goods, 103.
Eph'rata, Pa., settled, 82.
Equality, 576.

Era of good feeling, 306.
Er iesson, John, 447.
Erie Canal, 294, 295.

Er'ikson, Leif, 31.

Er'skine, British minister, 277.

European basis of American history, 13-17,

25, 29.

Ev'ans, Oliver, 222, 225.

Ew'ell, Gen. Richard S., 477.

Executive Departments, organized, 237.

Ex'eter, N.H., settled, 59.

Exploration, of coast, see Discovery.

Exploration, of interior, 263, 269, 356, 501.

Expositions, 511, 545.
Express companies, 430.

Fairbanks, Charles W., 583.
Fair Oaks, battle of, 448.
Farmer's Alliance, 542.

Farming, 98-100, 221, 420, 421, 527.
machinery, 326, 428, 570.

Farragut, David G., 446, 478, 479.
Federal Convention, 206-214, 217, 218.
Federalist, 214.

Federalist party, 214, 246, 254–259, 306.
Ferguson, Maj. Patrick, 178.
Filipi'nos, 563, 569.

Fillmore, Millard, 375, 378, 389.
Finance, in Civil War, 441, 442.
in Revolution, 185, 186.
in War of 1812, 284.
recent, 498, 513.

under Confederation, 196, 199.
under Constitution, 213, 239–243.
See also Public Debt, Tariff, etc.
Fire caters, 384.

Fisher, Ft., captured, 479.
Fisheries, 101, 184, 222, 303, 506.
Fiske, John, 530.

Fitch, John, 225,

Fitz-hugh', Col. William, 100.
Five Nations, see Iroquois.
Flag, Confederate, 466.

United States, 159, 159.

Fletcher, Gov. Benjamin, 105.

Florida, British, 130, 131, 155, 181, 184.

discovery of, 36.

French in, 38.

purchased by U.S., 307.

Seminole war, 332.

Spanish, 36, 38, 130, 184, 307.

state in U.S., 374. xxx.

Floyd, John B., 405.

Foote, Andrew H., 444.

Forests of United States, 20, 22, 527.

Forrest, Gen. Nathan B., 466,

France, treaties with, 174, 257.

war with England, 66, 122-133, 174-187,
249, 271.

war with Iroquois, 66.

war with U.S., 257.

X. Y. Z. controversy, 255, 256.
Franklin, battle of, 484.

Franklin, state of, 194.

Franklin, Benjamin, biography, 117, 118.
Declaration of Independence, 157.
Federal Convention, 207, 210, 212.
minister to France, 174, 188, 185.
plan of union, 128, 161.
writings of, 117, 229.
Fraternity, 576.
Freebooters, 38, 39.

Free coinage, 513; see Coinage and Silver.
Free Democrats, 380, 389.
Freedman's Bureau, 492, 503.
Freeman's Farm, battles at, 170.
Freeport doctrine, 397.

Free-soil party, 372, 380.

Fré-mont', John C., 357, 365, 389, 456, 480.
French, see France.

French and Indian War, 127-131.

French settlers, 85, 91, 124, 125.

Fre-neau' (-no'), Philip, 228.

Fröb'isher, Sir Martin, 38.

Fron'te-nac, Ft., 71, 129.

FrôN-te-nåe', Governor, 71.

Fugitive Slave Act, of 1793, 273, 373.

of 1850, 377-379, 459.

Fugitive slaves, 373, 378, 379.

Fulton, Robert, 274.

Fur trade, 65, 73, 86, 222.

Gabriel insurrection, 347.

Gadsden Purchase, 566.

Gage, Gen. Thomas, 146, 150, 153.

Gal'latin, Albert, 262, 277.

Gama, Vasco dã, 33, 43.

Garfield, James A., 520, 464.

Garrison, William Lloyd, 348, 349.
Gaspé Peninsula, 20.

Fort Astoria, Sumter, etc., see Astoria, Gaspee, 144.

Sumter, etc.

Fort Wayne, 24, 290.

Forty-niners, 370.

Foundations of American History, 13-29.

Fox, Charles James, 135.

Gates, Gen. Horatio, 170, 171, 178, 178.

Genêt (zh'-na'), Edmond, 249, 250.
Gen'o-a, trade routes, 15.
Geography of U.S., 17-23, 29.
George III., 135, 136, 151, 165.

France, ally of U.S., 174-179, 184, 185, 187, Georgia, colony, 105, 132, 177.


changes in government, 29, 249, 257.
claim to North America, 42, 73, 75.

Indian troubles, 244, 331, 332.
western claims, 182, 192, 245.
German settlers, 82, 91, 105, 125, 143, 193,
220, 500.

depredations on U.S. commerce, 251, 255, Germantown, founded, 82; battle, 171.

colonies, 65, 66, 69-75, 130, 265-267.

257, 272, 278, 278, 330.

discoveries, 37, 35, 66, 69–73.

Mexican empire, 499.

spoliation claims, 330.

Ge-ron'i-mo, Indian chief, 28.

Ger'ry, Elbridge, 212, 255.

Gerrymander, 316.

Gettysburg, battle of, 462, 463.

[blocks in formation]

Gorman, Arthur P., 543.

Gor such, 378.

Gosnold, Bartholomew, 42, 46.

Gould, Jay, 533.

Government, colonial, 75, 103, 110-113, 118;

see names of colonies.

dependencies, 575, 576.
military, 471, 497, 503.

state, 160, 316, 422, 538-540, 575.
territorial, 195.

U. S., 189-218, 235-243, 574, 575.
Governors, colonial, 111, 112, 153.
Gra-nä'da, 17.

Grangers, 512.

Grant, Ulysses S., biography, 475, 476, 503.
campaigns in East, 474-476, 485, 486.

campaigns in West, 444-446, 460, 461, 465.
President, 502-508, 501.

presidential candidate, 502, 505, 511, 519.
protects Confederates, 491.

Gray, Capt. Robert, 268.

Grayson ordinance, 192.

Great Britain, 126; see England.

boundary controversies, 355, 361, 506.

depredations on U.S. commerce, 250, 251.

difficulties with (1783-88), 197-199.

during Civil War, 440, 441, 459, 460.
Isthmian canal, 366, 367, 393, 582.

[blocks in formation]

Constitution, 206, 207, 210, 214, 217.

Jefferson and, 239, 243, 245, 246.

Secretary of the Treasury, 239-243.
Washington and, 253.

Hamilton, Henry, 180, 181.

Hampton Roads conference, 486.

Hancock, John, 140, 222, 142, 150, 215, 216.
Hancock, Winfield S., 519, 520.

Hanna, Marcus A., 563, 583.
Harmar, Gen. Josiah, 243.
Harnden, William F., 430.
Harpers Ferry, 897, 451.
Harriman, E. H., 533.

Harris, Joel Chandler, 530.

Harrison, Benjamin, 540, 541, 546.

Harrison, William II., 279, 281, 252, 286, 353
Harte, Bret, 530.

Hartford, 57, 60; Convention, 285.

Harvard College, 93.

Hat'teras, Ft., captured, 443.

Ha-van'a, captured by British, 130.

Ha'ver-hill, Mass., attacked, 124.

Ha-wai'ian Islands, 370, 560, 561.

Hawkins, Sir John, 39.

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 425, 342.
Hay, John, 557, 562, 582.

Hay-Pauncefote treaty, 582.

Hayes, Ruth'erford B., 511-513, 519, 521.

treaties (1783) 184, (1794) 251, 252, (1814) | Hayne, Robert Y., 319.

285, (1818) 303, (1571) 506.

Venezuelan boundary, 546.

Henderson, Richard, 160.

Hen'nepin, Father, 72.

wars with France, 126-133, 174-187, 249, Henry, Ft., captured, 444.

Great Plains, 21.

wars with U.S., 150-187, 277-287.

Greeley, Horace, 343, 459, 505.

Green, Duff, 318.

Greenback Labor party, 513.

Greenback party, 512.

Greenbacks, 471, 49, 508, 518.

Greene, Gen. Nathanael, 178, 186.

Greenville, treaty of, 244.

Grenville, George, 138.

Griffon (gre-fox'), 71.

Guam (gwäm), 557.

Gua-na-hän', 32.

Henry, Patrick, 187, 140, 149, 155, 180, 216.
Henry VII., 35.

Henry the Navigator, Prince, 16.

Her'kimer, Gen. Nicholas, 170.

Hessian soldiers, 166, 169, 170.

Hill, Gen. A. P., and Gen. D. H., 477.

Hill, James J., 633.

Hilton Head, 443, 444.

Hispaniola, 33.

Hobson, Lieut. Richmond P., 555.

Ho-chel'a-ga (St. Lawrence), 38.

Hoe, Richard, 429.

Holland, or the Netherlands, see Dutch.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 425.

[blocks in formation]

Indian Wars, in aid of French, 122-125, 127- Jara, 281,

in New England, 57, 58, 86, 87, 125.

in New York, 78.

in Virginia, 45, 84.

Pontiac's, 132.

with U.S. (1789-94) 243, 244, (1811) 278,
279, (1832) 332, (1872-76), 501, (1856) 526.

Indiana, state, 298, 301, xxx.

territory, 244, 278, 298,

Indians, aboriginal life, 23-28.
behavior in slavery, 99.

controversy with Georgia, 331, 332.
government, 28.

in Revolution, 167, 170, 179, 180, 183,
relations with whites, 74, 75, 568, 569.

Jay, John, 149, 183, 200, 214, 238.

treaty with Great Britain, 251, 252.
Jefferson, Thomas, biography, 261, 262.
Declaration of Independence, 157.
Hamilton and, 239, 243, 245, 246.
Kentucky Resolutions, 256.

on National Bank, 243.

on slavery, 226.

on treaty with France, 249.

ordinance for western territory, 194.
President, 258, 261–277.

Vice President, 254.
Washington and, 253.
writings of, 229.

Jesuits in America, 66, 69, 71.

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