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Medicines, adulteration of, 757-396
Medical Colleges, appointments in, 404

Graham, Dr. his address before the Meteorology, researches on, by Dowler,
Physico-Medical Society, 448

Health, an act to establish a Board of,

Harrison, John Dr., on Coagulation of the
blood, 34

Harrison, John Dr., lecture, introductory,

Harris, Dr. versus. New Orleans Medical
and Surgical Journal, 371
Hernia, strangulated, 695

66 operation for cure of, 695
Hippocrates, oath of, 403
Histology, history of, by Henle, 353
Hospital, reports from, 410-687-543-

Hort, W. P. Dr. on Congestive Fever, 36
Hydriod. Potassa in Secondary Syphilis,
by Dr. Brickell, 801

Hysteria, its pathology and treatment,

Hypochondriasis, clinical lecture on, 382

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Medicine, a treatise on practice of, a
review of, 766

Medical Society, proceedings of, in Mo-
bile, 674

Milk of the Carnivora, on the presence of
layer of milk in the, 788

Midwifery, theory and practice of, review
of, 766

Morehead, Dr. his Electro-Galvanic ina-
chine, 547

Muscular and Nervous System, criticisms
on, by Dowler, 189

Mucous membranes, the nature of their
secretions in cholera, 668

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[blocks in formation]

List of interments in,
Scientific miscellany of,

New Medical Journal, 272
New York, medical society of, 88

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Medicines, communication on the adul- Plaster, discovery of the new Liquid Ad-

McWilliams, Dr. his report, 275

terations of, by J. Tickell, 796

hesive, 790

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The centre building, which is the Medical Department, presents a front of one hundred feet, by a depth of one hundred and four feet. It contains three Lecture Rooms, large enough for six hundred persons each, with several Dissecting Rooms, a large Museum, and other rooms for Professors, &c. It will be finished in time for the next course of Lectures.

(See advertisement.)


For the satisfaction of our subscribers, we shall continue to publish regularly from the date of this number, a list of amounts received on account of the Journal.

We take occasion once more, to state distinctly that all remittances must be paid to the Publisher, S. WOODALL, No. 49 Camp Street, New Orleans, and that in no case will we be responsible for the non-receipt of any payment, if directed otherwise.

Subscribers are respectfully requested to be punctual in making their remittances, and thereby spare us the trouble and themselves the expense of duns.

The amount of subscription may be sent in any good and current bank note, either of this State, or of that in which the party residesacknowledgment of the receipt thereof, will duly appear in the succeeding number of the Journal.

Publisher, No. 49 Camp St.,
New Orleans.

N. B.-We have made certain changes in our list of Agents, which subscribers would do well to observe attentively. They will find on the cover of this number, the names of our only authorized Agents from this date.

New Orleans, July 1, 1847.

JOSEPH COHN, Printer, 31 Poydras Street.

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