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Sleep shall neither night nor day

Hang upon his penthouse lid. - Shak.

5. But in asking a question, we are accustomed to use shall or will, according as the one or the other is to be used in reply. —Whitney. 6. Do you know whether the velocity of light has been accurately determined or not? 7. He spoke and acted as if his life depended on the result. 8. Because salt water has a greater lifting capacity than fresh water, a person can rest on the Dead Sea as comfortably as if reclining on a spring mattress. 9. Why does a leaf fall more slowly than an apple or a nut? IO. On the soil of thought and in the garden of the heart, as well as in the sensual world, lie withered leaves, the ideas and feelings that we have done with. Hawthorne. II. The more, the merrier.


My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk;

Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains

One minute past, and Lethe-ward had sunk. - Keats.


976. Analyze the foregoing sentences (975), and parse all

the words contained in them.


977. Correct the following errors. (One sentence is correct.)

I. Henry will not go away without you stay at home. 2. I will see if it rains or no. 3. I have no doubt but

that he is right. 4. O fairest flower, no sooner blown but blasted! 5. Ye shall not worship any other except God. 6. I am neither an ascetic in theory or practice. 7. They are not only offensive, but also repulsive. 8. His mission was to prepare the Jews for the reception of a prophet mightier than him, and whose shoes he was not worthy to bear. 9. About the time of Solon, the custom is said to have been introduced, and which still prevails, of writing from left to right.


978. A responsive is the word yes, yea, ay, no, nay, or amen, used to reply or respond to a question or a petition.


979. Read the following sentences:

1. Is Autumn dying? Yes. 2. Do you expect him? No. Which words are responsives in the foregoing sentences? Which one is affirmative? Which is negative?

980. Responsives are of two classes: affirmative responsives and negative responsives.

981. Affirmative responsives express affirmation. They are yes, yea, ay,

and amen.

982. Negative responsives express negation. They are no and nay.


983. Rule 19. A responsive is used independently.

[blocks in formation]

2. No, he did not succeed. 3. "Yes, I saw him," she said softly.


985. An interjection is a word used simply to express a sudden feeling or to call attention.


986. Read the following sentences:

1. Alas, poor Yorick! 2. Hurrah! the work is done. 3. Pshaw!

Which of the foregoing interjections expresses pity? Joy? Contempt?

987. The following are the chief classes of interjections:

I. Pity. Alas! oh! ah! welladay! etc.

2. Joy. Hurrah! good! bravo! etc.

[blocks in formation]

4. Surprise. Ha! what! heigh! indeed! oh! la! zounds! etc.

5. Contempt. Pshaw! pish! pooh! fie! bah! etc.

6. Silence.

Hush! hish! 'st! mum! etc.

7. Interrogating. Eh? etc.

8. Saluting or parting. Welcome! hail! adieu! good-by! (and perhaps good morning! good night!) etc.

988. Words from other parts of speech, and groups of words, when used simply to express a sudden feeling, become interjections; as, nonsense! behold! strange! thunder and lightning!

989. Imitative words, and words used in speaking to inferior animals, are generally called interjections; as, patter, patter! whoa! gee! scat!

990. Some interjections are compound words; welladay, farewell, etc.

991. Some interjections are derivative words; as, adieu, begone, etc.


992. Rule 20. An interjection is used independently.


993. Parse the following interjections:

1. "O stay!" the maiden said. - Longfellow.


O is an interjection of address. It is used independently.


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Ah, well! for us all some sweet hope lies
Deeply buried from human eyes. Whittier.

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4. Lickety,

Bret Harte.

3. O sleep! it is a gentle thing. Coleridge. lickety, switch, we came to the ford.


O Jones, my dear! O dear! my Jones,

What is become of you? — Hood.


994. Which of the following words are simple, and which compound?

Sign, music, gentleman, watchman, whalebone, true, school-teaching, henceforward, penknife, argus-eyed, plow, plowshare, post, posthaste, signpost.

995. To what parts of speech do the following words usually belong? What words are united to form them?

Pickpocket, onset, withstand, low-toned, herewith, overhead, outwit, everlasting, thereto, forever, without, however, gentleman, underneath, upon, underbrush, wire-pulling, backslide, godsend, seven-hilled, notwithstanding, inkstand, overlook, whereof, good-by.

996. What compound words can be formed from the following list?

Ill, set, star, with, take, bold, out, man, day, in, draw, bred, looking, natured, up, sun, will, come, gazing, bridge, under, over, kind, work.

997. Which of the following words are simple, which compound, and which derivative? Of what words are the compound words composed? Point out the prefixes and suffixes of the derivative words. From what words are

they derived?

Coachman, table, hardihood, untruthfully, footstep, praiseworthiness, hilly, vocalization, useful, duty, fix, unfettered, classmate, conscience-stricken, teaspoon, friendly, unsuspiciously, correlative, adverbially, quicksilver, coquettishly, teacher, miller, ungraceful, affectionate.


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