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A, an (not, without); as, apathy.
Ambi (both, double); as, ambidexter.
Ana (up, through); as, analysis.
Anti (against); as, antipathy.
Cata (down, over); as, catastrophe.
Dia (through); as, diameter.
En, em (in, on, at); as, emphasis.
Epi, ep (upon); as, epidemic.
Ex, ec (out of); as, exodus.

Hyper (above, over); as, hypercritical.
Hypo, hyp (under); as, hypothesis.
Meta, met (after, beyond); as, meta-

Para, par (beside); as, parallel.
Peri (round); as, perimeter.

Syn, sy, syl, sym (together, with); as, synthesis, sympathy.



D (passive); as, deed, loved.

Dom (condition); as, freedom.

En (causative, diminutive, made of); as, hasten, kitten, wooden.

Er, ar, or (one that, instrument); as, speaker, writer.

Ful (full of); as, mindful.

Less (free from, without); as, worthless.
Let, et (little, young); as, brooklet.
Ling (little, young); as, gosling.
Ly (like); as, suddenly.

Some (full of, making); as, quarrelsome.


Able, ible, ble (that may be, worthy of);

as, attainable, laudable.

Acy (-ness, state of being); as, accuracy. Age (-ing, state of being, act of); as, bondage.

Al (of, pertaining to); as, manual. An, ean, ian, ane (in adjectives, of, pertaining to; in nouns, one who); as, republican, European.

Ance, ancy, ence, ency (act of, state of

being); as, acceptance.

Ant, ent (in nouns, one that; in adjec

tives, -ing); as, assistant, pendent. Ary (in nouns, one that; in adjectives,

of, pertaining to); as, library, epistolary.

Ate (in nouns, office, one that; in adjectives, having, -ed; in verbs, to make, to give, to put); as, legate, fortunate, incarcerate.

Dom (place in which dominion is exercised, rank, quality); as, kingdom, wisdom.

Eous (consisting of, like); as, igneous. Fy (to make); as, fortify.

Ile (of, like, pertaining to); as, juvenile. Ine (one that); as, marine,

Ion (act of, -ing, state of being); as, invention.

Ive (in nouns, one that; in adjectives, having power); as, captive, active. Ment (act of, -ing, state of being); as, accomplishment.

Mony (state of being, that which); as, matrimony.

Or (one, that, -er, act of, -ing); as, factor.

Ous (full of, consisting of, like); as, curious.

Tude, ude (-ness); as, altitude.

[blocks in formation]

Facere, to make, to do.

Ferre, to bear.

Fides, faith.

Finis, end.

Fluere, fluxum, to flow.

Forma, form.

Fortis, strong.

Frangere, fractum, to break.
Frater, brother.

Gerere, gestum, to bear, to perform.

Grandis, large.

Gratia, grace.

Habere, to have.

Horrere, to shudder.
Judex, judge.

Jungere, junctum, to join.
Jurare, to swear.
Lapis, stone.

Latus, side.

Legere, lectum, to gather. Liber, free.

Lingua, tongue.

Litera, letter.

Locus, place.

Loqui, to speak.

Magnus, great.

Manere, mansum, to remain.

Manus, hand.

Mater, mother.

Mederi, to heal.

Medius, middle.
Mens, mentis, mind.

Mittere, missum, to send.
Mons, mountain.
Mors, mortis, death.
Movere, motum, to move.
Nasci, natus sum, to be born.

Navis, ship.

Noscere, to know.

Novus, new.

Numerus, number.

Octo, eight.

Oculus, eye.

Omnis, all.

Orbis, circle.

Par, equal.

Parere, to bring forth, prepare.

Pars, part.

Pater, father.
Patria, country.

Pax, pacis, peace.
Pellere, to drive.
Pendere, to hang.
Pes, pedis, foot.

Petere, petitum, to ask, seek.
Pingere, pictum, to paint.
Placere, to please.

Plicare, to fold.
Pondus, weight.

Ponere, positum, to place.

Portare, to carry.

Post, after.

Prehendere, to grasp.

Primus, first.

Pungere, punctum, to prick.
Qualis, of which kind.
Quantus, how great.
Quartus, fourth.
Queri, to complain.
Radius, ray.
Radix, root.

Ratio, reckoning.
Rogare, to ask.

Rumpere, ruptum, to break.
Sanctus, holy.

Satis, enough.

Scire, to know.

Scribere, scriptum, to write.

Secare, sectum, to cut.
Sentire, to feel, think.

Sequi, secutus, to follow.

Servus, slave.

Sistere, to stop, stand.
Sol, sun.

Solidus, solid.

Solus, alone,

Solvere, solutum, to loosen.

Sonus, sound.

Specere, spectum, to look.

Spirare, to breathe.

Struere, structum, to pile up.

Suadere, to advise.

Sumere, sumptum, to take.

Tangere, tactum, to touch.

[blocks in formation]

Roots are frequently called stems; and the word root is sometimes restricted to certain primitive forms of speech from which words in related languages are derived.

Use the foregoing table (Appendix F) to teach pupils the etymology of words they find in their text-books. Place lists of words on the blackboard, to be analyzed into their component elements; as, abduction; ab, away, ducere, to lead, ion, the act of, etc. Let pupils occasionally see how many words they can form from a given root; as, incline, declension, etc., from clinare. The table can also be used in other ways.



English grammar has no superior among the common school branches as a means of mental discipline; but it cannot take the place of a course of reading for general culture. Every pupil who uses this book should read a number of the best works of the best authors. Let the teacher ascertain what books can be obtained by his pupils, and select from those books the ones that will be most beneficial to the pupils. The teacher should also read to the school selections from standard authors, and lead the pupils to appreciate their beauty. The study of words their history, their etymology, their figurative as well as literal use- is both interesting and profitable. Do not lose sight of the fact that nothing can take the place of good literature in a course of study.


[Figures preceded by "p." refer to pages; other references are to paragraphs]

[blocks in formation]

Adjectives, chief use of, 192; classes of,
744-748; clauses used as, 253; com-
parison of, 767-788; complements of
verbs, 193, 196, 200; complements of
verbals, 196, 198, 200; compound, 761;
conjunctive, 748, 4; 749; definition of,
31,740; definitive, 746; derivative, 762;
descriptive, 745; interrogative, 748, 3;
749; number of, 791, 792; numeral,
748, 2; objective predicate, 200; pars-
ing of, 804; participial, 747, 2; phrases
used as, 236; position of, 793-799; pro-
nominal, 371; 748, 1; proper, 747, 1;
rules for, 802, 803; subjective predi-
cate, 193, 196; used absolutely, 198;
used as nouns, 318; used for adverbs,

Adverbs, chief use of, 202; classes of,
819; clauses used as, 255, 275; com-
parison of, 827-830; compound, 822;
definition of, 35, 811; derivative, 824;
modifying nouns and pronouns, 203;
of emphasis, 204; 819, 9; of position,
206; 819, 10; other words used as, 812;
parsing of, 846; phrases, clauses, and

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors]

Apostrophe, 81, 117, 476, 477.
Appositive nouns and pronouns, 153,
508; position of, 516, 517; punctua-
tion of, 95, 3; rules for, 509-512.
Are come, 619.

As, 368, 973, p. 316.
As follows, p. 316.
As it were, 815.

As well as, 954, 966.
At last, 815.

Be, variations of, 609, 1.
Before, p. 316.
Below, p. 316.
Beside, besides, p. 316.
Best, p. 316.
Better, p. 316.

Biographical sketches, 911, 912.
Both, 760; 819, 9; 964, 4; p. 316.
Brackets, 112.

Brevity, 1003-1007.
Business papers, 1039.

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