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Dr. Jerome Kidder's Electro-Medical Apparatuses

ARE THE BEST, owing to the Simplicity of the Operation, Durable Construction and Physiological Qualities of Electricity they produce for the Cure of Disease. Superior to all others as acknowledged by Awards of First Premium at Centennial, 1876; from the American Institute, for the years 1872 to 1884 inclusive, and in 1875 the Gold Medal as an award of the first order of importance.


SILVER MEDALS awarded at the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition in fall of 1881, 1882 and 1883. Silver Medal at Charleston (S. C.) Exhibition, fall of 1882; and a Medal, the highest award, at "Louisville Exposition," fall of 1883.

Our machines are manufactured under "Letters Patent," for marked and decided Improvements rendering them superior to any manufactured either here or abroad.



CAUTION!-We are sole proprietors of the Patent Tip Battery, and all purchasers of infringements are held liable for royalty (or cost of goods) to the JEROME KIDDER MANUFACTURING Co.

All parties claiming highest awards ARE FRAUDULENT, such claims being made to deceive the public. To distinguish the genuine from the spurious, send for Illustrated Catalogue. Address

Jerome Kidder Manufacturing Co.,

Please mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

820 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY.

A. S. ALOE & CO.


Surgical, Optical and Electrical Instruments
and Physicians' Supplies Generally.

300 North Fourth Street, and 325, 327 and 329 Olive Street,



Latest improvements in Orthopedic Appliances and Instruments for Gynecological and Urethral Surgery, always on hand. Physicians' Medicine Cases for pocket, hand or buggy use; also


SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO PHYSICIANS. Send for Circulars of Recent Inventions.







Formulæ and full directions for use accompany each instrument.

Descriptive Circular sent on application.

An Open Letter to the Medical Profession!!


The proper medicinal value of Malt Extracts must be held to depend on the AMOUNT OF DIASTASE which they contain. * * * In Malted Barley we have at command an unlimited supply of diastatic power:


WM. ROBERTS, M. D., F. R. S.,

Prof. Clinical Medicine, Owens College; Physician to the Manchester Infirmary, etc. 1

Since the introduction by us of the manufacture of malt extract in this country, many preparations of this class, possessing more or less merit, have been placed on the market; and some, at least, the device of adventurers on the alert for catchword medicinal novelties, being mostly inert malted grain syrups. Hence it has been our endeavor to have the quality of malt preparations determined by appropriate tests which may be conveniently applied by every one interested in the administration of pure and reliable medicines. Every package of this extract is accompanied with directions for making such tests, and the trade everywhere has been long and repeatedly notified of our readiness to return the price in money or replace with fresh amylolytically active extract, any and every sample of our extract found to be deficient.

The superior amylolytic power of our Malt Extract has been proved not only by long clinical experience in hospital and private practice, but by careful and repeated analysis by some of the leading organic chemists of both Europe and America, whose reports thoroughly authenticated we are prepared to furnish on application The mere physical properties of inferior preparation being liable to mislead, we have, through our representatives, by means of honestly made and classically accurate tests, demonstrated the diastatic strength of our Extract, in the presence of thousands of physicians, pharmacists and apothecaries, both in private and at meetings of medical and pharmaceutical societies in every part of the United States.

The Trommer Company were the first to undertake the manufacture of Malt Extract in America, and the first in any country to employ improved processes in its preparation, with the object of preserving unimpaired ALL the soluble constituents of carefully malted barley of the best quality, including especially the important nitrogenous bodies which possess the power to digest starchy food.

We guarantee the uniform strength and purity of our Malt Extract. We are engaged exclusively in this manufacture, and produce one quality only, and challenge any statement to the contrary by whomsoever made. We are able to furnish thoroughly convincing proof of its excellence, in the form of testimonials of physicians and chemists of high repute in America and Europe, many of whom in deference to a growing sentiment in the profession are averse to having their names appear in advertisements. We take pleasure however in submitting them in another manner to those who request it, free of expense. It is more than suspected that another class of testimonials which laud to the skies the wares of certain manufacturers, while denouncing an article of long established merit, have been in some instances too easily obtained. Suspicion is further aroused by the tergiversations, and inconsistencies characterizing certain eager contributions which on occasion have found space in medical journals, exhausting the Vocabulary of good words in one issue, while in another the same preparation is pronounced to be an inferior product of a house engaged in fraudulent practices. The readers of such contributions would probably be edified if made acquainted with some facts having possible relation to their contradictory character.

For the General Convenience We Publish An Approved Method for the

For carefully making this, have 12 clear and uniform 2 oz. vials filled with distilled water, and two drops of Iodine Solution prepared from 2 grams Iodine, 4 grams Iodide of Potassium and 250 grams water, a good thermometer and starch mucilage. To prepare the mucilage, 10 grams starch are stirred with 30 grams water and poured into 125 or 150 grams boiling water. The thermometer is then Introduced and the temperature allowed to cool to 100° F. and maintained so by the water bath. Ten grams extract of malt dissolved in 10cc, water are then stirred into the mucilage, the time being accurately noted. After one minute a good extract will have converted the thick mucilage into a thin liquid. As soon as this change has taken place it is necessary to examine the progress of the conversion of starch into soluble starch, dextrin and sugar at the end of every minute, by the following method:

After the expiration of the first minute transfer 2 drops, by means of the glass rod, into one of the 2 oz. bottles The bottle is shaken and placed near

a window. At the end of every minute repeat this manipulation with a new bottle until the coloration is no longer produced. The time necessary for effecting this change gives the indication as to the amount of diastase present. Undecomposed starch mucilage gives a greenish blue color and after standing some time a blue precipitate. Soluble starch, the first product of the change, yields with Iodine, a dark blue solution without a precipitate. If the amount of soluble starch equals that of dextrin and sugar the color of the solution will be purple. As the soluble starch disappears, the solution will be of a decided red color if dextrin predominates, or faintly red if the sugar be in excess; and when starch and most of the dextrin has been converted into sugar, the liquid will be nearly or entirely colorless. This experiment is very interesting and is simple to perform.

For convenient methods for the estimation of solid matter and water, dextrin, sugar, etc., and determination of albuminates and free acid, refer to American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 55, No. 6.


Please mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.




And Improved Abdominal Supporter,

Of Prolapsus, Retroversion, Anteversion and the Flexions. The Abdominal Supporter consists of a broad morocco belt, with elastic straps, to buckle around the hips, and concave front, which has the straps attached to the lower front edge. By tightening these straps a "lift-up pressure" is obtained. You can readily see that this is a great improvement. The Uterine Supporter is made of pure black rubber, with a very high degree of polish, which will not become changed by contact with the uterine and vaginal discharges. The cup has a thick rolled edge, like a ring, with deep sloping sides like a cup, perfectly adapted to the form of the cervix, no bottom to press, chafe or abrade the, os uteri. The stem is adjustable, one inch in length after it is inserted, by a small thumb-screw at the exterior of the stem, making it easy to adjust, as shown above, a principle possessed by none other, patented June 25, 1878. I furnish non-adjustable stems, if ordered, any length. The Elastic Supporter. The cup and stem is suspended from the belt by two soft elastic rubber tubes, which are fastenod to the front of the belt by simple loops, pass down through the base of the stem and up to the back of the belt.


The External Adjustable
Stem Elastic Supporter.

Stem Supporter, applied

The External Adjustable for Prolapsus.

The Spring Supporter. The spring or point of attachment to the belt is so pliable as to permit the organ to rise and fall with each respiration, or during the act of coughing, sneezing, etc. The wire supporting frame is solid coin silver, stamped coin, and warranted to be such. It is attached to the stem by a hinge joint, under the base, which also prevents the cup from pressing back against the rectum. For extreme versions and flexions, I make a special large cup, with extended lip, open bottom, for enlargement, ulceration, retro version, anteversion, or any unusual flexion of the womb. Prolapsus is by far the most common of uterine displacements, and as usually managed, the most annoying and obstinate to cure. In cases where the organ lies very low, requiring an uncommonly short stem at first by means of the external adjustable extension stem, elevation of the womb is made so gradual (by the patient) allowing the ligaments tíme to contract, and this elevation will progress until it has regained its normal position. The retroversion and anteversion cups, it will be seen, are peculiarly adapted to the anatomy of these displacements. Imake three sizes of belts, measuring respectively as follows: Small size, 24 to 28 inches; Medium size, 28 to 36 inches; and Large size, 36 to 48 inches. The medium size will suit the majority of cases, and is sent where no instructions are given. The medium cup for Prol: psus, as shown above, is 14 inches in diameter, with stem 21⁄2 inches long, adjustable to 3% inches. This will also suit the majority of cases. The small cup is a little shorter stem. Cups for retroversion or anteversion are the same in size, but have an extended lip on back or front, as shown in the cuts. My Reduced Price to Physicians. Abdominal Supporter, elastic, with Cup (or Ring), Adjustable Stem... $4.50 each. Cup (or Ring), Adjustable Stem and Silver Spring.. 6.50" Instruments sent by mail at my risk, on receipt of price; or I will send by express C. O. D. and collect return express on the money. Remittances may be made by mail, registered letter, money order, draft, or express, whichever is the most convenient. Give full name, post-office, county and state. Send for circulars. For further information in regard to the instrument, address Please mention Medical Brief. J. W. DAWSON, 387 West Taylor Street, Chicago, Ill.

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Non-Adjustable Stem. $3.00 each. 5.00"


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Special Cream Brand.”

This milk is prepared specially for feeding Infants and Invalids, and is for this purpose certainly the safest, most digestible, nourishing and fortifying food known. It is perfect in composition, contains no cane sugar or other addition, being absoJutely pure. It keeps for years in any climate. It is complete in itself and practi cally accomplishes all that typical milk theoretically should. It is the perfect food for the prevention and cure of Infantile Marasmus, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Deficient Vitality, Painful or Retarded Dentition and all cases of Malnutrition, Emaciation and Debility of whatever age. cessful in all cases where milk is usually prescribed.


SEVEN MEDALS awarded and highest testimonials from Medical Experts. Please send for circular, testimonials, &c.


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FACSIMILE OF LABEL Encircling Neck of Every Bottle.

TO PHYSICIANS. Notwithstanding the claims made by various advertisers we believe

this Milk, when properly diluted and sweetened, to be

The Only Perfect Substitute for MOTHER'S MILK.

This we affirm after prolonged and varied personal experience.

Please write


Dyer's Special Cream Brand,

Unsweetened Concentrated Milk.

Depot, No. 62 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.


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MELLIN'S FOOD is a soluble, dry extract from wheat

and malt.

MELLIN'S FOOD is perfectly free from starch and cane

sugar; the starch being converted into dextrine and grape sugar.

MELLIN'S FOOD is entirely free from husks, indigestible inert matter, and animal germs.

MELLIN'S FOOD Ccontains a large amount of proteids (albuminoids) and soluble phosphates.

MELLIN'S FOOD is alkaline in reaction.

MELLIN'S FOOD is the only food which fulfills the requirements of Liebig's principles; it is prepared in accordance with the known laws of physiology.

MELLIN'S FOOD, as an attenuant of cow's milk, furnishes needed carbohydrates, albuminoids, and phosphate salts; it also adds alkali sufficient, not only for permanent reaction, but also to convert caseine into soluble albuminoids, thus changing the properties of cow's milk and rendering it digestible by the infant.


40, 41, 42 and 43 Central Wharf,

Boston, Mass.

A Sample of MELLIN'S FOOD, sufficient for trial, will be Sent Free to any Physician.


The most important remedial agent ever presented to
the Profession for Dyspepsia, Vomiting in Preg-
nancy, Cholera Infantum, Constipation,
and all Diseases arising from
imperfect nutrition.

LACTOPEPTINE precisely represents in composition the natural digestive juices of the Stomach, Pancreas and Salivary Glands, and will, therefore, readily dissolve all foods necessary to the recuperation of the human organism.


We regret that we are compelled to caution the profession in prescribing Lactopeptine, but very careful investigation has proven to us clearly the necessity of it.

Substitution of cheap and worthless compounds are being made in many cases where Lactopeptine is prescribed.

Lactopeptine is always UNIFORM, and its effects are SPECIFIC, and no one has ever been able to imitate its digestive value. If you do not obtain positive results when you prescribe Lactopeptine, you can be sure that some substitution has been made, and in such cases it may be necessary for the physician to prescribe Lactopeptine in the original ounce package to insure certainty of obtaining the genuine article. We can confidently make this assertion, knowing the scrupulous uniformity in digestive value of every ounce of Lactopeptine.

Lactopeptine has always been kept strictly in the hands of the Medical Profession, never having been admitted in any publications but Medical Journals. It is prescribed by the most intelligent and educated physicians in all parts of the world, and there are but few physicians who have ever used Lactopeptine that will not agree with the late Prof. L. P. Yandell, when he says: "Lactopeptine is one of the certainties in medicine, and in this respect ranks with Quinine."

In the various forms of Dyspepsia, in Vomiting in Pregnancy, and in Mal-nutrition of children, there is no known remedy so positive in results.


P. O. Box 1574.


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