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SEND for samples of Fellow's Hypophosphites and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See 4th page cover.

JOHN WYETH & BRO.'s TABLETS are put up in bottles of 25 each, which will be sent by mail on receipt of 35 cents.

SEND to Fairchild Bros. & Foster, 84 Fulton Street, N. Y., for samples of their PANCREATIC TABLETS, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

For some time past I have used CELERINA in my practice. I used it first in a case of nervous prostration with success after other remedies failed. Would recommend it in nervous or brain troubles. I find it soothing and permanent in its effects, and in many cases of nervous debility and loss of will power in certain directions, produced by indiscretions, etc., I consider it an invaluable remedy. L. ANDREWS, M. D. South Richland, Oswego Co., N. Y.

A. S. ALOE & Co. are offering special inducements to physicians to trade direct with them, and will send circular explaining their plan, on application, if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned

SEND to Dr. Carl Jensen, 2039 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa., for samples of his celebrated Crystal Pepsin, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

SEND to Farmville Lithia Springs Co., 1123 Arch St., Philadelphia, for Pamphlets, etc. of the Farmville Lithia water, and mention BRIEF.

SEND to the reliable and old established house of Wm. R. Warner & Co., 1228 Market street, Philadelphia, Pa., for samples of soluble pills and granules, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

I HAVE been prescribing BROMIDIA for some time and can give my testimony as to its being the hypnotic par excellence. I advise all physicians to keep a bottle on hand to use in the place of morphia or opium to produce refreshing sleep. Wallaceville, S. C. J. M. GLENN, M. D.

"LISTERINE is certainly a very elegant preparation, and I use it with much satisfaction. I find it peculiarly adapted to those cases where the odor or constitutional effects of carbolic acid are objectionable."

E. FLETCHER INGALS, A. M., M. D., Professor of Diseases of the Chest and Physical Diagnosis, Rush Medical College, and Woman's Medical College, Chicago, Ill. etc.

PAMPHLETS on Digestion and Assimilation, Consumption, etc., will be sent free, if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned, by addressing W. F. Kidder & Co., 83 John Street, N. Y.

I HAVE tested PAPINE in several cases. I am satisfied that it has a brilliant future in store for it. I am much pleased with the certainty of its action, the agreeableness of its taste, and the wide range of its indications.

G. H. Littlefield, A. M., M. D.

Syracuse, Neb.

SCHELP'S PATENT PLATFORM CART claims to have points over all other vehicles which you can not afford to overlook in making your purchases. No objectionable horse or cart motion, as the device in connection with platform springs is practical, symmetrical, attractive and light, and rides with luxurious ease. Send for descriptive circulars and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad., page 25.

I HAVE found ACID MANNATE to be a very efficient remedy in cases of constipation, due to torpid conditions of the liver. In the latter months of pregnancy, when a simple, painless laxative is so often indicated, it serves its purpose well, keeping the bowels in a regular and soluble condition. CORT F. ASKREN, M. D. Corydon, Ind.

SEND to T. Metcalf & Co., 39 Tremont St., Boston, for pamphlet containing full directions for the internal use of Liquor Pancreaticus, and the preparing of peptonized foods, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

SEND $1.25 to John Barry, 62 Fulton St., New York, and he will send one of his reliable thermometers, post-paid.

SEND for catalogue of the Improved Elastic Truss Co., 822 Broadway, New York.

ADDRESS THE SMITH & OWENS PRINTING Co., St. Louis, about "Indiana Statutes, 1885." Enclose postage.

THE Smith & Shaw Elect. Co., 168 West 34th St., New York. Gents:-About October 26th I received a two-cell Battery from you, and commenced using it, in a case of Intra-Capsular Fracture of the Femur. I have used it every other day since then, either in this case or in cases of Sciatica, Paralysis, etc., and it was always ready, never refused to go, or operate; always as strong, if not stronger than the patient could bear. A very nice, smooth, even current, and perfectly satisfactory. Costing less than one cent a day to run.

Yours respectfully, Bustleton, N.J. G. W. H. CALVER, M. D.

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MELLIN'S FOOD. Special attention is directed to our ad. on advertising page 11. We will send samples sufficient to test it thoroughly in practice, if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned. Doliber, Goodale & Co., 41 Central Wharf, Boston, Mass.

SEE Advertisement of Dr. Tipton's work on Electrical Medication. It is worth many times its cost. Send for it.

SEND to W. S. Frazier & Co., for Illustrated Catalogue of their new Physicians' Road Cart, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

SEND for the superb 386 page catalogue of 2,800 illustrations, published by John Reynders & Co., 303 Fourth Ave., New York, and mention MEDICAL Brief.

NOTHING can be devised which will answer the purposes for which intended more thoroughly than MELLIER'S STANDARD SADDLE-BAGS and BUGGY-CASES. Send for descriptive circular, and remember that upon receipt of price the proprietors will deliver to any express office in this country, charges pre-paid.

You can obtain pure Hydrochlorate of Cocaine from McKesson & Robbins, 91 Fulton St., New York. They are receiving large orders from Europe for their preparation of Cocaine. See 2d page cover.

SEND to Reed & Carnrick, 182 Fulton Street, N. Y., for samples of BEEF PEPTONOIDS, MALTINE, and PEPTONIZED COD LIVER OIL AND MILK, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

EXCURSIONS TO EUROPE.--A number of attractive excursions during the coming Spring and Summer are announced by Messrs. THOMAS COOK & SON, the wellknown tourist agents of New York and London, which are arranged on the most popular scale of prices. Full programmes of these trips, with maps showing the routes followed, are to be found in their monthly paper, Cook's Excursionist, published at 261 Broadway, N. Y.

DON'T neglect to send to Fairchild Bros. & Foster, 82 and 84 Fulton St., New York, for one of their pamphlets giving explanation and description of the Peptogenic Milk Powder. They will send one free if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.

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Mr. Mellier, manufacturer of Songatine, writes: "Dr. Dumars, of Peoria, reports the case of a man about forty-five years of age, the janitor of the building in which his office is located, had been a sufferer from rheumatism for nearly ten years. The attacks were very severe and very frequent, often necessitating the use of crutches, and would not yield to treatment with any degree of certainty. During paroxysms, relief from pain was secured only by the use of morphine.

"Having received a sample bottle of Songatine he gave it to his patient, who derived so much benefit from the use of its contents that he took the remedy regularly. Having used three bottles within four weeks, he found himself entirely free from the complaint and has experienced no recurrence since, although eighteen months have passed, and he has been able to attend to all of his duties during two very severe winters."

WRITE to the Nelson Pharmacal Works, 18 and 20 Platt street New York, and get a sample of Gastropeptic, their new preparation. Always mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

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Ir is an established fact that the most natural, the most perfect, substitute for mother's milk, is milk again, particularly cow's milk properly diluted and sweetened with sugar of milk. Cow's milk in its ordinary state, however, is not properly reliable and digestible for either infants or invalids. But by the new process employed in the preparation of Dyer's Special Cream Brand, the milk is converted into the most digestible and nourishing of foods. In fact, in digestion it undergoes precisely the same changes as mother's milk; does not curd like fresh cow's milk and can not cause flatulency. This preparation keeps for years in any climate yet contains no cane sugar or other addition.

TRIED WITH SUCCESS IN EIGHT CASES.Fucus Marina (Peacock) seems to possess all the remedial properties that are claimed for it. I have given it a trial in eight cases of Malarial Fever-two of which were chronic cases, the patients having been afflicted with intermittent fever for more than six months. So far no relapse has occurred in any of these cases. A. A. HENSKE, M. D., Physician to St. Anne's Hospital. 1504 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis.

SEND to the Griswold Corset Parlors, 126 State St., Chicago, for circular and prices of Madame Griswold's Patent ShoulderBrace and Abdominal Supporting Corsets, and mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

Book Notices.

MICRO-CHEMISTRY OF POISONS, including their Physiological, Pathological and Legal Relations; with an Appendix on the Detection and Microscopic Discrimination of Blood. By Theodore G. Wormley, M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, in the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. 2nd Ed. 1885. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co.

This very valuable contribution is specially adapted to the use of the medical jurist, physician and general chemist, and contains ninety-six illustrations upon steel. This, the second edition, has been thoroughly revised and enlarged by the addition of new matter and illustrations, having an entirely new chapter on Gelsemium Poisoning and an appendix on the Nature, Detection, and Microscopic Discrimination of Blood, and among the new subjects added we find poisoning by Potassium Chlorate; Post-Mortem Diffusion of Arsenic in Medicine, in Fabrics and in Glass; Dragendorff's Method of the Recovery of Vegetable Principles; Nature of Ptomaines; and the preparation, properties, and recovery of Jervine. In fact, the extent, variety and precision of the information furnished, embracing the whole range of human knowledge, and bringing discoveries and research down to the latest, is indeed surprising. To the practicing physician it will be found to be indispensable, while to the professional chemist it will prove of great value as a book of reference and convenient authority. The price of this work is $7.50, and contains nearly 750 pages independent of the illustrations.

THE DIAPHRAGM AND ITS FUNCTIONS: Considered Specially in its Relation to Respiration and the Production of Voice. By J. M. W. Kitchen, M. D. "The Voice" First Prize Essay. Edgar S. Werner, Publisher, Albany, N. Y. Flexible cloth, $1 net, postpaid.

To this treatise was awarded the first prize offered by The Voice, competition being open to all writers, foreign as well as American. Without doubt, it is the best work on this organ, in any language. The anatomical division of the subject treats of the diaphragm's location, general shape, gross composite parts, origin, openings, tendon and muscular fibres, minute anat

omy, blood-supply, lymphatic and nervous supply, relations, embryology and history of development, comparative anatomy and importont co-operative structures. The physiological part discusses the function of respiration generally, the movements and varieties of respiration, the action of the respiratory muscles, respiratory action and change of shape and respiratory rhythm of the diaphragm, control of the diaphragm's action, incidental functions of the diaphragm, change of shape in the trunk during respiration, differences in male and female breathing, certain natural phenomena that occur synchronously with the action of the diaphragm, relation of the circulation of the blood to the action of the diaphragm, actions of the diaphragm resulting from extraordinary causes, the comparative physiology of the diaphragm, and functional development of the organ. Under the hygienic heading is considered the diseased conditions to which the diaphragm is subject, the conditions essential to its nurture and healthy action, corset and waist-constriction, special exercise of the diaphragm, how to breathe, etc. An appendix written a year subsequent to the essay itself, gives practical conclusions and advice. The book is valuable both for the medical and the vocal professions.

BERLIN AS A MEDICAL CENTRE. By Horatio R. Bigelow, M. D., Washington, D. C. Sandy Hook, Conn.: New England Publishing Co., 1885. Price $2.00.

This book is a complete and accurate Medical Guide to Berlin, giving instructions in reference to board, clinics, lectures, expenses, etc., and all information that is necessary for the medical student abroad.


Build a House. Containing plans and specimens for twenty-five houses of all sizes, from two rooms up. Chicago, Ill.: Geo. W. Ogilvie, 236 Lake St.

The publishers have sent us a copy of the above entitled work, which contains plans and specifications of houses with engravings showing the appearance of the houses as built from the plans. It not only gives the quantity of material required, but also gives valuable information on subjects relative to building and building contracts, and can not fail to be of interest and value to those who intend to build.

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ON OXYGEN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT. By Samuel S. Wallian, A. M., M. D., Member of the Essex and Franklin County Medical Societies; Member of the Medical Association of Northern New York; Corresponding Member of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin; Delegate to the American Medical Association, etc. Reprint from the Med. Record. New York: Trow's Printing Co.


The above firm have now in course of preparation a Directory of Physicians and Surgeons of the United States, which they claim shall be so full and complete as to gain the confidence of the medical profession, and become a permanent and standard publication.We will be pleased, after a perusal of its contents, to give a more extended notice, as a work of this nature, that is reliable and accurate, will become indispensable as a book of reference.

THE PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND THERAPEUTICAL USES OF HYDRASTIS. By Roberta Bartholow, A. M., M. D., LL. D., Professor of Materia Medica and General Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, etc. Reprint from the "Drugs and Medicine of North America." VITAL STATISTICS IN TENNESSEE. A report by J. D. Plunket, M. D., of Nashville, Tenn. Member of the State Board of Health and its Committee on Vital Statistics. Reprint from Report of State Board of Health.

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