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Lesson 1. The Creation and the Fall of Man.

Genesis i.-iii. 24.

God created the heavens and the earth and all things in them. On the first day God created light. On the second day God made the firmament. On the third day God divided the waters from the land, and created plants. On the fourth day God made the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day God created the fishes and the birds. On the sixth day God created the beasts, the cattle, and the creeping things; and lastly, He made man in His own image. God created all things in six days. He rested on the seventh day, and blessed it. God planted a garden in Eden; Adam and Eve, his wife, were placed therein to dress it and keep it.

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God permitted Adam to eat of all the fruits that grew in Eden, except the fruit of the tree of knowledge. The serpent tempted Eve to eat of the fruit which God had forbidden, and she gave also to Adam, her husband, and he did eat. God sentenced man to death, but promised a Saviour. He then expelled Adam and Eve from Eden.


Eden-supposed to have been situated near the head of the Persian Gulf where the rivers Euphrates and Tigris empty their waters; but several other situations have been assigned to the garden of Eden.


God-the only truly GOOD ONE.
light-that wonderful thing by means
of which we see.
the firmament-the surrounding air.
plants-grass, herbs, shrubs, trees; all
things that grow out of the ground.
beasts-wild animals; as lions, tigers,
foxes, hares, dogs.
cattle-domestic animals; as cows,
sheep, swine, goats.
image-likeness; in goodness and purity.
rested-ceased from His work; and
made that day a happy day.
dress-cultivate. Thus God taught man
to be industrious.
the serpent-the devil, man's enemy.
Saviour-a Deliverer from death.
expelled-drove out.


Who is the only Good Being?

How did God'show His mighty power?
What was His work on the first day?
What is light?

What work did God perform on suc-
What is the firmament? [ceeding days?
What are plants?-beasts?-cattle?
What was God's last work?
When did God rest?
Who were placed in the Garden which
God had planted?

For what purpose?
Who tempted them to sin?
How did God punish them?
What great promise did God then give?
What present punishment did He inflict?
What is the general supposition as to
the situation of Eden?


"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." This is the ground of our belief in the One God who created all things by His word, and who rules over all. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handiwork." His "eternal

power and Godhead" are "clearly seen, being understood by the

the things that are made." The sabbath and marriage were the two ordinances instituted during man's innocency; the punishment of death was the just sentence for man's disobedience; faith in the promised Saviour was the merciful way of deliverance.

2. Cain, Abel, and Seth.

Genesis iv. ; v. 3-5; vi. 2.

Cain was the eldest son of Adam and Eve.

His brother Abel was.

their second son. Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a 'tiller of the ground. They both brought .offerings to God.' Cain's offering was of the fruits of the earth. Abel's offering was of the firstlings of his.flock. God accepted Abel's offering, but He had not respect to Cain's offering. Cain became very angry, and his countenance fell. Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him. God cursed Cain, and said he should be ‘a fugitive and ‘a vagabond in the earth. Cain feared that someone would slay him. He went to live in the land of Nod.

God gave Adam and Eve another son who was called 'Seth. He was a good man. His descendants were called the children of God. The descendants of Cain were called the children of men. Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters. Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years.


Nod-described as being "on the east of Eden." Les. 1.


Cain-the first-born of all mankind. keeper, &c.-a care-taker; a shepherd. tiller-men who sow seeds in the earth, such as wheat or barley, are tillers, or cultivators.

offerings-gifts; portions of the wealth

or riches which God had given them. flock-sheep; they were Abel's riches. accepted-showed He was pleased with. had not respect, &c.-took no notice, because it was not offered with a holy mind. countenance fell-disccntent, envy, and hatred were visible in his face. slew-killed. Let us beware of envy. a fugitive-one who runs away. a vagabond-an idle wanderer.

Seth-given instead of Abel.

descendants-offspring; children, grand

children, &c.

Who were Cain and Abel?
What were their occupations?
What does tiller mean?
What did Cain and Abel present to God?
What did Cain, and what did Abel
Did the Lord accept these gifts? [offer?
Why had not God respect to Cain's

What effect had God's acceptance of
Abel's offering on Cain?
How did his anger show itself?
What did God then do?
What means a fugitive?--a vagabond?
To what place did Cain go to reside?
Where is Nod said to have been situated?
Did God give Adam and Eve another
Who were called children of God? [son?
And who were called children of men?
Had Adam and Eve other children?
What was Adam's age?


We learn from this lesson that from the earliest times men practised the arts of industry; that from the acceptance of Abel's sacrifice, offerings of animals were divinely instituted; that God takes an interest in human affairs; that Adam's fall involved his race in sin; that wicked thoughts and feelings disturb the mind, and lead to dreadful crimes, as shown in the history of Cain, the destroyer of his own happiness, the hater of his own brother, and the first murderer. We also learn that God gave Adam another son, who was the ancestor of a race of true worshippers.

3. Enoch:

Methuselah. Noah. The Deluge.

Genesis v. 6-vii. 24.

Enoch was a descendant2 of Seth.' He pleased God, and God 'took him to heaven when he was three hundred and sixty-five years old. Enoch had a son named Methuselah. He was the oldest man that we read of; he lived nine hundred and sixty-nine years. Methuselah had a son named Lamech. Lamech was the father of Noah. Noah became the father of three sonss—Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

The wickedness of men increased in the earth. God said He would destroy mankind by a flood, but He would save Noah and his family, because Noah had found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God commanded Noah to make an 'ark of wood. Living creatures of every kind were to be preserved with him in the ark. Noah obeyed God, he also 'warned mankind of the flood for 120 years while the ark was building; hence, in the New Testament, he is called a a preacher of righteousness." He went into the ark as God had commanded him. The waters increased on the earth forty days. All flesh died, except Noah and his family, and the living creatures that were with them in the ark.


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descendant-We are descendants of Who was Enoch?
those who lived before us. Enoch
was the sixth in order from Seth.
pleased God-"walked with God"; that
is, his life and conduct were in
accordance with God's will.
took him-body and soul; for Enoch did
not die as other men.
oldest man-when men were few on the
earth they lived long; this was so
ordered for the increase of mankind.
three sons Shem, the eldest; Japheth
the next; Ham the youngest.
wickedness, &c.-they only thought of
that which was bad, and they did evil.
save-preserve from ruin.
grace-the fruit of faith and obedience.
an ark-a vessel like a ship, intended
to float on the water.
warned mankind-told them of their
danger, and bade them repent.

Explain the word descendant.
Where was Enoch taken to?
Why?-and at what age?
How did he please God?
What was his son's name?
How long did Methuselah live?
Who was his son?
Who was Lamech's son?
What is said of Noah?
Name his sons in order of age.
What increased in the earth?
Before the flood came whom did Noah
warn, and for how long?
In what manner was Noah saved?
By whom was the ark built?
What increased forty days?
What was the consequence.


The history of Enoch teaches us the value of true religion, which is here spoken of as "walking with God." The irreligious and profane are "without God in the world"; for, how "can two walk together, except they be agreed?" We are taught by this narrative, that "when the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth"; that though God is longsuffering with sinners, the day of grace will pass, and will be followed by punishment, and that the only way of safety is in simple obedience.



B.C. 2347-B.C. 1635.
712 years.

Containing the History of Noah after the Flood:-The Building of Babel-The Dispersion of Mankind-The Call of Abram-The Destruction of Sodom-The Offering of Isaac-The History of Job-of Esau and Jacob-of Jacob's Sons-of Joseph-and the Death of Jacob and of Joseph.

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God sent a wind over the earth, the waters abated, and the ark3 rested upon the mountains of Ararat. Noah sent forth a raven and a dove, that he might learn if the land was dry; the raven did 'not return, but the dove returned with an olive leaf in her mouth. Noah sent forth the dove again seven days after, but she returned no more. Noah went out of the ark; and he offered a sacrifice to God. God then promised that seed-time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night should not cease. He promised never to destroy the earth by a flood. The rainbow in the cloud is the token of His promise.

After the flood Noah planted a vineyard and he drank of the wine and was drunken. His son Ham mocked him. When Noah awoke from his wine, he foretold that the descendants2 of Ham should be servants to the descendants of Shem and Japheth, whom he blessed because they were dutiful. One of Shem's descendants was Eber, from whom the Hebrews were probably named.


Ararat-a mountainous district near the centre of Armenia; (Les. 5.) one of the peaks is said to be 17,000 feet above the level of the sea. Hebrews-this term is generally used to denote the people who were descended from Abraham. It is derived either from Heber, an ancestor of Abraham, or from Eber, "from the other side," that is, of the Euphrates.



wind-to blow the waters into their What was the effect of the wind which channels once more.

a raven-a large bird of the crow kind.
a dove-one of the pigeon kind.
not return-but fed on that which
floated on the water.
returned she could not find proper food.
no more--because the flood was now off
the earth.

sacrifice-a gift of gratitude offered by
seed-time, &c.—a general law should
regulate the times and seasons.
rainbow-the bow in the cloud;" a
beautiful luminous meteor.

token-sign or pledge.
foretold-because God had put the
words in his mouth.
servants-slaves; inferiors.
dutiful-respectful to their father,
though he had erred.

God sent?

What place did the ark rest upon?
What is stated of the mountains of
Ararat ?

What did Noah then do ?
Did they ever return to him?
When was the dove sent again?
What did Noah do?
What is a sacrifice?

Who ordered a sacrifice on this occasion?
What promise did God make?
What is meant by this promise?
Of what is the rainbow a sign?
Who planted a vineyard?
What did he also do?
What was Ham's conduct ?
What did Noah foretel ?
Whom did Noah bless ?

Why did he bless them?

From whom were the Hebrews na med?

The good God who remembered Noah and his family in the ark, will not forget the humble who wait upon Him. Noah waited God's own time for his release from the ark, and then offered the divinelyappointed sacrifice of thanksgiving, which God graciously accepted. The assurance that whilst the earth remains seed-time and harvest should never cease, enabled men to renew their industry and expect its reward. The unfilial conduct of Ham to his father exemplifies the criminality of mirth at the faults or mistakes of the aged.

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