The Historical Outlook Continuing THE HISTORY TEACHER'S MAGAZINE VOLUME XII JANUARY-DECEMBER, 1921 PHILADELPHIA McKINLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY 1921 THE HISTORICAL OUTLOOK, VOLUME XII Ahl, Frances N., Ancient History a Living Thing, 291. Albanian Independence, and Italy, 305. American Historical Association 35th Annual Meeting, 37; officers and committees, 38. American History in Westminster Abbey, by M. Dudderidge, 269. American History, Socialized Recitation in the Colonial and Federative Periods, 326. Ancient History a Living Thing, by Anglo-American Conference of Profes- Barr, Arvil S., Study Methods in History, 27. Bibliographer as Historian, The, by E. Colby, 18. Bibliography, as an aid to History, 18; Reading List on Historic and Fancy Costume, 59; of American Industries, 119; of Modern History for Tenth Grade, 183; of Project Problem Method, 204; of Eleventh Grade American History, 208; brief lists for European and American History, 245; of Early European History, 292; of standard tests in history, 325. Book Reviews, 28, 61, 223, 253, 296. Book Reviews (arranged alphabetically Betten, Francis S., and Kaufmanh, Botsford, George W., and Botsford, 296. Carlton, Frank T., Elementary Economics, 256. Earle, Edward M., An Outline of Modern History, 297. Fling, F. M., The Writing of History, 28. Forman, S. E., The American Democracy, 223. Greenwood, Josephine H., Our Heri tage from the Old World, 223. Guitteau, William B., Government and Politics in the United States, 255. Lingley, Charles R., Since the Civil War, 296. Marshall, Leon C., and Lyon, E. S., Our Economic Organization, 255. Merriam, Charles E., American Political Ideals, 254. Ogg, Frederic A., The Governments of Europe, 254. Roberts, Peter, The Problem of Americanization, 296. Sait, Edward McC., Government and Sweetser, Arthur, The League of Na- Boyd, Anne M., and Mabel V. Miller, Bucyrus, Ohio, Sociology Course in, 318. Canadian History, Courses in, 7. Citizenship, Education for, 197; in Ninth and Twelfth Grades, 219. See also Committee on History, etc. Civics, in Schools, 219; reviews of recent texts upon, 254. Climate, Influence of, on Progress, 8. Colby, Elbridge, The Bibliographer as Historian, 18. Coldward Course of Progress, The, by Gibson, O. H., Illustration of the Prob S. C. Gil Fillan, 8. Collateral Reading, Report of Committee on, 242. lem Method, 289; Standard Tests in History, 324. Gil Fillan, S. C., The Coldward Course of Progress, 8. Greece, Ancient, Slave in, 81. History and How? 78. Colleges, History in: Canadian History History, 56. Hamilton, J. G. de R., and E. W. Knight, Education for Citizenship, 197. Hardy, Chloe M., The Slave in Ancient Attica, 81. Committee on History and Education Hart, Irving H., Comment upon Com- Havighurst, H. C., Plan for a Social for Modern History in Tenth Grade, Hill, Howard C., History for History's by D. C. Knowlton, 165; Comment on Committee Procedure, 184; Syllabus Sake, 310. for Eleventh Grade American History, by F. M. Morehouse, 208; Open Letters upon Committee Methods, by Joseph Schafer, 247, Harold O. Fugg, 249. Historical Branch of the General Staff, Research Work in, 113. Historical Study in English Universities, by B. E. Schmitt, 109. History for History's Sake, by H. C. Hill, 310. History Teaching in Germany, by R. W. History, The Past and the Future of, by E. Barnes, 43. How Shall We Reconstruct the Social Studies Curriculum, by H. O. Rugg, Kelsey, 153, 233. 184. |