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Matt. xxii. 41, 42. While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, saying, What think ye of Christ?

THEY who are prejudiced against the gospel, are ever studious to ensnare the preachers of it with captious, or, as they think, unanswerable questions—

To such cavillers we should answer warily, and with meekness of wisdom

Nor will it be unuseful, on some occasions, to propose to them in return some question, which shall lead their thoughts into a better channel

Our blessed Lord adopted this method after he had been successively interrogated by Pharisees, Herodians, and Scribes-

He returned to each a satisfactory answer, and silenced them at last by proposing to them a difficulty, which, with all their boasted wisdom, they were unable to solve

In discoursing on his address to the Pharisees, we shall point out

I. The scope of his question

The Pharisees could not reconcile our Lord's mean appearance with his high pretensions

Our Lord therefore shewed them

1. That there were many apparent contrarieties in the prophetical representations of the Messiah

[The Messiah is sometimes spoken of as a new-born infant, and sometimes as the mighty God

He is represented as an object of contempt and abhorrence, and yet as an object universally admired and adored—

Sometimes he is said to live for ever, and sometimes to die an accursed deatha—

He is called the Lord, and yet the son, the root, and yet the offspring, of David

"Master, what thinkest thou of paying tribute to Cæsar? ver. 15, 17. of the resurrection of the body? ver. 23-28. of the commandments? vcr. 35, 36. b Isaiahı ix. 6.

© Isaiah liii. 3. and xlix. 7. Ps. xxii. 6. with Ps. Ixxii. 8, 10, 11. d Ps. lxxii, 15, 17. and Ixxxix. 21-29, 33-37, with Isaiah liii. 4, 5, 12. last clause.

Ver. 43-45. Rev. xxii. 15.

Nothing can be conceived more opposite than the characters which were thus represented as combined in the person of the Messiah

But the Pharisees noticed only those passages which flattered their pride, and raised their expectations of temporal grandeur

Our Lord therefore directed their attention to other prophecies, which described the Messiah in a more humiliating view-]

2. That his apparent meanness was no just ground for their rejecting his pretensions to that character

[The miracles of our Lord had given abundant evidence of his divine mission

On account of them therefore they were bound to believe in him-.

But his humiliation was as clearly foretold as his power and glory

And the accomplishment of it in his outward state was an additional reason for their acceptance of him

A due attention to the scriptures, which they professed to understand and explain, would lead them to a discovery of this truth

Hence our Lord, solicitous not merely to confound, but rather to convert and save them, directed their thoughts to the point before us-]

Such being the scope of our Lord's question, let us consider

II. The importance of it

In this question is involved all the glory of Christ, and all the salvation of man

1. On the union of the divine and human natures the sufficiency of Christ depends

[If he was a mere creature, his obedience could not merit any thing for us—

All that he could do would have been no more than his bounden duty; and after having done all, he would have been only an unprofitable servant

Neither could his sufferings have made an atonement for our


There is no proportion whatever between the sufferings of one creature for a time, and the sufferings of myriads of creatures to all eternity

Nor is there any such distance between the highest and the

f Luke xvii. 10.

lowest of creatures, but that they must be equally unable to take away the sins of a ruined worlds

Moreover, his intercession would be utterly unavailing on our behalf

It is the sufficiency of his atonement to satisfy the demands of law and justice, that forms the basis of his intercessionLet that foundation be sapped by a denial of his Godhead, and the whole superstructure must fall at once

On the other hand, if he be God as well as man, his obedience, his sufferings, and his intercession are exactly such as God's honour, and man's necessities, required-]

2. On our knowledge of this union the salvation of man depends

[Without such a view of Christ, we can form no just notion of his character—

As we should be wholly ignorant of man's nature, if we supposed him destitute of a soul, so should we be of Christ's nature, if we were unmindful of his divinity

Without such a view of him we cannot feel a suitable disposition of mind towards him

However grateful we might be to a creature who should die for us, we must be infinitely more so for such a favour conferred on us by almighty God

Without such a view of him we cannot wholly depend upon him

Our dependence on a creature must be limited; for, if it be unlimited, instead of saving us, it will subject us to God's heavy displeasureh

But, to obtain salvation through him, we must know him clearly, love him supremely, and depend on him wholly

Whereas, if we think of him only as a creature, our knowledge of him must be confused, our gratitude feeble, and our dependence vain—]

APPLICATION-WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? 1. Do ye think of him at all?

[Alas! how many are there who think no more of him

than if he never had come into the world!—

If all the heathens who forget God their Creator, must be turned into hell, what must be the portion of professing Christians, who forget God their Redeemer?—]

2. Do you think of him agreeably to his august cha


[Many consider him only as a good man, and a prophet

8 Heb. x. 4.

h Jer. xvii. 5.

Ps. ix. 17. with Heb. ii. 3.

But these are disparaging thoughts, which he will fearfully


You never can think of him aright, unless you consider him as "GOD manifested in the flesh," and "purchasing the church with his own blood"-]

3. Do ye think of him with the affections due to that character?

[With what holy awe, what fervent love, what devout adorations should we behold our incarnate God!

And how contemptuous is our treatment of him, if our thoughts of him be not accompanied with such emotions!

It may be that some feel condemned by these observations, while they feel that they desire to love him with their whole heart

Let such then know that their desires are accepted and shall be fulfilled

And, instead of imagining that Christ has no love to them, let them be assured that his thoughts respecting them are most affectionate, and his designs towards them most benevolent

Yea, if all of us would reflect more diligently on the account which the scriptures give of him, he would soon discover to us his beauty, and make us partakers of his glory-]

k Jer. xxix. 11.



John i. 18. No man hath seen God at any time; the onlybegotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

The knowledge of God is the great source of blessings to mankind

But the heathen world were altogether ignorant of him

Nor were the Jews themselves-fully instructed concerning him

To make a full revelation of him to the world was a part of that work which was reserved for Christ himself

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And this office he performed, to the unspeakable comfort of this church and people

The Evangelist unites his testimony with that of John the Baptist in confirmation of this truth

We shall enquire

I. What Christ has declared of the Father

God himself is invisible to the eye of senseEven Moses was permitted to see only his back parts"

But Christ had a peculiar relation to the Father as "his only begotten son;" and a most intimate acquaintance with him, as being from all eternity, and at that very hour, "in his bosom❞—

He has made known the Father to us, and declared 1. His nature

[Mankind had gross conceptions of the Deity as a material being

But Christ has assured us of his perfect spiritualityNor was the Unity of God clearly ascertained among the Gentiles

But Christ has left no room for doubt upon this subjectHe has moreover revealed to us a Trinity of persons in the Godhead

He has affirmed in the plainest terms his own Oneness with the Father

He has spoken of the Holy Ghost as co-existing with himself and with the Father

And has joined the Three together as equal in authority and honours—

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Thus has he enabled us by faith to see him who is invisible"]

3. His perfections

[God had long since proclaimed his own name to Mosesh

But Christ has afforded us more abundant disoveries of all his attributes—

He has clearly shewn us that his goodness is unbounded,i his sovereignty uncontrolled, his power irresistible,' his justice inflexible, his mercy infinite," and his truth inviolable—

a 1 Tim. vi. 16.
d Mark xii. 29.
8 Matt. xxviii. 19.
* Matt. xi. 25. 26.
a John iii. 16, 17.

b Exod. xxxiii. 23.
e John x. 30.
h Exod. xxxiv. 6, 7.
1 Matt xxvi. 53.
• Luke xvi. 17.

• John iv. 24. f John xv. 26. i Matt. v. 45. m Ib. 42.

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