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Religion," 7460-77; eulogy of Hor. |
ace Greeley, 7477-86
Chapleau, Joseph Adolphe, life of,
xxiv. 10346; "The Execution of
Riel," 10346-419

Character above genius, xvi. 6966; in
Emerson, xx. 8337

Characteristics, national, xii. 5109
Chares, promise of, ii. 479; expedi-
tion of, 569

Charidemus, crowning of, i. 279
Charity, defined, xi. 4314; for all
(Lincoln), xvi. 6586; and humor
(Thackeray's lecture), xvii. 7136;
Children's day at St. Paul's, 7174
Charities, of Boston, xvi. 6734
Charlemagne, anecdote of, xxv. 10551
Charles Edward the Pretender, xx.

I., iv. 1416, 1444, 1454, 1475,
1511, 1555, v. 1836; funeral dis-
course on, 1988; a hypocrite, 2068,
2099; quoted, vii. 2811; and Crom-
well, vi. 3288; tragic end, 3474,
xiii. 5557; and the petition of right,
xix. 8266

II., iv. 1475, 1533, 1548, 1555,
1996, 2068; vii. 2839, 2873

V., Emperor, quoted, xiii. 5544,
xix. 8005; as a hero, xiv. 5956

XII., of Sweden, xvi. 6974
Charleston, cowardice of, xix. 8195
Charlestown, burning of, v. 2007, vi.
2497, 2540, vii. 2714, xi. 4362, xii.

Charlevoix, the Nestor of Canadian
literature, xxiii. 10074; quoted,

Charlotte, Queen, of England, xvii.
7171 et seq.

Charters, rights of, v. 2017
Chartists, ix. 3792; on Kennington
Common, xxi. 8945

Chase, Salmon Portland, life of, xv.
6226; "The Kansas-Nebraska Bill,"
6226-44; quoted, xvi. 6601, xx.
8418; cited, xviii. 7700
Chastity, and Nature, xx. 8367
Châteaubriand, Viscount de, life of,
ix. 3728; government intervention,
3729-35; quoted, xii. 5095, xiv.
5790; anecdote of, 5797; cited,
xxiv. 10458

Chatham, Earl of (William Pitt), com-

pared with Earl of Mansfield, v.

[ocr errors]

1832; life of, 1855, 1972; "At-
tempt to Subjugate America,'
1856-70; reply to Walpole, 1870-
72; on Walpole, 1873-92; "On
the State of the Nation," 1915-26;
"Relations to Spain, 1927-49;
"On the Quartering of British Sol-
diers in Boston," 1950-54; "On
Removing Troops from Boston,
1955-66; "On Putting a Stop to
Hostilities in America,
"" 1966-72;
last speech on America, 1972-74;
reported by Sir Philip Francis,
2049; patron of Duke of Grafton,
2069; advocate of America, 2179;
quoted, vii. 2999, xvi. 6713, xix.
8151; willing for reconciliation, xv.
6196; training of, xxii. 9314
Chattanooga, and Garfield, xxi. 9169
Chaucer, quoted, xix. 8046
Chauncey, Charles, life of, v. 1814;
Thanksgiving sermon "On the Re
peal of the Stamp Act," 1814-31
Cheirisophus, speech of, i. 178
Chemistry, x. 4130

Cherbourg, fortifications at, xvi. 6891
Cherokees, capable of civilization,
xii. 5074

Chersonese, oration on (Demosthenes),

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

from, delayed, xxv. 10516; char-
acterized, 10873; partition of,
10920; stagnation of, 11026
Chinese Bill, vetoes, xvii. 7564
Choate, Joseph Hodges, life of, xxii.
9460; "Rufus Choate," 9460-68

Rufus, life of, xiii. 5448; "Books
and Civilization in America," 5448-
57; "Necessity of Compromises in
American Politics," 5458-68; eu-
logy on Webster, 5469-93; "On
American Nationality," 5493-5525;
quoted on Virginia, xx. 8387; ora-
tion on (Joseph H. Choate), xxii.


Christ, character of, x. 4210; Edward
Irving on, xii. 5047; "The Con-
soler" (Ary Scheffer's picture), an-
ecdote of, 5210; omnipotence of,
xiv. 5864; example of (Colenso),
xviii. 7451; loneliness of (Robert-
son), 7624; the disciples of, xix.
8057; condescension of (Spurgeon),
xxiii. 9781; the personal, 9923;
"What think ye of ?" (Moody),
10012-23; and higher criticism
(Père Didon), xxiv. 10440
Christendom, how formed, xv. 6376
Christianity, precepts of, rendered

void, viii. 3509; essentially repub-
lican, ix. 3738; overlaid with su-
perstition, x. 4125; hostile sects,
the bane of, xii. 4839; promoter of
civilization, 4873; and Judaism,
4952; ground of Talfourd's de-
fence of Moxon, 5219; and Gib-
bon, 5244; and persecution, xiii.
5577; first appearance in Rome,
5649; peaceful spread of, xiv. 5850;
designs against, 5899; estimated,
xv. 6140; early, 6141; driven out
of public life, 6273; hostile to op-
pression, xvi. 6818; and slavery,
6967; in the state, xviii. 7549;
common, 7609; basis of republican
empire, xix. 8290; a mere wrangle,
xxi. 9067; taught to slaves, xxii.
9329; a force, no luxury, xxiii.
9903; and slavery, xxiv. 10173;
unconscious, 10481
Church, and slavery, x. 4292, xiii.

5347; and sects, xii. 4951; En-
glish, on private judgment, xiv.
5694; triumph of (Manning), xv.
6260; the, and Rome, xvi. 6683;

the, and Garrison, 6962; and war,
xvii. 7057; a popular assistant,
7267; institutions, 7289; and the
powers of darkness, xviii. 7647;
slave of foreign powers, xix. 8091;
dissevered from State, not feeble,
8297; a tangible body, xxiii. 9815;
Roman Catholic, in Canada, 9973;
control, not permissible, xxiv. 10541
Churchill, Lord Randolph, interrupts
Gladstone, xv. 6509, 6520, 6532,
6542; quoted, 6511; cited, xxiv.
10236; life of, xxv. 10653; "The
Egyptian Crisis," 10653-59
Chrysostom, Saint John, life of, iii.
1168; sermon, 1168-86; quoted,
iv. 1322, 1618; compared to Ever-
ett, xvi. 6641; Luther on, xxiii.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius, life of, ii. 674,
675, 710, 711; 1st oration against
Catiline, 677-93; 2d oration against
Catiline, 694-709; 3d oration against
Catiline, 711-27; 4th oration against
Catiline, 740-55; his peril, 740; his
glory, 753; 1st oration against Ver-
res, 753-80; at Syracuse, iii. 863-
914; speech for Archias the Poet,
875-91; love of glory, 889; in de-
fence of Quintus Ligarius, 892-
911; 1st Philippic, 911-32; 2d
Philippic, 933-98; 3d Philippic,
998-1019; dignity in misfortune,
1013; 4th Philippic, 1020-27; 5th
Philippic, 1028-57; 6th Philippic,
1058-68; his prophecy, 1060; his
zeal for the republic, 1066; 10th
Philippic, 1068-84; 14th Philippic,
1084-1105; charged with aspiring
to dictatorship, 1091; quoted, iv.
1466, 1644; as an example, vi.
2345; the American (R. H. Lee),
2493; exampled by Lord Erskine,
vii. 2941; by Robespierre, viii.
3302; quoted, ix. 3748, xi. 4396,
xiv. 5871, xvii. 6997, 7021, 7098,
xxiv. 10194, 10284; quoted by
Webster, xi. 4352, 4396, 4744;
only original Roman, xii. 5126;
language of, 5132; compared to
Everett, xvi. 6638; and the micro-
scopic "Iliad," 6940; cited, xvii.
7069; as an orator, xxi. 9003;
for Muræna, quoted, 9303; on
oratory, 9304, 9325; recommenda-

tion of, xxii. 9314; cited, on de-
sire of gain, 9512; on friendship,
quoted, xxiii. 9773, 9779; quali-
ties of, xxv. 10700; and Andrew
Jackson compared, 10940
Cincinnati, Society of, vii. 2667, 2670,
2815; riot at, xx. 8705
Citizenship, right of, xxiv. 10468
Ciudad Rodrigo, sack of, xvii. 7033
Civilization, and the individual man,

xii. 4767; diffusion of, 5131; growth
of, 5179; the great man of, xiii.
5517; eradicator of, 5609; due to
Voltaire's smile, xiv. 5779; ad-
vanced by the Pilgrims, xvi. 6740;
results of, xix. 7991; by commerce,
XX. 8747; the essence of, xxv.
10814; spread of, 10933; progress
of, 11022

Civil list, British, in arrears, v. 1883,
2054, xxiv. 10524

Civil service, of Ireland, xv. 6443;
improvement in, xx. 8402; reform,
Curtis on, 8627; needs of, xxii.

Civil war, predicted, xvii. 6999
Clan-na-Gael, xxv. 10581
Clarendon, Lord, in danger of libel
suits, ix. 3589

Clark, Senator, and bribery, xxi. 8912
Clarke, Sir Edward, cited by Brad-
laugh, xxii. 9588

James Freeman, life of, xvi.
6686; "Why am I a Unitarian?”

Class feeling, ii. 558

Classic training, xxiii. 9829 et seq.
Classics, the, as studies, xii. 5239
Clay, Cassius Marcellus, life of, xvi.
6792; at Yale College, 6792-6800;
career of, xx. 8578

Henry, life of, x. 4033; "Dic-
tators in American Politics," 4033-
45; "On the Expunging Resolu-
tions,' 4046-49; "On the Semi-
nole War," 4050-55; "Emancipa
tion of South America," 4055-68;
"The American System and the
Home Market," 4068-82; "In
Favor of a Paternal Policy of In-
ternal Improvements, 4083-88;
"Free Trade and Seamen's Rights,"
4089-95; "Greek Revolution,"
4095-99; "The Noblest Public
Virtue," 4099-4101; "Sixty Years

[ocr errors]

of Sectionalism," 4101-14; address
to Lafayette, 4114-15; reply to
John Randolph, 4116; invoked,
xv. 6230; Lincoln's beau-ideal of
a statesman, xvi. 6610; eulogized,
xvii. 7345; cited with praise, xviii.
7578; commemorated by Breckin-
ridge, xix. 8246; career of, xxi.
9162; and the Alabama letter, 9166;
tariff views of, xxii. 9599
Clayton dodges an issue, x. 4270
Clearchus, dastardly plan of, i. 182
Clear Grit party in Canada, xxii. 9209
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark
Twain), life of, xxii. 9871; "New
England Weather," 9871-75
Clement, Alexandrine, quoted, iv. 1619
IX., quoted, xviii. 7766

Cleon, i. 35; life of, 43; "On the
Condemnation of the Mitylena-


Cleopatra, passionless bosom of a
pictured, xii. 5244

Clergy reserves question, xxii. 9212
Clericalism, in France, xx. 8369
Cleveland, Grover, at Harvard, xix.
7997; financial policy criticised,
xx. 8442; and the Presidency,
8616; life of, xxiv. 10117; first in-
augural address, 10117-23; at din-
ner of the Reform Club, 10123-29;
abandoned, xxv. 10710

Clinton, De Witt, life of, ix. 3736;

Phi Beta Kappa address, 3736-57
Clive, Lord, vii. 2262, 2263, 2299
Clodius Publius, death of, iii. 944, 960
Clough, Arthur Hugh, quoted, xxv.

Coal, duty on, xix. 8227; mining, of
recent date, 8204
Coast survey, xi. 4732

Cobbett, William, life of, ix. 3521;
"God's Vengeance against Public
Robbers," 3521-31; and the Jews,
xiii. 5567

[ocr errors][merged small]

mund, life of, xiv. 5865; "The
Greek Difficulty," 5865-83
Cockran, William Bourke, life of, xxv.
10967; reply to William J. Bryan,

Codfish, xiv. 6102

Coercion, xv. 6542; acts explained,

xxv. 10574; Parnell on, 10576
Coinage, primitive, xx. 8591; cheap-
ening of, 8433

Coke, Sir Edward, life of, iv. 1401;
"On Gunpowder Plot," 1401-8;
on title to the crown, 1522; on
jurisdiction of courts, 1531; quoted,
vii. 2705, x. 4120, xi. 4334; and the
Petition of Right, xix. 8267
Colenso, John William, life of, xvii.
7451; "The Example of our Lord,"
xviii. 7451-53

Colepeper, Sir John, life of, iv. 1677;
"The Grievances of the Church and
the Commonwealth," 1677-80
Coleridge, Baron John, Duke, life of,
xix. 8202; "The Value of Clear
Views as to the Laws Regulating
the Enjoyment of Property," 8202-


Samuel Taylor, and the hat-dof-
fing German, xvi. 6932; quoted,
6969, xix. 8019, xxiv. 10175; cited,
xvii. 7108, xix. 7987, xxi. 8787
Collamer, Senator, quoted, xvi. 6988
College, life, safe, xxiii. 9665; train-

ing, failure of, 9832; requirement,
change demanded in, 9864
Colleges, need of, xvii. 7292; for
women, xix. 8164

Collins, William, "How Sleep the
Brave" quoted, xii. 5045; quoted,
xix. 7895

Collins's peerage, lessons of, xiii.
5304, 5306

Cologne, Catholic reformers in, xv.

Colonial policy, given up, xvi. 6893;

German, Caprivi on, xxii. 9394
Colonies, described, v. 1835; power
over, 1911; free, 1951; trade with,
2124; generous conduct of, 2172;
advantage of, vi. 2535; vindication
of, vii. 2690; system of, viii, 3202;
how treated by England, xi. 4366;
relations with the king, 4399; pre-
pared for liberty, xii. 5094; in 1835,
xv. 6454; grown into States, xvi.

6816; of the United States, xxii.
9339; rebellious in 1837; xxiv.
10425; feeding Britain, xxv. 10640;
modern, 10927
Colonization, negro, Cushing on, xiii.
5598; scouted, xxii. 9328

Society, the American, de-
nounced, xv. 6156

Color, prejudice against, xv. 6159;
no disqualification, xx. 8414
Colors, in ancient times, xvi. 6942
Columbia, District of, slavery in the,
xvii. 7231

genius of, x. 4093

Columbus, discovery of America, xi.
4357; influence of, on liberty, xii.

Commerce, perversion of, viii. 3372;
politics of, ix. 3514; crisis in, 3791;
triumphs of, xiv. 5819; freedom
necessary to, 5820; Franklin's
treaty of, xvi. 6648; and war, xvii.
7032; promotion of (Senator Han-
na's speech), xxiii. 10046
Committee on Territories, quoted, xv.

Commons, House of, distrusted, xiii.
5555; due to the Puritans, xxi.
Commune, the, xiii. 5385; in Paris,
xxiv. 10093; of Paris, xxv. 10613
Communism, folly of, xvii. 7561
Community of property, ix. 3682;
among the Indians, 3801
Compact, social, the first, ix. 3680
Compagni, Dino, quoted, xiii. 5426
Compensation, the great law of life,
XX. 8338

Competition, xv. 6296; English, with
the U. S., 6339; in office, desir-
able, xx. 8645; advantage of, xxv.

Compromise, Crittenden, xii. 4853;
Bill, 5026; the necessity of, xiii.
5458, 5516; no necessity of, 5579,
5592; vain and ephemeral, xiv.
5714; history of, 5716; willingly
made, xv. 6171; endurance of,
6244; Hannibal Hamlin on, xvi.
6667; Crittenden, Toombs on the,
6801; of 1850 applauded, xvii. 7402;
measures, xxi. 8775; origin of,
9013; failure of, 9049; prudent,
XXV. 10641

Concession advocated, xvi. 6800

[blocks in formation]

Condé, funeral oration on the Prince
of, iv. 1558-71; reply, v. 1964
Condon, Edward O'Mara, quoted,
xxiv. 10429

Confederacy, Southern, predicted, xi.
4706, xii. 4860, xiii. 5444; based
on the Declaration of Independ-
ence, xv. 6213; pretensions of the,
xix. 7899; and slavery, xx. 8574;
recognition of, xxi. 8950
Confederation, model of, vi. 2561;
Congress of, ix. 3704; of all
America, forecast of, xvi. 6836;
recognition of the Southern, 6846;
speech on (Macdonald), xviii. 7487;
the German, 7531
Confessions, suicide, xi. 4748; evi-
dence of, 4805

Confidence, cause of prosperity, xxiv.

Confiscation, of property, vii. 2657;

Henry Wilson on, xvii. 7223
Congress, inability to regulate slav-
ery, xi. 4441; weakened by State
intervention, 4585; attacked by An-
drew Johnson, xv. 6321; First,
xviii. 7695; deliberation of, 7789;
powers of, xx. 8509; Continental,
assembled, xxi. 9062

Congreve, William, no moralist, xvii.


Conkling, Roscoe, introduced by Gen-

eral Grant, xx. 8403; life of, xxi.
9116; summing-up in the Haddock
court martial, 9116; nominating
Grant, 9122-26; "Issues of the
Campaign" (1880), 9127-46
Coñon, visit to Cyprus, i. 163
Conquerors, rights of, xxiv. 10534
Conquest, title of, vi. 2317
Conscience, a guilty, i. 64; slavery a
trifling matter of, xii. 4863; tri-
bunal of, xvii. 7242; freedom of,
xviii. 7793

Conscription, the fruit of, xxi. 8872
Conservatism, xiv. 5973; era of, xv.
6242; power of, xix. 8279; of pro-
fessional educators, xxiii. 9836

[merged small][ocr errors]

Constantinople, Convention of, xiv.


Constitution, the, of Athens, i. 144;
endangered, ii. 590

British, iv. 1473, 1514, v. 1833;
wounded, 1916; described by an
American, 1953; dead, 2013; ef-
fect on Ireland, 2158; beloved,
2190; imperilled, vi. 2196; foun-
dation of American resistance, vii.
2700; founded on freedom, 2803;
Erskine's zeal for, 2960; its object,
2978; praised by Bishop of St.
Asaph's, xi. 4714; praised by King
Frederick William IV., xiii. 5278;
to be altered, 5554; upheld, xxi.

of the English colonies, v. 1837
of France, xv. 6254; power cen-
tralized, xiv. 5800,

of French Republic, vii. 2644,
viii. 3183; unstable. 3409, 3427;
violated, ix. 3664; freest in Eu-
rope, xii. 5102

of Greece, xii. 4825, xiv. 5883
of Ireland, vii. 2808, ix. 3538,

x. 4016

of Pilgrim Fathers, xii. 5116
of Southern Confederacy, xvii.


of Spain, xxi. 8811

of United States, v. 1847, 2024,
vi. 2562; ugly features of, 2623; ad-
vantage of, vii. 2820; Madison on
the adoption of, 3020; reviewed by
Gouverneur Morris, 3054; Marshall
on, viii. 3222 et seq.; Hamilton on,
3254-63; Pinckney on,
people attached to, 3488; secures
liberty, ix. 3616; jubilee of, 3698;
not an experiment, 3717; machin

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