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ery of, 3812; Quincy and, 3880;
Clay and, x. 4037; work of com-
promise, 4091; true theory of, 4239;
Calhoun on, 4265; attacked by
abolitionists, 4295; opposed to ar-
bitrary revocation of a college char-
ter, xi. 4310; powers of, 4421; de-
fended by Webster, 4491; supreme
law, 4496; "not a compact,

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et seq.; object of Webster's life,
4619; threatened by new terri-
tories, 4655; and the Union, 4657
et seq.; guarantees slavery, 4685;
Crittenden's amendments to, xii.
4854; the life of the people, 4858;
Buchanan's love for, 4959; pro-
tects slavery, 4689, 4961; defined
by Buchanan, 4965; "saved at its
last gasp,
4996; guarantees free-
dom of speech, xiii. 5339; permits
no secession, 5437, 5594; power of,
5464; and Weheter, 5484; accom-
plished, 56, d slavery, xiv.
5714, xvi. 6674; a wonderful ma-
chine, xiv. 5761; construction of
the, xv. 6217; encroached upon,
6336; amendment of, xvi. 6580; de-
fined, 6612; amendments to, 6620;
recognizes property in slaves, 6988,
6990; a compact, 6810; safeguard-
ed in Southern interests, xvii. 7211;
no failure, xviii. 7506; anti-slavery
amendment to, 7727; bitter com-
promises of the, 7854; supported
by Washington, xix. 8041; defined,
XX. 8379; and the rebel States,
8503; a port of safety, 8563; vio-
lated by Grant, xxi. 8822; quoted,
8942; Voorhees on the, 9032; Sec-
ond Amendment of, 9042; amend-
ments to, and the Democrats, 9135;
money of the, 9177; tampering with
the (Salisbury), xxii. 9261; ægis of
liberty, 9438; revision of, protected,
9270; and Porto Rico, xxv. 10736;
how interpreted, 11008
"Constitutional Reform," xxi. 8806-


Constitutions, extracted from rulers,
xiii. 5330

Consulships, Italian, xiii. 5434
Contraband, ix. 3938; of war, xv.

Contracts, defined by court, xi. 4342
Convention of 1787, xvii. 7314

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Copenhagen bombarded, x. 4051
Copley, John Singleton. See Lord

Copperheads, xii. 5032, 5034; treason
of, xiv. 6108

Copy hold, laws of, xix. 8210
Copyright, international, xv. 6131;
American refusal of, xvi. 6991
Corcoran Art Gallery, Sunset Cox's
reflections in, xx. 8727

Corday, Charlotte, vii. 2752
Corneille, quoted, viii. 3347
Corn-laws, repeal of, xii. 4886; Cob-
den on, xiv. 6074; and Gladstone,
XV. 6338

Cornwallis, Lord, quoted, vii. 2941
Coronation, custom at a, xvii. 7194
Corporations, created, but not to be
destroyed without assent, xi. 4311;
eleemosynary, defined, 4314; ad-
vantage of, xviii. 7554; power of,
xxii. 9635

Corruption, v. 1922, 2019, 2043, vii.
2686; in Asia, vi. 2325, 2354, 2396;
under hideous forms, ix. 3743; pro-
tection against, xii. 4963; national,
xviii. 7457; in former days, xix.
8300; favorite weapon of the Whigs,
xx. 8465; charged against Grant,
xxi. 8832; and anarchy, xxii. 9529;
under Spanish rule, xxv. 10925
Corry, against Chancellor, vii. 2806
Corsica, v. 1918; invasion of, 2072,

Corwin, Thomas, life of, xii. 5184;

"On the Mexican War," 5184-5200
Corydon, the spy, xxi. 9194, xxiv.
10327, 10426, 10427

Cos, Martin Perfecto de, General,
army of, xvii. 7377; capture of,

Cosim Ally (Ali) Khân, vi. 2266 et
seq.; tyranny of, 2287
Cossack rule, xiv. 5803

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Cotton, influence of, on slavery, xi.
4674; King, xiii. 5587; crops of,
xvi. 6720; cause of slavery, 6819;
John Bright on, 6853; and Lanca-
shire, 6903; production of, xxii. 9636
Couch, Major-General, at the return

of the Massachusetts battle-flags,
xix. 7895

Courage, recognition of, xvii. 7326;
physical and moral, xxii. 9528
"Course of Time," Pollok's, criticised

by Dr. Holmes, xv. 6282 et seq.
Court, Supreme, a defence, xxi. 8931
Courtesy, love in society (Carlyle,

quoted), xxv. 10788

Cousin, Victor, life of, xii. 5000;
"Eloquence as Distinguished from
the Fine Arts, 99 5000-10; "Lib-
erty," 5010-12; "Law," 5013-17;
"Politics, 501-21
Coventry, Lady, in Paris, xvii. 7163
Coverley, Sir Roger de, the courteous
gallant, xvii. 7144

[ocr errors]

Cowan, Senator, on negro suffrage,
xxii. 9427

Cowardice, xviii. 7635

Cowper, William, quoted, xiv. 5175,
xv. 6572, xvi. 6784, xx. 8389; at
Olney, xvii. 7179

Cox, Francis Augustus, translation
of, iv. 1340

Samuel Sullivan, life of, xx.
8721; "The Beauties of Diplo-
macy, 8721-29; "Revival of
American Shipping,' "' 8730-47
Cracovia, confiscation of, xvi. 6727
Cramming, xii. 5293

Cranmer, Thomas, life of, iv. 1319;
"Good Works Annexed unto
Faith," 1319-23

Crassus, Lucius Lucinius, life of, ii.
667; in defence of Cneius Plancus,
667, 668

Crawford, F. Marion, quoted, xxii.


Sharman, and tenant rights, xv.


Creasy, Sir Edward, quoted, xvi.

6647, xx. 8604

Creation, the mystery of (Helmholtz),

xix. 8211; description of, xxii. 9449
Credit, British, viii. 3439; public,

maintenance of, xxii. 9443
Creed, the Unitarian, xvi. 6687
Crete and Turkey, xv. 6532

Crime, in England, xii. 4904; in Ire-
land, xv. 6399
Crimea, ix. 3916

Crimean war, cost of, xv. 6394, xvi.

6842, xxii. 9454; blame for, xiv.
6070; cited, xvi. 6815; neglect in,
6890; Germany in the, xviii. 7532
Crises, causes of, xxiv. 10308
Crispi, Francesco, life of, xix. 8090;
at the unveiling of Garibaldi's
statue, 8090-94; address to the
Italian electors, 8094-8105
Criticism, no special science, xxiv.

Crittenden, John Gordon, life of, xii.

4853; on the Crittenden Compro-
mise, 4853-65; Resolution, xx.

Cromwell, Oliver, life of, iv. 1475;
at opening of First Protective Par-
liament, 1475-92; and Sir Harry
Vane, 1511, Vane's tribute, 1526;
Chatham's, v. 1936; instanced by
Robespierre, viii. 3288; libel suit,
ix. 3610; commended by Carlyle,
xiii. 5299; described, xix. 8267;
highest of English kings, xxi. 8903
Croker, John Wilson, on Curran, vii.

Crown, consecration of, i. 232; Es-
chine's oration on the, 226
Crowninshield, Richard, suicide of,
xi. 4756

Cruisers, auxiliary, xxiii. 10048
Crystal Palace of Dublin, xviii. 7600
Ctesiphon, i. 225, 228, 230; oration

in behalf of, 246-337

Cuba, and Douglas, xiii. 5337; an-
nexation of (1860), xviii. 7593; an-
nexation of, 7711; war in behalf of,
approved, xx. 8541; independence
of (Logan), xxi. 8815; national re-
lations to, 8857; and independence,
9079; a trust, xxiv. 10498; rela-
tions with, 10509; independence
of, 10615 et seq.; "must be free"
(Thurston), 10615; free, xxv. 10713;
Roosevelt on, 10880; situation in,
intolerable, 10885; and the United
States, 10898; navy of, 10924;
Bryan on, 10966; forests in, 10993;
future of, 10993

Culture, domestication of, xiv. 5945;
essence of, xix. 8020; New Eng-
land (E. E. Hale), xx. 8374

"Cumberland," anecdote of the, xxiv.

Cummings, Amos Jay, life of, xxiv.
10431; "On the Naval Appropria-
tion Bill," 10431-42
Curran, John Philpot, life of, vii.
2974; in behalf of Rowan, 2974-
3018; characterized, xx. 8472; de-
picted by Meagher, 8479; as an
orator, xxii. 9317
Currency, depreciation of, vii. 2657;

insufficiency, cause of woes, xx.
8431; sound, W. W. Phelps on,
xxiv. 10257; sound, 10305
Curtin, Andrew Gregg, life of, xviii.

7552; "The People's Heritage
Squandered, "7552-66

[ocr errors]

Curtis, George William, life of, xx.
8627; "The Spoils System and the
Progress of Civil Service Reform,
8627-48; "His Sovereignty under
his Hat," 8649-50; "The Duty of
the American Scholar, 8651-68;
oration at Concord, 8668-98; eu-
logy of Wendell Phillips, 8699-8720
Cushing, Caleb, life of, xiii. 5598;
"Negro Colonization, 5598-5610
Cyda, judge of Crete, iii. 1034
Cyneas, the Epirote, xiv. 5795
Cyprian, Saint, life of, iii. 1114; "On

[ocr errors]

the Benefit of Patience," 1114-20;
quoted, iv. 1543

Cyprus, a bribe, xv. 6372

Cyril, Saint, life of, iii. 1199; "On
the Maker of Heaven and Earth,"

Cyrus, greatness of, i. 159; prophe-
sied, iv. 1561


Dakota, population of, xxii. 9596
Dallas, George Mifflin, life of, xii.
5035; eulogy on Andrew Jackson,
5035-45; and Fugitive Slave Law,
xiii. 5337

Damiani, St. Peter, life of, iii. 1242;
"On St. Boniface," 1242-46
Danæ, legend of, xix. 7957
Dancing witnessed by Sunset Cox,
XX. 8726

Dane, Nathan, author of the ordi-
nance of 1787, xi. 4436, xii. 4972
Dangers threatening the United
States, xvii. 7418

Daniel, Samuel, quoted, xix. 8008

Dante, cited, xii. 5022; and Tacitus
compared, xix. 8003; quoted, xxiii.
9750, xxv. 11024; and the masses,

"Dante, Prose, of England" (Bun-
yan), iv. 1572

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[ocr errors]

Danton, George Jacques, rejects dic-
tatorship, vii. 2753; blamed by
Robespierre, viii. 3303; life of,
3338; "To Dare," 3338-39; re-
ply to accusation, 3340-41; "Let
France be Free, 3342-44;
"Against Imprisonment for Debt,'
3345-46; "Education, Free and
Compulsory," 3346-49; "Freedom
of Worship, 3349-50; "Squeez-
ing the Sponge," 3350-52; "On the
Assassination of Lepeletier de Saint
Fargeau," 3352-59; "On the Aboli-
tion of Slavery," 3358-59; and Des-
moulins, 3463; accused of treason,
ix. 3631; quoted, xvii 7004
Danube, navigation of, ix. 3905
Dartmouth, Earl of, v. 1955; on sup-
pression of slave trade, xvi. 6978
College, Webster's plea for, xi,


Darwin, on reading, xxiii. 9762
Da Silva, Luiz, life of, xix. 8248; eu-
logy of Abraham Lincoln, 8248-56
D'Auvergne, Tour de, anecdote of,
XX. 8602

Davis, Henry Winter, life of, xviii.
7721; "Reconstruction,

7721-29 יי.

Isaac, of Acton, quoted, xx.
8684; type of American heroes,

Jefferson, life of, xv. 6206;
"Withdrawal from the Union,"
6206-12; inaugural address, 6213-
17; "No Divided Flag," 6217-25;
to be hanged, 6333; career of, xx.
8570; making Democratic speeches,
xxi. 8850

John, of Massachusetts, con-
flict of, with Buchanan, xvin. 7576
Sir John, and the Irish, xxii.
Davitt, Michael, life of, xxv. 10586;
"In Defence of the Land League,'
10586-93; "The Crimes of Irish
Landlordism," 10594-99

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[blocks in formation]

Dawson, Sir John William, life of,
xix. 8154; "The Higher Education
of Women, 8154-65; "The Prog-
ress of Science in Canada," 8166-79

Samuel Edward, life of, xxii.
9538; "The Prose Writers of Can-
ada," 9538-79

Sir William, works of, xxiii.
9565, 9568

Death, fear of, i. 84; certainty of, 97;
a blessing, 99; glorious death, 151;
desirable, iii. 997; when glorious,
1101; personified, 1276; necessity
of, iv. 1465; as a sanctuary, 1543;
a debt, 1555; no fear of, vii. 2632;
penalty unjust, viii. 3279; not an
unending sleep, 3311; of African
slaves, 3448; appeal to, ix. 3568;
always threatening, 3878; as a pen-
alty, x. 4128, xiv. 5785; penalty
abolished in France, xii. 4929; Ar-
nold on, 5252 et seq.; duties in Eng-
land and Ireland, compared, xv.
6445; overcome, xvii. 7206; "the
calm, cool evening hour," xviii.
7485; wonderful embalmer, XX.
8601; bringeth good fame, 8718;
described, xxi. 8996; not the end
of our being, xxii. 9477; Epictetus
on, xxiii. 9758; universal law of,
XXV. 10894

Debi Sing, vi. 2413

Debt, imprisonment for, viii. 3345;
public, of Europe, xvii. 7073; bur-
den of England, xviii. 7770; public,
xx. 8488; Rebel, 8517

national, iv. 1742; English, v.
2187; republicanization of French,
viii. 3433; of United States, ix.
3573, x. 4069; criticised by Web-
ster, xi. 4473; mentioned by Hayne,
xii. 4980; French, xiii. 5378; and
Jackson, 5669; public, and the
tariff (Morrill), xvi. 6708; of Eng-
land, a great advantage, 6879; re-
funding of, xxii. 9444
Debts, war, xxii. 9454
Decimal system, xx. 8589
Declaration of Independence, ix. 3693,
3701; described by Webster, xi.
4397; pronounced unreasonable,
4407; Webster on, 4715; liberty
of, xii. 5023; reassertion of, 5156,
5173; how constructed, xv. 6210;
how written, xvi. 6747; merit of,

xviii. 7777; voiced Colonial Amer-
ica, 7777; characterized by Evarts,
7784; theory of government set
forth in, xix. 7915; full of sturdy
wisdom, 8023; characterized, 8274;
and the Democratic party, xx. 8528;
considered, xxi. 8772; and Doug-
las, 9061; "First Note in the March
of Democracy," xxv. 10707; how
applicable, 11015

Declaration of Right, quoted, vii. 2803
"Defence and Protection" (in Can-
ada), xxv. 10634
Degeneracy, ii. 465

Delany, Mrs., and the Royal party,
xvii. 7186

Delft Haven, and the "Mayflower,"
xxii. 9489

Delos, dedicated to perpetual peace,
xvii. 7124
Delphi, i. 28

Demagogism in France, xv. 6252
De Maistre, quoted, xxiv. 10204
Demeter, the earth mother, xix. 7938
Democracies, ancient, defined, xxv.

Democracy, inimical to imperialism, ii.
520, 552; language of, vi. 2613;
defined by Jefferson, vii. 2730;
idolized, viii. 3222; maxims of,
3223; defined by Robespierre,
3298; in America, ix. 3794; North-
ern, xi. 4680; of the North, xii,
4988; not wanted in Germany, xiii.
5283; involves an impossibility,
5301; spirit of, progressive, 5399;
in England, 5556; forms of, xiv.
5896; how won, 5922; of the Pil-
grims, xv. 6314; not progressive,
xvi. 6670; and rebellion, xviii. 7851;
obligation of, xix. 7991; peace, xx.
8421; of Ireland, 8473; inevitable,
xxi. 8808; Dougherty's oration on,
8935; lessons for, xxiii. 9699; in
France, xxiv. 10110; social, in
Germany, xxv. 11019
Democratic Party, the, in possession
of government, xiv. 5710; sketch
of, 5720; arraigned, 5723, xxiv.
10312; harmony of, xv. 6222; his-
toric, xvii. 7401; compared with
the Republican, xx. 8402; Rebel
sympathies of the, 8486 et seq.;
how constituted, xxi. 9130; disa-
vowed, xxv. 10720

Democratic, institutions, vii. 2819; idea,

xvi. 6744; rule, nightmare of, xxi.
8906; platform, planks of the, 8907
Democrats, peace, xvii. 7268; char-
acterized by Emerson, xx. 8341;
and Republicans, xxi. 8820; im-
perialists, 8928

Demonetization of silver, xxi. 9179,
xxiv. 10322

[ocr errors]

Demons, existence of, i. 82
Demosthenes, style of, i. 55, xii.
5125; pupil of Isæus, i. 186; de-
fence of Lycurgus' children, 201;
teacher of Hyperides, 214; com-
pared to Eschines, 225; courage
of, 236; life of, 232, 245; ora-
tion "On the Crown" (in behalf
of Ctesiphon), 246–337; indictment
of, 262; education of, 320; compared
with Eschines, 322; integrity of,
331; a water-drinker, 350, ii. 457;
"On the Embassy," i. 338-438; 1st
Olynthiac, ii. 439-47; 2d Olynthiac,
448-56; 3d Olynthiac, 456-66; 1st
Philippic, 466-89; "On the Peace,'
481-89; warnings unheeded, 484;
2d Philippic, 489-98; address to
the Messenians, 495; oration on
Hallonesus, 499-510; on the Cher-
sonese, 511-29; courage of, 527;
3d Philippic, 529-48; 4th Philippic,
549-68; on the Letter, 569-76; sent
to Byzantium, 569; on the duties
of the State, 586-97; on the Navy
Boards, 598-610; on the liberty of
the Rhodians, 611-23; in behalf of
the Megalopolitans, 624-36; on the
treaty with Alexander, 637-46 (spu-
rious?); favorite of Pitt, v. 1855; as
a master of rhetoric, 2049; charac-
terized by Webster, xi. 4717; type
of political orators, xii. 5001; study
of, xiii. 5312; and Persia, 5517;
Cassandrian eloquence of, xvi.
6788; and Phillips, XX. 8708;
anecdote of, xxii. 9310; Lubbock
on, xxiii. 9768; quoted, xxiv.
10125; qualities of, xxv. 10700
Denison, George Taylor, xxiv. 10263;
"The United Empire Loyalists,"


Denmark, fleet of, x. 4050
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, life of,
xxiii. 9688; at the unveiling of the
Bartholdi Statue, 9688-9704; at

the dinner to celebrate General
Grant's birthday, 9705-12
Depravity rendered attractive, xi.


[ocr errors]

Derby, Earl of, life of the, xiii. 5526;
"Slave Emancipation, 5526-33;
cited, xxii. 9290; on ready speak-
ing, 9307

Descartes, Rene, quoted, xx. 8582
Desmoulins, Lucie Simplice Camille
Benoist, life of, viii. 3463; "Live
Free or Die," 3463-66; "The Ap-
peal to the People," 3466-75
Despotism, vi. 2313; defined, 2319;
of England, 2495, vii. 2629; dan-
ger of, vi. 2600; defied by Paine,
vii. 2643, by Warren, 2676; mili-
tary, in France, viii. 3411, 3428,
ix. 3659; powers of, conferred by
Alien Bill, 3557; colonial, of Spain,
x. 4060; varieties of, xii. 5165;
crime of, xvi. 6727; triumph of,
6787; battalioned, xx. 8461; con-
test between, and independence,
xxi. 8817; of the pews, xxii. 9521
Destiny, manifest, xviii. 7672
Devany, John, a Judas informer, xxi.


Devens, Charles, life of, xix. 8121;

"Sons of Harvard," 8121-25; at
dedication of Soldiers' Monument,

Devil, a personal, xviii. 7832
Dewey, Admiral George, xxiv. 10228;
on Manila, xxi. 9080; testimony,
xxiv. 10438

De Witt, Jan, quoted, vii. 2839
Dexter, Samuel, vii. 3037; life of,
viii. 3492; and the Embargo, xi.

Dial, characterized, xx. 8333
Diaz, Porfirio, dictator, xxi. 9091;
life of, xxii. 9363; "Peace Rooted
in the Hearts of All," 9363-68;
standing for peace, xxiv. 10320
Dicæogenes, the estate of, i. 186; the

younger, 186-200

Dickens, Charles, praised by Thack-
eray, xvii. 7152; quoted, xxiv.
Dickinson, Daniel Stevens, life of,
xiii. 5622; at war ratification meet-
ing, 5622-29

John, life of, vi. 2533; declara-
tion on taking up arms, 2534-42

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