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Diedrich, Admiral, "cocky," xxiv.

"Dies Iræ," characterized, xii. 5009
Digby, George, life of, iv. 1503; "On
the Bill of Attainder against the
Earl of Strafford," 1504
Diligence, commended by Carlyle,
xiii. 5292

Dilke, Charles Wentworth, cited, xxiv.
10156; life of, 10513; "Cost of the
Crown," 10513-30

Dinarchus, life of, ii. 647
Dingley tariff, xxv. 10770
Diodorus, persecuted by Verres, ii.
803, 804

Diopithes, conduct of, ii. 511; army
of, 515, 554, 577

Diplomacy, xxv. 10930; American,
xii. 4567

Disabilities, political, removed, xxi.

Discriminations, geographical, vi. 2518
Disestablishment of Irish Church, xv.

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Disfranchisement, of rebels, xx. 8493;
of public men, 8561
Disraeli, anticipated by Cobbett, ix.
3521; called to account, xii. 4887;
rebukes Gladstone, 5069; "descend-
ant of the hardened thief, xiii.
5625; censures the government,
xiv. 5918; and Macdonald com-
pared, xvii. 7487; as an orator,
xxii. 9313; cited, xxiv. 10526. See
also Beaconsfield

Distances effaced, xxv. 10515
Distillation, v. 1774

Distress, agricultural, in England, xv.

Disputes, international, methods of
settling, xvii. 7054

Disunion, threats of, viii. 3488, x.
4106; evil results predicted, ix.
3713, x. 4108; predicted by Cal-
houn, 4276; not proposed, xi. 4488;
under way, xii. 4859; foreseen by
Crittenden, 4861; not a Northern
fault, xiv. 5752; curses on pro-

posers of, xv. 6319; scouted, xvi.
6760; threatened, xviii. 7568, 7713;
precipitated, xix. 8141; from Chi-
cago, xx. 8562

Dives depicted, xxi. 9099

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Dix, John Adams, life of, xiii. 5408;
"African Colonization, 5408-19;
quoted, xx. 8547

Dixon, Senator, amendment of, xv.

Dobeln, Lieut.-General G. K. von,
life of, viii. 3335; address to Fin-
nish troops, 3335-37

Dock, speeches from, Emmet, x.
4186; John Martin, xvii. 7242,
7435; John Mitchel, xviii. 7595;
Thomas Francis Meagher, xx. 8468;
Stephen Joseph Meany, xxi. 9189;
A. M. Sullivan, xxii. 9233; T. F.
Burke, xxiv. 10324; "Captain Mac-
kay," 10420

Doddington, and the genuflection, xv.


Doddridge, Philip, criticised, xv. 6279
Dogs, characterized, xix. 7950
Dolabella, Publius Cornelius, warned,
iii. 927; fights Antonius' battles,
973; fails of the consulship, 976
Dole, Nathan Haskell, translation of,
ix. 3641

Helen B., translation, vii. 2904,
2917, viii. 3221, 3293, 3341, 3359
Dollar, an inferior, xxi. 9184
Dolphin, the, in Greek symbolism,
xix. 7967

Dominion of Canada, xviii. 7487; evo-
lution of the (Goldwin Smith), xx.
8530. See also Canada
Donelson, Fort, surrender of, xx. 8604
Donnelly, Ignatius, life of, xxii. 9423;
"Reconstruction," 9423-36

Don Pacifico, case of, xiv. 5865, 5876
Quixote, iv. 1733

Dorion, Jean Baptiste Eric, and the
Rouges, xxii. 9210

Dorr, Ebenezer, and his message, xx.

Dougherty, Daniel, life of, xxi. 8935;
"Democracy," 8935-46; "The Per-
ils of the Republic," 8947-54
Douglas, Sir Howard, criticised, xiv.

Douglas, Stephen A., and Cuba, xiii.
5337; "The Little Giant," 5362;
slavery machinery of, xvi. 6566;

Lincoln's reply to, 6586; quoted,
6603, 6612; compared to Sancho
Panza, xvii. 7001; opens debate
with Sumner, 7011-15; compared
to a skunk, 7016; life of, 7331;
"The Kansas-Nebraska Bill," 7331-
56; "The War with Mexico," 7356-
first speech in Lincoln-Doug-
las debate, 7401-17; pretence of,
xviii. 7702; denounced by Bur-
lingame, xix. 8199; Schurz's ar-
raignment of, xxi. 9048; hunted
to his grave, 9133; and the Mis-
souri Compromise, 9163
Douglass, Frederick, life of, xviii.

7665; "What the Black Man
Wants," 7665-76; at the Freed-
men's Memorial Monument to Abra-
ham Lincoln, 7676-90; quoted, xx.

Draper, Sir William, v. 2049, 2059
Drayton, Charles, life of, vii. 2709;
to the grand jury, 2709-28
Dred Scott, case of, xvi. 6564; de-
cision, opposed by Lincoln, xvii.
7411; decision in, xviii. 7585; and
Amistad cases compared, 7592; de-
cision paraphrased, 7855; case and
the judge's decision, xx. 8576
Dress, changes in, xvii. 7109
Dreyfus, Alfred, condemned, xxiv.
10333; conspiracy against, xxv.
10903; family, 10904
Drinking fund, iv. 1768

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Drummond, Henry, life of, xxv.
10780; "The Greatest Thing in
the World," 10780-805; "The Al-
chemy of Influence, 10805-15
Drunkenness, and Gough, xviii. 7730
et seq.
Dublin, John Martin's address at the
cemetery in, xvii. 7238

University, Gladstone on, xv.

Duck Lake, battle of, xxiv. 10348
Duel, frowned on, xvii. 7064
Duelling, Hamilton's views on, ix.

3579; sermon on, x. 3990; sus-
tained by women, xx. 8615
Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan, quoted, xv.
6495; a "convicted conspirator,"
XX. 8458

Duluth, Proctor Knott on, xxii. 9346
Dumas, criticised, xv. 6283
Dumouriez, General Charles François,

viii. 3342, ix. 3625; and Danton,

Duncombe, Thomas Slingsby, quoted,
xx. 8456

Dundas, Lord, quoted, vii. 2835
Dunlop, John Colin, cited, xvi. 6935
Dunse, battle of, xiii. 5300
Durham, Bishop, quoted, xxiii. 9814
Earl of, Governor of Canada,
XX. 8530

Dutch, conquered, xxiv. 10472
Duties, of American citizens, xi. 4425;
collection of, punishable, in South
Carolina, 4598; power of laying,
4604, 4606; discriminating, xxii.


Duty, omnipresent, xi. 4816; of man,
silence, xiii. 5312; "daughter of
God," 5493; on spirits, xv. 6447;
Wordsworth's ode to, quoted from,
xix. 8042; the altar of, xxi. 8903;
"and Value of Patriotism" (Arch-
bishop Ireland), xxiv. 10192; to de-
pendencies, xxv. 10875

Dwight, Timothy, life of, viii. 3147;

"The Sovereignty of God," 3147-
56; quoted, xx. 8391; anecdote of,
xxiv. 10160


Earthquake, at Charleston, xxi. 8896
East India Company, v. 1874, 1952,
2189, vi. 2208, 2211, vii. 2638,
2693, 2777, viii. 3207
Eclecticism, French, xiv. 5962
Economy, political, x. 4128; neces-
sity of, xiii. 5428

Edgeworth, Maria, "the great known,”
X. 4124

Edinburgh, xiii. 5535

Education, of Grecian youth, i. 18,
240, viii. 3218; in America, v.
2136, xi. 4455, 4736, xii. 5115;
free, in France, viii. 3346; Goethe
on, xiii. 5316; and Horace Mann,
5326; precious privileges of, 5470;
not omnipotent, xiv. 5898; lacking
in 1879, xvi. 6658; for freedom of
(Montalembert), 6724; in North
and South compared, 6738; for the
blacks, xvii. 7329; for officers, xviii.
7535; and the Indians, 7663; pop-
ular, 7780; publicity of, 7793; evo-
lution of, xix. 8045;, American, and
militarism, 8129; of women, 8154;

popular, secured, xx. 8419; com-
mon sense, xxi. 8824; of Garfield,
9152; methods of, xxiii. 9652 et
seq.; of negroes, 9805; a liberal,
dissected, 9834; in Canada, 10078;
remedy for abuses, xxv. 10606; the
higher, 10931; in England, 11019
Edwards, Jonathan, life of, v. 1797;
"Wrath upon the Wicked to the
Uttermost," 1797-1811; "Sinners
in the Hands of an Angry God,"
1811-13; criticism on, xv. 6282;
exiled, xxiv. 10167

Egypt, xi. 4258; the road to India,
xxii. 9296; narrow limits of, 9654;
independence of, xxiii. 10009; paci-
fication of, xxv. 10656
Egyptian gods, iii. 1147

Question, xxiii. 10006; Salisbury
on the, xxii. 9276
Egyptians, mechanical powers of the,
xvi. 6946

Elatea, capture of, i. 296, ii. 507
Election, Presidential, a cause of
wonder, xv. 6192; laws, xxii. 9607
Elections, freedom of, vi. 2564
Elective system, xxiii. 9662
Electors, doctrine of, ix. 3511
Electricity, v. 1846

Elements, gods representing the, xix.

Elgin, Lord, Governor of Canada, xx.

Eliot, Charles William, electicism of,
xviii. 7800; commended, xix. 7988;
life of, xxiii. 9651; inaugural ad-
dress, 9651-83; at New England
banquet, 9683-87

George, quoted, on foolish wom-
en, xx. 8616; message of, xxv.

Sir John, life of, iv. 1444; "On
the Petition of Right,' 1444-53;
characterized, xix. 8267
Elizabeth, Queen, iv. 1341, 1386,

1406, 1418, 1447, v. 1858; charac-
terized, xxiv. 10291

Ellsworth, Oliver, life of, vii. 2760;
"On the Power of Congress to
Levy Taxes," viii. 2760-70; quoted,
xi. 4576, 4590

Eloquence, power of, i. 56; defined,
iv. 1468; Hamilton's, ix. 3581; de-
fined by Webster, xi. 4404; not a
fine art, xii. 5000; influence of,

5110; of Webster, characterized by
Choate, xiii. 5475; of an expiring
nation, 5477; spirit of, and Kos-
suth, xiv. 5816; American, the best
manual of, xvi. 6640; of Wendell
Phillips, xx. 8708; Spanish, xxii.
9470; contrasted with love, xxv.

Emancipation, Catholic, vii. 2994, ix.
3538, xii. 4832, xiii. 5573; Wel-
lington on, ix. 3758; and O'Con-
nell, xiv. 5844; how accomplished,
xv. 6547

xiii. 5624; of negroes, Brougham
on, x. 4160; effect of, 4170 et seq.;
Peel in favor of, xii. 4886; measure
of a, 4948; favored by Earl Russell,
5065; Earl Derby's speech on, xiii.
5526; glory of, xv. 6154; gradual,
xvi. 6590; power of, not in the
Federal government, 6629; imme-
diate unconditional, 6960; pre-
dicted, xvii. 7210; the North and,
7269; day of (Jan. 1, 1863), de-
scribed by Frederick Douglass,
xviii. 7685; accomplished, xix.
7905; Lincoln and, 8079; gain for
freedom, 8133; interest in, xx.
8424; payment for, 8494; de-
nounced, 8496; Proclamation, who
dictated, 8526; demanded by Gratz
Brown, xxi. 8874; granted, xxii.
9250; evil results of, predicted,

- of mind, xv. 6185; of white
men, 6326
Embargo, ix. 3670, x. 4117, xi. 4503
Emerson, Charles, the brightest
genius ever born on New England
soil, xxi. 8905

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Ralph Waldo, life of, xiv. 5927;
"The American Scholar," 5927-51;
"Literary Ethics," 5951-72; "The
Conservative, "5973-94; "Robert
Burns, 5994-97; "Harvard's He-
10es, 5997-6000; "The Minute-
Man," 6000-2; quoted, xiii. 5656,
xx. 8609, 8704, xxiii. 9757; letters,
love of, xiv. 5928; richly semina-
tive, xix. 8008; lecture on (Mat-
thew Arnold), xx. 8321; not &
great poet, 8329; a winged Frank-
lin, 8346; a great inspirer of men,
xxi. 8905; on success, 9165; on
rhetoric, xxii. 9302; on friendships,

quoted, xxiii. 9774; cited, xxiv.

Emerson, William, and his gun, xx.

Emigrant Aid Society, defended, xix.

Emigrants, needs of, xvii. 7299; pass-

ing Westward, 7332; from Europe,
xix. 8271

Emigration, x. 4086, xi. 4630, xiii.
5413; effect of, xvi. 6911; from
England to New England, xxi.
9148; to be expected, xxiii. 9983;
cessation of, xxv. 10604

Emmet, Robert, life of, x. 4186; un-
der sentence of death, 4186-95;
defended by Plunket, ix. 3538;
cited, xvi. 6795

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Employment, lack of, xvii. 7129
Enfranchisement, era of, xv. 6241;
of the negro, xviii. 7667; of slave
labor, xxi. 8878
Enghien, Duc d', iv. 1562
England, language of, viii. 3221; con-
stitution of, 3238; people of, char-
acterized, 3363; offers peace to the
world, 3400; glory of, ix. 3832;
mistress of Europe, 3940; and
Denmark, x. 4050; future deca-
dence predicted, xii. 4850; and the
United States, 4909; suppresses
slave trade, xiii. 5330; navy of (in
1852), 5405; praised by Azeglio,
5433; abolishes slavery, xv. 6153;
and Belgium, 6380; and Turkey,
6380; and slavery, xvi. 6752; in
capacity of governing her prov-
inces, 6815; mother of nations,
6816; foreign policy of, arraigned by
John Bright, 6872 et seq.; foolish
wars of, 6877; and the American
Civil War, 6902; and America one
nation, 6912; horrors of a war
with, xvii. 7021; public debt of (in
1839), 7074; during sixty years,
7155; liberalization of, xviii. 7792;
not neutral, 7870; of the Revolu-
tion, xix. 8026; progress (peaceful)
of, 8303; and America, relations
of, xx. 8409; characteristics of the
people of, 8423; supremacy of,
8463; and patriotism, 8753; inter-
vention of, 8763; and indepen-
dence, xxi. 8929; the republic in,
9006; source of American liberty,

9036; usurpations of, 9063; en-
trapped in war, xxiv. 10294; iso-
lated in Europe, xxv. 10635; morn-
ing drum-beat, 10703; imperisha-
ble renown, 11005; education in,

Enoch pleases God, xiv. 5767
Enthusiasm, a potent ally, xiv. 5999;
for war, in Germany, xviii. 7537;
success of, xxiv. 10286
Environment, human, xxiv. 10126
Epaminondas, ii. 625

Epictetus, quoted, xxiii. 9751, 9755,
9758, 9777

Epicurus, on poverty, quoted, xxiii.


Equality, v. 2012, vii. 2662, xii. 5170
et seq.; never found, xiv. 5885;
among nations, xv. 6370; of ne-
groes, impossible, xvi. 6589; of
man, a principle, xvii. 7215; of all
men, a grand basis, xxii. 9431
Equities of Northern graves, xxi.

Erasmus, Disiderius, quoted, iv. 1336
Eratosthenes, oration against, i. 115–

Erichthonius, education of, xix. 7964
Erie Canal, ix. 3736

Erskine, Lord Thomas, vii. 2852,
2855, 2878; life of, 2918; in behalf
of Stockdale, 2918-62; cited, viii.
3376, xii. 5241

Espionage encouraged, ix. 3564
Esterhazy, Major, acquitted, xxiv.

10330; exculpation of, xxv. 11010
Ethics, of the Constitution, xiii. 5488;
literary (Emerson), xiv. 5951
Eubolus, law of, ii. 456, 559, 586
Eubulus, administration of, xx. 8351
Eudoxia, Empress, iii. 1168
Eulogy on-Helen, i. 49; Evagoras,
151; Trajan, iii. 1106; Ambrose's
Brother, 1154; St. Boniface, 1242;
Pope Marcellinus, 1250; Luther,
iv. 1332; Prince of Condé, 1558;
Turenne, 1629; Washington, viii.
3243, ix. 3805, xi. 4528; Hamilton,
ix. 3567, x. 3990; Adams and Jef-
ferson, xi. 4381; Andrew Jackson,
xii. 5035; Daniel Webster, xiii.
5469; Balzac, xiv. 5780; O'Connell,
5843; Edward Everett, xvi. 6637;
William Lloyd Garrison, 6959; Lin-
coln, xvii. 7274, xix. 8071, 8256,

xxiii. 9905 Bryant, xv. 7435;
Horace Greeley, 7477; Grant, xx.
8603, xxii. 9404; Wendell Phillips,
xx. 8699, xxiv. 10216; Sumner,
xxi. 8796; Garfield, 9147, xxiv.
10474; Phillips Brooks, xxiii. 9811;
General Sherman, 10040; Alex.
Mackenzie, xxiv. 10531
Euphræus, imprisoned, ii. 545
Euripides, quoted, i. 407, xix. 7955
Europe, changes in, xiii. 5389; con-
dition of (in 1852), 5394
Evagoras, encomium on, i. 151-71;
friend of Conon, ii. 580 note
Evarts, William Maxwell, life of,
xviii. 7784; "What the Age owes
to America," 7784-97; "The Day
we Celebrate, 7798-7805
Events, logic of, xiv. 5807; evolution
of, xxiv. 10498
Everett, Edward, life of, xii. 5080;
"The History of Liberty,
" 5080-
5107; Phi Beta Kappa oration,
5108-47; patriotic oration, 5148;
Winthrop's eulogy on, xvi. 6637;
cited, xvii. 7346; quoted, xx.

William, life of, xxiv. 10280;
"Patriotism," 10280-304
Evictions, cause of crime, xxv. 10590;
decrease of, xxii. 9382
Evidence, circumstantial, xi. 4757
Evil, origin of, viii. 3370; problem
of, x. 3986

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Evolution, and the Duke of Argyll,
xx. 8423

Exchequer, Irish, xv. 6451
Executive power, basis of, viii. 3182;

tyranny of the (1864), xxi. 9011
Exeter College ejectment case, xi.


Exhibition, international, xxi. 8957
Expansion, xxv. 10751, 10928, 10990;
opposed by Quincy, ix. 3879 et seq.;
by Clay, x. 4059; described, 4106;
illustrated by Calhoun, 4283, xi.
4620; opposed by Webster, 4629;
unwise, xviii. 7782; rapid, xix.
8305; favored by Grant, xx. 8401;
a fact, 8546; Hoar on, xxi. 8899;
MacVeagh on, xxii. 9520; not del-
eterious, xxiv. 10508; of trade,
XXV. 10720; law of, 10894
of Athens, xxiv. 10303
Expediency, xiii. 5518, xiv. 5687

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Faction, dangers of, vi. 2522, ix. 3727
Factory labor, interference with, xxv.

Fairbanks' scale manufactory, and
strikes, xxii. 9456

Faith, not dead, xvi. 6725; a heredi-

tary, described, xviii. 7465; key-
note of religion, xxv. 10780
Falkland Islands, seizure of, v. 1927
Famine, iii. 1145, iv. 1683, xiii. 5280
Fanaticism, xiv. 5849; in false liber-
ty, xii. 5023; uncalculating, xvii.
7002; origin of, 7215

Faneuil Hall, xi. 4381; "The Cradle
of Liberty," xiv. 5811; and the
mob, xvi. 6759; refused for pro-
test, xx. 8706; founded by a Hu-
guenot, xxi. 8888

Fannin, murder of, xvii. 7381
Faribault plan, xxiv. 10192
Farming, Evarts on, xxii. 9629
Farrar, Frederick William, life of,
xxii. 9404; eulogy of General
Grant, 9404-12

Fatherhood of God, xviii. 7611
Faucher, Léon, quoted, xiv. 5786
Faulkner, Senator, of Virginia, quot-

ed, xviii. 7706

Faust, xii. 5247; and Iphigenie, com-
pared, xix. 8007

Favoritism, to be rejected, xxiv. 10101
Favre, Jules Claude Gabriel, life of,

xv. 6550; before the Corps Legis-
latif, 6550-60

Fawkes, Guy, iv. 1403
Fear, paralyzing effect of, i. 53; the
mother of safety, xv. 6531

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