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and arbitrary power, vi. 2318; in
India, 2339; invoked to shield rob-
bery, ix. 3526; criminal, not
founded in a principle of ven-
geance, xi. 4754; Cousin on, xii.
5012; respect for, xiv. 5784; re-
form of, xv. 6121; defined, 6122;
in Ireland, 6537; of representa-
tion violated, xvii. 7480; John
Mitchel on, xviii. 7595; the perfec-
tion of reason, xxi. 9203; disesteem
of the (A. M. Sullivan), xxii. 9233;
books on Canadian, 9562; inde-
pendent of "abroad," xxiii. 9842;
natural, xxiv. 10132; not respected
in Ireland, 10249; sympathetic ob-
servance of, xxv. 10583
Laws, excellence of, i. 58, 221; re-
form of, iv. 1486; equal and gen-
erous, vii. 2666; conflict of, xvi.
6952; unfair, should be abrogated,
xix. 8203; of mining, 8204; pur-
pose of, xxii. 9481

Lawrence (Kansas), struggle of, with
slavery, xvii. 7007
Lazarus, depicted, xxi. 9097
Leaders necessary, xiv. 5888
Leaf, Walter, translator of Homer, i. 13
Leagues, viii. 3331. See also Amphic-
tyonic, Land, etc.
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole,
quoted, xxv. 10917

Lecompton Constitution, xvi. 6565;
opposed by Douglas, xvii. 7331;
fastened on Kansas, 7584
Lee, Richard Henry, life of, vi. 2493;
"To the Inhabitants of Great Brit-
ain," 2493-2504

General Henry, life of, viii.
3242; eulogy on Washington, 3243-


Leeds, the banker of, xvi. 6892
Legal profession, habits of the, xiv.

Leicester, Joseph, speech of, quoted,
xxii. 9378

Lennox, Sarah, and George III., xvii.

Lentulus, cowardice of, ii. 672

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Leo the Great, life of, iii. 1209; "On
the Beatitudes, 1209-16; contro-
versy with Saint Hilary, 1217
Leochares, defendant in civil suit, i.

186, 187, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196
Leocrates, oration against, i. 201-13
Leon defended by Socrates, i. 89
Leonidas, vii. 2992, viii. 3302
Lepeletier de Saint Fargeon, assassi-
nation of, viii. 3352

Lepidus, Marcus, iii. 1010, 1048
Lepine, Ambroise, defended by Chap-
leau, xxiv. 10379

Lessing, cited, xii. 5005, 5009
Lethe wharf, xx. 8733
Leuctra, battle of, ii. 624

Levett, Johnson's verses on, quoted,
xvii. 7168

Leviathan of the deep, ix. 3925
Lexington (Kentucky), xii. 5137; the
men of, xx. 8680

Libel, law of, defined by Mackintosh,
ix. 3595, 3602; on the king, 3605

suits: Erskine for Stockdale,
vii. 2718; Curran for Rowan, 2974;
decided by Westminster Hall, 2980;
Cobbett, ix. 3521; Peltier, 3585;
against Marie Antoinette, 3589; on
Cromwell, 3610; Hetherington, xii.
5216; Maxon, 5216
xxii. 9207
Liberalism, Bismarck against, xviii.
7543; ascendant, xx. 8534; in-
crease of, in Scotland, xxii. 9266
Liberal Party (in Canada), trust-
worthy, xxiii. 9884

studies, xiv. 5884

in Canada,

Union, government of the, xxi.

"Liberator," the history of, xv. 6166;
founding of the, xvi. 6961

Liberia, xiii. 5345, 5607; for freed
slaves, xvi. 6589

Liberties of Europe, wars for, xvi.

Liberty, the greatest of all memorials,
i. 174; betrayed, 413; vs. slavery,
iii. 994; or death, 1017, vi. 2595;
value of, iv. 1386; John Winthrop
on, 1440; glory of, v. 1820; of
speech, 1909; foundation of every-

thing, vi. 2618; inalienable, vii.
2649, 2676; right of all men, 2676;
transmitted, 2772; foundation of
English Constitution, 2803; Fox
opposed to, 2826; characterized by
Erskine, 2958; assured by the
sacred soil of England, 2996; zeal
for, viii. 3255; Danton on, 3340;
defined by Samuel Dexter, 3495;
travestied by slavery, ix. 3547;
abused, 3607; secured by Federal
Constitution, 3616; defined by Jo-
siah Quincy, 3899; in conflict with
power, x. 4273; carried to absurd-
ity, xi. 4500; based on a political
measure, 4543; genius of, 4712;
of Athens, 4716; compatible with
order, xii. 4830; Guizot's hypoth-
esis on, 4869; fifty years of, in
France, 4925; a curse to negroes,
4986; treated of by Cousin, 5010;
true, defined by Cousin, 5019; trai-
tors to, 5022; no fanaticism in,
5023; the Cause of the North,
5027; history of (oration by Ed-
ward Everett), 5080; upheld in
Hungary, 5202; strongest of pas-
sions, xiii. 5331; spirit of, 5340;
and Kossuth, 5351; in Europe,
5399; master passion, 5598; with
union, xiv. 5756; a principle, 5810;
a holy work, 5855; the martyrs of,
in Italy, xv. 6113; in the wilder-
ness, 6310; and empire, 6374; de-
fended by Montalembert, xvi. 6729;
fruits of, 6919; required for prosper-
ity, xvii. 7257; the flag dedicated
to, 7312; sacred, xviii. 7598; civil
and political, 7758; constitutional,
xix. 7883; American, 8022; devel-
opment of, 8023; personified, 8043;
in Italy, 8101; outraged by Presi-
dent Lincoln, 8147; rise of consti-
tutional (Storrs), 8257; Old South
Meeting House dedicated to, xx.
8378; crimes against, 8521; war
in behalf of, 8544; of thought, de-
fended by the scholar, 8658; the
object of human government, 8662;
the birthright of humanity, xxi.
8799; of the citizen, 8847; a home-
less wanderer, 8938; and mon-
archy, 8960; downfall of legal,
8997; derived from England, 9036;
religious, 9045; human spirit de-

voted to, xxii. 9511; Chauncey M.
Depew on, xxiii. 9688; true
(Brooks' sermon), 9945; defined,
xxiv. 10197; ideas of (in 1770),
10269; spirit of, xxv. 10591; love
of, implanted by God, 10962; civ-
ilized, its misson, 11005
Libraries, xiii. 5535; in Europe, 5449;
travelling, xxv. 10818

Library, mercantile, xii. 5211; in
every town, xiii. 5308; Boston's
Free, xxv. 10817

Liddon, Henry Parry, life of, xxi.

9096; "The Inadequacy of Present
Opportunities," 9097-9115

Lieber, Francis, cited (on war), xvii.

7026; and the new code, xxii. 9490
Lieven, Count, quoted, ix. 3910
Life, compared to an ocean, viii. 3153;
sanctity of, xiv. 5788, xvi. 6655;
defined by Ingersoll, xxii. 9585; a
great gift, xxiii. 9747

Ligarius, Cicero in defence of, iii.

Light, creation of, iii. 1139
Lilburne, John, libels Cromwell, ix.

Lincoln, Abraham, life of, xvi. 6561;
on his nomination to the United
States Senate, 6569-72; first inau-
gural, 6572-82; at Gettysburg,
6583; second inaugural, 6584-86;
reply to Stephen A. Douglas, 6586-
6611; farewell address, 6611;
speech at Cooper Institute, 6611-
36; message of, criticised, xiii.
5436; defended by B. F. Wade,
5591; anecdote of, xv. 6166; and
the Sedition Bill, xvi. 6809; effects
of the death of (Beecher), xvii.
7274; forms Abolition Party, 7403;
catechised by Douglas, 7406; prow-
ess of, 7407; quoted, 7410, xix.
7927, xxii. 9525, xxiii. 9915, 9923;
Frederick Douglass' tribute to,
xviii. 7676; monument to, 7676; a
son of toil, 7688; J. G. Holland's
eulogy on, xix. 8071; and outrages
or liberty, 8147; eulogized by Luiz
da Silva, 8248; and Jesus com-
pared, xxi. 8777; and Cromwell,
8884; Dougherty on, 8949; com-
pared to Ghenghis Khan, 9016;
and his emancipation proclamation,
9136; the martyr President, xxii.

9407; disciple of Grotius, 9490;
and Grant, xxiii. 9706; funeral
sermon on (Brooks), 9905; assas-
sination of, xxiv. 10456; praised,
XXV. 10727

Liquor, bad effects of, vii. 3044
Literature, civilization of, v. 2044; as


means of support, ix. 3588;
American, 3751, xix. 8294; influ-
ence of, on Adams and Jefferson, xi.
4419; progress in, 4732; origin of,
xii. 5120; of England (Macaulay's
address), xiii. 5535; tribute to
(Sumner's), xvii. 7023; French,
characterized, xx. 8364; Canadian
(Dawson), xxii. 9539; and science,
antagonism between, denied, xxiii.
9652; early Canadian (Sir John
Bourinot on), 10068; of the Victo-
rian age, xxiv. 10449; trusteeship
of (Iles), xxv. 10817; transformed,
11017; French, 11019
Littlefield, Charles E., life of xxv.
10755; "The Pearl of the Antilles,'

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Liverpool, Beecher's address at, xvii.

Livingston, Edward, life of, ix. 3552;
"On the Alien Bill," 3552-66

Robert R., life of, vii. 2815;
oration before the Cincinnati, 2815-

Livingstone, David, humble origin
of, xix. 8058; character of, xxv.

Livy, cited, xvii. 7100

Loan, Canadian, xviii. 7839

Locke, John, exiled, xii. 5128; quot-
ed, vii. 2749, xx. 8587; on pure
language, xxiii. 9653

Lodge, Henry Cabot, life of, xxv.
10688; "Daniel Webster," 10688-
708; at Republican Convention,

[blocks in formation]

6139; on a Sunday, xx. 8331; Con-
servatives in, xxii. 9267; described,
XXV. 11021

Long, John Davis, life of, xxiv. 10215;
eulogy of Wendell Phillips, 10216-
21; "Problems of the Future,"
10221-28; at presentation of the
Dewey sword, 10228-33; pro-
nounced trustworthy, 10439
Longborough, Lord, quoted, viii. 3473
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, quot-
ed, xiii. 5626, xvii. 7083, xx. 8678,
Longstreet, James, in favor of negro
suffrage, xx. 8421

Lost Arts (Phillips), xvi. 6913
Lotteries, injurious effect of, v. 1779,


Louis IX., King of France, charac-
terized by Sumner, xvii. 7046

XIV., King of France, iv. 1558,
1611, 1629, 1636, 1655, 1700, vii.
2839; quoted by Webster, xi. 4375;
instanced by Everett, xii. 5177;
aggressive policy of, xv. 6375; and
his cannon, xxi. 9039; quoted,
xxiv. 10198

XVI., King of France, vii. 2830,
viii. 3284 et seq., 3306, 3394, 3466,
ix. 3735; and the rack, xiv. 5790;
quoted, xvi. 6661, xxiii. 9698

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XVIII., King of France, threat
of return of, vii. 2881

Philippe, and Châteaubriand, ix.
3729; called a usurper, x. 4017;
and Guizot, xii. 4866; overthrow
of, xiii. 5394; and the death pen-
alty, xiv. 5785; honored, xvii. 7111

Napoleon. See Napoleon
Louisiana, Territory, viii. 3328; ad-
mission of, ix. 3879; organized, x.
4106; Webster on, xi. 4635; Ever.
ett on, xii. 5157; Jackson and, xiii.
5660; and slavery, xiv. 5721; gov-
ernment of, xv. 6323; organization
of, xvi. 6616; Purchase, xvii. 7358,
xviii. 7572, xxiv. 10172; bought,
xviii. 7698; out of the Union, 7853;
self-government in (Logan), xxi.
8840, xxii. 9341

Love, the power of, i. 215; Christian,

iii. 1279, 1284, iv. 1409, 1707; of
country, xiii. 5513; of God for in-
dividual souls (Pusey's sermon),
5614; principle of life, xv. 6117;

superior to force, xvii. 7104; of
human species, a vague kind of
virtue, 7137; creation of, by war,
xix. 8146; Emerson's essay on,
quoted, xx. 8329; "The Greatest
Thing in the World," xxv. 10781;
spectrum of, 10785

Lovejoy, Elijah Parish, cited, 6587;
murder of, xvi. 6949; Wendell
Phillips on, 6949; death of, xx.

Lovell, James, quoted, xxiii. 9851
Lowell, James Russell, life of, xix.

7978; at Harvard University, 7978-
97; "A Plea for Modern Lan-
guages," 7998-8021; quoted, xvi.
6930, xvii. 7008, xviii. 7803, xix.
8309, xx. 8324, 8579, xxii. 9537,
xxiii. 10069, xxiv. 10293, 10415,
xxv. 10561, 10934

Loyalists, United Empire, xxii. 9542;
Denison on, xxiv. 10264
Loyalty, the virtue of, xiv. 5898; of

B. F. Butler, xviii. 7877; test of,
xix. 7902; Irish, to America, xx.
8474; of Canada, xxiv. 10459;
negro, xxv. 10856

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Lubbock, Sir John, life of, xxiii.
9746; "The Duty of Happiness,
9747-61; "The Choice of Books,
9761-72; ""The Blessing of
Friends," 9773-79
Lubricity, the great goddess, xx.

Lucan, quoted, xxiv. 10302
Lucerne, Lion of, xix. 8127
Lucretius, quoted, xv. 6283
Luddite riots, xxv. 10607

Luitprand, King of Lombardy, quoted,
xvii. 7044

Lumber, American, v. 2027
Luther, iii. 1273; life of, 1292; to the
Diet at Worms, 1293-98; "On
Peter's Denial of Christ," 1298-
1308; and Zwingli, 1309; and Me-
lanchthon, iv. 1324; Melanchthon's
funeral oration, 1332; quoted, 1697,
XX. 8638; cited, xvi. 6960, 6964;
and Phillips, xx. 8712; Castelar
on, xxii. 9484; on education, cited,
xxiii. 9653; on Paradise, quoted,

Luxury, taxation of, v. 1770; the evil
consequences of, 1922, vii. 2686
Lycurgus, life of, i. 201; against

Leocrates, 201-13; and oracles,
viii. 3301

Lyndhurst, Lord (John Singleton Cop-
ley), life of, ix. 3901; on the war
with Russia, 3901-19

Lyons, Sir Edmund, xii. 4827; cited,
xiv. 5873; interferes in American
politics, xviii. 7876

Lyre, invention of the, xix. 7971
Lysias, life of, i. 115; oration against
Eratosthenes, 115-36; compared
with Isæus, 186
Lytton, describes Sheridan's speech,
xxii. 9312; on Burke, 9316


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Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron,
xiii. 5516; life of, 5534; "The Lit
erature of England, 5534-44;
"Parliamentary Reform," 5545-63;
"Jewish Liabilities," 5564-77; Cic-
ero, and Octavius, 5517; cited, xv.
6492, XXV. 10923; quoted, xx.
8763; as an orator, xxii. 9326, xxv.

Macbeth, Lady, a type, xxiv. 10154
McCall, Samuel Walker, life of, xxv.
10736; "The Porto Rico Tariff,"
McCarthy, D'Alton, cited, xxiv. 10537

Justin, life of, xxii. 9369; in de-
fence of his colleagues, 9369-83
Macchiavelli, xiii. 5506; cited, 5301;
quoted, xix. 7995; and Grotius
compared, xxii. 9495

McClennan, General, zeal of, for
slavery, xviii. 7682
Macdonald, Sir John Alexander, life
of, xviii. 7487; "Confederation,
7488-7511; "Canadian Fisheries,"
7512-23; and corruption charges,

xxii. 9219

[ocr errors]

McDuffie, quoted by Webster, xi. 4467
Macedonia, under Turkish rule, xv.

Macedonians, how disposed to Philip,
ii. 452

McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, life of, xxi.

8781; "The Land we Live in,"
8782-86; "The Policy of Concilia-
tion," 8787-89; on oratory, xxii.

Machinery, effects of, xxv. 10607
Mackay, Captain (W. F. Lomasney),

life of, xxiv. 10420; "Conscious-
ness of Innocence," 10420-30
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, journey
of, xxii. 9563; on the death of,
xxiv. 10531

Mackerel, xiv. 6103

McKinley, William, life of, xxiv.

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10486; "American Patriotism,
10486-93; at dedication of the
Grant Monument, 10494 96; "The
Nation's Duties and Opportunities,
10497-504; last speech (at Buffalo),
10505-12; Act, repeal of, xx. 8443;
Hoar on the re-election of, xxi.
8904; Bill, xxiii. 9985; quoted,
XXV. 10624, 10625, (by Bryan)
10938; stand of, 10714; speech sec-
onding nomination of (Roosevelt),
10883; compared with Bonaparte,
10942; the Just, 10986; divinely
guided, 11004

Mackintosh, Sir James, xiii. 5564;
life of, ix. 3585; in behalf of Jean
Peltier, 3586-3611

McLane, Louis, quoted, xviii. 7699
McLeod, Malcolm, on Charles Edward

the Pretender, xx. 8606
MacVeagh, Wayne, life of, xxii. 9507;
"Ideals in American Politics,"

Madagascar, trade in, xxv. 10836
Madison James, life of, vii. 3019;
"On the Expediency of adopting
the Federal Constitution, 3020-
32; Inaugural Address, 3032-36;
attacked by Jackson, x. 4044;
praised by Webster, xi. 4474; and
the tariff law, 4509; quoted, 4610;
and the Louisiana Purchase, 4636;
on slavery, 4669, xxi. 9063; his
"Report, " xii. 4991; cited, xvi.
6652, 6675, xix. 8240; on the spoils
system, xx. 8630
Madness, popular, catching, v. 1841,
vii. 2740

Magdalen College, King James's at-

tack on, cited by Webster, xi. 4337
Magee, William Connor, life of, xix.
8314; "The Ethics of Forgiveness,

Magna Charta, iv. 1520; the Bible of
the Constitution, 1518, v. 2037,
2158, vii. 2697; contemned, 2709,
2801, ix. 3701, xi. 4324, xii. 5030;
granting of, xix. 8263; erased, xxi.

9009; fruits of, xxiii. 9702; how
obtained, 9804

Magnanimity, a guarantee of con-
tented submission, xx. 8558; of
Sumner, xxi. 8801
Magnetism, xiv. 5864

Mahdi, in arms, xxii. 9286; resent-
ment of the, 9296

Mahomed Reza Khân, vi. 2293, 2374,
2417, 2453

Mahomet, vi. 2248, x. 4258; no mir-
acle-worker, xiv. 5862; passing
away, xvi. 6796

Mails, ubiquitous, xvi. 6577
"Maine, destruction of the, xxi.
8857, xxv. 10623

Maine Liquor Law, tested, xxiii.

Maitland, William, suicide of, xviii,

Majority, and the Remnant, the (Ar-
nold on), xx. 8349; bad, 8349; in
New York unsound, xx. 8371

will of the, vii. 2731, 2769; first
principle of all republican liberty,
xi. 4592; no other sovereign will,
4718; submission to, xii. 4959; rule
of government, 5170; un-German,
xiii. 5286

Majuba Hill, power wasted at, xxii.

Malice toward none (Lincoln), xvi.

Malignity, fastened on Garrison, xvi.

Malmesbury, Lord, quoted, vii. 2829;

dismissed, viii. 3415

Malthus, Thomas R., quoted, xii. 5138
Malt-tax, grievance of, xv. 6353
Mammon, worship of, xiv. 5895
Mammoth and shark, ix. 3927
Man, nature of, xii. 5182; fable of,
xiv. 5929; and His Institutions
(Beecher), xvii. 7280; and Brutes
(Max Muller), xx. 8580
Manchester, xiii. 5553; School, xv.
6382; tragedy of, xxii. 9251
Manifest Destiny, xx. 8550
Manigault, Judith, and her story, xxi.

Manila, v. 1914, 2063; Senator Grow

on, xx. 8541; Dewey at, xxi. 9080;
capture of, xxiv. 10229, 10501
Manitoba, grain production in, xv.
6343; Natural History Society of,

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