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AGENTS-Portraits 35c, frames Lc, sheet pictures le, stereoscopes 25c, views le. 30 days' credit. Samples and catalog free. Consolidated Portrait Co., Dept. 1236, 1027 W. Adams St., Chicago.

ABSOLUTELY FREE for 30 days only. 12 guaranteed U. S. Fire Extinguishers. Secure territory now. Special offer given to but one representative in each section. United Mfg. Co., 1047 Jefferson, Toledo, O. AGENTS-Salary or commission. Greatest seller yet. Every user of pen and ink buys on sight. 200 to 300 per cent profit. One agent's sales $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X-3, La Crosse, Wis.

A REAL PERMANENT BUSINESS better than running a store. We manufac ture guaranteed custom shirts, hosiery, underwear, sweaters and neckties, and sell through local representatives direct to the wearer. Write Steadfast Mills, Dept. 12, Cohoes, N. Y.

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LET THE PARCELS POST HELP YOU. Add ($15 to $25 weekly) to your present salary or income. Start during spare time and build up a permanent mail-order business of your own. We show you how and help you make good. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. The Parcels Post makes success doubly sure. Our new ideas and up-to-date plans bring the money. No so-called "Course of Instruction" to sell. We give that free. Write today Address Pease Mfg. Co., Inc., Dept. K. 70 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y.

WOULD you like to own a good paying mail order business? We have a line that gets repeat orders all the time; you can start in spare time; invest a dollar or two a week and soon own a nice business of your own: write for particulars. Nadico, 1665 Belmont Ave., Chicago.

AGENTS' PRICES One machine at Wholesale price to introduce our goods. Bargains in every make. Typewriters for $5.00 up. Standard Typewriter Exchange.

31 Park Row, New York.

$150 MONTH Guaranteed. No canvassing or mail order phantom. Saves merchants $10 month, yet you sell nothing. Box 4, Fort Scott, Kans.

EARN $5 TO $10 DAILY AT YOUR OWN home making new and resilvering old mirrors. We show you how. Particulars Free. Patterson & Co., Dept. 6, Brooksville, Ky.


UNCLE SAM IS A LIBERAL EMployer. Qualify for a Government position. We prepare you by mail for any Civil Service Examination. Write today for free Booklet 33. Capital Civil Service School, Washington, D C.


$4.25 EACH paid for U. S. Flying Eagle Cents dated 156. Keep all money dated before 195, and send 16e at once for New IIlustrated Coin Value Book, 4x7. It may mean your fortune, Clarke & Co., Coin Dealers, Box 142, Le Roy, N. Y


ELECTRICAL. Just what you have been Jooking for. Our Modern Blue Print Chart Method of Electrical Wiring Diagrams. Thoroughly explained so that you can easily understand them. All kinds of Bell Wiring. Annunciators. Telephones. House Wiring. Conduit. Theatres. Isolated Plants. Dynamos. Transformers. Are Lights, Special Treatise on Motor Wiring. Write for information. Electrical Wiring Diagram Co., Box G-173, Altoona, Pa.


THE CHEAPEST ALFALFA FARMS and Truck Lands in Arizona. Finest climate; excellent markets. Gila Valley Realty & Loan Company, Duncan, Ariz.

CASH FOR YOUR BUSINESS or real estate. I bring buyers and sellers together. If you want to buy, sell or trade, address Frank P. Cleveland, 1311 Adams Express Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Established 11.


GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK WORKS, $5.00. Slightly hopworn, quantity limited, others with chimes, all prices; also several nice grandfather's clock cases, exceptional bargains. Clock Company, 6190 Cayuga St., Philadelphia, Pa.


LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. Splendid income assured right man to act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mail Former experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ability, ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative business. No soliciting or traveling. All or spare time only. This is an exceptional opportunity for a man in your section to get into a big paying business without capital and become independent for life. Write at once for full particulars. National Co-Operative Realty Company, L-136 Marden Building. Washington, D. C.

BIG MONEY WRITING SONGS-We have paid thousands of dollars to song writers send us your poems or melodies. Acceptance guaranteed if available by largest, most successful concern of the kind. We publish, advertise, secure copyright in your name and pay 50 per cent if successful. Hundreds of delighted clients. Write today for Big Magazine. Beautiful Illustrated Book and examination of your work ALL FREE. Dugdale Co., 252 Dugdale Building. Washington, D. C.

GOVERNMENT JOBS OPEN TO MEN AND WOMEN. $65 to $150 a month. Vacation. Steady work. Short hours. Common education sufficient. "Pull" unnecessary. Thousands of appointments coming. Write immediately for full particulars and list of positions open. Franklin Institute, Dep't $29, Rochester, N. Y.

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MEN OF IDEAS and inventive ability should write for new "Lists of Needed Inventions", "Patent Buyers” and “How to Get Your Patent and Your Money". Advice FREE Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Dept. 36, Washington, D. C.

PLEASANT HOME WORK--Ambitious persons can earn good income in spare time copying letters. Former experience unnecessary, Send today addressed, stamped envelope for particulars. Box 17, Station H. G., New York.

I NEED GOOD MEN Everywhere - part or all time learn my busines--make money with me--no experience needed -typewriter, desk and full outfit free, W. M. Ostrander, Dept. 14. 12 West 31st St., New York.

I WILL START YOU earning $4 daily at home in spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital: send for free instructive booklet, giving plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. B-P. Boston, Mass,

BE A DETECTIVE. Big pay, easy, pleas ant work. Traveling every where. Write National Detective Agency. Department 34, Houseman Blk.. Grand Rapids, Mich.

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"PATENTS AND PATENT POSSIBILIties" is a 72-page treatise which tells all about patents, what to invent and where to sell it. It gives honest advice to inventors, and is full of valuable and interesting information. Write for it today! It is FREE. H. S. HILL, 907 McLachlen Bldg., Washington, D. C.

BUSINESS GOES WHERE INVITED and stays where well treated. My 27 years of personal attention has procured patents for successful inventors and manufacturers. Grasp this opportunity to get the same service. Write and send sketch. Vernon E. Hodges, 630 Barrister Bldg., Washington, D. C.

PATENTS OF VALUE. Prompt and efficient service. No misleading induce ments. Expert in Mechanics. Book of Advice and Patent Office Rules free. Clements & Clements, Patent Attorneys, 706 Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C.

A PATENT EXPERIENCE OF 23 YEARS makes my services invaluable to honest inventors. My FREE book tells the story. Write for it today. A. M. Wilson, 302 Victor Bldg., Washington, D. C.

PATENTS. Every inventor should have our "Inventor's Primer"; containsstatistics of interest to all. Sent free, with square deal contingent fee plan if desired. Milo B. Stevens & Co., Estab. 1864, 612 F St., Washington. 336 Monadnock Bĺk., Chicago.

PATENTS THAT PROTECT. Advice and books free. Highest references. Best results. Send sketch or model for free search. Watson E. Coleman, Patent Lawyer, 624 F Street, Washington, D. C.

C. L. PARKER, Patent Attorney. 944 G Street, Washington, D. C. Inventor's handbook, "Protecting. Exploiting and Selling Inventions," sent free upon request. PATENTS without advance attorney's fees. Send sketch for free report. Books free. Fuller & Fuller, Washington, D. C.


$15 FILES YOUR APPLICATION under my "No Patent, No Fee" Plan. Send sketch for free report. Books free. Obed Billman, Main Office, Cleveland, O.

PATENTS-HERBERT JENNER, patent attorney and mechanical expert, 608 F St., Washington, D. C., established 1883. I make a free examination and report if a patent can be had and exactly what it will cost. Send for circular.


COLOR YOUR VACATION PICTURES true to nature. Photo-coloring is a profitable and fascinating art. Anyone with artistic tastes can quickly master it. Write for free booklet. Sample hand-colored card 10 Cents. Keil-Burr Company, 56-58 T. Pine St., New York City.

MONEY IN PHOTOGRAPHY. You can start home studio. We tell how. Details, portraiture. retouching, and convincing sample pictures sent free. Wells' Studio, East Liverpool, Ohio.


GUMMED STICKERS-3,000 $1.00. 38-p. catalogue 2c. MacTaggart, 1239 Arch, Philadelphia, Pa.


FOR SALE I have one set of Engineering and one set of Applied Electricity which I will sell cheap, both published by American School of Correspondence, Chicago. Cost me $18.00 each. Are as good as new. Will sell for $6.00 apiece as I need the money. Will ship either one or both C. O. D. subject to examination. Address H. W., care Technical World Magazine.


SUMMER BARGAINS. Our entire stock of Factory Rebuilt Typewriters is offered at below-list-prices for the summer only. All trade-marked and guaranteed for one year like new machines. Buy now and save as much as $75. We operate four large factories and have branch stores in leading cities. Write for Summer Price List and Catalog. American Writing Machine Co., Inc., 345 Broadway, N. Y.

TYPEWRITERS -All makes, largest stock, lowest prices. Caligraph, $6.00, Remington, $10.00, Underwoods, $25.00. All Harlem guaranteed; 15 days' free trial. Typewriter Exchange, Dept. TW. 217 West 125th St., New York City.


LEARN TO USE NON - EXPLOSIVE alcohol in solid form, for cooking and kindling fires. Sportsmen, hunters, trappers, campers. Three sample cubes postpaid 10c. Write The "LEVER" CO., T49, Elizabeth, N. J.

MONEY IN MINERALS! Many common minerals have market value. List free. Minerals identified 25c. Mineral specimens for sale. Write for complete course in Determinative Mineralogy with free outfit. Geologist, Box 155, Carterville, Mo.

3,000 FINE Letterheads, Envelopes, Cards, all $7. Get our "Special" for $1. Samples free. Thomas W. Clark Company. Michigan City, Indiana.

"HEAVEN AND HELL." Swedenborg's 400-page work, 15 cents, postpaid. Pastor Landenberger, Windsor Pí., St. Louis, Mo.

Try This On Your Slide Rule

The New K. & E. Polyphase-Duplex Slide Rule solves with one setting of the slide, expressions of the type:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

and scores of similar formulae. This latest addition to our complete line of Slide Rules deserves the attention of every Engineer and Student who uses the most efficient tools.

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The Elliott $35.00 Addressing Machine

It sets on any desk or table. It weighs but 15 pounds. Its operation is very simple. You just insert a pile of Elliott Address Cards.

Then turn the crank with your right hand, feeding the envelopes, statements, tags (or whatever you want to address) with your left hand.

And the result will be 1,500 neat, accurate addresses per hour.

The address cards feed automatically. This little machine costs but $35.00. We will send it to you for 30 days' trial.

Write us today for the details of this special 30-day trial offer. In writing please state about how many addresses you have on your mailing list.

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(Continued from page 19)

to employers, now to employes. It cannot Le displaced any too soon in the United States, as it already has been displaced in Canada, by up-to-date methods of arbitration, State controlled.

The second moral is that industrial efficiency must cease its warring with human efficiency. It is like a war between two nations-both suffer from the conflict. Both are impoverished and weakened. So long as industrial efficiency discounts human efficiency, neither can show forth the best that is in it.

And the third moral is that if the child labor problem is ever to be solved, it must have the attention of other people besides corrupted legislators and profitprejudiced mill owners. Public Opinion is guilty of hideous sins of omission. Conditions are what they are in the Oliver mill today simply because the public said "I should worry" when a word of a different character would have turned the balance. Two hundred thousand children who should be in school are slaving away their futures in the thundering mills and foundries of America because Public Opinion is too indifferent to demand anything better. The child labor bill was killed by the Pennsylvania Legislature, because the representatives discovered that few people were watching: the public eye had been diverted from the future of the race to the more immediate topics of spring styles and baseball. Public Opinion is the most powerful force in the world. It can overthrow governments, cast down kings, worry corrupt politicians until they become honest in self-defense, it can compel great industries to exalt human welfare above financial dividends. Scarcely stirring in its sleep, Public Opinion has at various times done all of these things. When it becomes fully alert, what can it not accomplish?

And what a glorious opportunity awaits it in the mills of Pittsburgh where it can champion the cause of a legion of children who are benighting their young lives by premature labor on Capital's treadmill! But the spirit of "I should worry" must first give way to a realization of the need for establishing the




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