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For Sixty-five years The Independent has stood for the highest aims in human endeavor in every field. It is a believer in race justice, class justice, sex justice and international justice, and it ardently strives for the consummation of these beliefs. The spirit of The Independent cannot be better expressed than in the motto which the French Revolutionists made glorious as the ideal-Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. LIBERTY for all men and women to do what is for their best good, unless by so doing they restrict the liberties of others; EQUALITY of opportunity for all men and women to develop their highest possibilities and greatest usefulness; FRATERNITY, the brotherhood of man and the federation of the world.


The Independent now appears with a larger page, new type dress,
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THE INDEPENDENT is the Forward-Looking Weekly Journal of
American life. We are sure you will find THE INDEPENDENT
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Enclosed please find FIVE TWO-CENT POSTAGE STAMPS for three
issues of the Independent.



T. W.


Nowhere else can you find the latest information upon Eugenics; Balkan War; Mexico; Progressive Party; Salvarsan; Woman Suffrage; Panama Canal; Cost of Living; Nobel Prizes; Income Tax; New Tariff Law; Employers' Liability; Express Rates; Recall; New Currency Law; and a thousand other subjects.

NELSON'S IS YEARS LATER THAN ANY OTHER Because by means of NELSON'S Perfected_and_Patented Loose-Leaf Binding Device NELSON'S Loose-Leaf Encyclopædia is kept always fresh and new. The Publishers furnish to all subscribers 250 or more revised or new pages each six months. You loosen the binder by simply turning that small nut, take out the obsolete pages, substituting and replacing the old ones with the new pages which contain the world's happenings and activities of the past six months. Nelson's Loose-Leaf Encyclopædia is five to ten years later than any other Reference Work.


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An Old Man at Fifty
-A Young Man at Seventy

The Remarkable Story of Sanford Bennett, a San Francisco Business
Man, Who Has Solved the Problem of Perpetual Youth


By C. E. PAGE, M. D.

Author of "Natural Cure for Consumption," "How to Feed the Baby," etc.

HERE is no longer any occasion to go hunting for the Spring of Eternal Youth. What Ponce, de Leon failed to discover in his world famous mission, ages ago, has been brought to light right here in staid, prosaic America, by Sanford Bennett, a San Francisco business man. He can prove it too, right in his own person.

At 50 he was partially bald. To-day he has a thick head of hair, although it is white. At 50 his eyes were weak. To-day they are as strong as when he was a child. At 50 he was a worn-out, broken-down, decrepit old man. To-day he is in perfect health, a good deal of an athlete and as young as the average man of 35.


All this he has accomplished some very simple and gentle exercises which he practises for about ten minutes before arising in the morning. Yes, the exercises are taken in bed, peculiar as this may seem.

Sanford Bennett
at 50

As Mr. Bennett explains, his case was not one of preserving good health, but one of rejuvenating a weak middle-aged body into a robust old one, and he says what he has accomplished, anyone can accomplish by the application of the same methods, and so it would seem. All of which puts the Dr. Osler theory to shame.

I haven't room in this article to go into a lengthy description of Mr. Bennett's methods for the restoration of youth and the prevention of old age. All of this he tells himself in a book which he has written, entitled "Old Age-Its Cause and Prevention." This book

is a complete history of himself and his experiences, and contains complete instructions for those who wish to put his health and youth-building methods to their own use. It is a wonderful book. It is a book that every man and woman who is desirous of remaining young after passing the fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, and as Mr. Bennett firmly believes, the one hundredth milestone of life, should read.

For the purpose of spreading broadcast the methods of promoting health and longevity devel

oped by Mr. Bennett an interesting eight-page booklet which is, in effect, a summary of his system has been prepared by the publishers of Mr. Bennett's interesting bookthe Physical Culture Publishing Company, 2204 Flatiron Building, New York City. This booklet they will send free to anyone sufficiently interested to write for it.


Sanford Bennett
at 72

The grandest thing in the world is Youth, and it is one of the really great hardships of life that "its beauteous morn" should pass so swiftly and give place to old age.

For having solved the problem of retaining youth during life, the world owes San

ford Bennett a vote of thanks. Of course there are those who will scoff at the idea, but the real wise men and women among those who hear of Sanford Bennett and his return to youth, will most certainly investigate further, and at least acquire a knowledge of his methods.

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A new edition of the New International Encyclopaedia-the SECOND-is now in course of preparation. The first volumes will be ready for delivery about April 15th.

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In the last few years war in the Balkans has | Naval
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