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The Euletin of the Board of Health of San Francisco is a page pamphlet published monthly by the Health Commission of that city and county. It contains many interesting statistics, which are collated in admirable form. It does credit not only to San Francisco, but to the homeopathic profession and its able exponent, James W. Ward, M. D., the President of the Board.

The Hospital Leaflet of the Buffalo Homeopathic Hospital suggests ways of assisting the hospital which might be adopted with profit in other similar institutions:

Donations of money, also of fruit, flowers, vegetables, provisions, books, clothing, bandages, old linen, and whatever is necessary or useful to the sick or for the comfort of the family.

Annual subscriptions to be paid at any time during the year, and continued at the will of the subscriber.

A subscription of three hundred dollars will maintain a bed in one of the wards of the Hospital for one year, to which the donor shall have the right to send any proper Hospital patient.

The Pain in Rheumatic Gout.-Chas. P. Neil, M. D., states that he has been suffering with a very severe inflammatory condition, situated in and over the articulations of his wrist, knee and ankle joints. He says: "I suffered the most excruciating pain for ten days and nights, without alleviation of my sufferings, nor apparent sign of progress for the better. I took two Antikamnia Tablets and about ten minutes after the pain was relieved. I slept eight hours. in perfect rest, free from all pain. I continued the two tablets every four hours during my convalescence and until complete recovery.

Norway's Cod-Fishing Season, recently closed, has resulted in the smallest catch of cod on record, so "bulk" Cod Liver Oil is likely to be much adulterated this year. Peter Moller's Cod Liver Oil may be relied upon as being sound,, clean, sweet and absolutely pure. Moller's Oil is never sold in bulk.-Schieffelin & Co., New York.

Sanmetto in Original Package.—Sanmetto proves an admirable success whenever prescribed in the original package, thereby getting the genuine article. Sometimes I give a prescription in smaller quantities, and am disappointed in the results, thereby convincing me that a spurious article has been palmed off on my patient.-S. B. HAYGOOD, M. D.

One of the handiest and most welcome souvenirs we have received in a long time is the "Panopepton" pencil sent by our good friends, Messrs. Fairchild Bros. & Foster.


A Uniform Fee-Bill.-The committee appointed by the Genesee County, Michigan, Medical Society. recommended the list given below.

[blocks in formation]

I to 3


Night visit between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m..

Additional visit to patient in same family..

Visit and consultation...

Joint attendance after consultation.

Mileage in addition to visit, one way.

1.50 to

.50 to


5 to 10

I to 3

.50 per mile

[blocks in formation]

Detention after six hours...

Instrumental deliveries and other difficult cases.

[ocr errors]

I per hour

5 to 25 extra

All visits made subsequently, after the first three, the

[blocks in formation]

3 to 10

Extraction of foreign bodies from the eye, ear, nose,

[blocks in formation]

Reduction and first dressing of fractures of the femur. and important open fractures of this and other bones

25 to 50

Reduction and dressing of fractured bone of leg, arm

or forearm

Anesthetic for the extraction of teeth.
Anesthetics for other surgical purposes..
Attendance upon surgical cases, per visit.

Medicines in all cases are extra.

All Fees are Payable at the Time the Services are Given. It shall be considered dishonorable for any member of this Society to attend families or individuals by the year, or to make any other bargain or arrangement the tendency of which will be to avoid the full purport and effect of the foregoing list of charges.

10 to 50

2 to 5

5 to 10

I to 3


Alfred DRURY, A.M., M.D.

Readers of the JOURNAL are cordially requested to send personals, removals, deaths and all items of general news to Alfred Drury, M.D., 122 Broadway, Paterson, N. J.

Secretaries of societies and institutions are invited to contribute reports of their proceedings, and, as it is intended to make this department crisp and newsy, reports shall be complete but concise. In order to be inserted in the current issue all matter should reach the editor by the tenth of the preceding month.


Buffalo, N.Y.-De Witt G. Wilcox, M.D.
Boston, Mass.-Grace E. Cross, M.D.
Chicago, Ill.-W. H. Wilson, M.D.
Cincinnati, O.—Ella E. Huntingdon, M.D.
Columbus, O.-C. E. Silbernagel, M.D.
Dayton, O.-W. Webster Ensey, M.D.
Des Moines, Ia.-Erwin Schenk, M.D.
Detroit, Mich.-R. M. Richards, M.D.
London, Eng.-James Searson, M.D.

New York-Walter Gray Crump, M.D.
New Orleans, La.-Chas. Mayer, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pa.-H. P. Leopold, M.D.
Pittsburg, Pa.-Verner S. Gaggin, M.D
Providence, R. I.-Robert S Phillips, M.D.
San Francisco, C.-C. B. Pinkham. M.D.
Toledo, O.-Carl Watson, M.D.
Utica, N.Y.-C. T. Haines, M.D.
Washington, D.C.-A. H. Taylor, M.D.


DR. PAUL G. Rowe, formerly of Marion, Kan., has located at Florence, Col.

DRS. ANNIE S. HIGBEE and EMILY L. HILL, of New York, have removed to 158 West 76th street.

DR. WM. FRANCIS HONAN, of New York, has removed to the Hotel Regent, Broadway and 70th street.

DR. JOSEPH H. BEATTIE has located at Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Hours 8-10, 1-2, 6-8. Telephone 38 R.

DR. H. E. MERRIAM and wife, of Owego, N. Y., recently spent a few days in New York.

DR. CLARENCE W. KELLOGG, of Kern, Cal., is surgeon of the Southern Pacific and the B. & K. E. companies.

DR. F. H. ANTHONY has left Toledo, O., and located at Dallas, Tex., where he is associated with Dr. W. F. Thatcher.

DR. J. G. BLACKWELL, of Los Angeles, Cal., has removed to 444-445 Douglas Building, corner of Third and Spring streets.

DR. ANNIE M. PARKER recently died at Chicago, aged 72 years. She has practised medicine for over 30 years.

JAMES ARTHUR FREER, M.D., was married to Miss Elizabeth Connely McCalmont at Washington, D.C., on October 26th.

DR. LUTHER PECK, Hom. Col. U. of M., '04, has located at Plymouth, Mich. We predict success for this promising young


DR. W. R. AMESBURY has returned from Texas with his family and located at Duxbury, Mass., where he has taken the practice of Dr. Benj. Barston.

DR. A. M. DUFFIELD is located at Citronville, Ala. He will be glad to welcome any who may visit this attractive winter resort or to tell of its merits.

DR. GEORGE W. MCDOWELL, of New York, has removed to the Century Building, 1 West 34th street. Diseases of the eye, ear and throat exclusively.

DRS. EDWARD H. and ELIZABETH HAMILTON MUNCIE announce the Fall re-opening of their City Sanitarium, 117-119 Macon street, corner of Marcy avenue, Brooklyn. Gynecology and Surgery.





A Case Illustrating the Effects of Traumatism upon Subcutaneously Injected Paraffin.-Dr. Harmon Smith presented to the Academy of Medicine in February (Med. Rev. of Rev.), a young man of 28. In December, 1901, the patient had had a dram of paraffin injected at the root and dorsum of the nose to remove an existing deformity due to accident. In December, 1903, patient's nose was nearly cut off accidentally by broken glass. The cut was through the paraffininjected tissue. Microscopic examination of some of the removed tissue showed globules of paraffin varying from .03 m.m. to 1.5 m.m. in diameter, enclosed in fibrous tissue. The author thinks this subdivision was caused by new connective tissue filaments forcing their way through the original mass, and so splitting it up.

Pernicious Anemia and its Relation to Gastric Digestion Based on Twenty-five Cases. Dr. Charles G. Stockton, of Buffalo, read this paper at the meeting of the A. M. A., and gave the following summary: Of the 24 cases here reported, the youngest was thirtytwo years of age, the oldest seventy; average forty-five years; there were 20 males and 4 females; 13 had outdoor occupation and II indoor; the longest duration of illness was in one five years, the shortest six months and fatal; 12 were known to be dead, 5 living, the others unknown. All had dyspnoea on exercise; all suffered from faintness and weakness; 16 had the gaseous pulse; 16 had a heart slightly enlarged; 16 had systolic apical bruit; 6 had bruit du diable; 8 had other bruits; 22 had a distinct lemon-colored tint of the skin; 15 had a tongue strikingly denuded of epithelium; 10 had good appetites, 7 capricious and 7 anorexia; 18 complained of symptoms of stomach trouble; 10 had constipation, 8 diarrhea, and 6 irregularity of the bowels; in all, the liver was enlarged; I had four periods of improvement, 3 two periods, 8 one period, and 8 no period of improvement. After his attention was called to the subject by Billings' paper, he found signs of spinal cord involvement in six out of nine cases. Nine cases showed slight dilatation of the stomach; in 13 the gastric digestion was absent, in 8 it was very low, and in 3 it was fairly good. Five showed evidences of gastric catarrh. Six showed no acidity of the gastric contents, one (the highest) showed a total acidity of 46, one 26, and the average about 10. Four showed the presence of combined chlorides. One showed free hydrochloric acid 0.05 per cent., one 0-06 per cent., and one 0.022 per cent., in all the others it was absent. Six showed lactic acid present; four showed other organic acids. The acid salts were very low, 18 being the highest, five having none whatever seven showed the biuret reaction; six showed rennet present. The digestion of starch was poor in all save two cases. -N. Y. Med. Jour.



Readers of the JOURNAL are cordially requested to send personals, removals, deaths and all items of general news to Alfred Drury, M.D., 122 Broadway, Paterson, N. J.

Secretaries of societies and institutions are invited to contribute reports of their proceedings, and, as it is intended to make this department crisp and newsy, reports shall be complete but concise. In order to be inserted in the current issue all matter should reach the editor by the tenth of the preceding month.


Buffalo, N.Y.-De Witt G. Wilcox, M.D.
Boston, Mass.-Grace E. Cross, M.D.
Chicago, Ill.-W. H. Wilson, M.D.
Cincinnati, O,-Ella E. Huntingdon, M.D.
Columbus, O.-C. E. Silbernagel, M.D.
Dayton, O.-W. Webster Ensey, M.D.
Des Moines, Ia.-Erwin Schenk, M.D.
Detroit, Mich.-R. M. Richards, M.D.

London, Eng.-James Searson, M.D.
New York-Walter Gray Crump, M.D.
New Orleans, R. La.-Chas. Mayer, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pa.-H. P. Leopold, M.D.
San Francisco, C.-C. B. Pinkham. M.D.
Toledo, O.-Carl Watson, M.D.
Utica, N.Y.-C. T. Haines, M.D.
Washington, D.C.-A. H. Taylor, M.D.


DR. JAMES D. MILLER of New York, has removed to 67 West Twelfth street. Telephone, 1909 Gramercy.

DR. WALTER H. JONES of New York was married to Miss Eva Elizabeth Fales on July 30.

DR. JOHN HUTCHINSON of 78 E. 55th st. New York is spending the Summer at South Manchester, Ct. He is in the city for appointments only.

DR. JAMES SEARSON of London, Eng., attends the Nursing Home at 36 Devonshire street, W., for Electro-therapy, X-Rays and High Frequency treatments.

DR. JUDSON E. HETHERINGTON of Chicago, is merely spending the Summer at New Brunswick, Canada, and will return to his practice in the Windy City in the Autumn.

DR. HERBERT W. HOYT of Rochester, N. Y., is First Vice President of the American O. O. and L. Society, not Dr. John L. Moffat, as we wrongly stated in our July issue.

DR. J. HERBERT MOORE, of Brookline, Mass., spent his vacation at the St. Louis Exposition and intermediate points, going immediately after the meeting of the Institute.

Dr. W. C. ALLEN, formerly of Cranford, N. J., is now to be found at Hartford, Conn. He has succeeded to the large office and consultative practice built up by Dr. Harlan P. Cole.

DR. IRVING TOWNSEND will be absent from his office at 62 W. 51st street, New York, until September 15. Dr. Gardner who is familiar with his records and treatment has full charge of his patients.

DRS. HARLAN P. and HILLS COLE announce their location in New York with offices at the Rockingham, 1748 Broadway, near 56th street. The Doctors Cole will specialize in Orthopedics and Physical Therapeutics. Office hours: 8.30 to 1. Telephone, 437 Columbus.

DR. G. WALDRON BARTLETT and wife, of Bensonhurst, are touring in the West. They will return about October 1. Their itinerary is Chicago, St. Paul, Yellowstone Park, Seattle, San Francisco, Yosemite Valley and big trees, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver and Pike's Peak, and St. Louis -sic Transit Gloria Monday."

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