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city by the Charles Street Avenue or Fall's Road, pass through on to Franklin Street, and leave by the Franklin Turnpike. But it was not long before I met a gentleman whom I re cognized, and from him learned that they were expecting us in Baltimore, had collected a large force of militia, and had barricaded the streets. Anxious first to secure my prisoners, I directed my course for Towsontown, seven miles north of Baltimore on the York Road, and when within five or six miles of that place every one I met said there was a force of cavalry waiting to intercept me. Being well acquainted with the surrounding country, and as it would be dark before we reached our destination, I anticipated no difficulty in evading, if we could not fight them. I determined to heed no one, but push on till we met the enemy, charge and fight, and, if we could not whip them, then fall back, and go round through the heavy woods about Mine Bank Run.

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It lived with Lee, and decked his brow
From Fate's empyreal Palm;

It sleeps the sleep of Jackson now—
As spotless and as calm.

It was outnumbered-not outdone ;
And they shall shuddering tell,
Who struck the blow, its latest gun
Flashed ruin as it fell.

Sleep, shrouded Ensign! Not the breeze
That smote the victor tar

With death across the heaving seas
Of fiery Trafalgar;

Not Arthur's knights, amid the gloom Their knightly deeds have starred; Not Gallic Henry's matchless plume, Nor peerless-born Bayard;

Not all that antique fables fame,
And Orient dreams disgorge;
Nor yet the silver cross of Spain,
And lion of St. George,

Can bid thee pale! Proud emblem, still Thy crimson glory shines

Beyond the lengthened shades that fill

Their proudest kingly lines.

Sleep in thine own historic night!
And be thy blazoned scroll,
A Warrior's Banner takes its flight,
To greet the warrior's soul!

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By Prof. O. S. Fowler.

"Sexual Science" is simply that great code of natural laws by which the Almighty requires the sexes to be governed in their mutual relations. A knowledge of these laws is of the highest importance, and it is the general ignorance of them which swells the list of disease and misery in the world, and wrecks so many lives which would otherwise be happy.

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