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paign of 1904, 302; attitude toward big | Saturday Review, London, 524
business, Cuba and the anthracite coal
strike, 302; attack upon Judge Parker, 311;
interest in immigration problems, 325;
panic of 1907, 334; attitude upon conser-
vation, irrigation, and water powers, 335;
cruise of the battle-fleet, 343; changes in
War Department, 345; wins Nobel Peace
Prize, 346; mediator between Japan and
Russia, 347; call for Second Hague Con-
ference, 348; the Panama Revolution, 351;
attitude toward third term, 355; hunting
trip to Africa, 364; views upon tariff revi-
sion, 366; Pinchot's letter, 372; insurgent
revolt against Taft, 373; statement of party
principles, 375; return from Africa, 380;
Nobel prize address, 381; effect of policies
upon South America, 383; opposes arbitra-
tion with Great Britain, 387; National Pro-
gressive Republican League, 393; pressure
of friends to accept nomination, 395; nomi-
nated by Progressive Party for President,
400; attempted assassination, 401; defeated
in Presidential election, 402; upon Ameri-
can neutrality, 436; continued political
leadership, 451; the "Roosevelt Division,"
497; opposes program of League to Enforce
Peace, 557; death, 573
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 576
Roosevelt-Root administration of the army,
Root, Elihu, reorganization of War Depart-
ment, 269, 272, 288, 291, 345; Roosevelt's
opinion of, 356; leadership in establishing
Central American court of arbitration, 384;
negotiates arbitration treaty with Great
Britain, 386; chairman of Republican Con-
vention, 398; mission to South America,
426; supports League of Nations, 587
Rosen, Baron, 348

Scandals, caused by corruption in national
and local politics, 46
Schedule K, 394
Schley, W. S., 245, 255

Schurman commission in the Philippines, 289
Schurz, Carl, 2, 3, 46, 84, 136, 182
Schwab, Charles M., 540
Science, demand for recognition in educa-
tion, 7; and religion, warfare of, 12; and
scholarship, as the "new education," II
Scientific progress, 390
Scott, Frank A., 513
Scott, Hugh L., 345, 475, 489, 540
Scott, Thomas A., 23, 73
Scribner's Magazine, 27
Scribner's Monthly, 27, 314
Seamen's Act, 418
Second Division, 494, 547, 548
Sedan, 552

Rosenwald, Julius, 484, 514

"Rough Riders," the, 243, 250, 254, 497
"Round robin," before Santiago, 256

Royal Mounted Police, 18

Selective Service Act, 498, 536
Senators, U. S., direct election of, 578
Separate peace, 437
Services of Supply, 492
Settlements, social, 133
Sewell, Arthur, 221

Sewing machines, development of, 69
Shafter, William R., 17, 244, 249, 255
Shame of the Cities, 315
Shantung, 568

Shaw, Anna Howard, 579
Sheridan, Gen., prophecy of continental ex-
pansion, 60

Sherman, James Schoolcraft, 359, 381, 389,
398, 402

Sherman, John, Secretary of the Treasury
under Hayes, 2; author of bill for resump-
tion of specie payments, 41; a leader of the
Half-Breed Group of Republicans, 46;
ambitions for Presidential nomination, 88,
139, 216; Secretary of State under McKin-
ley, 226, 233; retirement, 256. See also
Silver Purchase Act

Sherman, Lawrence Y., 570

"Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion," Bur- Sherman, William T., 14

chard's use of the phrase, 94

Rusk, Jeremiah M., 114

Sherman Anti-Trust Act, 297, 358, 364, 377,

Russia, 346, 428; revolution of 1917, 474; Shimonoseki, Treaty of, 346

of 1918, 512, 561, 566, 573

Revolutionary Government, 522
Russo-Japanese War, 346

Ryan, John D., 520, 540

Saar Valley, 568

Sabotage, 459

Sackville-West, Sir Lionel, 142, 215

"Safety First" Campaign, 417

Sagasta, Ministry of, 236

St. John, Governor, 94

"Shin-plasters," 36

Shipping Control Committee, 540
Sholes, Charles Latham, 68

Significance of the Frontier in American His-
tory, 34

Silver, decline in, 36; demonetization of, 175;
free coinage of, 150, 218. See also Bimet-
allism and Free Silver

Silver money, cheap, 103

Silver Purchase Act, Sherman's, 149, 155,
170, 184, 189, 191, 205, 206

St. Lawrence fisheries, arbitration upon, 14 Sims, William S., 490, 556, 584

Saint-Mihiel, 550

St. Nicholas, 31

Salvador, 431

Salvation Army, 133

Sampson, W. T., 238, 245, 255

Sanitation of Canal Zone, 352

Santo Domingo, 384, 431

Sarajevo, 432

Sinclair, Upton, 315

Sinn Fein Republic, 586

Sioux Indians, 17

Sitting Bull, 17

'Sixteen to One," 218

Sky-scrapers, 198

Santiago, blockade of, 247; naval battle, 254 Slater, John F., 10

Saturday Evening Post, 582

Slums, problem of the, 132
Smith College, 9

Smith, Goldwin, 50, 149

Smith, Hoke, 429

Smith-Lever Act, 417

Social spirit and religion, 319
Social unrest in 1877, 18

Social welfare, higher level of, 187
Socialism in Europe, 24, 524, 576
Socialist Party, 267, 458; emerger cy con-
vention in Chicago, 479; split in party,
479, 576

Sociology, the new science of, 134
Soissons, 548

"Solemn referendum," 581

Solidarity, 419

Somme, third battle of, 549
Sons of Vulcan, 199

South, development of the, 71
Southern Dakota Railroad, 159
Southern Education Board, 320

Southern Pacific Railroad, 16, 58, 152;
merger, 293, 378

Spain and the Cuban insurrection, 235; war
with, 239

Spanish Treaty of 1898, 569

Spargo, John, 480

Spectator, London, 523

Spencer, Herbert, 32

Spoils system, 82

Spooner, Senator, 328

Sport, rise of, 119

"Stalwarts," collapse of, 46
"Stand-pat" tariff policy, 394

"Stand-pat" Republicans, 354, 365, 369,
371, 404, 408, 439

Standard Oil Company, 66, 74, 296, 362
Standard time, 61

Stanford, Leland, 294

"Star routes," for mail, 62
State constabularies, 460

State Councils of Defense, 509

State Food Administrations, 505
"Steam Roller," 398

Stedman, E. C., 29
Steel, 197, 296

Steel strike of 1919, 574
Steffens, Lincoln, 315
Stettinius, Edward R., 541
Stevenson, Adlai E., 180
Stewart, A. T., 72
Stewart, William M., 36, 174
Stimson, Henry L., 381
Stockholm conference, the, 524
Stone, W. J., 447

Storage and Traffic Service, 541
"Strict accountability," 441

Strikes, in the Southwest, 130; of 1892, Pitts-
burgh, 197; of 1893, 202. See also Capi-
tal and Labor

Stuenenberg, Ex-Governor, 461
Submarine boat, 440

Submarine warfare, 441; unrestricted, 469
Sugar Equalization Board, 505

Sugar Trust, 366

[blocks in formation]

Taft, William Howard, chairman of Philip-
pine Commission, 289; prominent in anti-
trust cases, 298; criticizes constitution of
Oklahoma, 333; Secretary of War under
Roosevelt, 345; visits to Panama, 352;
supported by Roosevelt for Presidential
nomination, 357; elected President, 362;
inaugural address, 364; insurgents, 369,
373; Cabinet, 373; tariff revision, 365;
Ballinger controversy, 370; conservation,
371; insurgent revolt, 373; constructive
legislation, 377; railroad act of 1910, 380;
Panama Canal, 383; relations with Latin
America, 384; Canadian fisheries dispute,
385; British arbitration, 386; reorganized
Supreme Court, 388; Champ Clark and
the Democratic program, 388; Canadian
reciprocity, 389; party split, 393; tariff
policy, 394; National Republican Com-
mittee contests, 397; renominated for
President, 398; defeated by Wilson, 402;
attitude toward Mexican revolution, 424:
President of League to Enforce Peace, 446:
joint-chairman National War Labor
Board, 536, 556; supports League of
Nations, 565, 587

Tammany Democrats, 93
Tank-cars, invented, 67
Tanner, Corporal, 98, 145, 150
Tarbell, Ida M., 314

Tariff, of 1861 (Morrill), 77; of 1883, 81; of
1890 (McKinley), 147, 151; of 1894 (Wil-
son), 208; of 1897 (Dingley), 228; of 1909
(Payne-Aldrich), 367; of 1913 (Underwood-
Simmons), 406, 437; the, and politics, 86;
and the "Iowa idea," 305; bills of Under-
wood-La Follette combination, 394; Cleve-
land's reform ideas on, 137, 404; commis-
sion, expert, 407; commission of 1882, 80,
commission of 1916, 451; the issue in 1888,
135; revision of, 77, 306, 365,377, 405. See
also Protection and Reciprocity
Taussig, F. W., 407
Taxation, War, 507
Taxes before 1865, 78
Taylor, Hannis, 236
Telegraph, invented, 68
Telephone, invented, 68
Teller, Henry M., 219
Tennis, 124

Tenure of Office Bill, the, 83

Texas border, measures to protect, 16
"Texas idea," the, 305

Texas Pacific Railroad, 57, 58, 73, 102, 294
The Man Roosevelt, 308

Theodore Roosevelt the Citizen, 308
Theory of the land laws, 100

Third Division, A. E. F., 547, 548
Third Field Army, A. E. F., 557
Third parties in 1908, 360

Third-Party movements, 586

Thirty-second Division, A. E. F., 494, 549
Thirty-third Division, A. E. F., 549

Thompson, Richard M., Secretary of the
Navy, 2

Thorpe, F. N., 160

Thurman, Allen G., 138

Times, London, 492

Times, Los Angeles, 461

Times, New York, 471

[blocks in formation]

Transportation system, a national, 57
Treasury, state of, in 1893, 184; in 1894, 207
Treaty of peace with Spain, 260, 283
Treaty of Versailles, opposition to, 570;
ratified by European Powers, 571; rati-
fication refused by U. S. Senate, 572
Treaty of Washington, 14
Treves, Sir Frederick, 352
Tribune, Chicago, 37, 47, 50, 140, 173, 395
Tribune, New York, 3, 42, 43, 51, 80, 89, 145,
313, 364, 576

Trolley-car, experiments upon, 70
Trotzky, Leon, 475, 525

Trust legislation, 413

Trust movement, revival of, 267, 409
Trust problem, economics of, 327

Trusts, control of, 312; expansion of, 302;
economic arguments against, 151; exchange
of directors, 410; interlocking directorates,

Truth, New York, 51

Turkey, 551, 555

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 34
Tuskegee Institute, 10

Tuxedo Park, 74

Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne
Tweed, exploits of, 46

Twenty-Eighth (Iron) Division, A. E. F., 548
Twenty-Seventh Division, A. E. F., 549
Twenty-Sixth (Yankee) Division, A. E. F.,
494, 543, 544, 548

Twenty Years of Congress, 54, 88
"Twilight of the Poets." 29

Typesetting machine, 69

Typewriter, invented, 68

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

War finance, 485

War Finance Corporation, 539

Union Pacific Railway, 57, 73, 107, 156, War Industries Board, 513, 520, 526, 537,

[blocks in formation]

Wei-Hai-Wei, 283

Weller, Lemuel H., 167, 360

Wellesley College, 9

Wells, David A., 79

Wells, H. G., 267

West Point, 7, 291

West, women's education in, 9

Western Federation of Miners, 360, 460
Western sentiment upon conservation, 371
Western Union Telegraph Company, the, 68
Westinghouse Electric Company, 338
Weyler, Gen. Valeriano, 234
Wharton, Joseph, 79
Wheat industry, 106
When the Sleeper Wakes, 267
White, Edward Douglass, 388
White, Henry, 558
White, Horace, 92

Whitlock, Brand, 305, 423, 435
Whitney, William C., 96, 180
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 28
"Wild West" shows, 117
Wilde, Oscar, 33

Willard, Daniel, 537

anti-war filibuster, 472; war message, 476;
war preparation, 478; American partici-
pation in the war, 489; Espionage Act,
497; war policies, 501; Liberty Loans, 507;
conservation, 512; railroad administration,
518; Senator Chamberlain's attack, 519;
"Fourteen Points," the, 522; "Force with-
out limit," 526; Colonel House's inquiry,
528; labor in the war, 534; "Work or
fight," 536; requirements, prices, and
priorities, 537; War Department reorgan-
ization, 540; Congressional election of 1918,
555; "Unconditional surrender," 558;
American Commission to Negotiate Peace,
558; "Big Four," the, 560; covenant of
the League of Nations, 561; demobiliza-
tion in America, 562; return to Washing-
ton, 566; Compromises of the Peace Con-
ference, 568; treaty session of Congress,
571; the President's collapse, 572; "solemn
referendum," the, 581; Army Act of 1920,
584; Jones Merchant Marine Act, 584
Windom, W. L., 52, 145

Windom Report, 113

Winning of the West, 117, 243, 275
Wireless, 391

"Wisconsin idea," the, 309
Wister, Owen, 160

Woman in Industry Service, 535
Woman suffrage, 164, 400, 464, 579
Women's education, 9

Women's Peace Party, 445, 470
Women's rights, and the National Labor
Union, 19

William II of Germany, abdication of, 553
Wilson, Henry Lane, 425
Wilson, William B., 404, 415
Wilson Tariff of 1894, 208, 228, 368, 408
Wilson, Woodrow, Congressional Govern-
ment, 34; President of Princeton Univer-
sity, 321; Governor of New Jersey, 382;
prominent at Democratic Convention, 398;
nominated for President, 400; elected as a
minority President, 403; promises of con-
structive work, 404; Cabinet, 404; theory
of the Presidency, 405; tariff revision, 405;
presidential leadership, 406; Underwood-
Simmons Act, 406; monetary investiga-
tions, 408; anti-trust policies, 413; Fed-
eral Trade Commission, 414; Children's
Bureau, 415; labor problems, 415, 456;
Workmen's Compensation, 416; Philippine
government, 420; watchful waiting, 423;
Mexican Revolution, 424; "Mobile Doc-
trine," the, 426; Canal treaty with Co-
lombia, 426; Mexican intervention, 427;
diplomatic isolation of U. S., 428; repeal of
Panama Canal tolls exemption, 429; Cen-
tral American relations, 430; opening of
Panama Canal, 431; neutrality and
preparedness, 433; Democratic successes,
438; "Strict accountability," 441; hy-
phenated Americans, 453; Adamson Bill,
the, 454; reëlected President, 454; Law-
rence strike, the, 459; terms of peace with
Germany, 469; armed merchant ships, 472; | Zeppelin, Count, 391

Wood, Fernando, 79
Wood, Leonard, 243, 250, 288, 345, 450, 489,
497, 556, 582
Woodford, Stewart L., 235
"Work or fight," 536
Workmen's compensation, 416
World, New York, 179, 576, 582
World War, the, 433
World's Fair, Chicago, 183, 196
World's Work, 423
Wotherspoon, William W., 345
Wright, Carroll D., 128
Wright, Orville, 390
Wright, Wilbur, 390

Yachting, 120

Yellow fever, control of, 288
Y. M. C. A., 319
Young, Gen. S. B. M., 291, 345
Y. W. C. A., 319

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