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that operators were much inclined to follow beaten tracks and routine procedures rather than base their operative treatment on the especial conditions found in each individual case. He men. tioned some points in the histories of some of cases which had a bearing on the subject. The first was one in which he himself had failed to cure. It was a case of prostatic retention, treated by means of the Bottini electro-incision.

He then had desired

to open suprapubically, but the patient objected. Later, the patient consulted another physician and had consented to the suprapubic operation, at which time an intravesical projection was removed, with the result of giving complete relief to the patient. The second case was one in which perineal prostatectomy had been done a year before by another surgeon, and yet no benefit accrued. The patient was compelled to depend on the oatheter for evacuating his bladder for six months thereafter. In January of the present year, Dr. Lewis made a suprapubic incision and removed an intravesical collar that surrounded the urethral opening, and which had been causing the complete retention, notwithstanding that prostatectomy had been performed. A cure followed the second operation. The third case was that of a man sixty-five years old, very infirm, whose urine was albumin uric, and who had twenty-eight ounces of residual urine, and who urinated thirty-five times in twenty-four hours. Upon this patient he madǝ one prosterior incision with the Bottini-Freudenberg incisor, affording practically a prompt and complete relief from his various symptoms, with reduction of the residual urine from twenty-eight down to two ounces, and the frequency from thirty-five to seven or eight times in twenty-four hours, with the removal of the albuminuria and a rapid improvement in his general health. Later the patient had been operated upon for inguinal hernia by another surgeon, became infected, suffered from erpsipelas and gangrene of the lunga, intestines, and of the wound, from which he died, permitting the exhibition of the port-mortem specimen, which the author presented. It showed the groove made by the cauterizer, through which free urination had been accomplished. The form of obstruction had been a prostatic bar. The fourth case mentioned was one of a gentleman who, four years ago, had been advised by a genito-urinary surgeon to undergo some operation for hypertrophied prostate,

but, on consulting the reader of this paper, was advised by him not to accept any operation, as he did not need any. Only antiseptic and dietary regimen had been prescribed for this case, and yet, during the past four years, he had had no indication of any trouble with his prostate or bladder. There had been no residual urine in the first place, and no reason for an operation had ever existed. The practical lessons to be derived from these cases were: That the proper selection of the operarive procedure is of the greatest importance in attaining successful results. This was satisfactorily explained by the dozen or more specimens and models of hypertrophied prostates exhibited by the reader. In these, the various forms of prostatic enlargement and obstruction were clear, including intravesical tumors and projections, the prostatic bar, the biliteral hypertrophy, sessile and pedunculated tumors, the nodular valves, and the median outgrowths, adenomata, etc. From all of these it was plainly evident that no one operative procedure could possibly fit all cases, and that the operation should be selected according to the cases at hand, rather than the personal inclination of the operator. The condition favorable for the several operations in vogue were summed up as follows:

Favorable for the Suprapubic Route.-(1) General enlargement of the prostate, with extreme intravesical projection of the median or lateral lobes, diminishing their accessibility from the perineum; (2) Marked pedunculation of the intravesical tumors, with absence of obstruction from other sources.

Favorable for the Perineal Route.-(1) General hypertrophy involving the lateral lobes, without extreme intravesical projection; (2) Large or very thick bar formation; (3) Severe compression of the urethra between massive lateral lobes; (4) Excessive development of the prostate in the direction of the rectum; (5) In most cases where the patient is in good general condition, is not too aged, and there is not a special indication favoring one of the other procedures.

Favorable for the Bottini.—(1) Cases of extreme debility or of extreme age, unable to stand one of the severe operations; (2) Cases of bar or median sessile obstruction, if not too great dimensions; (3) Howitz says it should be employed as a prophy. lactic against further obstructive tendency, at the beginning of catheter life; (4) In complete collar formation.




SESSION OF 1901-1902.


J. H. KIRKLAND, A.M., Ph.D., LL.D., Chancellor.

LLIAM L. DUDLEY, B.S., M.D., DEAN, Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. G. C. SAVAGE, M.D., Professor of Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. DUNCAN EVE, A.M., M.D., Professor of Surgery and Clinical Surgery.

J. A. WITHERSPOON, M.D., Professor of Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine.

THOMAS MENEES, M.D., Emeritus Pro-
fessor of Obstetrics.

SEC'Y., and Professor of Physiology.

OWEN H. WILSON, B.E., M.D., Professor of
Anatomy, and Clinical Lecturer on

W. H. WITT, A.M., M.D., Professor of
Materia Medica and Therapeutics.
LOUIS LEROY, M.D., Professor of Histology,
Pathology and Bacteriology.

W. FRANK GLENN, M.D., Clinical Pro-
fessor of Genito-Urinary and Venereal

G. P. EDWARDS, M.D., Clinical Professor of Neurology, Dermatology, and ElectroTherapy.

J. T. ALTMAN, M.D., Professor of Obstetrics.

RICHARD A. BARR, M.D., Adjunct Profoessor of Abdominal Surgery.

LUCIUS E. BURCH, M.D., Adjunct Professor of Gynecology.

A. B. COOKE, M.D., Profersor of Proctology.

There will be no preliminary session this year. The regular session opened October the 1st. All matriculants must have attended four full courses of graded instruction before applying for graduation. Certificates from other reputable colleges will be accepted, and advancement will be given acoordingly. Students with diplomas from recognized literary institutions will be permitted to enter the second-year class.

Methods of instruction: Didactic, Clinical, by recitation and in laboratories. The facilities for teaching are ample. In addition to the regular faculty, there are numerous lecturers and assistants. For catalogue or special information address.

GEO. H. PRICE, M.D., Secretary,

8001-2 Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.


Association of Medical Officers of the Gonfederate States Army and Navy, U. 6. V.










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