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same corps. I want to place in nomination that venerable father of this profession. I want to nominate Dr. S. H. Stout for President of this Association if I can get a second.

DR. ROBERTS: We all second that and I move that we elect him by a unanimous vote.

The whole audience stood up.

DR. SAUNDERS: It is with deep regret after a conference with Dr. Stout that I have to decline the nomination in his behalf. He said to me very frankly with tears in his eyes that he fully appreciated the compliment which was intended, but that the "sere and yellow leaf" was approaching, that years were telling upon him, and that while his whole heart and soul was in the work and in the future of this association, yet his age and feebleness reminded him that it was impossible for him to assume the duty; and I, therefore, in behalf of this man whom we all love, and who I love like my own brother, because I love him not only as a man, but I love him for the danger through which he has passed, I respectfully decline the nomination for Dr. Stout.

DR. ROBERTS: The Executive Committee places in nomination the following:

Dr. W. J. W. Kerr, of Corsicana, as President.

DR. MOSELEY: I second the nomination of Dr. Kerr. I don't believe we can get a man to fill the office with more credit and honor than Dr. Kerr.

Dr. Kerr was elected by acclamation.

For First Vice-President, Dr. D. H. Key, of Monroe, La., was elected by acclamation.

Second Vice-President, J. C. Abernathy, of Birmingham, Ala., was elected by acclamation.

Third Vice-Presiden, J. F. Tipton, of Roanoke, Va., elected by acclamation.

Fourth Vice-President, Joel C. Hall, of Mississippi, elected by acclamation.

The President appointed Dr. Cowan and Dr. Mackenzie to conduct Dr. Kerr to the chair. Dr. Cowan introduced him.

DR. KERR: Mr. President and brethren of this association, if there ever was a time in my life when I have been taken completely by surprise I must say it is at the present. This is an honor that I was not looking for; this is an honor that I feel is undeserved on my part. I see numbers of my friends around me, and my brother surgeons who I know are better qualified and more deserving of the place than myself. Mr. President I sometimes get too full for utterance as I am now. How to thank this Association I know not, but from the depths of my heart I do thank you all and with your assistance I will do my duty as far as I am able.

DR. SAUNDERS: Your committee will place in nomination for Secretary and Treasurer of your Association a man you all know. He needs no eulogy, his work speaks for itself. There is not another man that I

know of in this large body of noble veterans who is more capable of filling the position than he, and I propose to place in nomination Dr. Deering J. Roberts, of Nashville, Tenn., without a peer, and I move that the chair present his name to be voted upon by acclamation.

Elected by a rising vote.


unanimous vote.

I am happy to announce that Dr. Roberts is elected by a

DR. ROBERTS: I took charge of this work at the Louisville meeting. I have done the best I could during the past two years. I have written quite a number of letters, and have importuned and beseeched, but at the last meeting at Memphis I failed to secure a single paper to be read there. I was more fortunate this year and have had read upon this floor by the writers and their friends, papers which I regard as invaluable. This being a starting point, everthing has to have a beginning, I hope at the end of the succeeding twelve months when we meet at New Orleans, we will begin to get more historical facts, and starting from there let it extend all over the wide world, so that all the Confederate surgeons may have a record of which they may well feel proud. I have endeavored to do my duty in the past, and with your help, hope yet to accomplish something in the way of placing upon record some of the inestimable and invaluable work that was done by the medical staff of the Confederate States Army and Navy.

DR. GEORGE H. TICHENOR: It was my pleasure to meet the Association at Louisville. During the Memphis reunion I was not able to attend. I do not indend to make an address or speech to you this morning. I had to talk very hard at the convention yesterday evening. I am Chairman of the Southern Woman's Monument Committee. I had to make their address. But as you were all aware this morning, from the papers at least, that New Orleans has been selected or chosen as the place for the next reunion, I want to say to you, Mr. President and comrades, that the profession of New Orleans will give you a hearty and cordial welcome, and I pledge you and I assure you that you will have a good time; and I will assure you that you will have a house full of hearers. I am sorry to say that I could not be with you at this meeting until to-day. I know not what has transpired among you, have not had the time to even read the papers. However, my mind and heart have been with you. I am truly glad that we came to Dallas with the Governor of the State and with his staff, with the Honorable Mayor of the City of New Orleans with full authority, and I am glad that New Orleans has been selected as the next place for our reunion. Now, comrades, I hope to meet you all there.

DR. COWAN: We came to this place without a resident member; I mean a regular member of the Association through the solicitation of one of our associate members. I understand that the hospitalities which we have received, and the kind attentions that have been paid to us here, and cordial reception which we have had has been due to the efforts of one man. I wish he were not in the room. He has done so much. We

have been so highly honored. He has labored so diligently in our behalf that it reminds me that we ought to give him some expression of our love. I, therefore, move that we give a vote of thanks to Dr. H. A. Moseley, the man who has done all of this for us, and that we do it by a rising vote. DR. SAUNDERS: I not only want to second this motion, but I want to say this, that a man who starts as a boy on the line with a musket on his shoulder or a double-barreled shotgun, and who faces the enemy and then becomes a doctor, and who becomes a veteran in the effort to help the doctors, and then throws himself in the front, as Bruce would, and calls upon his comrades to follow him, I most heartily endorse him. In this vote of thanks I most heartily concur.

The motion was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

DR. MOSELEY: "Gentlemen, I deserve nothing. I have simply endeavored to discharge my duty as a Confederate veteran and a citizen of Dallas." He then proceeded to give some incidents of his military career while with Forrest, Starnes and other noted cavalry leaders, concluding by saying that "as to his record as a soldier, he had nothing to say, than that he alwas endeavored to discharge his duty."

THE PRESIDENT: Everybody in this house feels that you have done your duty.

DR. ROBERTS: I want to add a little testimonial to Dr. Moseley's work. I came to see him last August and found him earnestly and hard at work. He had been working all the year round, and my contact with him has been most satisfactory. He has worked like a beaver, at the root of the tree and at the top. I have never seen such work as he has done. The success of this meeting is due entirely to Dr. Moseley and a few of his friends. It shows how one determined old cavalryman can move anything that he makes a charge on. He charged this thing and has been going at full tilt ever since. He has moved as no one ever has except Dr. Preston Scott, who has had a most worthy successor in Dr. Moseley. I don't think that I could show him any greater honor than to say, if Dr. Scott had been here he would have patted him on the back.

The Association adjourned at 12:00 M. to meet at 10 A.M., next day, in order to take part in, or witness the grand Confederate parade.


DALLAS, Tex., April 24, 1902.

The Association was called to order at 10 A.M. by the President, Dr. Kerr. Dr. Moseley read a telegram from Dr. F. E. Daniel, of Austin, regretting his inability to be present, and extending greetings to the members.

DR. TEBAULT: I have a report that I desire to submit, and request that it be published under the title of "Some Experience in Confederate Hospital Work."

The Secretary stated that if the paper was forwarded to him it would appear in the proeeedings of the meeting.

DR. MOSELEY: I have some resolutions that I feel devolves upon me

as Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements to offer, and due to the gentlemen who have helped me; therefore, I request that you adopt the resolutions unanimously:

"Resolved, That our thanks are due for their efficient services in the discharge of the onerous duties connected with this meeting and reunion, to Dr. Florence, our City Health Officer, who had exclusive charge of the sanitary arrangements of the city and the reunion grounds; to Drs. Barry and Wilson who had charge of the Emergency Hospitals at the grounds and in the city; to Drs. Elmore, of Dallas, and R. H. Harrison, of Columbus, Tex., and to Dr. J. Frank Hall, and other medical gentlemen of Dallas for their very efficient and valuable services in this meeting; also to Messrs. Fairchilds Brothers & Foster, of New York, for financial contribution of ten dollars, and to Horlick's Food Company, of Racine, Wis., for an order on one of our wholesale houses for supplies for our Emergency Hospitals."

The resolution was adopted unanimously and by a rising vote.

Dr. Roberts made some complimentary remarks on the sanitary condition and the sanitary arrangements of Dallas in its remarkable temporary addition to its population, which he stated from personal observation, were as perfect and complete as could be made, alluding to the necessary toilet arrangements for all, both on the principal streets and at the Fair Grounds. The emergency and hospital relief department was also well arranged, and the place of meeting and hospitalities furnished was all that could be desired.

Dr. Cowan offered a motion that a synopsis of the meeting should be furnished to Adjutant General Moorman. This, after some discussion, was adopted.

DR. ABERNATHY: I wish Mr. President and gentlement that I could make such a speech as I would like on this occasion. I am very glad indeed to have been with you, and regret that I have not been with you before. I have enjoyed the occasion of this meeting exceedingly, and sincerly hope to be with you at New Orleans.

DR. KERR: I want to say this to the Association: I have never in my life been so impressed with the importance of each one of us doing our duty towards leaving on record such facts as we are familiar with in connection with the war. I have never attended the meetings of the Association before, but I am impressed with the necessity for each of us to do what he can to perpetuate our history. I find that out of sixty-eight surgeons who were at Andersonville 1 am the only known survivor. We pass this way but once, and soon we will all be gone. Let us each one living leave such records as we can. I will certainly do my part. I hope each member will take hold of it as a personal matter to himself and for the benefit of the old soldiers of the war of the Confederacy to send Dr. Roberts anything that will be of interest. There are many little things you can write to him that may be important as records of the war. Let this year be the year of more historical facts being left on record than ever has been.

and I

DR. COWAN: The Secretary is a good worker in our cause, therefore move you that we appropriate at least $50 each time out of the funds in hand to pay him for his incessant labor. I not only move that we vote him $50, but that we give him the right to draw from whatever funds may be in his hands to pay the expenses he may incur in our behalf. The motion being seconded was unanimously adopted.

DR. ROBERTS: We neglected yesterday to elect a Chaplain, and I therefore make a motion that Dr. B. W. Palmer, of New Orleans, be elected as Chaplain of this Association. Adopted unanimously.

DR. TEBAULT: I want to say that at the Memphis reunion I received a most valuable document from our President of that meeting, Dr. J. M. Keller, of Hot Springs, Ark., who gave me a roster of all the surgeons in the Trans-Mississippi Department. I received it and sent my receipt. We have there in New Orleans a building that cost $100,000, built expressly for the ex-Confederates, and for their documents. It is cared for by our Legislature and lives for ninety-nine years. The place is kept by a Confederate who is well paid for his services, and the archives can be consulted at any time.

DR. KELLER: There is no other official record of the actions of this Association except that published in Dr. Roberts' journal. The journal will take but a small space in the vault. It seems to me that it would be a good record to be placed in there.

After some remarks of a general character by Drs. Keller, Abernathy, Kerr, Cowan and others, the members all joined in repeating together the Lord's Prayer, and after singing "Auld Lang Syne," the Association adjourned to meet in New Orleans next at the same time that the United Confederate Veterans will hold their reunion.

OBITUARY-DR. JOHN R. MACKENZIE.-In our October, 1901, number we had the pleasure of publishing a brief biographical sketch, with half-tone plate of Dr. Mackenzie. In August last we had the pleasure of meeting him personally while in Dallas, and, with others, greatly enjoyed meeting him in apparently good health at the reunion in that city in April of this year. The sad duty now devolves upon us to record his greatly lamented death, which occurred in Weatherford, Texas, at his home, in the presence of wife, son, relatives and friends, on Monday, May 26, 1902.

During a brief acquaintance with him, and in his official capacity as vice-president of the Association of Medical Officers of the Army and Navy of the Confederacy, we found everything possible to be admired in a man of highest integrity, devotion to duty and sincerity in correct living.

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