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Parke, Davis & Co.'s Antidiphtheric Serum is rigidly tested, bacteriologically and physiologically. It is supplied in a container that is hermetically glass-sealed at both ends, effectually preventing contamination. You can specify it with full assurance of its purity, potency and uniformity.

Bulbs of 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 units. Piston-syringe container, with flexible needle connection.

We protect both doctor and druggist

against loss by accepting unused antitoxin in exchange for fresh product. Each package bears a return date (one year after date of manufacture).




Allenburys Foods.

Provide nourishment suited to the needs and digestive powers of the child from birth onward, according to the development of the digestive organs.

THE "ALLENBURYS" MILK FOOD "No. 1" Designed for use from birth to three months of age, is identical in chemical composition with maternal milk, and is as easy of assimilation. It can therefore be given alternately with the breast, if required, without fear of upsetting the infant.

THE "ALLENBURYS" MILK FOOD "No. 2" Designed for use from three to six months of age, is similar to "No. 1," but contains in addition a small proportion of maltose, dextrine and the soluble phosphates and albuminoids.

THE "ALLENBURYS" MALTED FOOD "No. 3" Designed for use after the fifth or sixth month, is a partially predigested farinaceous food needing the addition of cows' milk to prepare it for use.

Physicians familiar with the "Allenburys" Series of Infant Foods pronounce this to be the most rational system of artificial feeding yet devised. Their use saves the troublesome and frequently inaccurate modification of milk and is less expensive. Experience proves that children thrive on these Foods better than on any other artificial nourishment.



CO., Limited






"OUR FIRST AIM must be to stay the increased metabolism, to make good the pressing deficit, and, by heightened nutrition, to cover the loss which has already occurred."


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POSSESSES THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS REQUISITE in a nutritive food tonic and tissue constructive. It is pleasantly flavored and palatable. It does its work effectively because it does not disturb nor retard the process of digestion and assimilation.

Discriminating physicians write

R Emulsum Olei Morrhuae (Cloftlin)

Samples and Literature on request

Not advertised to the public

THE CLOFTLIN CHEMICAL CO., 75 & 77 Cliff St., N. Y.

The Dangers of Cow's Milk


HE recent epidemic of Scarlet Fever in Chicago has awakened the whole country to the grave danger lurking in the Milk Supply of our large cities. Wherever milk is used that has not been properly safeguarded from the cow to the consumer, the infant mortality will always be high.

Coincident with the Chicago Epidemic there comes a Report of the British Royal Commission on Tuberculosis. After five years' investigation, the Commission confirms the theory of von Behring, that the tuberculosis of cows is a constant menace to the human race, and that consumption developed in later life has often been contracted in infancy, from tuberculous milk.

Nestle's Food

does not require the addition of milk in preparing it for use, as it is a complete diet in itself. The basis of Nestlé's Food is cow's milk, so treated and modified that it will be easily digested, and will resemble mother's milk in its composition, as closely as possible. The milk supplied to the Nestlé Factories is collected under the most rigid precautions, from cows that are under the constant supervision of the Company's Veterinarians. Furthermore, the process of manufacture completely sterilizes the milk. This is fully set forth in our pamphlet, "Recent Work in Infant Feeding." A copy of this, with samples of Nestlé's Food, we will be glad to send to any physician.


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During many years for unequalled efficacy in the treatment of


It has proved itself time and time again to be positively beneficial in this disease. Indicated also as a Tonic and Tissue Builder in convalescence from Fevers, in Nervous Diseases, Rickets, Senile Debility and Bronchitis.

We cordially invite any physician or dentist to write for sample, 4 of regular size free, or our regular size $1.00 bottle by express, prepaid anywhere in U. S., upon receipt of 45 cents. Pamphlet on Tuberculosis and Chart of Diseases of the Throat and Lungs postpaid.

McArthur's Syrup can be had of any druggist.




Agnine Toilet


Complexion Soap

For Cold or Hot Weather
Nothing Excels the


It has been known as possess ing detergent properties, and when combined with an alkali is the only soap that produces the snowy white wool in the process of wool washing.

This is attended in the subsequent drying, not by a harsh, dry condition of the fibre of the wool, but a soft, flexible, oily condition results, which in many instances precludes the addition of oil or oily emulsions.


After the purification of Lamb's Wool Oil, several years ago, in the manufacture of Agnine, it was found possible to combine the Agnine and Alkali into a Soap possessing all the properties of Agnine in its power of ready penetration, freedom from rancidity, as well as its wonderful emollient qualities.

It leaves the skin fresh, pliable and elastic; removing wrinkles caused by deficient nutrition, and restoring the healthy condition as in childhood.

This Soap has been tried several years and we have received many testimonials of its value in


and also to its merits as a TOILET SOAP FOR GENERAL USE. The perfume is delicate

and choice, and is compounded

by a skillful English Soap Maker, the quantity of alkali present being just sufficient to accomplish the best results. It has been tried and used by the physicians of Boston, and we refer to them for testimonials.

Price, 25 cents per cake, or $2.50 per Dozen

Coca Wine

Sold only on Physician's order
and not renewed without
new prescription.
Metcalf's Coca
Wine is particularly
adapted to the treat-
ment of conditions of
exhaustion of nerve
tone accompanied by
mental depression and
functional inertia, so
common in Neuras-
thenia, and after acute
illness from infec-
tious diseases.

Hawaiian Poi

POI, made from Papaia fruit,
Nature's Vegetable Pepsin, and
Poi, a product of the roots of
the Taro plant, which grows
exclusively in Hawaii in pools
of clean, fresh water, and is a
species of water lily. In pre-
paring the Taro roots for Poi
they are carefully washed,
scraped clean, sliced and dried

in the sun, then pounded in
mortars and screened through
fine sieves, which insures a uni-
form fineness to the flour.
These are the ingredients used
in the production of


Nature's Own Food

A Vegetable Peptonized
Product Containing More
Nourishment Than Any
Other Known Food.


POI is an ideal health food,
strengthening, refreshing, deli-
cious. Agrees with the most
delicate stomach, digests itself,
and is never rejected. Invalids,
poor health or good health, all
eat Poi with a relish.
celled as a health food for the
weak, it also makes an agreeable
food change for the healthy, in-
creasing the weight and build-
ing up the system.

An extraction of
selected Huanaco
Coca Leaves, pre-
pared with a pure
red wine, especially
adapted from its
soundness and bou-
quet for this partic- infants, dyspeptics, people in
ular purpose. The
most prominent prop-
erties of Coca are
found in the exalting
effect it produces,
calling out the powers
of the organism with-
out leaving afterwards
any sign of debility,

and its influence over
the metamorphosis of

It certainly

lessens the urea elim-
ination, acting as a
direct nutrient by
checking waste; and
hence a less amount
of food is found nec-
essary to maintain
the bodily functions.

POI is the staple food of the
Hawaiians, and the strongest
testimony that can be offered
to show its merits is the physical
development of Hawaiian men

and women. They are large,
powerful, well developed, and
there are no scrawny or dys-
peptic Hawaiians.

POI is a valuable nerve and
brain food and tissue builder.
It will also relieve sea sickness
and vomiting.

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Send for booklet for the preparation of Peptonized Solutions; also our circular, "A Million for a Stomach."

For physicians



39 Tremont Street, also Copley Square, BOSTON, MASS.

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Is located near the Blue Hills in Ashmont, Boston's most pleasing suburb,-abounding in delightfully shaded and cool walks and drives.

All classes of cases admitted and do well here, but the conditions are especially favorable for victims of Nervous Affections and of Drug Addictions, which must eventually shatter and destroy.

Habituates of Morphine, Cocaine, Chloral, Bromidia, or the like, speedily cured without ache, pain, or indeed any sign of discomfort, no matter how long or how large a quantity has been taken daily.

The Cigarette Habit may be quite as easily and speedily cured. Perfect privacy guaranteed.

The most rigid investigation invited.

P. O. Address, DORCHESTER CENTER, MASS. Tel. Con. 119-3, Dorchester.




with your practice? Is it large enough?
Are the profits sufficient?

If your practice is large and it requires great effort to look after it, wouldn't you like to be able to care for it with less work and time?

The Allison Appliances

will solve these difficulties, being as great a help to the man with poor practice as to him with too much.

If your practice isn't good, make it better by getting better equipment.

If it grows beyond you, the ALLISON SYSTEM will reduce your work so that you can easily dispose of every case in one-fourth less time.

Fully described in Catalogue A.




110 E. 234 St., New York City. 525 Colonial Bldg., Boston. 321 Mint Arcade, Philadelphia. 35 E. Randolph St., Chicago.

New Features at Old Point Comfort

Facts For

MEDICAL MEN everywhere, who know the salubrious air of Old Point Comfort, and the really fine and sensible luxuries of Hotel Chamberlin, will be particularly interested in knowing that the very latest feature added to the house equipment is a modern Bathing Establishment and Swimming Pool.


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When it was decided to add this feature, the leading baths of the country were visited, and wherever possible, the heretofore best has been improved upon, and many facilities found only at foreign baths have been installed here. In consequence, the Hotel Chamberlin Baths are the most complete and perfect in America.

THE BIG POOL. The popular feature is, of course, the big swimming pool, so constructed as to give an out-of-doors effect, with all indoor comforts and warmth. A large skylight floods the room with sunshine. The pool is filled with pure, fresh sea water of an agreeable temperature. The whole place delights the senses.

MEDICINAL BATHS.-But physicians will be directly concerned with the Medicinal Baths, which include all accepted forms and methods of Hydrotherapy. The famous Nauheim Baths (Schott treatment), as administered at the Chamberlin, with natural sea water and liquid carbonic gas, reproduce the original treatment with perfect fidelity and efficacy. Dr. Baruch's complete system is installed and continuous massage baths of sea water are given. Other features are, Electric Light Cabinet baths, Massage and Tonic baths; in short, every facility offered by the best baths elsewhere.

A UNIQUE FEATURE of the baths at the Chamberlin is, that we employ pure, fresh sea water in many of these baths; thus we have all the remedial effects of the baths accentuated by the salts contained in sea water. These salts enable patients to take the baths at a much lower temperature than with ordinary fresh water. Salt water, moreover, has a stimulating effect upon the skin and nerve terminals, exciting reaction, thus increasing the tonic and derivative effects of the baths.

SKILLED MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. - The Chamberlin Baths are under the direction of a house physician, of long experience in Hydrotherapy, who will work along lines suggested by the guest's home doctor, or, in the absence of such suggestions, will advise and supervise the proper treatments.

NOT A HOSPITAL OR SANATORIUM.-Readers of this announcement will please note this fact well, that the Management of the Chamberlin do not wish the idea to obtain that the hotel is being made, in any sense, a Sanatorium -cases of chronic invalidism are not sought; they will not be received. People who are run down," convalescents and others who need rest and recuperation, will find the Baths, the Hotel itself, and the rare Climate at any season of the year a combination of potent remedial agents not to be duplicated anywhere in the country. While the social life, the comings and goings of the army and navy, the many points of historic interest create sufficient diversion at the



SPECIAL BOOKLETS on BATHS and BATHING, and also the climate of OLD POINT COMFORT, have been prepared and will be mailed free to any one on request. Address


Mgr., Box 103.

Fis 7. Adams.

Hotel Chamberlin, Fortress Monroe, Va.

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