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By Variola, Variolæ, or Blattern or Pocken (human as opposed to animal pox; true as opposed to false pox; windpox or varicella ; English, smallpox; French, petite vérole) we understand a highly contagious and in severe cases very fatal acute disease, characterized by fever of a typical course, and by the appearance of a vesiculopustular eruption of the skin and the adjacent mucous membranes. The exanthem, which is in rare cases lacking (variola sine exanthemate), leaves behind in severe cases (variola vera) many permanent stigmata on the skin (pock scars); in lighter cases (varioloid or variolois) the eruption heals without leaving a scar. While, before the introduction of preventive inoculation or vaccination, the severe cases were prevalent in most epidemics, and while even now those who have not been vaccinated acquire a grave form of the disease, yet, where the disease occurs in the inoculated and revaccinated, it is generally in the milder form (the modified or mitigated variola).

In spite of the difference in severity, the two chief types of the disease, variola vera and varioloid, are not to be differently classified, but are of the same kind; for both types occur promiscuously in the same epidemic, arise interchangeably from each other, and are continually connected clinically by intervening transition stages. On the contrary, varicella (windpox) is an independent disease, differing from variola and varioloid and occurring in special epidemics; it is therefore not directly considered in this connection, but, as a special kind of disease, is considered in another part of this book.


The literature of variola is unlimited; even an approximately complete enumeration of all the works on smallpox of older and more recent times would easily fill the whole book. Therefore I quite give up the idea of presenting to the reader in this introduction to the consideration of smallpox such a review of the literature of the subject; in fact, in the preparation of the following list, only the results of a very

limited selection are collected and presented. On the other hand, in the course of the work it became necessary at different places to add to the text special bibliographic references on special subjects (etiology, symptomatology, pathologic anatomy, etc.). This has therefore been done whenever it appeared necessary (see the references at the close of the several sections in the following). From the general literature on variola I name, as especially worthy of attention, the following works and authors:

Rhazes: "De variolis et morbillis” (Arab. et Latin). London, 1756.-Constantinus Africanus: "De morbis cognoscendis et curandis," L. VII, c. 8. Basil, 1536.Sydenham: "Observationes medicæ circa morb. acutor. historiam et curationem." London, 1676; also: "Epistola de observationibus nuper circa curationem variol. confluent." (1682). Oper. Select., Edit. . Ludg. Batav., 1700.-Morton: "Pyretologia." Amstelodam, 1699.-Werlhof: "Disquisit. de variolis et anthrace." Hannoveræ, 1735.-Mead: "De variolis et morbillis liber." London, 1747.-Huxham: Oper., T. II u. III, London, 1744.-Boissier de Sauvages: "Nosolog. methodus," T. 1, Pag. 422 ss. Amstelodam., 1748.-Van Swieten: "Commentar. in Boerhavii Aphorism.," T. v, Pag. 1 ss. Lugd. Batav., 1772.-Fr. Hoffmann: "Oper. omnia physic. med.," T. 1, c. 7. Genev., 1740.-Storch: "Abhandl. über die Blatternkrankheit." Eisenach, 1753.-Cotugno: "De sedibus variol. syntagma." 1771.— C. L. Hoffman: "Abhandl. über die Pocken." Münster und Hamm, 1770.-De Haen: "Abhandl. über die sicherste Heilung der natürlichen Pocken." Wien, 1775. -Borsieri: "Institut. med. practic." Mediolani, 1785, T. 11, 184.-Peter Franck: "De curandis homin. morbus." (S. 327, ss.) Ticin, 1792.-Hufeland: "Beimerkungen über die natürlichen Pocken." Berlin, 1798.-Rosenstein: “ Kinderkrankheiten," 3. aufl. (translated from the Swedish by Murray). Göttingen, 1798.-Sarcone: "Ueber die Kinderpocken" (translated by Lentin). 1792.-Monro: "Observations on the Different Kinds of Smallpox." Edinburgh, 1818.-Thomson: "An Account of the Varioloid Epidemy." Edinburgh, 1820.-Elsässer: "Beschreibung der Menschenpockenseuche, welche" u. s. w. Stuttgart, 1820.-Stieglitz: "Horn's Archiv," Bd. xi, S. 187 ff.-Heim: "Horn's Archiv," Bd. x and x11.-Albers: "Ueber das Wesen der Blattern." Berlin, 1831.-Eichhorn: "Die acuten fieberhaften Exantheme." Berlin, 1831.-Mühry: "Hufeland's Journal," Bd. xxvIII, S. 1 ff., and Bd. xxx, S. 128 ff.-Robert: "Précis historique sur l'épidémie, qui règne à Marseille," etc. Marseille, 1828.-Rayer: "Traité des maladies de la peau." Paris, 1835.-Petzoldt: "Die Pockenkrankheite mit bes. Rucksicht auf path. Anatomie." Leipzig, 1836.—Heim: "Historisch-kritische Darstellung der Pockenseuche im Königreich Würtemberg." Stuttgart, 1838.-Fuchs: “Die Hautkrankheiten.," 1840.— Rilliet et Barthez: "Maladies des enfants," T. II, pag. 430 ss. Paris, 1843.-Gregory: "Vorlesungen über die Ausschlags-fieber" (German by Helfft). Leipzig, 1845. -Williams: "Elements of Medicine," 1, 192. London, 1846.-Simon: "Hautkrankheiten," 2. aufl., S. 127 ff. 1851.-Chr. H. Eimer: "Die Blatternkrankheit in pathol. und sanitats-poliz. Hinsicht” u. s. w. Leipzig, 1853.—Quincke: “CharitéAnnalen." Berlin, 1855.-Wunderlich: "Handb. der Pathol. u. Therapie," Bd. 1v, 1854.-Hebra: Virchow's Handb. der Pathol. und Therapie," Bd. I, 1, 2 Erlangen, 1860.-Marc d' Espine: "Archives générales de médecine." 1859. Juin-Juillet.—Trousseau: "Clinique médicale de l'Hôtel-Dieu," T. 1.-Stricker: "Studien über Menschenblattern" u. s. w. Frankfurt am Main, 1861.-R. Leo: "Archiv d. Heilkunde," Bd. v, S. 481 ff.-Kussmaul: "Zwanzig Briefe über Menschenpocken, und Kuhpockenimpfung." Freiburg, 1870.-W. Bernoulli: "Bericht an d. t. Sanitäts Collegium von Basel-Stadt" u. s. w. Basil, 1871.-Fiedler: "Jahresbericht d. Gesellschaft für Natur und Heilkunde in Dresden." 1872.-A. Guttstadt: "Zeitschrift d. königl. preussichen statist. Bureau," 13. Jahrg. 1873.-E. Muller: "Vierteljahresschrift für gerichtliche Medicin und öffentliches Sanitätswesen," Bd. xvi, 1872.-L. Meyer: "Deutsche Klinik," 1870, No. 6-10.-von Pastau: "Statistischer

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