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So far as operating methods are concerned, the Council would be available to provide staff advice to the President and the Bureau of the Budget. It would replace OST, whose staff might become the Council staff while the Director of OST might become Chairman of the Council.

A sub-alternative worthy of serious consideration is a limitation of the role of the Council to graduate education and to academic science. This smaller package is more coherent, but lacks breadth and the full scope of problems in education and science should be encompassed, particularly if legislation is sought. However, if on political or other grounds the narrower definition seems preferable, such a Council would still represent an advance. Extension of functions could be informal and later ratified by legislation if this seemed desirable.

2. Alternative B. Broaden and Strengthen OST.-The charter of the Office of Science and Technology should be redrafted to encompss policy towards graduate education as well as for science and technology. The change should be ratified by general legislation (as contrasted with a reorganization plan) to expose the issues to debate and to secure positive Congressional action. A persuasive reason for seeking legislation is that the debates in Congress would assist in generating Congressional understanding and support, and a feeling that OST is adequately responsive to Congress while remaining responsible to the President. On the other hand, there is the ever-present possibility that new legislation might result in assignment of a set of unwanted functions and an awkward administrative structure. If it should be decided that primary legislation is not desirable, the necessary broadening of functions could be brought about by Presidential action. As between a new statutory Council and a revision of the charter of OST (either by Presidential action or legislation), it is recommended that a Council be established by law, although either alternative would result in marked improvement of the capability of the Executive Office to serve the President and to help Congress. The reasons for preferring the statutory Council are there:

Science and education are now as significant to the national welfare as economic development and the federal role in these areas is expanding and becoming more complex. It is important that Congress ratify this estimate. A new statutory Council would avoid the strong coloration of science and technology that would follow from putting the combined functions in OST. The Council form would provide for the expression of varying philosophies by persons with dissimilar backgrounds.

Establishment of a Council by law would expose issues to broad public debate and would ratify the operation in the eyes of Congress.

E. Consider the Establishment of a New Cabinet Department of Higher Education and Science

The establishment of a new Cabinet Department of Higher Education and Science might be a means of dealing with many of the problems cited earlier in this paper. As a general principle, it is desirable to place as many of the functions of the Executive Branch as possible in operating departments and agencies in order to keep the responsibilities of the Presidency within managable bounds. However, it is a great problem to define the functions of a new department in a manner that will provide a broad, coherent set of tasks while keeping to a minimum the interfaces and points of overlap with other agencies.

While the functions of higher education and science are in many respects coherent, such a grouping would present obvious questions and problems:

Should the Federal Government be organized so that responsibility for higher education is separated from other education?

Should responsibility for science be separated from responsibility for technology?

Might it not be advisable to consider establishing a broad Department of Education, and a separate Department of Science?

Should the education function be split off from the health and welfare functions, involving a significant shift in the philosophy underlying the existing Department of Health, Education and Welfare?

It is the conclusion of the author that the next practical steps involve changes short of the establishment of a new Cabinet department. It is, in fact, highly probable that the establishment of the proposed statutory Council on Education and Science would serve adequately for the foreseeable future the functions

that have been suggested for a new department, because the key functions are those that can be performed effectively only as part of the Presidency. For all of these reasons, issues involved in establishing a new department should be studied intensively.

Some examples of the problems that must be faced if centralization in a department or agency is chosen as the route are given in the following section.


While it is not recommended that a Department of Education and Research be established now, the pros and cons of such a step should be seriously considered. This discussion is intended to suggest some plausible alternatives, and the issues raised by each.

Alternative I: Minimum Grouping.-The central functions of the Department of Education and Research would be those performed by NSF, the Office of Education, and the National Foundation for the Arts and Humanities. This would bring together education and research, science, social science, and the humanities. These organizations, their statutory authorities, funds, and personnel would be transferred to the new department.

The argument for placing the NFAH in the Department is that the problem is not simply one of science or education. It involves all disciplines at all levels: Science is only one important part of education.

Science will be most creative in a broad environment. Left to itself or supported disproportionately, it may be destructive of human society and disruptive of educational institutions. Its results must be formed and implemented by contact with the humanities and social sciences.

The organization of a Department of this scope below the Secretary and Under Secretary could consist of Assistant Secretaries for general education, for research, and for broad disciplines. This last Assistant Secretary could be the staff and coordinating officer. Under him, science, social science, humanities and arts would come as disciplines. He would work with the National Science Board and the Arts and Humanities Councils. He and each of the Councils would be required to make reports to the President and the Congress.

Under the Assistant Secretary for Education (General) would come the activities of the Office of Education.

Under the Assistant Secretary for Science would come the National Science Foundation.

Alternative II: Expanded Group.-In addition to NSF, OE and NFAH, include Federal Laboratories which are not closely linked to performance of the central statutory responsibilities of existing agencies. This would include the Bureau of Standards (NBS) as a minimum, and as a maximum would include not only the Bureau but those laboratory activities relating to study of the environment (ESSA).

The arguments for placing laboratory operations in the Department are:

Operation of laboratories gives those who operate grant and contract programs a feel for the needs of scientists.

NBS and ESSA have important functions which cannot develop adequately within the Department of Commerce.

The arguments against inclusion of these organizations are:

The functions of NSF and OE alone constitute adequate scope for a Department, and the addition of other organizations and functions would complicate the task of organizing and operating the Department.

The inclusion of ESSA in the new Department would forestall a regrouping of research functions in a department centered around investigation of the environment.

Alternative III: Maximum Group.-A maximum option would be creation of a Department of Education and Research consisting of the OE, NSF, NFAH and the proposed Social Science Foundation, relevant life science programs of NIH and the VA research program.

The plan would include that part of the Federal effort in the arts that relates to education and research under the humanities. The balance of the Federal effort in the arts could be reorganized into an independent office including the National Endowment for the Arts, the Kennedy Center, and for other appropriate agencies.

Arguments for such a maximum reorganization proposals are :

It would correct the fragmentation of education and academic science responsibilities that now exist.

It would emphasize the commitment of the Federal Government to education and science.

It would make possible, for the first time, comprehensive policy planning, goal-setting, program evaluation, and administration for both education and academic science.

It would establish an undeniably strong central focus in Government, at the Cabinet level, for science cum education.

Arguments against such a maximum reorganization are:

The strengths of separate identities (NSF, VA, NFAH, NIH) would be diminished excessively.

It would be too large and diverse to be administered well.

Political constituencies (medical, veterans) would fuse to block any chance of enactment.

It includes so much (NIH, VA) that it is unwieldly and excludes so much including the research components of DOD, AEC and NASA that it is not actually comprehensive.

In the judgment of the author, these arguments against a maximum group are weighty and main attention should be centered on the further development of Alternatives I and II, above.

Other Possibilities.—It is not difficult to envision other groupings. The three examples given above are based upon the assumption that science should be grouped administratively with education and separated from technology. The addition of AEC (excluding weapons development), NASA, and those elements of HEW responsible for development of antipollution technologies could be considered but the arguments, political and administrative, against any such merger are formidable.

The separation of education and manpower programs implied in the three alternatives might be judged to be a fault. Consideration could and should be given to placing responsibilities for manpower training-OEO programs, Department of Labor programs, HEW rehabilitation programs, and veterans training programs in the new Department. However, in addition to the contra arguments given for Alternative III, inclusion of responsibilities for training segments of the labor force would further diffuse and complicate the mission of the Department and would also remove these activities from their established bases of political support.

Dr. BENNETT. Mr. Chairman, this concludes my statement. I will be glad to respond to any questions.

Thank you.

Mr. DADDARIO. Gentlemen, I do think it would be helpful this morning if we were to allow Dr. Shannon to proceed, and then we can have the questioning of both Dr. Shannon and Dr. Bennett.


Dr. SHANNON. Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I have prepared a very brief statement. In so doing I have deleted much detail from what was a substantially longer initial draft and I may have removed material that could have been of interest to the committee. I am prepared, in accordance with the wishes of the committee, to extend the presentation in direct response to questions or to provide supplemental material at a later date.

To start off, I would like to echo the comments of Dr. Bennett on the importance and effectiveness of the operations of this committee. Turing now to the statement.

A more suitable organization for science within the executive branch is a manifestly urgent need. This view stems from the belief that, the nature of the organizational setting for Federal science can itself

facilitate or retard the further development of science, the rational deployment of scientific resources, and the development of a broader public understanding of the role science can play in the complexities of modern society.

But the problems of organization are complex. This is clearly manifest in the differing views on organization which have been presented to this committee. These reflect differing assessments of the requirements for an adequate science organization and reflect its importance to a series of "publics"

that of the working scientist;

that of the institutions which house and lend him institutional support;

that of the technologist concerned with the application of science;

that of the program director of a Federal agency; and

and that of society at large in its perceptions of the benefits to be derived from science.

The full exploration of any one of these views would require no less than monographic treatment and there would still remain the need for synthesis of a "best fit solution." Consequently, I believe the committee's purposes will be best suited if I can limit my presentation to a series of positive statements in the form of propositions, and some generalizations that seem pertinent to a consideration of the several organization forms which have been proposed.

First, to state the three propositions.

The most important strengths of U.S. science are its broad scope and general excellence, and these are due in no small measure to a support system characterized by pluralism, the bulk of research support being derived from agencies with definable missions.

The most important weakness of U.S. science is derived from the progressive decoupling that has occurred between research and education. Such decoupling results in part from the mechanisms utilized in support of academic research, but more importantly from the lack of sufficient direct concern for the health and vigor of our institutions of higher education.

A second important weakness results from the progressive disenchantment of society with science, there being too little general understanding of the relation of much of the Nation's substantial research undertakings and their ultimate social purposes.

These three propositions are amendable to detailed justification but as generalizations they can be derived from a presentation given before the American Association for the Advancement of Science last December. This was published in Science last February and is appended to this statement.

The biomedical sciences were used in the AAAS presentation as an example of a program of research, the support of which is dominated by mission-oriented agencies. It is clearly apparent from that discussion and a consideration of the development of other fields that the flowering of science in the United States during the past decade or so was due to the intelligent pursuit of a number of broad but specified missions funded in amounts that permitted the growth of science without severe fiscal constraints. The soundness of the programs that evolved reflected in large measure the free operations of the internal logic of science. The view expressed in the presentation was that having come this far, there is much further to go in many areas, and further

progress would be greatly facilitated if much of the good of our present support system can be retained and some specific types of medical action undertaken.

Such remedial action was discussed under four headings:

The need for a broader measure of institutional support, particularly for the broadly defined educational missions of institutions;

The belief that having secured institutional stability, then the consequent freeing up of mission-oriented agencies would permit them to address themselves to their mission more productively;

The essential need for a more adequate information system that could provide "analyses and arrays of information specifically relevant to broad sets of problems from an overall point of view." I might add: To satisfy this need it was proposed that a limited number of cognizant agencies be designated presumably by ex

ecutive order.

The need for some central mechanism high in the executive branch which would utilize such organized information collated so as to permit the definition of broad national goals and make "the critical policy and allocation decisions that would influence program development in science and education and in the use of science for other social purposes."

It was not envisaged that such a central structure would have operational responsibility for any portion of the program it reviewed and upon which it made judgments affecting the allocation of resources. Such a mixture of policy formulation and program execution was contained in the original National Science Foundation legislation and, I believe, is responsible in no small measure for some of the deficiencies which characterize both the NSF programs and the development of our national science policy. A science policy agency can scarcely have a broad operational program and be free of conflicts of interest.

It is my conviction that a science department, regardless of what it contains specifically in the way of operating programs, would have the same deterrent

to effective service as a focal point for the evolution of science policy;

to the objective consideration of the Nation's science programs; to general acceptance of its leadership role by other elements of the Federal research and development establishments;

and to its acceptance by the public and the Congress as an unbiased source of advice on the best manner by which our scientific resources can be utilized to satisfy our public (social) purposes.

In such a view, the major thrust of R. & D. would continue to be contained in discrete mission-oriented agencies. This does not imply a view that current arrangements are satisfactory. Our present system would require modification so as to provide for the essential stability of our institutions of higher education, for a more adequate program of graduate education and for an adequate amount of what

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