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Mr. DADDARIO. Well, it would be more likely to if it included this basic information

Dr. DUBRIDGE. That is true.

Mr. DADDARIO. So people could understand what was going on, that it was necessary.

Dr. DUBRIDGE. Right.

Mr. DADDARIO. That the transfer would be done in an orderly way. This would help to heighten the confidence of the public, I would expect, in our ability both in the executive and legislative branch to handle these complicated problems in this way.

Dr. DUBRIDGE. Right. I agree.

Mr. DADDARIO. Now, how does your office at the present time stand in its ability from the staff point of view to evaluate the research programs?

Dr. DUBRIDGE. I can tell you in a few weeks. We are going through the exercise right now. We are enlisting the help of members of the President's Science Advisory Committee who had experience in the various areas, of health, of defense, and space and so on. And my new deputy, Dr. Hubert Heffner, who had his confirmation hearing yesterday, I have asked to steer this effort to try to get a picture of the total science budget for fiscal 1971 and where additional emphasis and additional balance is needed so that with the Bureau of the Budget we can develop a total Federal program.

We will not be very successful for the first year. This is a thing which will require a great deal of experience and a great deal of background and collecting information, which will take time. But at least we are going to get a start. And whether this turns out to be a job that our staff can do or not, I don't know. If it is a job that our staff can't do, I can't think of any more urgent request to make to the President than that he authorize us to enhance the staff to meet this problem, because I am sure that he believes that it is a very important enterprise, that we do get a coherent picture of the Federal science and technology effort and try to get it implemented so that it remains a good and important national effort.

Mr. DADDARIO. Dr. DuBridge, I hope that we might be able to forward to you some further questions. Obviously there are many we would like to ask which we do not have time for, but which will be helpful for the record.

Dr. DUBRIDGE. Certainly.

(Questions submitted by the subcommittee to Dr. Lee A. DuBridge:) Question 1. It is common knowledge that the National Science Foundation has always had difficulty selling itself to Congress and the American public. What positive steps can you suggest that the Foundation might take to improve its image, extend its constituency and secure the funds corresponding to a national policy of continued preeminence for U.S. science?

Answer 1. The constituency and funding of the National Science Foundation are inevitably influenced by the public attitude toward science in relation to the various goals and problems of our society. In this broad context, the ability of the Foundation to improve its image is strengthened by the leadership of the Presidency in furthering a national policy of continued preeminence for U.S. science and guaranteeing that the U.S. continually strengthen its scientific and technological base.

The interests and the prestige of the National Science Foundation depend upon the actions of four groups of people, namely, (1) members of the National Science Board and members of the Staff of the National Science Foundation,

(2) Members of the Congress, particularly members of those committees concerned with science, education, astronautics, atomic energy, etc., (3) the university community and (4) informed citizens who are aware of the value of scientific research and education to the country. I will discuss these in order:

(1) Dr. Philip Handler, Chairman of the National Science Board, and Dr. William McElroy, Director of the National Science Foundation, are aware of the problem of congressional relations and are taking steps to improve them. I am confident that they will initiate important new moves in this direction.

(2) The work which the members of the House Science and Astronautics Committee have been doing has been excellent. I hope that they will be able to persuade the members of other committees to take similar actions to strengthen our national science programs and will be able to convince other members of the Congress of the importance to the nation's welfare of scientific education and research. The emphasis needs to be put on the nation's welfare rather than simply on the welfare of the universities and colleges themselves.

(3) Members of the university community, associations of higher education and university alumni can set forth to the public and to the Congress more clearly the role played by university education and research in the advancement of the nation's welfare. They can point out that the university is the cornerstone of the scientific and technological progress which have made our country the strongest and which have given our citizens the world's highest standard of living. They can point out explicitly the relationship between scientific research and the improvement of public health, the continued increase in the nation's economic strength and the future potentialities of science and technology in contributing to the solution of problems of the environment and other areas of current social


(4) Inasmuch as some members of Congress and many members of the general public look upon the National Science Foundation and other university supporting agencies as "charitable" organizations concerned with "handouts" to colleges and universities, it is essential that non-university groups come to the defense of the importance of basic scientific research and education. Leaders in industrial research and technology, business leaders, scientific and engineering professional societies, particularly those with large components of industrial members, and other informed citizens can well point out that the support of university research and advanced training in science and engineering is not "charity” but is an essential investment in the nation's future welfare and its industrial and economic progress.

Question 2. Has the application of planning-programming-budgeting methods and techniques had measurable effects on the management or organization of Federal science activities in your field of interest? Please elaborate.

Answer 2. The usefulness and applicability of the PPB methods varies greatly with the nature of the scientific and technological efforts to which it is applied. In the fields of defense technology and certain other areas of technological development it may be feasible to determine priorities by evaluating the goals of the technological research being undertaken and the importance in financial or other terms of those goals or products, and to adjust research investments accordingly. There are other fields, however, where ultimate usefulness of the research cannot be foreseeably determined or where the values cannot be measured in dollar terms and where PPB techniques cannot be successfully applied. The health of the nation, the quality of our education, the pleasantness of our environment, the advance in human understanding of the universe and of life are all essential and important goals, but are goals and benefits that are not subject to quantitative evaluation. While I agree on the need to go as far as possible in evaluating our goals and the relative contributions of research and development to the attainment of the various goals, PPB procedures must be thoughtfully and considerately applied to appropriate activities keeping in mind the often uncertain outcome of the research process.

Question 3. There appears to be agreement among several members of the scientific community that the National Science Foundation should be funded at an approximate one billion dollars a year level. What specifically can be done to sell the Congress and the American people on the need for this action?

Answer 3. If the nation is to meet its many needs, the budget of the National Science Foundation should be increased steadily and should, at some not too distant date, pass the billion dollar mark. There are important reasons why the funding of the Foundation should be steadily increased:

(1) The costs of research and education are continually rising; first, because of normal inflation and, second, because more and more sophisticated and increasingly expensive equipment is required as we probe deeper into the mysteries of the unknown. Facilities cost increases would justify an NSF budget increase of not less than seven or eight percent per year.

(2) The growth of our economy is dependent upon new knowledge in science and technology. Scientific research should, therefore, increase (in terms of real effort) at least as fast as the Gross National Product, and the GNP would grow faster if the national investment in research and development is made relatively larger.

(3) Unless there is such a steady increase in Federal support, including that of the NSF, large areas of science may become grossly underfunded in relation to the opportunities and promise they offer this nation. These areas include, among others:

(a) Exciting advances in optical and radio astronomy which require major capital investments for new optical and radio telescopes and associated equipment.

(b) Nuclear high energy physics where important new developments are on the horizon and expensive pieces of equipment are even now being underutilized because of lack of funds for operations and capital improvements and modernization.

(c) Research in biology and medicine where great advances are being made, but where new and more sophisticated equipment and techniques are required. The best route to better medical care is through a deeper understanding of the nature of the life process and of disease, disabilities and other human afflictions.

(d) Marine sciences where there are expanding opportunities for learning more about the oceans, lakes and coastal waters leading to new sources of energy and minerals and to a better understanding of the total earth environment, its climate, weather patterns, etc.

(e) Environmental sciences where we have only begun to realize that better understanding of the physical and biological properties and the constitution of the earth's environment is essential to a better control of environmental quality. In the very act of living and working, men must use environmental resources and to a substantial extent thereby degrade the environment. But degradation can be kept to a minimum and enhancement can be achieved through better understanding of the impact of new technologies on the environment and the potential of new technologies for reducing environmental degradation. We need to understand better how the various aspects of the environment (physical and biological) are interrelated and how activities directed in one area may affect environmental problems in other areas.

Therefore, if we are to continue the progress of science and are to extend scientific knowledge in new and important fields, it is essential that the Federal budget for basic science be steadily and substantially increased and that the National Science Foundation be given a larger portion of such resources in order to take a more active and responsible role in extending our basic scientific knowledge.

Question 4. Can you comment on the present status of Executive Office consideration of the utilization of Federal laboratories, including that of the Federal Council ad hoc task group which is understood to be studying the question of Federal laboratory-university relationships?

Answer 4. Concern has been expressed throughout the Executive Branch that the Federal laboratories and the universities improve their relationship and work together better as a team. The Committee on Federal Laboratories of the Federal Council for Science and Technology is deeply interested in this problem. The FCST and the American Council on Education sponsored a symposium late last year on Education and Federal Laboratory-University Relationships. In February the President approved a statement of policy on expanded use of Federal research facilities by university investigators. A copy of this statement is attached, together with a copy of the press release on it issued by the White House.

The FCST is preparing a report describing the existing training programs and cooperative relationships among Federal laboratories and contract centers and universities. We will provide you with a copy of this report as soon as

it is complete. Information is also being gathered from the agencies for an inventory of Federal laboratories and their capabilities.

This focusing of attention on the university-Federal laboratory relationship has been fruitful in several areas:

(1) Better understanding and lines of communication have been established between the Federal and university communities.

(2) New university courses designed with Federal laboratory needs in mind should start this fall.

(3) Use of Federal laboratory space and equipment by universities is being encouraged.

(4) Defense Federal Contract Research Centers are being encouraged to consider use of part of their resources for non-defense related problems. This tends to stimulate cooperation with universities.

I am concerned, however, that the current reduction in fiscal support to universities and tight budgets for research in the Federal laboratories will make real progress in this area difficult until the fiscal pressures lessen.

Mr. DADDARIO. Mr. Fulton, who is the senior member on the Science and Astronautics Committee on the Republican side, on occasion likes to wander into this subcommittee's meetings. I wouldn't want to foreclose him from the opportunity of saying hello to you, Dr. DuBridge. Mr. FULTON. As an ex officío member I am glad to be here.

I want to welcome Dr. DuBridge. The point is this: evidently from your previous comments, you say, "I am not saying that the present organization in Government for procuring our research and development is the final one.'

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That means you aren't quite satisfied with it the way it is, doesn't it, Doctor?

Dr. DUBRIDGE. No, I said that very emphatically at the beginning of my statement.

Mr. FULTON. Well, I was quoting a previous remark.

Dr. DUBRIDGE. I know.

Mr. FULTON. And I wonder if you really meant that, or do you now mean what you mean here?

Dr. DUBRIDGE. I think there are many things that are inadequate about our present handling of science and the support of science and the management of technology. I have been groping today for suggestions as to how to improve this picture.

Mr. FULTON. Now, we have business represented by the Department of Commerce, and we have labor represented by the Department of Labor. Certainly those functions pervade everything in our economy. And, we have Cabinet representation for them.

Why, then, is that not an argument to have a Department of Science, Research, and Technology? And I might say parenthetically, as you know, I have been supporting such a department for a long time and have a bill in on it in this particular Congress.

Dr. DUBRIDGE. Well, I am just afraid my answer has to be that I do not think there is a very close analogy between commerce and science; that the scientific and technological enterprise is an important tool for each agency of Government to use in achieving its mission.

And most agencies and departments of Government need that tool, just like they need typewriters and clerks, and of course they also need money. Therefore, it seems to me the widest dispersion of scientific and technological efforts in Government agencies that we can get is the best for the progress of the missions of the various agencies. With a single Department of Science, there would be a tendency to try to

put all the science and technological activities into it rather than to disperse them. The activities are so varied, cover so many areas of science, and in the applied science area are aimed at so many different goals, that to try to encompass these all under a single Secretary for Science, I think, would be confusing and less effective than the present system of having especially applied science activities widely distributed throughout the Government structure.

We pointed out some gaps in this and some difficulties, so it isn't perfect. But in principle the wide diffusion of science and applied science throughout the agencies of Government, I think, is better than concentration into a single agency which then simply becomes a competitor with the other agencies for stature and for funding.

Mr. FULTON. My point is that there is a difference between setting an overall policy for science at the Cabinet level and having a Cabinet member assisting the President in setting that policy for the various other departments that could use science. In other words, there are missions for applied science and there is also implementation in various departments and agencies.

My position is that because of tremendous overlapping, and the lack of an overall scientific policy for the United States, the functioning of science within the Government has become so fragmented that, first, it can't be supervised; secondly, it is expensive and wasteful; and thirdly, there is no single voice at Cabinet level speaking for science. Dr. DUBRIDGE. Well, I guess we just differ on that point. Mr. FULTON. All right. That's fine.

Now, might I say to you that I believe the selection of Dr. McElroy, as the head of the National Science Foundation, is a good choice. I believe that the previous individual recommended, on which we disagreed, to that particular position, was not a good choice because it was a person from controversial military fields.

I feel the National Science Foundation should certainly be able to operate worldwide without getting involved in the so-called militaryindustrial complex. My second comment is that once a man is in the U.S. Government even in a small agency he is in the sea of politics, the swimming pool of politics whether he likes it or not. If he isn't a politician, he very quickly takes a coloration if there is coloration in the pool or in the sea.

He very quickly learns to swim like a politician. He learns how very quickly or else he is quickly out.

So that the point I would make is this: I hope that science will not always be looking down its nose at the art and science of government, as politics. Scientists should not be saying that they are trying to be aloof and pure in an ivory tower. For example, will you have put in the record the previous political activities of the new head of the National Science Foundation, or at least supply it to me? He has been in politics previously and he was one of the Nation's scientists for Johnson's election in 1964.

And I see nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, when politics gets to be a consuming function and overshadows his profession, I do feel there could be criticism. Not in this instance; I think we should clear that up publicly. But when you select a man to take the position as head of the National Science Foundation who has formerly been in

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