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een hundred and sixty-four, the State of California shall, for Indian purposes, constitute one superintendency,

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be set apart by the President, and at his discretion, not exceeding four tracts of land, within the limits of the said State, to be retained by the United States for the purposes of Indian reservations, which shall be of suitable extent for the accommodation of the Indians of said State, and shall be located as remote from white settlements as may be found practicable, having due regard to their adaptation to the purposes for which they are intended: Provided, That at least one of said tracts shall be located in what has heretofore been known as the northern district: And provided further, That if it shall be found impracticable to establish the reservations herein contemplated without embracing improvements made within their limits by white persons lawfully there, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered to contract for the purchase of such improvements at a price not exceeding a fair valuation thereof to be made under his direction.

But no such contract shall be valid, or any money paid thereon until, upon a report of said contract and of said valuation to Congress, the same shall be approved and the money appropriated by law for that purpose: And provided further, That said tracts to be set apart as aforesaid may, or may not, as in the discretion of the Pros. ident may be deemed for the best interests of the Indians to be provided for, include any of the Indian reservations heretofore set apart in said State, and that in case any such reservation is so included, the same may be enlarged to such an extent as in the opinion of the President may be necessary in order to its complete adaptation to the purposes for which it is intended.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the several Indian reservations in California which shall not be retained for the purposes of Indian reservations under the provisions of the preceding section of this act, shall, by the Commissioner of the General Land Office under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, be surveyed into lots or parcels of suitable size, and as far as practicable in conformity to the surveys of the public lands, which said lots shall, under his direction, be appraised by disinterested persons at their cash value, and shall thereupon, after due advertisement, as now provided by law in the case of other public lands, be offered for sale at public outcry, and thence afterward shall be held subject to sale at private entry, according to such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: Provided, That no lot shall be disposed of at less than the appraised value, nor at less than one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre: And provided further, That said sale shall be conducted by the registrar and receiver of the land office in the district in which such reservation or reservations may be situated, in accordance with the instructions of the department regulating the sale of public lands.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint an Indian agent for each of the reservations which shall be established under the provisions of this act, which said agent shall reside upon the reservation for which he shall be appointed, and shall discharge all the duties now or hereafter to be required of Indian agents by law, or by rules and regulations adopted, or to be adopted, for the regulation of the Indian service, so far as the same may be applicable.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That there may be appointed, in the manner prescribed by law, for each of said reservations, if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior the welfare of said Indians shall require it, one physician, one blacksmith, one assistant blacksmith, one farmer, and one carpenter, who shall receive compensation at rates to be determined by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding fifty dollars per month.

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That hereafter, when it shall become necessary to survey any Indian or other reservations, or any lands, the same shall be surveyed under the direction and control of the General Land Office, and as nearly as may be

in conformity to the rules and regulations under which other public lands are sur. reyed.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed; and all offices and employments connected with Indian affairs in California not provided for in this act be, and the same are hereby, abolished.

Approved, April 8, 1864.

During the six years following the passage of the foregoing act, the reservations existing at the present time were established. The Indians of Fresno Farm, and Sebastian military reservation in Tejon Valley, were urged to concentrate upon Tule River reservation. Those at Nome-Lackee and Mendocino, upon Round Valley. Hoopa Valley received many of the insurgents of northern California during the wars which followed upon the uprising of the Indians of southern Oregon. There are twenty-six reservations in the State, aggregating 472,492 acres, and the number of Indians under agency control is 5,033.

The following is the distribution by counties of Indians in California not on reservations: Sierra, 12; El Dorado, 193; Mendocino, 1,240; Shasta, 1,037; Yolo, 47; Tehama, 157; Solano, 21; Lassen, 330; Colusa, 353; Humboldt, 224; Marin, 162; Sonoma, 339; Butte, 522; Plumas, 508; Placer, 91; Napa, 64; Sutter, 12; Amador, 272; Nevada, 98; Lake, 774; total, 6,456.1

The total Indian population in California is 11,489.

Agencies.-Hoopa Valley Agency, having in charge the Hoopa Valley Reservation; Mission Agency, having in charge the twenty-one Mission Indian reservations; Round Valley Agency, having in charge the Round Valley Reservation; Tule River Agency, having in charge the Tule River Reservation.


[Post-office address: Hoopa Valley, Humboldt County, Cal.]


How established.-By act of Congress, April 8, 1864, and Executive order, June 23, 1876.

Area and survey.-Contains 89,572 acres, 900 of which are tillable.2 Out-boundaries surveyed.

Area cultivated.-The Indians had 200 acres under cultivation in 1884.3

Tribes and population.-The tribes living here are the Hoopa Valley, Hunsatung, Hupâ, Klamath River, Miskut, Redwood, Saiaz, Sermalton, and Tishtanatan. Total population, 1886, 442.5

1 Report of Indian Commissioner, 1884, p. 286. Ibid., 1886, p. 381. 5 Ibid., 1886, p. 392.

2 Ibid., 1884, p. 304.

3 Ibid.

Location. The reservation lies in Humboldt County, and is 12 miles from east to west, and about 11 miles from north to south.

The valley from which the reservation takes its name, is a narrow valley through which Trinity River runs in a northerly direction, and contains about 2,500 acres, of which about 900 acres are fit for cultivation, and 1,000 of a poor quality. The soil is sandy and lies on a bed of gravel, through which the water wastes away, leaving the crops. to parch and burn for the want of moisture. The Bald Hills, north of the valley, comprise perhaps one-fifth of the reservation and afford some fine pasturage for stock; the other four-fifths, leaving out the valley, is composed of rugged mountains, almost worthless.1

Government rations.-Thirty-three per cent. of these Indians subsisted by Government rations in 1886.

Mill and employés.-The mill was erected in 1872,2 but suffered in the general disastrous condition of affairs during the first seven or eight years of the reservation, but was put in order about 1880,3 and has since done good service. There are no Indian employés reported. Indian police.-None reported.

Indian court of offences-None reported.

School population, attendance, amd support:-3

School population, estimated in 1886

Day-school accommodation..........

Attendance at day-school...

Cost to Government...

Months in session




$1,974. 72


The Middletown Training School, Middletown, Lake County, Cal., receives twenty of these children from this agency, at a cost to the Government of $2,982.06.

Missionary work.-No missionary work reported.

Hoopa Valley Reserve.*

FORT GASTON, CAL., August 21, 1864. By virtue of power vested in me by an act of Congress approved April 8, 1864, and acting under instructions from the Interior Department, dated at Washington City, D. C., April 26, 1864, concerning the location of four tracts of land for Indian reservations in the State of California, I do hereby proclaim and make known to all concerned that I have this day located an Indian reservation, to be known and called by the name and title of the Hoopa Valley Reservation, said reservation being situated on the Trinity River, in Klamath County, Cal., to be described by such metes and bounds as may hereafter be established by order of the Interior Department, subject to the approval of the President of the United States. Settlers in Hoopa Valley are hereby notified not to make any further improvements upon their places, as they will be appraised and purchased as soon as the Interior Department may direct. AUSTIN WILEY,

Superintendent Indian Affairs for the State of California.

Report of Indian Commissioner, 1875, p. 220. 2 Ibid., 1872, p. 412. 3 Ibid., 1886.

p. LXXXVIII. 4 Ibid., 1886, p. 301.

For act authorizing the above order see act of Congress April 8, 1864, in the preceding pages, under head of California.

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AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the better organization of Indian Affairs in California."

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of sixty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of enabling the Secretary of the Interior to pay the settlers in Hoopa Valley, California, for their improvements on the Indian reservation therein: Provided, That before the same or any part of the money hereby appropriated shall be paid, the said improvements shall be appraised by the superintendent of Indian affairs, the Indian agent at said reservation, and the surveyor-general of California; and if in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior their appraisement shall be reasonable and shall not in the aggregate exceed the sum herein appropriated, the Secretary is hereby authorized to apply the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in payment for the said improvements, taking the proper releases therefor: And provided further, That the moneys hereby appropriated be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sales of Indian reservations in said State under the provisions of the act to provide for the better organization of Indian affairs in California, approved April eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four.

Approved, March 3, 1865. (United States Statutes at Large, Vol. XIII, p. 538.)

EXECUTIVE MANSION, June 23, 1876. It is hereby ordered that the south and west boundaries and that portion of the north boundary west of Trinity River surveyed in 1875 by C. T. Bissel, and the courses and distances of the east boundary, and that portion of the north boundary east of Trinity River reported but not surveyed by him, viz: "Beginning at the southeast corner of the reservation at a post set in mound of rocks, marked 'H. V. R., No. 3'; thence south 174° west, 905.15 chains, to southeast corner of reservation; thence south 724 west, 480 chains, to the mouth of Trinity River," be, and hereby are, declared to be the exterior boundaries of Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation, and the land embraced therein, an area of 89,572.43 acres, be, and hereby is, withdrawn from public sale, and set apart for Indian purposes, as one of the Indian reservations authorized to be set apart, in California, by act of Congress approved April 8, 1864. (13 Statutes, p. 39.)1


(No agency.)


How established.-By Executive order, November 16, 1855.

Area and survey.-Contains 25,600 acres ;2 4,000 tillable. Surveyed. Acres cultivated.-Not reported.

Tribes and population.-The tribe living here is the Klamath River. Population, 213.4

Location. Klamath Reservation is located on the river of that name, which discharges its waters into the Pacific Ocean twenty miles south of Cresent City. Three or four hundred acres cover all the level Report of Indian Commissioner, 1886, p. 302. 2 Ibid., 1884, p. 256. 3 Ibid., 1875, p. 67.

4 Ibid., 1886, p. 394. 5 Ibid., 1856, p. 238.

land along the river; they are situated principally at the site of old For Terwer, and just opposite on Wakel Flats. Timber is in the greatest abundance and variety, and very fine. From the mouth of the river to Klamath bluffs is a very dense growth of the finest rosewood, which is easy of access.1

There are no agency statistics for this reservation.

School population, attendance, and support.-Estimated in 1886 at 50. No school provided.

Missionary work.-None reported.

Executive order.

NOVEMBER 10, 1855.

SIR: Referring to your communication of the 8th of August last to the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, advising him of the approval by the President of the United States of the recommendation of the Department that it was expedient to expend the money appropriated on the 3d of March last for removing the Indians in California to two additional military reservations, I have the honor now to make the following report:

On the 15th day of August last the Acting Commissioner inclosed a copy of your letter of the 8th of that month to the superintendent of Indian Affairs in California, with directions to select these reservations from such "tracts of land adapted as to soil, climate, water privileges, and timber, to the comfortable and permanent accommodation of the Indians, which tracts should be unencumbered by old Spanish grants or claims of recent white settlers," limiting the dimensions of the reserves to within 25,000 acres each, and to report to this office a description of their geographical position in relation to streams, mountain ranges, and county lines, etc., and indicating the same upon a map. A copy of that letter is herewith, marked A.2 By the last mail from California I have received from Superintendent Thomas I. Henley a report upon this subject, dated the 4th ultimo (a copy of which is herewith, marked B),2 by which it appears he recommends as one of the reservations aforesaid "a strip of territory 1 mile in width on each side of the Klamath River for a distance of 20 miles." The superintendent remarks upon the character of the country selected and incloses an extract from a report (also herewith, marked C)2 to him of the 19th of June last, by Mr. S. G. Whipple, which contains in some detail a description of the country selected, habits and usages of the Indians, etc., but no map is furnished.

It will be observed from this report of the superintendent that he has deemed it important to continue the employ of an agent and to prepare for raising a crop in order to assure the Indians of the good faith of the Government and to preserve the peace of the country. Considering the great distance of this reserve from the seat of Government and the length of time it necessarily requires to communicate with an agency at the Klamath, it is desirable that some definite action be taken, if practicable, before the sailing of the next steamer, to leave New York on the 20th instant. I therefore beg leave to ask your attention to the subject, and if you shall be of the opinion from the representations made by the superintendent in California and Mr. Whipple that the selection at the mouth of the Klamath River is a judicious and proper one, that it be laid before the President of the United States for his approval, but with the provision, however, that upon a survey of the tract selected that a sufficient quantity be cut off from the upper end of the proposed reserve to bring it within the limitation of 25,000 acres, authorized by the act of 3d March last.

I inclose also here with a copy of another letter from Superintendent Henley, of 4th ultimo (marked D)2, in which he states, in relation to the other reserve, that it is intended to locate it "between the headwaters of Russian River and Cape Mendocino." In reference to both of these proposed reserves, and as connected with the means to 2 These documents are not printed

1 Report of Indian Commissioner, 1875, p. 67. in this work.

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