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gates to the National Convention to use every means in their power to secure a clause in the National platform favoring free and unlimited coinage of silver."

The platform also urges Congress to grant Statehood to the Territory; favored liberal pensions to veterans; advocated "protection to American labor and American industries," and the policy of reciprocity, and indorsed William McKinley for President.

The 'Stoddard-Christy Wing" adopted this money plank:

"That it is the belief of this convention that the people of Arizona, without regard to party, are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of not less than 16 to 1, and the delegates elected by this convention to St. Louis are held instructed to use all honorable means to secure the adoption of a silver plank in the National Republican platform."


June 8, 1896.-Resolved, That we, the Democratic party of Arizona, in convention, repudiate the financial policy of the present National Administration.

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We indorse the language used by John G. Carlisle in 1878, when he denounced the conspiracy" to destroy silver as a standard money, as "the most gigantic crime of this or any other age,' and we agree with him in the declaration then made that "the consummation of such a scheme would ultimately entail more misery upon the human race than all the wars, pestilences and famines that have ever occurred in the history of the world."

We are not willing to be parties to such a crime and in order to undo a wrong already done and to prevent a further rise in the purchasing power of the dollar, we favor the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, as such coinage existed prior to 1873, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation, such gold and silver to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private.

We are opposed to the retirement of the greenback, and demand that the Secretary of the Treasury, instead of issuing interest-bearing bonds for the purchase of gold shall recognize silver as money of redemption and exercise the right to redeem greenbacks, treasury notes and all other coin obligations in silver when silver is more convenient.


August 21, 1896.-The platform indorsed the nominations of Bryan and Sewall on the National ticket; favored free silver; declared for Statehood for Arizona, and the reclamation of desert lands by Governmental aid, and oppose the present irrigation laws of the Territory.



March 3, 1896.-The platform favored "true bimetallism, with such restrictions and under such provisions, to be determined by legislation, as will secure the maintenance of the parity of values of the

two metals, so that the purchasing and debt-paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold or paper, shall be at all times equal."

Favored protection to American industries, and added: "Whatever the next Republican tariff law may provide, its rates will measure the difference between American and European conditions and will be fully adequate to protect ourselves from the invasion of our market by Oriental products, to the injury of American labor, and will in no case be too low to protect and exalt American labor and promote and increase American production. We are not contending for any particular tariff law or laws, or for any special schedules or rates, but for the great principle the American protective policy-the temporary overthrow of which has brought distress and ruin to every part of our beloved country."

It also condemned the action of the Democratic party in Congress in voting to place the forest products on the free list, which would cripple the industry or Arkansas and greatly reduce the price of labor; expressed sincere sympathy for the Cubans in their heroic struggle for liberty and independence.


June 19, 1896.-"We favor bimetallism, and to that end we insist upon the free and unlimited coinage of both silver and gold at the ratio of 16 to 1, as money of final redemption, with equal legal tender power, independent of the action of any other nation.

"We are opposed to the issue of interest-bearing bonds for any purpose in time of peace. We demand that the Government shall not surrender, but shall always exercise the lawful option to redeem its obligations in either gold or silver, as may be most convenient.

"We demand the repeal of the present laws discrediting the silver money of the Nation and permitting the making of private contracts payable in gold alone.

"We favor the collection of an income tax as part of the revenue of the General Government, and demand such Constitutional amendments as may be necessary to authorize the same. We affirm the oftrepeated declaration of the Democratic party in favor of a tariff for revenue only. We favor the election of United States Senators by the vote of the people in primary elections."


May 7, 1896.-The platform favored free silver, wcman suffrage, Government ownership of railroads and telegraphs, and the enactment of laws prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors.



May 6. 1896.-The platform had this money plank:

"We favor the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 and the making of silver, as well as gold, a legal tender in payment of all debts, both public and private.

The platform also demanded such legis

lation as might be necessary for highway improvement; amendments to the immigration laws as will keep out of the country all contract laborers, criminals, paupers, diseased persons, and other unfit persons; amendments to the naturalization laws necessary to prevent unfit foreign-born persons from becoming citizens; declared that none but non-sectarian free public schools shall receive public aid; demanded a revision of the tariff laws upon the basis of the American protective system; favored reciprocity, and instructed the National Convention delegates to vote for William McKinley.


June 17, 1896.-"The Democratic party of the State of California is unalterably in favor of free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for or depending on the action of any other nation; and it demands the use of silver as well as gold as a full legal tender in payment of all debts, both public and private."

On tariff and taxation it said: FirstWe reaffirm our adherence to the principles of the tariff platform of the National Democratic Convention of 1892. Second-In view of the universal decrease in the price of all products of all labor in the State and in the value of land and all other property, justice demands a material reduction in the public expenditures. Notwithstanding the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, we adhere to the position of the last Democratic Congress in favor of an income tax; and, if necessary, of amending the Constitution of the United States, so as to obviate the objection of the Supreme Court.

Other planks indorsed the administration of President Cleveland, opposed the Pacific railroads funding bill pending in Congress, or any similar measure; demanded that the Southern Pacific Company and all other corporations subsidized by the Government be compelled to fulfil their obligations in the same way that private debtors are compelled to liquidate theirs; denounced the American Protective Association, and declared that no public money shall ever be appropriated for the support of any sectarian or denominational school, or any school not under the exclusive control of the officers of the public schools.


May 14, 1896.-The platform declared for the usual prohibition principles, favored the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, woman suffrage, election of the President and Vice-President and United States Senators by a direct vote of the people, and declared against the refund of the Pacific Railway indebtedness.


May 15, 1896.-The money plank read: "We therefore declare that the free coinage of silver and gold at a ratio of 16 to 1 is for the time now being of paramount and controlling importance, and the most

pressing question connected with our political duty and action. The doctrine of bimetallism has never been denied by any National Republican convention, but often asserted, and they who now deny it are false to the party, and not we who stil maintain it. International bimetallism can only be achieved through National bimetallism adopted by the United States. To the maintenance of this principle as well as to the restoration of silver as a money metal to the full standard of the Constitution, we, as Republicans, pledge our most arduous and persistent effort."

Other planks declared that bimetallism and protection are vital to the prosperity of the country, and that Oriental competition would render protection futile with the gold standard: that Democratic free trade and the gold standard were the causes of a destruction of values one-half; bond issues were denounced; restriction of immigration was demanded, and Senator Teller was declared to be the "ablest living exponent of the true principles of American finance, and the most fearless and intelligent advocate in public life of the financial system which will best promote the comfort and prosperity of the whole people and the whole world." The delegates to the National Convention were instructed to follow the lead of Senator Teller.


April 15, 1896.-There was but one plank in the platform, closing as follows: "We favor the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, as such coinage existed prior to 1873. without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation; such gold and silver to be a full legal tender for all debts, public and private.'


June 25, 1896.-"The paramount issue at this time in the United States is indisputably the money question. It is between the gold standard, gold bonds and bank currency on the one side and the bimetallic standard, no bonds and Government currency on the other. On this issue we declare ourselves to be in favor of a distinctly American financial system. We are unalterably opposed to the single gold standard and demand immediate return to the constitutional standard of gold and silver by the restoration by the Government independently of any foreign Power of the unrestricted coinage of both gold and silver in standard money at the ratio of 16 to 1, and upon terms of exact equality as they existed prior to 1873, the silver coin to be a full legal tender equally with gold for all debts and dues, private and public.

"We therefore confidently appeal to the people of the United States to leave in abeyance for the moment all other questions, however important and even momentous they may seem, to sunder if need be all former party ties and affiliations and unite in one supreme effort to free themselves and their children from the domination of the money power, and upon the consummation of our desires and efforts we invoke the gracious favor of Divine Providence."



April 22, 1896.-"Republicans of Connecticut reaffirm their belief in the doctrine of protection, with reciprocity, as advocated by James G. Blaine, believing that upon its maintenance depends the development of American industry, the elevation of American labor and the protection of the products of the American farm.

"We believe in maintaining the flag of America, in protecting every citizen of the United States in his legal rights, at home and abroad, and in preserving the homes of Americans. We are unalterably opposed to the issue of unsecured paper currency, either by the Government or the banks; the free coinage of silver at any ratio, and favor a single standard of value, and that standard gold.

"We believe that this policy, with a sound and stable currency upon a gold basis, will furnish sufficient revenue to meet all requirements of the Government and properly support it. We believe in such discriminating duties in favor of American bottoms as will again revive our shipping interests, and extend our trade and commerce to every land.

"We believe in the Monroe Doctrine, and in supplying the Government with ships and fortifications, and men to man them, sufficient at all times to uphold and maintain it. We are opposed to the immigration of paupers, insane and criminals.

"We are firm in our convictions that the maintenance of those principles, and the enactment of laws to carry them into effect, under a Republican Administration, charged with the duty of enforcing such laws, will, in the near future, guarantee to our country the financial and industrial supremacy of the world.

"So long as a deserving Union soldier, or sailor, his widow, or orphan, remains in the land, a due sense of gratitude demands that the Nation extend to all such its special care and protection."


September 2, 1896.-The platform adopted read:

"We, the Republicans of Connecticut, in convention assembled, while reaffirming the principles of the Republican party as enunciated in the platform adopted by the National Convention at St. Louis and in the masterly letter of acceptance of our Presidential nominee, William McKinley, and in the admirable platform recently adopted by our State Convention, recognize in the crisis which has been forced upon this country by the un-American and revolutionary action of the socalled Democratic Convention held at Chicago that the question of supreme importance at present is the preservation of the life, honor and integrity of our Nation.

"We realize that this can only be accomplished by the maintenance of our judicial system, which is the bulwark of our liberties and the admiration of the world, and by the continuance of a financial policy which makes gold the standard of value until a different policy is adopted by international agreement.

"We favor a tariff which will provide

revenues sufficient to meet the ordinary necessary expenses of the Government, and so adjusted as to place American labor, without the sacrifice of our high-wage system, on at least equal terms in our own market with the labor of other lands. "We commend the wise and economical administration of the affairs of this State by Governor Coffin and his associates.

"We cordially commend the nominees of the Republican National Convention and of this Convention to the suffrages of all good citizens of the State of Connecticut, irrespective of party."


June 10, 1896.-On money the platform said: "As a necessary consequence the honest payment of public debts and the preservation of the public faith and credit require that the gold standard of money, as a measure of value, shall be maintained. While we favor the most liberal use of silver consistent with the enforcement of a gold standard, we are unalterably opposed to the free coinage of silver, deeming it a device for the debasement of our currency and the compulsory purchase of silver by the Government. Under existing circumstances to pay public debts in silver coin is repudiation; to pay private debts in the same coin is to rob the wage-earner, and to provide for the free coinage of silver means the destruction of legitimate business and great suffering among the laboring classes. The Federal Government should not carry on the business of banking through the National Treasury. We have learned by experience that the safety of our National finances requires a system of sound banking, by which a banknote currency ample to supply the needs of the whole country shall be created, safely secured, and always and everywhere redeemable in gold." On tariff it said: "The purpose of all taxation is revenue. In establishing a system of tariff taxation for revenue, careful consideration should be given to the schedules with due regard for the cost of raw materials and the interests of labor. We are opposed to any further general revision of the tariff as tending to unsettle business and deprive labor of employment; and we believe that only such changes should be made from time to time as are necessary to provide revenue. These revenues should be made equal to the expenditures and should provide a surplus for the payment of the Federal debt. Expenditures should be governed by economy and simplicity of administration and should be made with regard to the ability of the people to pay taxes, whether direct or indirect.

September 16, 1896.-The platform indorsed that of the National Convention at Chicago, and pledged to support Bryan and Sewall; declared that "the growing industrial disaster and distressing poverty and idleness have been the ever increasing result of the demonetization of silver in 1873; we therefore invite the united support of the electors in the effort to restore the coinage system which existed during the years of our National prosperity, and which is the coinage system recognized in our National Constitution"; denounced the "bond issue and the useless increase of the National debt in time

of peace"; invited "labor to unite to save itself from the danger which threatens it if money shall continue to increase in purchasing power, and all else to decrease in exchangeable value in the markets of the world."

May 12, bolted the



1896. The Anti-Addicks men convention and held one their own. The "regulars,' "controlled by J. Edward Addicks, adopted a platform, which contained this money plank: "We are opposed to the free and unlimited coinage of silver, except after international agreement, and until such agreement can be obtained we believe that the existing standard should be firmly maintained. The credit of the United States must be kept unquestioned at home and abroad, the reserves of the Treasury must be scrupulously maintained, and every coin obligation must be paid in gold, or in whatever coin the creditor chooses to demand."

The platform also indorsed the McKinley tariff bill, favored liberal pensions to veterans, and denounced the Democratic administration of the State.

The Anti-Addicks delegates, led by Mr. Hastings, adopted a platform which contained this money plank: "Believing that the people are entitled to the use of the best money, and being anxious to restore the industrial and commercial prosperity of the Nation, we demand the maintenance of the present gold standard of value; we favor international bimetallism, but until that can be established upon a secure basis we are opposed to the free coinage of silver by the United States."


It also declared "faith in the principles of protection to American industries, and of reciprocity with other nations; and to this end we demand adequate revision of the traiff in the interest of the agriculturist, the artist, the manufacturer and the miner"; demanded discriminating duties in favor of goods carried in American vessels; demanded adequate additions to the Navy and to the seacoast and frontier defences; denounced J. Edward Addicks for betraying the Republican party by conspiracy with the Democrats to defeat the election of a Republican to the Senate of the United States, and as being unfit, morally and politically, to represent the State in any capacity; also instructed the delegates to vote for William McKinley for Presidential candidate.


June 16, 1896.-The money plank read: "The Democracy of Delaware, in convention assembled, declare again their allegiance to the cardinal doctrines of their political faith, and that therefore we are in favor of maintaining the present monetary standard and are opposed to the free coinage of silver at any ratio, or to the compulsory purchase of silver bullion by the Government. We believe that the true interests of the people require that the earnings of agriculture and trade and the wages of labor should be paid in money that is intrinsically worth, in all markets of the world, what it purports to

be worth, and that the Government should keep all its obligations at all times redeemable and payable in money of the standard adopted and now in use by ourselves and by the most advanced civilized nations of the world. As the party of the plain people of this country, who, for the most part depend upon the wages and salaries they receive, we are opposed to experiments in finance which will lessen the purchasing power of the money they earn. We believe that a fluctuating currency or a falsified money would be fatal to the interests of agriculture and labor, and would only inure to the benefit of the gold speculator and gambler."

Other planks opposed the issue of bonds; opposed alteration of the present tariff law in the direction of higher duties; expressed sympathy for the Cubans in their struggle for freedom, and commended President Cleveland's Administration.

August 18, 1896.-The platform was a compromise, the silver men omitting a silver plank, but securing the indorsement of the candidates in the following plank: "Pledging the electors this day nominated to the support of the candidates, William J. Bryan and Arthur Sewall, nominated for President and Vice-President by the National Democratic Convention held in Chicago on the 7th of July last, it presents to the thoughtful consideration of the citizens of Delaware the high character and citizenship of the candidates nominated for the trusts which the votes of a free people alone can confer."

March 5,



1896.-The platform urged upon Congress to take favorable action looking toward the construction of the Nicaragua Canal, and sympathized with "the Cuban patriots in their efforts to secure the liberty which we enjoy, and will joyfully hail the day when the banner bearing the single star will float over a free people and the 'Queen of the Antilles' is added to the free governments of the American continent."

The "Gunbyites," or bolters, also held a convention after withdrawing from the "regulars," and adopted resolutions favoring "adequate protection to American industries," absolute protection to Americans and American interests abroad, sound money and indorsing the action of Congress on the Cuban question."


June 17, 1896.-The Committee on Resolutions voted, 25 to 22, against free silver; subsequently, in convention, a motion to instruct the delegates to vote for free silver was defeated by a vote of 175 to 171. The following was adopted: "Whereas questions of coinage and the finance are matters prescribed by the Constitution for National legislation, and we recognize that it is the proper function of the Democratic National Convention to assemble at Chicago at an early date to prescribe the policy of the party on such questions, as well as all other National issues,

"Therefore, be it resolved that all such questions are properly referred for deter

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June 25, 1896.-The money plank read: "Resolved, That Congress has no power to discriminate at the mints against either gold or silver as metals for the coinage of primary money, or against gold or silver coin of the United States as to their debtpaying functions. Such discriminations deprive the citizens of the use of one kind of standard money provided by the Constitution for the payment of debts, and we demand the repeal of all laws or parts of laws making such discriminations, and the restoration of the standard silver dollar to the rank of primary money which it held prior to 1873, by opening the mints to the coinage of silver on a perfect equality with gold at the ratio of 16 to 1." BOND ISSUE.-"Resolved, That we condemn the financial policy which necessitates the increase of the bonded debt of the country in time of peace to maintain an unnecessary gold reserve or to pay the current expenses of the Government. We also condemn a policy which seeks to retire the United States Treasury notes, as they constitute an absolutely safe circulating medium, based on gold and silver coin and backed by the entire wealth of the country. Such a policy would not only intensify the present evil of contraction, but place the exclusive right to issue a circulating medium in the control of


co.icentrated money power and above the laws and will of the people, and foster the Federal doctrine of centralization and class government through financial control -a doctrine which is a standing menace to our republican institutions and the liberties of the people; and we demand the repeal of laws which clothe a Secretary of the Treasury with the more than imperial power to issue bonds and increase the public debt at his will and pleasure without specific authority from Congress. "Resolved, That we favor the payment of he public debt as rapidly as possible."

Other planks declared for a "tariff for

revenue only"; a repeal of the tax upon State bank issues, and an income tax; deplored lynchings, and favored such laws as would effectually prevent them.


August 7, 1896.-A resolution authorized the State Committee to negotiate with the Democrats for a fusion on the electoral ticket whenever the Democrats would withdraw Mr. Sewall as VicePresident. Other resolutions indorsed the Populist National platform of 1896; condemned barrooms, and declared against the sale of liquor as a beverage; demanded that the convict lease system be abolished and that the convicts be employed by the State in some way which Libshall not compete with free labor. eral appropriations for public schools and for persions for the old Confederate veterans were recommended. The use of railroad passes and telegraph franks by public officials was condemned, and so was lynching. Speedy trials were demanded for accused persons. The fee system was condemned, and it was demanded that all public officers be put on salaries. A demand was made for a free ballot and a fair count.

May 16, plank:



1896.-This was the money

The Republican Convention of 1888 declared in favor of gold and silver as standard money of the United States, and condemned the action of the Democratic party for its efforts in attempting to demonetize silver; and

"Whereas, The Republican National Convention of 1892 substantially reiterated the declaration of 1888; and

"Whereas, The question of crystallizing into law the utterances of the last two conventions named, and of every utterance heretofore made by the Republican party of this State, recently arose in the United States Senate; and

"Whereas, Senators Henry M. Teller, Fred T. Dubois, Thomas H. Carter, Lee Mantle and Frank Cannon demanded the re-enforcement of said platform and utterances under conditions known to all; therefore be it

"Resolved, That we heartily indorse the action of Senator Dubois in joining with his associates named in the fearless position named in behalf of the free coinage of silver and protection to American industry and reciprocity, one and inseparable.'

August 28, 1896.-The platform indorsed that of the National Convention, and adopted a plank indorsing "the faithful and laborious services of George L. Shoup" in the United States Senate "in his efforts to protect the interests of Idaho, and in maintaining the integrity of the Republican party."


June 16, 1896.-The platform demanded the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, as such to coinage existed prior 1873, without waiting for the action of any other Na

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